The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1392: Kill the tax collector

"This is coal." Shang Wen took a piece of coal and handed it to Ling'er.

"This coal?" Ling'er said after taking the piece of coal.

"Yes. This is coal." Shang Wen said.

"Like a stone, right?" Shang Wen said.

"Yes." Linger said at this time.

"It's too dark." Linger said, throwing away the coal, and then patted her hand. The senior sister on the side picked up the coal and looked carefully.

"En. It is true that Qin people never wash their own coal. In fact, these coals should be washed." Shang Wen said.

"These dark, ink-like things can still be washed? It's not that they get darker as they are washed." Ling'er said at this time.

"Cleaning can improve the quality of coal. This way the air pollution is too serious. Qin State has not yet had its own pollution prevention law." Shang Wen said at this time.

"How can you see the coal you said. It was made by the big tree?" Senior Sister asked at this time.

"En." Shangwen bent over and picked up a piece of coal at this time.

"Did you see it?" Shang Wen said while holding up coal.

"There is the texture of a big tree on it. You can see it if you take a closer look." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Let me see." Linger said while standing behind Shang Wen. And at this time, the elder sister is also holding her coal and watching

"Here. And here. Cough cough cough." Shang Wen coughed.

"Hey, that's right." Linger said at this time.

"That's right. Senior sister, look at it. This one is the texture of the trunk." Linger turned her head and said to the senior sister at this time.

"En." Senior sister nodded at this moment. Shang Wen looked back at how the senior sister was studying coal.

"Hehe." Shang Wen smiled suddenly.

"Haha." And Linger laughed hahaha at this time.

At this time, Senior Sister didn't know that her face was stained with black gray because she was too close to the coal.

"Here." Shangwen handed the other party his handkerchief at this time.

"You have black and gray on your face. Here." Shang Wen said and pointed at the corresponding position on his face.

"Senior Sister's face is also beautiful with black and gray." Ling'er said happily from the side. Shang Wen smiled and turned and left. He is going to check the train to Xinzheng, South Korea. If they can't be a passenger car, they can only be a freight car. The senior sister took the handkerchief and wiped it with embarrassment.

"Dead girl." Senior sister cursed at this time.

In the southern state of Chu.

"These **** Chu tax collectors are worse than water thieves and pirates." A businessman came out of the tax boat. And on the surface of the river. Many of these merchant ships are berthed, and some of them are armed merchant ships. Even if they are armed merchant ships, they have to be wary of them.

The Chu State navy was on the main Yangtze River in the south, especially at some narrow turns. The Chu army initially built dense forts there. The number of artillery on both sides of the strait is as high as more than two hundred. With such a dense fort position, it is easy to knock down armed merchant ships. Even if a warship is forced to pass, he dare not use such a measure forcibly.

Because the dense artillery will sink the warship instantly. Under the control of such dense artillery. The Chu State Navy collected taxes very hard.

"Hurry up. The big ship is 30 gold. The middle ship is 20 gold, and the small boat is 10 gold." A Chu State Water Officer was sitting on a chair at this time and shouted loudly. The Chu Army soldier next to him was busy collecting money.

"Ten gold?" a merchant captain exclaimed.

"Why don't you pay. Don't live if you don't. This is the place of Chu people. Listen to your tone, they are also Chu people. Are you going to escape Chu's taxes?" The official shouted loudly at this time. These were all temporarily assigned by officials from the Chu State Water Army. The collection of taxes is a rewarding task, and these soldiers who often hold military posts in the army immediately become interested in such interests. They can't control anything. They privately changed the taxation regulations imposed by Chu State.

The original Chu State tax was fairly reasonable. Big ship two golds. China Shipbuilding One Gold. The small boat received fifty and a half Qin coins.

but. Those officials who collected taxes saw that they could receive so much money in one day. Those merchant ships thought that such taxes were reasonable at first, so there were still people paying them. And those officials have seen so much money in that day. There were many merchant ships on the Yangtze River in the past, and the taxes collected were particularly large. Under the influence of such a large amount of money, the officials of the Chu army quickly tampered with the tax collection standards. The original two golds rose to 20 golds all at once. Such a change naturally caused dissatisfaction among the merchants, but what about the dissatisfaction, the Chu Army had a fort. You can't beat others again. If you fail, you won’t even be able to make the twenty gold. In desperation, those businessmen paid out one after another. This further stimulated those Chu army's arbitrary actions.

"No, no, my lord. That's not what I meant." This time. The merchant captain waved his hand.

"Hurry up. Or I will tell the fort to sink your ship." The official said loudly at this time.

"Look. This is what the Chu State tax officials did." Qin State Bank's business representative who stood behind a large number of businessmen said to Xiang Bo at this time. Bo Xiang was ordered to supervise the taxation, and at the same time ordered the stop of tax collection, but the taxation is too profitable. Although the above order has already been issued. However, many officials of the Chu army levied taxes without authorization. Obviously, this tax point is just such an example.

"These **** dog officials." Xiang Bo felt very dissatisfied with such an officer who violated the law and discipline, and was furious.

"Wow." Xiang Bo immediately drew out his bronze sword with him. Step forward quickly.

"You officials. The general has already issued an order to stop tax collection, but you have ignored the military order. Damn it." Xiang Bo shouted loudly. The tax collector didn't even bother at first because Xiang Bo was in civilian clothes, but he recognized the bronze sword as Xiang Yan's sword as the general. This sword is equivalent to General Xiang Yan here.

"Ah." The officer looked at Uncle Xiang in horror.

"Damn it." Uncle Xiang immediately shouted loudly. Then he raised the bronze sword in his hand and looked down fiercely.

"Ah. Puff." A scream and blood splashing sound came.

"Gudong." The Chu army officer's head was chopped in half, and half of the head was chopped off because of the difference in the strength of the bronze sword. The other half is still on the neck.

"Gudong Gudong Gudong." The other half of his head fell to the ground. The brain was mixed with blood and left on the ground, and it made a clanging sound.

"Oh. Ouch." Seeing such a cruel scene, several businessmen vomited on the spot. Some captains also showed signs of vomiting, but they all restrained themselves vigorously. And bank business representatives can't bear to look at it at this time. Turned his head.

"Ah." The soldiers behind them knelt to the ground immediately, some of them sat on the ground. Such a cruel scene frightened them.

"Return those taxes to those merchants." Xiang Bo ordered at this time.

"Yes. Yes, it is the general." Several soldiers stood up in fear, their hands trembling constantly. Some of those gold coins are still out of reach.

"Listen. The general has orders. From now on, Chu Yangtze River tax will not be collected. The Yangtze River can pass freely." Xiang Bo continued.

"If someone disobeys, it's like this." Xiang Bo said, waving his sword, and the Chu army officer who was hacked to death under his feet was still bleeding with a pool of blood.

"As for taxation, the general would like to seek your opinions. Imitate the Qin system. Establish a reasonable taxation system. Chu taxation must be fair, just, and open." Xiang Bo said at this time.

"Long live the general," a businessman shouted.

"Long live the general. Long live the general." The merchants shouted loudly. And Xiang Bo nodded. Then left with the Qin State Bank's business representative.

And Xiang Bo would like to check the situation in other places non-stop, even though Xiang Yan had already given such an order. But Chu Jun still appeared in this and that situation. This is very detrimental to Chu Jun. And with the step by step understanding. Xiang Yan began to realize the seriousness of the problem. After all, the army lacks too much funding. Such things cannot be prevented from appearing at all.

The Chu State Navy in the south was busy rectifying its own tax situation, while the Chu State Army in the north was also busy with their warfare.

"Go ahead. Fast. Go ahead." A Chu army officer shouted, waving his arms loudly. Behind him, many soldiers of the Chu Army rushed up cautiously.

"Chu people. Fight." This time. A Qi army soldier shouted loudly.

"Bang. Bang." The gunshot sounded at this time. The dazzling flame flickered immediately. This is a night battle. The winter night is even colder.

"Kill." The Chu army soldier shouted loudly at this time and rushed forward.

"Hurry up with the bayonet. Don't let them get close to our position." Qi Jun's officer shouted loudly in the trench.

"Bang. Shoot." The officer kept shouting. The other Qi army soldiers kept firing, even though they couldn't see what happened to the Chu army who rushed up. But they know that they can shoot each other by just shooting.

"Kill." Because of the large number of people, the Qi army has few defenders. Until the Chu soldiers rushed into the trenches, some of them found out.

"Kill." The Chu Army soldier yelled and rushed in.

"Puff." A Qi army soldier with a bayonet reacted quickly and immediately thrust the bayonet into the opponent's body.

"Boom." Before the Qi Army soldier could react, he was hugged by another Chu Army soldier who quickly jumped into the trench and fell to the ground. The two rolled quickly to the ground. On the trenches, more and more Chu troops entered the trenches. Qi Jun was unable to defend their position. They can only defend their positions as much as possible and not let their positions be lost.

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