"You have to mean, the current atrocities of the Chu army in Qi state just give us a reason to intervene?" King Qin looked at Meng Yi and said.

"Yes, Lord." Meng Yi nodded at this moment.

"Do you think this reason can stand up?" King Qin asked rhetorically.

"I think it should be possible. Prime Minister Shang Wen did the same before." Meng Yi said at this time.

"However, you said that fiscal expenditures, especially military expenditures, cannot be expended in huge amounts. What do you plan to do?" King Qin is concerned about this issue. Until this time, King Qin was relieved after listening to Meng Yi's explanation, and Qin was able to intervene in Qi affairs at this time. However, Meng Yi also expressed another meaning, which is that Qin Guo himself did not want to fall into it too deeply. If it is too deep, it will plunge Qin's main financial income into it. This is the last bottom line that Shangwen adhered to when he was in power. And this bottom line. As a follow-up to Shangwen. Meng Yi knew this very well.

"My plan is to only provide our remaining supplies as aid to the other party. Then send a military observation mission or an advisory group. The rest will be led by South Korea. I think we can strategically guide South Korea’s initiative. Come out and see what the Koreans do." Meng Yi said at this time.

"If you do this, it will give South Korea an important opportunity." Wang Jian said at this time.

But Meng Yi reluctantly stopped his thoughts at this time.

King Qin looked at Wang Jian silently.

"General, I think this is much more useful than Qin spending more troops to occupy these countries. We just use South Korea. Instead of sending troops to conquer South Korea, now sending troops to conquer Korea is very detrimental to Qin. Fiscal revenue cannot provide so much money. Qin has already shouldered a lot of debt. Sending troops will only increase military expenditures and will not benefit Qin." Meng Yi said to Wang Jian.

"The old man didn't want to say to send troops." Wang Jian looked at Meng Yi, who was still a very young generation. The younger generation does not have much political capital. This is manifested in Shangwen's governance. Shangwen employs a large number of young people, but other political forces as veterans exclude Shangwen's political influence.

"It doesn't matter whether it is sending troops or not. In short, in terms of Qin's financial expenditure, it is absolutely impossible to increase military expenditure by a penny. Qin's support can only be in materials and in kind." Meng Yi said firmly.

"Qin can not send troops, but Qi always needs troops to solve their homeland security problems. Without military support, it will be difficult for them to defeat the Chu army. Defeating the Chu army is just empty talk. The question is, where do these soldiers come from? "Wang Jian said at this time.

When Wang Jian said this, Meng Yi had nothing to say. The current situation is indeed like this. Even if Qin does not send troops, then that country will send troops. This is very important for the Qi State. Only in this way can Qi State solve the problem of the Chu army. .

"At present, it is still according to Meng Yi's idea. Qin State unites with other countries to regulate this matter." King Qin saw that the civil officials and the generals were arguing fiercely. At this time, the approach of supporting Meng Yi was adopted. Because Meng Yi's actions are in the current interests of the State of Qin, the State of Qin cannot send troops, and sending troops will increase financial expenditures. The increase in military expenditure is certain. But if mediation is used, the cost will be reduced a lot. For example, the State of Qin does not need to spend more military expenditure to conduct military operations.

"As for Wang Jian's approach, the widow believes that some military exercises, especially joint military exercises, can be used at this time to warn the State of Chu." Wang Jian said.

"The cost of the exercise is not a lot, and it can also test the combat capabilities of our soldiers. This is the solution." King Qin said at this time.

Meng Yi and Wang Jian bowed their heads and obeyed their orders.

On the colony of the South. The Korean warship set sail again after the storm.

And as the host of the colony. The Chu army and the militia of the colonial authorities "watched" the other side to leave with their rifles.

"Such a thing is a shame to us." Huang Bu said deliberately to the captain.

Lieutenant Chu did not speak.

Huang Bu didn't speak either. He realized a problem, that is, the threat does not only come from the land. They also come from the sea, and the establishment of coastal defense is very important and imminent for them. If it weren't for the sudden visit by South Korean surface ships, I am afraid they would not know the importance of coastal defense.

Chu army on the west line of Qi State.

A group of Chu Army soldiers was advancing fast, but the front one of the Chu Army soldiers was carrying the flag and marching listlessly. In the middle of the road, there was a team of chariots advancing in the middle of the road. From time to time there are bullock carts in the middle of the chariot.

"Get out. Get out." A Chu army officer on the chariot shouted loudly. The bullock cart driver looked at the officer and immediately pulled the bullock cart away. But because of the bad road conditions. Especially after a heavy snowfall. The road becomes more and more difficult to follow. The frozen ground and the muddy water formed after the snow melts are mixed together.

"Get out of the way. Get out of me quickly." The officer shouted loudly. This bullock cart lays the bullock cart in the middle of the road because it wants to avoid it, so that everyone can't move forward.

"Get out of the way." The officer shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang." At this moment a gunshot sounded.

"Puff." The shouting officer was hit in the head. The officer immediately softened from the chariot and fell into the wagon.

"Bang. Bang." When the officer fell, the intensive gunfire immediately remembered.

"Ah." The Chu army in the march was immediately hit by several soldiers. The rest of the Chu Army soldiers quickly picked up their weapons.

"Enemy attack. Enemy attack." The Chu army soldier shouted loudly.

"Bang, bang." The Qi army soldiers evaded a small highland and launched a small-scale attack on the Chu army. The number of them is not too many, less than fifty, but a unit of less than fifty dared to attack the Chu army. Such courage is indeed admirable.

"Bang. Bang." Chu Jun also shot immediately at this time. Chu Jun made a mess.

"Wow." The carriage also became uneasy under the attack of Qi Jun. Keep turning the carriage. The wagon and ox cart fleet has become more chaotic.

"What should I do now?" A Chu army soldier hid in a trench.

"Bang." A Chu army next to him stood up and raised his gun to aim. shooting.

"Puff." The Chu army had just finished shooting when he was hit to the point. Lie on your back in the trench.

"The Qi of Tiansha," the Chu army soldier said in a low voice.

"Don't shoot. Don't shoot." A Chu army officer shouted loudly with scattered hair. However, he is very clever, he tried to lower his head and hide under the trench. Because of the range of the rifle. The Chu Army was equipped with a flintlock rifle, and it was a kind of musket. The rifle's range was the most effective within 30 steps. But at long distances, for example, one hundred steps. Their rifles rarely hit the opponent accurately. What Qi Jun prepared was to use a trapped rifle with fixed ammunition. This rifle is compared to the smoothbore flintlock gun equipped by the Chu Army. To be a lot advanced. He first used fixed-load bullets. Secondly, there is rifling in the barrel, and the bullet can hit farther. However, this rifle uses black powder, and the power of the rifle is still effective within one hundred and fifty. However, such a range is already very deadly for the Chu army to send.

usually. The Qi army’s attack on the Chu army would stretch the distance to a hundred paces. At this distance, the Qi army’s rifle had a great advantage, but the Chu army did not. Their muskets were difficult to hit the opponent, which caused Even if the Chu Army shot, they couldn't hit the target accurately and defeat the opponent. They can only use charge tactics to close this distance. The Qi Jun also took advantage of this characteristic, and continued to attack and harass the other side as the Chu Army moved forward. With this fragmentary offensive method, the Chu army was constantly consumed.

"Bang bang bang." The soldiers of the Qi army were still shooting at this time.

"Enough. Enough. Retreat. Retreat." A lieutenant of the Qi army shouted loudly, putting away his rifle at this time.

"We have to leave here as soon as possible. Don't wait until the Chu army surrounds it. Retreat quickly." Lieutenant Qi Jun shouted loudly.

"You. You. You. Pay attention to those who are raising their heads. Give them a shot as soon as they are in their heads." The lieutenant said, tapping several people on the shoulders at this time.

"Understood, sir." Several Qi army soldiers continued to crawl in the temporary shelter and aimed. At this time, the others had put away their rifles and left here as soon as possible.

"Why did the gunfire stop?" A Chu Army soldier hiding in the trench looked at the other soldier and said.

"It's best not to go out. Who knows if those Qi troops have left." Another Chu Army soldier said at this time.

"Oh." The Chu Army soldier nodded. The whole road. Only some horses, cattle and soldiers' bodies were killed. The soldiers of the Chu army all hid after one round of shooting.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded.

"Puff." A young Chu Army soldier not far away was hit in the neck and lay on the ground.

"Ah. Uh. Hmm." The Chu Army soldier who was hit in the neck lay struggling on the ground. He was hit in the trachea and did not lose quickly.

"Oh my God." The Chu Army soldier shouted at this time. Such a **** scene is torture for them.

"Don't save him." A Chu army veteran shouted loudly. And a soldier of the Chu Army had already left quickly.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. The Chu Army veteran closed his eyes.

"Puff." The Chu army soldier who had saved the life was hit and fell to the ground. He can't get up.

"Bang." Then there was another shot. A bullet came again, but this time it didn't hit any of the two people.

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