The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1429: Interrogate Qi Guo pilot

"The guard is so tight." Junior Brother Nine poked out his head and said. The elder sister watched the patrols leave without saying a word. The palace of the Han Dynasty was blocked by the army. It is difficult to enter.

Koreans have invented many patents on defense. For example, energized barbed wire. Searchlight for inspection. And a variety of mechanical defense equipment. Machine guns and rifle bunkers were everywhere. Han Shu knew that the Mo family was difficult to deal with, so she ordered to strengthen the defense and prevent the opponent from entering. The defense of the new South Korean army has been strengthened a lot. The Mohist school is really helpless about this.

"Kill him. Kill him." Chu army is on the ground. Angry artillery continued to surround themselves, after a gun battle. The Chu Army infantry finally captured two Qi State Air Force pilots. One was slightly injured and the other was severely injured. All the others were killed.

"Kill him. Kill him." The artillery of the Chu State who suffered heavy losses quickly surrounded them, picked up what they could move, and killed the Qi State Air Force pilots.

"Come on. Brothers, kill him." A Chu Army artillery shouted, holding a wooden barrel in his hand, and ran towards the Qi State Air Force pilot protected by the Chu Army infantry.

"All get out. Get out." A Chu infantry officer shouted loudly. He was holding a pistol in his hand. The other hand kept pushing the surrounding artillery away, like crazy artillery.

"Kill him. Kill him." Chu Army artillery rushed towards this side frantically. In their opinion, these Qi State Air Force pilots deserve to die. Aerial bombs destroyed about 25 artillery pieces, and many more artillery pieces need to be repaired before they can be used. The most terrible thing is that the propellant, which was not too much, was blown up a lot. Cannonballs are scarce. Thus. The anger of the artillery of the Chu Army reached its culmination with the Qi State Air Force.

"Get out of the way. Get out of it." The Chu Army infantry didn't want to participate in it, but their generals had already issued such an order, and they had to execute it. But it is so difficult to implement, which they did not expect.

Think about it, there are so many artillerymen, but there are only fifty infantry guards. The surrounding artillery was very angry. They had lost their minds, and some of the Chu Army infantrymen were also beaten when they were protecting the pilots. As the infantry were all Chu army, they couldn't fight back.

"Fight. Fight." The angry Chu Army artillery rushed frantically towards the core area protected by the infantry. However, there were too many people and everyone was crowded together. The infantry who originally wanted to leave could not live without crying or laughing because the artillery. Constantly rushed in.

"Get out of the way, this is the general's order, no one can move." The Chu Army infantry officer shouted loudly.

But no one cares about such orders. It's very chaotic now. I couldn't hear what the other party was yelling at all.

"Beat. Killing his mother Qi is not a good thing." Chu artillery shouted angrily.

"Woo." At this moment, a wooden barrel flew over.

"Boom." The barrel slammed on the infantry officer's head. The infantry officer was knocked to the ground all of a sudden, and the unprepared attack caused the infantry officer to feel a very headache.

"Head. It's okay." Fortunately, a soldier at the back held him in time. If he didn't do this, he would be trampled to death by the angry artillery.

"Huh." The officer gasped for breath. At this time, his eyes were red, a blood hole was punched out of his forehead, and the blood remained along his forehead.

"Damn it," the officer cursed loudly.

Speaking of this, the officer grabbed the pistol in his hand.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. The officer fired his gun in the sky. But the situation is too messy. No one cares about this situation at all. Seeing such a situation, the infantry officer who had been angered threw away his rifle at this time and grabbed the rifle of the soldiers behind.

"Bang." Then there was another gunshot. The flintlock shot at close range killed an artilleryman with one shot. The artillery covered his abdomen and fell down in pain.

Because someone fell. The artillery suddenly didn't know what to do. The guarding infantry stopped and looked at the officer.

"I have bayonet on Lao Tzu. If anyone dares to rush in, Lao Tzu will kill him." The officer shouted angrily at this time.

The scene was unusually quiet. No one knows what to do. It's really rare to kill one's own companion like this.

"Get out of it all. Get out of it." Just when I didn't know what to do, a voice came from behind. Immediately afterwards, a team of personal guards rushed in. They rushed in with their bayonet rifles and pushed the artillery away.

"What's the matter?" The lieutenant looked at the artillery corpse lying on the ground. The blood has flowed all over the place. Look at the disheveled infantry officers and infantry soldiers. The school lieutenant understood what was going on.

"Disperse. Disperse." The captain shouted loudly.

"These two people from Qi are the people that the general personally requested. No one can move." The captain shouted to the artillery at this time. After all, he needs an explanation. Otherwise, the artillery still has to angrily defeat the opponent.

"Clean this up." The captain said, waving his men. Obviously, the artillery could not be allowed to clean up the body of the artillery by himself.

"You, come with me." The captain waved and said. Then the matter subsided like this. But the angry eyes of the artillery could not dissipate for a long time. The artillery's losses are relatively large. And the cause of these are good things done by the Qi State Air Force.

"Who are you?" a general of Chu country asked while sitting in the middle of the camp.

"I, we are from the Qi State, the Qi State Air Force." said a Qi State Air Force pilot who was slightly injured but had a blue nose and a swollen nose.

"No, no." Another pilot with a serious injury raised his hand at this time to signal the other party not to speak.

However, after a wave of crazy pulling like just now. The Chu artillery soldiers wanted to eat their own meat raw, and the pilot was frightened.

"Qi people? Qi, what army?" General Chu asked incomprehensibly.

"Return to General, Qi State Air Force." The pilot replied at this time.

"Oh. Air Force. What kind of army is this?" General Chu asked incomprehensibly. Because he really doesn't know what the air force is. What is even more difficult to understand is how they got to the sky. To know. Previous battles have always been on the ground and on the water. No one has been able to fight in the sky, unless the gods descended from the earth. Otherwise, there is no such thing. This is too difficult to understand. For this general of Chu State. Everything is a curious thing. At the beginning, when General Chu heard that the people of Qi were in the sky, he thought it was caused by his subordinates' mischief, so he dragged out the man who "lied." But more and more people reported such things later. The general believed it all at once. Because I have to believe it.

"This is a service dedicated to fighting in the sky," said the lightly injured pilot at this time.

"you". The severely injured pilot looked at each other fiercely at this time.

"Come here. Carry me the seriously injured Qi nationality. Take care of the injury. This person must be protected strictly if he makes a mistake. Kill it." The general said while looking at the other party.

"Another military doctor will be sent to treat this strong man," the general said kindly.

"Xie. General Xie. General Xie. General Xie." The soldier kept saluting and thanked him.

"Sit down and talk. Tell this general, what army is this coming from?" General Chu asked carefully at this time.

"Air force. The general is the air force." The pilot said at this time.

"Yes. It's the Air Force." General Chu nodded and said at this time.

"Tell me how the air force came and what it was fighting. This general is too unbelievable. There is such an army that can fly in the sky to fight." General Chu said, shaking his head continuously.

"General. This air force. Comes from the State of Qin." The pilot said at this time.

"Oh." General Chu State cried out in surprise.

"Qin State?" General Chu State cried out in surprise.

"That Tiger Wolf Qin State?" General Chu then asked loudly.

"Yes. That's the Tiger Wolf Qin State." The pilot said affirmatively.

"Then Qin was the first to have this kind of flying machine capable of flying into the sky. It is said that it was invented by the prime minister of Qin. The people of Qin were the first to put them into war. Our Qi army fought against the Qin army. Those airships, airplanes, and infantry were not at all. Opponent. However, we captured a pilot of the other side, and then we learned how to fly to the sky and built this airship before we went to the sky." The pilot said at this time.

And General Chu nodded continuously. General Chu was also very curious about the Air Force. This thing is too powerful. All of a sudden, the artillery position of Chu State was blown into a blockade. Such a terrifying impression was too deep for him. It can be said. General Chu State was suddenly attracted.

In fact, Chu's domestic newspapers are widely circulated, but Chu people think that this is not true. These are things that Qin State scares people. Moreover, none of the Chu people have seen it. Naturally, I said no. This was also the time when the Chu people saw the airship. They were at a loss as to what it was. Even if there were photos, the people of Chu didn't even know that this was an airship. Because they haven't seen it before.

Hear the pilot's discussion. General Chu will also gradually raise an inexplicable thought. The idea is that Chu will also build its own air force. In this way, Chu people can also fly into the sky, and can quickly enter the opponent's domain to fight. Such an idea only comes after seeing this kind of flying vehicle. All have such thoughts.

Because the ancients thought it was impossible to fly. But now, it actually exists. Then, General Chu paid attention to this naturally.

"Qin's air force is not called the air force, they are called the Celestial Army. Moreover, the Qin Air Force has a flying bird aircraft without airbags..." the pilot continued.

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