The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1399: Don't know how many people are going to die

"As for the Mohist, I think that the Mohist's personality is very noble, which is very useful for political cohesion. If the Mohist uses force, it will pay a heavy price, and the Mohist will not be able to resist the Qin army. After all, the Qin army belongs to the state. Violent organization." Shang Wen wrote in the letter.

"For the Mohist school, only measures can be taken to appease and attract the other side. The Mohist school is inherently good and has absolute political influence. If we can introduce the Mohist school, then the great appeal of the Mohist school will have a significant impact on us. I know. Contact with the Mohist school is no less than a crazy act, but I want to give it a try, it will be good for everyone." Shang Wen said in the letter.

Shangwen explained some of his views in the letter. For the specific views of Mohist school. The Mohist school has a strong political appeal. However, Qin is still lacking in political appeal. Qin’s appeal comes from hegemony. This, in the political ideas of various countries, has always been unfriendly to Qin. And Qin itself is also independent and special, and it is precisely in such a situation. Qin's influence is not very good among the six countries. At least on the political level. People have always regarded Qin's unification behavior as an improper expansion, and desperately resisted Qin's expansion. In the long history of Qin, such a situation did exist. During the Qin State's unification war, the number of deaths and injuries among various countries was high. And such a huge cost of casualties made Qin famous for its tyranny. Although Qin State had some imbalances in his administration, he did not make timely adjustments. However, the huge casualties of the War of Unification left Qin with no argument, because these huge casualties caused a lot of eloquence, but Qin could not avoid it. Qin's political influence will rapidly decrease.

And Shang Wenzheng wanted to attract the Mohist school to participate in it and balance the imbalance of Qin's political influence. Therefore, Shangwen strongly opposed the eastward expansion. Using Qin to create a short-term peaceful environment for the six countries, using Qin's economic advantages to connect the six countries, allowing Qin to eliminate the sequelae of war and expand its political influence.

"My lord, the battle of the Qi army is stuck. The Chu army has a huge advantage, but it has no offensive ability in front of the trench. Although the Chu army has great strength and firepower, they have more than 300 artillery pieces. But these shells are all. It hit the soil of the trench. The shells could not hit the soldiers hidden under the trench. The Chu army launched a huge manpower attack. With effective trench defense, the Chu army’s offensive could easily be dismantled. But Qi The army also needs to pay a heavy price, because their rifle can’t shoot the opponent in time. The rifle has a relatively slow rate of fire and can’t keep up with the soldiers’ charge. The Qi army desperately needs a weapon that can shoot continuously, and The weapon that can shoot dense bullets, in addition to small artillery that can fulfill such a demand, is a machine gun. Among the trench positions, the Qi army urgently needs such weapons to cover their trenches and strengthen their defense.

The Eastern Front of the Qi Army. The Chu Army and Qi Army opened their positions on two high grounds. Between the two highlands is a long and narrow flat ground. The flat ground is full of dense trenches, which were dug by soldiers from both sides desperately.

"Boom." A dull cannon fired. The Chu army was full of artillery firing positions on the high ground. The Qi army also has its own artillery firing positions on the high ground, but the artillery of the Qi army is some small caliber, or some earth artillery like mortars. Their range simply can't reach each other. The artillery in the Chu army's position were all wild artillery and cannons with a long range. The artillery can easily hit the Qi army's position.

The high ground became the best location for the artillery of both sides. But the artillery that Qi Jun didn't know dealt more with the opponent's infantry charge. Their artillery has a limited range. At such a long distance, it was impossible to start an artillery battle with the opponent, and the Qi Army did not have many artillery shells, unlike the Chu Army who had enough artillery shells to shoot.

"Swish." The cannonball whizzed through the air.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded. The shell exploded on the Qi army's position. The distance between the two sides is two hundred steps. The Qi army's position was covered with barbed wire. The bodies of some Chu soldiers were hung on the wire fence. The Qi army hid in the trenches. Although the Chu army had a lot of artillery, they were helpless with these trenches. They couldn't hit the opponent at all, and couldn't eliminate those behind the bunker. The artillery of the Chu army could only shoot in vain. .

The Chu Army infantry were crowded in the narrow trenches, they could only numbly consume their fighting will, and there was nothing to do.

"At present, we are going to use this method to kill the opponent's fighting will, so that the opponent loses more and more in logistical supplies. We will be able to win the final victory." A Qi Jun colonel held a telescope against the bunker. Said the officers.

At present, the Qi army does not have enough strength to resist the Chu army's attack. Especially in a field environment. The Chu Army had an absolute superior artillery, and this artillery was enough to defeat the Qi Army. But Qi Jun was unable to drive the opponent out. Can only consume the opponent with this forced war of attrition.

The Qi army and the Yan army have quite a long experience in trench warfare, and they have now given full play to such experience combat capabilities. Digging trenches, system configuration firepower. These firepower effectively caused shocking damage to the Chu army's offensive. The Chu army could only passively use artillery bombardment, but the effect was not obvious at all. It is difficult for the Chu Army infantry to expand its battle results, but it is difficult for the artillery to destroy the opponent. As a result, the infantry artillery coordinated tactics failed. In the case of tactical failure. This caused the Chu army's offensive to come to a halt.

"Order our artillery to continuously bombard the opponent's position, and level the mounds. Then let the infantry occupy the opponent's trench. Kill me all the Qi people in the trench." Chu Jun Cried the general desperately. The Chu army had superior forces, but could not expand the results. The two sides are in such a stalemate. This made the Chu army generals very annoyed. But in this regard, there is no alternative. Qi Jun used such a crouching tactic to deal with the Chu army. But Chu Jun was unable to reverse this situation.

"Let it go." Chu Jun's artillery kept roaring on the high ground.

"Boom. Boom." The rumble of artillery sounded continuously.

"Huh." A veteran of the Chu army, sitting in the trench holding his flintlock, exhaled heavily.

"What's the matter?" a recruit asked timidly at this time.

"It's going to charge again. I don't know how many people are going to die this time?" The veteran said without looking at the recruit.

"When rushing. Stay a little behind, don't rush too forward, the people of Qi don't have long eyes." The veteran said. The rumble of cannons grew louder and louder. This shows that the Chu army is planning another large-scale offensive. However, the scale of the Chu army's offensive was not as good as once, and the casualties were more than once.

It was the first time that the Chu army encountered such trench warfare. Without any preparation at all, after launching a fierce shelling. The infantry was driven out to attack. As a result, in front of the trenches carefully designed by the Qi army, he was quickly repelled, causing serious casualties to the Chu army. But the Chu army did not stop the attack. On the contrary, they urgently needed to attack. As a result, the greater the war, the greater the cost of casualties for the Chu army. After paying a heavy price, Chu Jun began to dig his own trench. The trenches excavated by the Chu army were scattered and disorderly, and the depth of the trenches was not enough. There was no way. They rarely had tools such as picks and shovels, and more of them could only use bayonets to dig a little bit, and the land gradually They hardened, and it was impossible to dig in the morning. They could only use a little time at noon to deepen their trenches, but even so, there was not much effect.

"Everyone should hurry up to eat. After eating, they will launch an attack." The Chu army officer walked in the trench with difficulty. Behind him, the soldiers carried sacks, baskets, and cauldrons to distribute food to the soldiers.

"After this meal, I don't know how many people are gone," the veteran said. For such an offense. The veteran was very disgusted, there was no result, and the Qi army could not take down anything.

"Fight well." The Chu army officer shouted loudly.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The rumble of artillery continued. As if urging the soldiers to attack immediately after eating.

On the Qi army's position, the Qi army soldiers were all huddled together. They were all waiting for the Chu army to launch an offensive. Now, they only need to listen to the rumble of the opponent's cannon.

"The artillery sounds of the Chu Army are getting stronger and stronger," said a major Qi Jun officer standing in the trenches.

"Yes. This shows that the Chu army is about to launch an offensive again." said a Qi army captain.

"We must wait for the other side to attack now. We can't do anything." Major Qi Jun said.

"Waiting like this is really uncomfortable," the captain said.

"Flap," the major said, patting the opponent on the shoulder.

"Wait patiently. Don't worry." The major said at this time.

"The Chu army will attack," the major said.

"Just let our people be prepared," the major said.

"When the Chu army launches an offensive, we will cause serious losses to the opponent," the major said.

"Boom. Boom." The Chu Army artillery position in the distance continued to emit thick gunpowder smoke. The smoke had not dispersed yet, and new smoke was emitted. The artillery positions of the Chu Army are constantly launching artillery attacks.

"When will the attack be launched?" The Chu army officer waited anxiously in the position. An veteran also asked anxiously.

"Quickly. Soon." The officer of the Chu Army said at this moment, looking at the gunpowder smoke that kept rising in the distance.

"I rushed out this time, don't know how many people are going to die?" the officer whispered. Many officers resisted such an offensive.

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