The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1411: We just take shelter

"There seems to be a big ship approaching in front." The Chu Army sentry immediately saw the situation ahead on alert.

"On the coast, a small boat is approaching." shouted loudly from the watchtower.

"It seems to be a South Korean ship." A Chu Army soldier said with a telescope.

"Ding ding ding." The alert bell rang.

"Quickly. Quickly. There is a situation." The Chu Army soldiers stationed there quickly picked up their weapons after hearing the bell. Then came the sound of the horn. After hearing the sound of the horn, the militiamen in the residential houses quickly picked up their weapons and gathered in the center of the square.

"What happened?" Huang Bu asked immediately after hearing the emergency military situation.

"I don't know." The militia captain replied at this time.

"What?" Huang Bu looked at each other in surprise.

"I really don't know what happened?" the militia captain said.

"I'll go and see now." The militia captain looked at Huang Bu, then held his sword, turned and ran towards the beach. And Huang Bu shook his head, he didn't even believe that such a thing would happen.

Where the colony lived, the local parliamentarians gathered nervously toward the center of the square. Women and children nervously watched the men watch the rifles gather.

On the beach. The soldiers of the Chu Army are setting up their cannons. Several soldiers are watching the situation at sea nervously.

"Captain, why do we fly the flag? Didn't this reveal our intentions?" a trainee officer asked suspiciously.

"We may have to go to war, so it is better to show our identity." The captain said while looking at the situation on the coast.

"I saw soldiers on the coast. So we'd better do this, identify ourselves and let the other party know our intentions." The captain said.

"But, first mates." The trainee officer said worriedly.

"The Chu people will not kill them," the captain said.

"Don't worry," the captain continued.

"There are still many things we have to worry about. Order our gunners to be prepared." The captain still looked at the beach. He clearly saw the Chu Army soldiers in uniform uniforms, and there was also a cannon. This was a colony of Chu people, and there were garrisons on it. This situation surprised the captain.

"A ship is coming. There is a white flag on it." A soldier of the Chu Army inside the bunker shouted loudly. Their rifles were aimed at the approaching boat.

"Don't shoot. Hey, don't shoot." On the approaching boat, a South Korean sailor shouted loudly and waved his arm to signal him not to shoot.

"Don't shoot. The man in the boat yelled desperately.

And Chu Jun inside the bunker asked at this time.

"Did we shoot?" a soldier asked.

"No. We don't shoot. They are playing the white flag, and they are probably here to negotiate or something." An veteran said, putting down the weapon in his hand.

"I'll go over and see, something went wrong. You deal with it yourself." At this time, the veteran walked out with his rifle.

"Don't shoot." The first officer jumped off the boat, raised his hands, waving a white flag on one hand.

"We are the surface unit of the New South Korean Army." The first officer said.

The veteran looked at each other nervously.

"I want to see your top officer. Talk about our purpose of coming here." The first officer raised his hands and said.

"En." The veteran said with his rifle.

"Then, you have to throw away all the weapons. Otherwise, we will do it," the veteran said.

"When we came, we didn't carry any weapons." This time. The chief mate said.

"En. I know." The veteran said.

The Korean warship not far away, and the sailors on the deck, were nervously waiting for the situation on the shore.

"What happened?" An elderly congressman whispered with Huang Bu.

"I also just got the situation. A South Korean ship approached us. I don't know the specific situation. I don't know why those Chu Army soldiers sounded the alarm. Could something bad happen?" Huang Bu As the chief executive of the colony said to the congressman.

"En. I think it is an armed ship, otherwise the Chu army would not make such a big movement. Look at the guy with weapons sitting over there. He is carrying weapons in the parliament." The old congressman was indignant. Said.

"No one in our meeting dared to bring weapons." The old congressman said loudly. All the people nearby stopped talking. Looking at the old congressman.

"Quite your breath. I will take care of this matter." Huang Bu said comfortingly at this time. There is a lot of friction between the parliamentarians and the local Chu army garrison, because the parliamentarians control the taxes, and they have to pay the tax, but they get nothing. This sum is directly used as military expenses. This is a waste of money, and the local parliamentarians think so.

"Please put your weapons outside, please?" Huang Bu walked over and said to the highest officer of the Chu army garrison. The officer is a navy lieutenant. Such an official position only manages more than a hundred soldiers. The lieutenant feels like he has been assigned. Coupled with the fact that the congressmen turned a blind eye to him, this deepened the lieutenant's retaliation against those congressmen. The contradiction between the two is irreconcilable.

"I'm a soldier. Soldiers can't lose their weapons, it's the same when they walk there," said the captain. The school lieutenant's answer was loud. Almost all parliamentarians can hear it. The members looked at the captain. The captain also looked at them. The eyes of both sides were full of hostility.

"Sir." At this time, Huang Bu's assistant quickly walked up.

"The first officer of the Korean ship is coming to talk to you." The assistant said at this time. At this time, the congressmen avoided their eyes and looked at Huang Bu. The captain also looked at Huang Bu at this time, and the assistant's topic shifted the dissatisfaction of both parties.

"Huh." Huang Bu let out a sigh of relief, this matter temporarily suppressed.

"Come here, I want to see him and see what they want to do?" Huang Bu said at this time.

Immediately, the assistant brought the first officer up. And everyone else started to look calmly.

The first officer stepped forward slowly, and all the deputies and officers looked at him with strange eyes. This makes the first officer feel very unnatural.

"I am a Korean warship." The first officer looked at the MPs who looked at him.

"First officer Discovery. Our ship is a warship." The first officer noticed the captain at this time. Because in the audience, he was the only one in military uniform, old-fashioned leather armor, and saber. This can easily attract the attention of others. The first officer looked at each other, and the other stared at him. The facial expression is very stiff.

"You have already said. You are a warship." The captain said, staring at the first officer.

"Yes." The first officer shrugged and nodded.

"I just emphasize it again." The first officer said at this time.

"The purpose of our coming here is that we want to avoid the coming storm. We are just avoiding the storm. Nothing." The first officer explained his intention.

"But you are a warship." The captain looked at each other and said. Obviously "battleship." The term caught his attention.

"Yes." The first officer nodded indifferently and admitted.

"We have fifty cannons," the chief officer said.

"Oh." The congressmen who heard such a shocking news exclaimed one after another. They were obviously frightened by the other's amazing weapons and equipment.

And the lieutenant's facial muscles were constantly twitching, and he felt very upset when he heard such a news.

"We don't plan to fire, but it depends on your attitude. We just came here to avoid the coming storm. We didn't mean anything. We Koreans also have our own turf. We are not here to grab turf." The first officer said very sincerely.

"We are not afraid of your cannons." The school lieutenant said at this time.

"I think you have misunderstood us. We are just avoiding the storm. That's it, nothing." The chief officer explained.

The more this is the case, the more congressmen feel unbearable. The arrival of Chu Jun has already made them unbearable. If South Korea comes to such a thing at this time, it will make them feel very dissatisfied.

"You are here just to avoid the storm?" Huang Bu asked at this time.

"Yes." The first officer replied at this time.

"No other meaning?" Huang Bu asked at this time.

"Yes. No other meaning." The chief mate said.

"Why can you be sure that there is a storm?" Huang Bu asked next.

"Our barometer showed that the air pressure suddenly became lower, and we got here as fast as possible," the chief officer said.

"This is impossible. The weather is still very sunny." A member of the Diet said at this time.

"Trust me, the people of Qin have done many such experiments with barometers. This kind of experiment is very successful and very illustrative." The first officer explained at this time.

"En. We need to discuss it. Can you go out and wait patiently?" Huang Bu said at this time.

"En. I can wait, but there is not much time." Huang Bu said.

"You better hurry up," the chief mate said. Then turned and left. All the members watched the first officer leave. After the chief mate disappeared, all of a sudden everyone began to talk.

"We shouldn't let them in, they are here to occupy our territory." A congressman waved his arm and said loudly.

"Yes." Some congressmen echoed.

"But don't forget. They have fifty cannons." Another congressman said at this time. And all the members were silent.

"We are not afraid of their cannons." The captain shouted. And all the members hush. The school lieutenant looked at all the members nervously. Huang Bu shook his head at this time. Obviously, I feel a headache for such an attitude to deal with things.

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