"It's true." Shang Wen said with a slight smile.

"I think that you should be honest with your friends. I, I just thought of Qin’s interests. After all, my position is prime minister and I need to be responsible to my country. If I tell you to raise tariffs, then ours The farmer will be injured. In that case, our farmer will kill me with a gun and a knife." Shang Wen waved his arm and said.

"This is natural." Han Shu looked at Shang Wen and said.

"However, if you can tell me this, I am very satisfied. However, I thought of a countermeasure, that is, South Korea can use its own convenient transportation conditions to resell these grains to other countries, such as Qi. In a country like Yan and Zhao, I think it should be possible." Han Shu said.

"En. I think you are right." Shang Wen said.

"In this way, it will not impact our food and the interests of farmers." Shang Wen said quickly at this time.

While Shang Wen and Han Shu were eating, serious violence was taking place in the northern area of ​​Zhao State.

"Puff." A blood stain spattered from the back of a Zhao Guoyao. A Zhao Guo miner waved the bronze sword in his hand and killed the opponent.

"Kill." Behind the miner. More and more miners rushed to the local government with various weapons in their hands.

Among them, there are pickaxes, shovels, wooden sticks, and various tools as weapons. In addition to these, there are some holding flintlock guns and various bayonet rushing to the forefront.

"Shoot. Block them." A local official shouted loudly, waving the bronze sword in his hand.

"Bang." A government officer pulled the trigger. The bullet flew out and hit a Zhao Guo miner who was rushing in quickly. The miner was shot immediately and tilted to the back. At this time, there were more and more Zhao Guo miners following.

"Bang." After loading the bullets at this time, a government officer pulled the trigger.

"Bang." But before the yaman could see the situation clearly, a miner waved the stick in his hand and gave the opponent's head for a moment. The head of the servant on the spot was beaten to pieces, like a broken egg. Brains are flying everywhere.

"Kill." Zhao Guoren rushed in quickly. Then he quickly killed a Zhao Guoyao with a wooden stick in his hand. Other government officials saw such cruel scenes. Shocked at the scene, they immediately retreated.

The government officials are very clear that the opponents they face have conceded many defeats, and because they have been engaged in hard labor for a long time, many of them are in a strong and robust state. Such a state is nothing to them. As a result, many of them charged so frantically to attack their opponents.

However, because of the advantage of his own guns, the yamen did not engage in physical enhancement at all. In close combat, the yamen suffered a lot.

"Run." A government officer threw away his weapon and turned his head and ran.

"Puff." A sound of blood splashing spurted out.

"Quick...Quick. Run." The servant fell in pain. A sturdy miner appeared in front of him, and the miner stabbed the servant with the bayonet he had just obtained.

"Ah." And the official who wielded the bronze sword in his hand shouted in horror at this time.

"Don't come here." The official shouted loudly.

"Wow." At this time, there was a sound of soil slipping from the official's back at this time. A Zhao Guo miner jumped in, holding a shovel in his hand.

"Don't move." The official looked at the miner who had just jumped in in a panic.

"Don't move." At this time, the officer quickly jumped back and looked at the miner with the bayonet.

"Hahaha." As the officials watched the surroundings nervously, the miners actually laughed.

"What are you?" The miners sneered at the officials who were nervously checking the situation.

The official bent over and arched his legs, his legs trembling constantly because of fear.

"Look, it's pee. It's pee." At this time, a miner standing aside shouted loudly, because he saw that there was a lot of wet under the official's legs. This made the miner immediately realized that the other party was peeing his pants because of fear.

"Hahaha, that's right. Hahaha." The miners laughed at this time. They are ashamed of such a timid behavior by officials, and believe that this can humiliate each other as much as possible and give themselves the pleasure they deserve.

"Kill." The officials after the humiliation immediately encouraged him to his utmost courage. He didn't want to see the miners humiliate himself so much. So he waved his bronze sword and slashed at the opponent.

"Be careful." The miner who laughed at him didn't realize that the other party was going to attack suddenly. A miner called out loudly when he saw the unexpected situation.

"Puff." The bronze sword cut off a miner's arm.

"Puff puff." Blood was sprayed continuously from the fractured arm.

"Mother." Another miner next to the broken arm saw such a **** scene. Immediately erupted an impulse of revenge. He immediately waved the shovel in his hand and slapped it up.

"Boom." There was a sound. The shovel slammed the opponent's left arm vigorously. The bones and shovel made a thud.

"Yeah." The painful official shouted loudly.

"Go to hell." A miner holding a pickaxe on his back quickly lifted up and pierced the official's back with a sharp corner.

"Ah." A scream came. The miners frantically surrounded the official, and then repeatedly beat him to death on the ground.

More and more miners are rushing in towards the government office at this time. On the steps in front of the yamen lay the corpses of the yamen, blood shed all over the ground, and many people died on the ground.

"Kill." The miners rushed into the palace shouting loudly.

"Not good. Not good." A government servant rushed into the mansion of the chief official in the palace.

"My lord is not good. Those rioting miners have rushed in." The Ya Ya shouted loudly.

"Wow." At this time, a child cried loudly.

"Don't panic." The governor shouted loudly at this time.

"Where is our cannon?" the governor asked immediately.

"The cannon. The cannon is being arranged in the second entry house." The yavier said in a panic at this time.

"Resist their attack." At this time, the district governor immediately picked up his saber and equipped his gun to prepare for a big fight.

"Wow." The child was still crying loudly at this time. The governor immediately waved his hand to go out to check the situation.

"My lord." The Ya Ya made a protective action at this time and prepared to go out.

Just as the governor was about to go out, the governor suddenly realized something. He looked at his wife, who was holding the crying child and crying.

"En." The governor glanced at the other party. He turned and walked over there.

"This battle may be difficult to hold." The governor said to his wife. At this time, the wife held her child and looked up at her husband.

"If I fail, madam, I will definitely be humiliated." The governor said, looking at his wife.

"Husband." His wife called at this time.

"Huh." The governor took a deep breath. Then he raised the revolver in his hand.

"My lord." The servant on the side watched this scene happen in horror. The government officer suddenly understood what the governor was doing.

"Bang." There was a clear gunshot. The head of the wife was hit by a bullet. Tian Ling Gai splashed. The brains were mixed and cut and splashed on the wall behind.

"Big..." The Ya Ya watched this scene happen in horror at this time.

"Wow." The child fell from his mother's hands to the ground. Because of the pain. Yelled wow.

"Bang." There was another shot. The bullet flew into the child's body.

The child stopped crying immediately.

"Bang Bang." At this time, the local governor shot his wife and children two more shots.

Ya Ya's mouth twitched and watched this scene happen.

"They appeared." Several yamen set up a cannon at the gate of the second entrance house.

"Kill." The miners who rushed in frantically killed everyone they saw. Men, women, elderly, children. Anyone who appeared in this palace would kill each other mercilessly. Because before, when they were protesting, the Yamen shot and killed many of them fiercely. So the miners fled immediately. The Ya Yai did not take any further action at this time. The reason is that they think that this kind of thing may not happen to them, but the situation is already very obvious. This is an organized anti-tax campaign. If no one is behind the organization, it is impossible for such a large-scale operation to take place. The government had no knowledge of this, and they did not take further action. This led to the tragedy.

The miners immediately gathered more teams of miners and killed the government. They must retaliate against each other, not only to resist taxes, but also to hate each other.

The miners swarming in immediately appeared in front of the cannon.

"Let it go." This time. A government gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom." There was a loud artillery bang.

"Wow." The shrapnel that flew out immediately killed the unprepared miners, all of a sudden. The miner who appeared at the forefront suffered a large number of deaths and injuries. Everyone was killed before they were ready. Some of them still don't know what happened. He was killed by the flying marbles.

And the miners behind did not know what happened, and many people stopped subconsciously. But the people behind don't know. Immediately pushed the person in front to the front.

There were all dead bodies on the ground, and some people who were hit and howled in pain.

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