"Anti-tax, anti-tax. Anti-tax." The Zhao Guoren who responded with a loud arm shouted, and many Zhao Guoren responded positively. In just a while, many Zhao people joined in. Because they know their situation very well. This time, Zhao's taxes are all ordinary Zhao people, especially Zhao's businessmen. They levied quite a lot of taxes. This naturally caused everyone's dissatisfaction. With such dissatisfaction, many Zhao people participated, and it was easy to explain.

"Anti-tax. Anti-tax. Anti-tax." Such a loud shout soon spread among the streets of Handan.

And in Handan County Office. A government official hurried in.

"No, it's not good." The Ya Ya yelled out of breath. At the same time, he kept running towards the lobby.

"What's the matter? So panicked?" Handan Ling looked at the yaman with disdain at this time.

"It's not good. It's not good." Ya Ya shouted loudly at this time.

"Zhao country people, Zhao country people, Zhao country." Ya Ya shouted loudly at this time.

"Hurry up." Handan made those who were waiting at this time impatient.

"Tax resistance. He and they want to resist tax." Ya Ya said at this time.

"What?" Handan Ling who heard such a news immediately jumped up and shouted loudly.

"You say it again." Handan Ling called out loudly at this time.

"Zhao people, Zhao people want to fight taxes." At this time, the yaman said out of breath.

"This." Handan Ling heard the news. I was also very surprised. But a little helpless. He is confused now and doesn't know what to do.

"This, this. What can we do about this?" Handan Ling walked back and forth anxiously.

The officials on the side looked at Handan Ling.

"Come here." Handan Ling, turning back and forth, immediately called out loudly at this moment.

"Go, call everyone out, and immediately disperse those who are fighting taxes. I'll go to the Prime Minister's Mansion. Ask for more people to come." At this time. Handan Ling shouted loudly. Then rushed out immediately. And the officials stood in place at a loss.

"Hurry up." Handan Ling, who had already walked out the door, shouted loudly at this time.

"Wow." At this time, the officials began to walk out quickly.

On the streets of Handan. More and more people from Zhao Kingdom joined in. Some people were just very curious when they saw so many people at first. They just watched with the excitement.

But those people shouted "Resist taxation." The slogan touched those Zhao people who were good deeds, because Zhao people were extremely dissatisfied with the newly implemented Zhao Guo tax law. Nobles don't have to pay taxes, while ordinary people have to bear more taxes. These taxes have seriously affected the survival of Zhao people. Because the tax law formulated by Guo Kai wants to take away the income of the most ordinary Zhao people for more than half a year, and the ordinary Zhao people have a low income, they can barely maintain their daily expenses. If it weren't for Qin's wheat, flour would be extremely cheap. Otherwise, many Zhao people will be starved to death. The income of Zhao people, especially those who enter the city, is not high. They can only maintain their own food and clothing. At this time, more than half of the taxes are levied. Obviously, it will cause serious survival problems for Zhao people in terms of food and clothing. In this situation. Zhao Guoren quickly aroused great resonance. Zhao Guoren immediately carried out an anti-tax demonstration.

"You waited back immediately. Disperse the crowd." An old government officer standing on the chariot shouted loudly. At this time, the government officials all raised their rifles and pointed them at the Zhao people who resisted taxes.

"Retreat. All spread out." Ya Ya shouted loudly.

"Anti-tax. Anti-tax." Zhao Guoren shouted immediately at this time.

And the officials holding their rifles are all watching the situation on the opposite side nervously at this time. They are very reluctant to raise the muskets in their hands. Because the people standing on the opposite side may also know oneself.

"To resist tax, we must live, and we must resist tax." A Zhao Guoren shouted loudly. At this time, the crowd was approaching them bit by bit.

"Should we shoot?" The driver driving the carriage asked in a low voice when he saw this situation.

And at this time, the old yaman didn't know what to do. The government officials are all locals, and among the Zhao people in this group of parade, there are likely to be people they know. Native. This makes it difficult for them to expand.

"Retreat. Quickly." In desperation, the servant on the carriage issued an order at this time. The officials heard this order and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. They retreated in an orderly manner. This is very good for them. Behind them are ordinary people in the brigade. Their goal is the Prime Minister's Mansion. Only Guo Kai can explain this problem.

"The prime minister, the prime minister." Handan Ling rushed to the prime minister's house to report the news actively.

"The prime minister." Handan Ling trot all the way to the office opened by Guo, the prime minister's mansion.

"It's not good. Prime Minister." Handan Ling called out as loudly as possible.

"What's the noise?" Guo Kai called out calmly.

"Zhao people, Zhao people want to fight taxes." Handan Ling shouted at this time.

"What? Anti-tax." Guo Kai heard such news. Shouted immediately.

"How can this work?" Guo Kai immediately shouted loudly when he heard the news of the tax fight. Resisting taxes is equivalent to fighting oneself, and Guo Kai will never allow this to happen.

"These untouchables." Guo Kai shouted loudly.

"Prime Minister, those people have gathered into a lot of people. These people are rushing over here. If that's the case, I'm afraid it will be bad for us." Handan Ling looked at Guo Kai anxiously. When Guo Kai heard the news, his head felt like he was about to explode.

"This." Guo Kai sat on the ground in a panic. He himself didn't know what to do next.

"The prime minister. The prime minister." Handan Ling called anxiously. The situation is very unfavorable for them. Continue like this. I'm afraid they don't even have a chance to resist.

"The prime minister, we have to think of a way. It's best to send troops to protect our safety." Handan Ling suggested at this time. And Guo Kai didn't know what to do at this time.

"Yes. Yes." Guo Kai said coldly, holding Handan Ling's hand.

"Yes. You are right. Go to General Li Mu immediately and ask him to send manpower to protect us. Hurry up." At this time, Guo Kai slowly recovered his consciousness. He feels that the most important thing at the moment is to protect his life. The rest is not important.

"This." Handan Ling said embarrassingly.

"Hurry up." Guo Kai shouted loudly. Then he pushed the opponent.

In desperation, Handan Ling could only leave in a hurry. After leaving. After Guo Kai calmed down his inner anxiety a little bit, he slowly eased his mind.

"Come here." Guo Kai shouted again at this time.

Among Guo Kai's loud shouts. A servant quickly stepped forward. Before the servant bowed, Guo Kai shouted loudly.

"Go. Immediately take the people who can shoot in the mansion, let them all take their weapons, and stand outside the mansion. Let them resist the impact of the thugs for me." Guo Kai shouted loudly at this time. The servant left immediately at this time.

"Retreat. Retreat." The bureaucrats kept retreating with their rifles in their hands, and all the people who came across from them were Zhao Guoren. They kept chanting the slogan "Resistance against taxation." The bureaucrats had nothing to do with it. The way, they can't shoot, because shooting will intensify such things. There are so many people on the other side, and one or two shots will be killed. If the other side is angry, everyone will have no way to deal with it.

Therefore, the officials chose to retreat. Their loud yelling and intimidation became useless. The large crowd of demonstrators kept approaching, and they didn't care about the threat of the yakuza. Faced with such a situation, the yakuzas had no choice but to retreat.

The city of Handan suddenly boiled. More and more people from Zhao Kingdom joined in. They generally resisted Guo Kai's unreasonable taxation.

In the Yunzhong area of ​​Zhao State, it is the main coal producing area of ​​Zhao State. The same thing is happening.

"Anti-tax. Anti-tax." The coal digger was naked, his face was black, and his body was covered with black charcoal powder. The sturdy arms gathered all kinds of tools. This is a cold winter. But here I can't feel the atmosphere of winter at all. What I can feel is anger, fiery anger. The miners held up various tools and gathered into a mighty army toward the local government office. Spread the message via telegram. Zhao Guo built telegraph lines in major areas. But these telegraph lines are controlled by the people of Qin. Zhao Guo needs to pay a large rental fee to use it.

But even so, the telegram brought a quick message. Guo Kai's unreasonable taxation caused dissatisfaction among miners and small mine owners. Especially those coal mines developed by merchants. They have to pay more taxes, which means their profits are less. The increased burden is unfair to them. Ever since. The businessmen quickly told the workers in the mine, and they were encouraged by them. The miners gathered immediately. The local government rushed over to ask for an explanation.

The miners rushed over to the government office. It rushed towards the government office like a flood.

"You wait and listen. Fifty steps ahead, you can't go any further, otherwise you will shoot and kill." A Zhao Guofu official who was riding on a horse shouted loudly. The government officials held up the rifle in their hands, and the rifle had a bayonet on it. They are neatly arranged in rows, and they have to take measures against these miners and cannot let the other side develop.

"Go back. Go back." Yamen shouted loudly. They hope that in this way, the miners can retreat when they know their difficulties, so that they don't have to shoot.

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