"En. This guy dare to fight us." The pirate captain said, looking at the body of the merchant captain.

"Come on, chop the body of this guy into meat pieces for me, and throw them into the sea to feed the fish." The pirate captain ordered.

Upon hearing such an order, the soldiers naturally executed it. The first officer's heart beat nervously. A corpse is like this, he has a hunch, wondering what his fate will be?

"En. As for you." At this time, the captain looked back at the merchant sailors who surrendered.

"Tie it up first," the captain said with a smile. Hearing such words, the first officer's beating heart was slightly calmer.

Subsequently, the prisoners of war were tied up. The little soldiers also began to clean up these pieces. They captured a complete merchant ship. There are quite a lot of trophies on the merchant ships, and countless kinds of goods have met their needs. At least they don't need to dock again, and they can quickly obtain enough supplies.

On a wharf in Chu State. The whole team of Chu State Navy soldiers were carrying their own bags and their rifles waiting to board the ship. They were ordered to prepare their bags and they were about to fight.

"What are we doing here?" A large number of troops are waiting here. The Chu State Navy soldiers were obviously a little impatient in waiting.

"I don't know, let us wait up there. Let's wait like this." A Chu State navy soldier lying on the ground, basking in the sun, said.

"I really don't understand." The Chu State Navy soldier who complained said at this time.

On the side of the dock, the officers are also discussing their current situation.

"Ship, who can tell where the ship is?" an officer wearing a leather helmet asked loudly.

"No boat? Can't go anywhere?" The officer shouted at this time.

"Wait and see. The general asked us to wait and see patiently. Can't we wait any longer?" Another officer comforted.

"Okay. Okay," the officer said at this time.

"Let's wait. Just wait like this." said the officer in the leather helmet. Then, everyone fell into waiting.

Inside Xiang Yan's big account. Xiang Yan anxiously waited for the arrival of the representative of Qin State Bank.

"General. The people of Qin are here." A soldier reported at this time.

"Oh. Let them in." Xiang Yan stood up and said.

"General. We are late." The bank representative said respectfully at this time.

"You have nothing to do with your arrival late, but, your boat, I want a boat, where is your boat?" Xiang Yan is more concerned about this issue.

"I'm sorry. General, we can't provide ships." The bank representative said straightforwardly at this time.

"Heaven's evil." Xiang Yan shouted loudly at this time.

"How can you Qin people be like this?" Xiang Yan heard such a result. Immediately roared loudly.

"My people have gathered at the dock. At this time, you said that there is no boat for us, so what do you want to do?" Xiang Yan shouted at this time.

"Don't let our people. Swim down the Yangtze River to Changsha?" Xiang Yan said angrily. He had difficulty accepting such a result. Obviously it exceeded his expectations, because no one told him that merchant ships would not come, and he was specifically assured by the Qin State Bank staff that they would be able to raise enough ships to come. Provide it to them.

"Get out. Get out. I never want to see you again." Xiang Yan said angrily.

At this time, the bank representative looked at Xiang Yan. Then she squeezed her mouth.

"General, before I go out, I should tell you another piece of news. We have borrowed the Qin Navy’s warships and various transport vessels, and they will provide special protection. But the cost is a bit higher. I think these are better than those for civilian use. The ships are much better. After all, they are professional. They can increase the success rate of attacking Changsha." The bank representative said calmly.

"Okay. My message has been delivered. I can go out." Qin State Bank's business representative shrugged at this time. Indicates that he can leave.

"What?" Xiang Yan was very angry, his mind couldn't remember anything. However, suddenly, the Qin State Bank's business representative delivered such a news, which made Xiang Yan unable to accept it all at once.

"This." Xiang Yan was caught off guard. But he reacted quickly, and he immediately rushed out, because the bank representative had already walked out at this time.

"Representative. Representative." Xiang Yan rushed out. Immediately grabbed the representative's hand and said.

"It was the old man's fault just now. The old man apologized to the representative." Xiang Yan was about to salute.

The bank representative did not stop him at this time. Qin State Bank did not owe the other party. This is because the other party borrowed a large amount of deposits from Qin Guo Bank. If such deposits cannot be recovered as soon as possible. It will cause serious losses to Qin State Bank. Qin State bankers are very worried. Therefore, the Qin State bankers believe that the Chu State Navy should have its own profitable projects as soon as possible. If there is no profit, it will be difficult to establish sufficient security awareness if it is just a simple army.

"The general does not need to be like this. We are helping the general as well as helping ourselves." The bank representative said coldly at this time.

"The current situation of the Chu State Navy is not optimistic. The tax system has not yet been established. The Chu State Navy does not have any profitable projects. It is not safe for such an army to rely solely on Qin State loans." Qin State Bank representative Said at this time.

"If the Chu State Navy does not continue to make profitable projects, I don't think we will continue to lend you the general." said the bank representative.

"So, this time, we must solve this problem as soon as possible. Changsha must be taken." said the bank representative.

"Yes, yes. This is not the place to talk. Let's talk here." Xiang Yan directed the bank representative into the big account. The bankers of Qin State were very worried about the situation of Chu State's navy. The Chu State Navy was an elite force after all, and they needed more and more loans. The main reason is that their expenses are getting bigger and bigger.

The bankers of Qin State were very worried because they lent a loan to one family, and this one was the Chu State Navy. However, the Chu State Navy was a consumable army, and they had no profitability. This also means that their loans have not been recovered, which is too costly for them. If there is a danger.

"So, we now need the Chu State Navy to take down Changsha City as quickly as possible. Our bank directors were very worried, so they found Minister Qin State Navy." The bank representative said at this time.

"They asked the minister to use military exercises or parade tours. Send a fleet to help us and transport the Chu State Navy soldiers to Changsha City by the way. In this way, I think we have solved this solution. "The bank representative said at this time.

"What do you mean?" Xiang Yan said at this time.

"I mean so." said the bank representative.

"Our plan is to let Chu's navy soldiers board Qin's military transport ships to Changsha, and the Qin naval ships will arrive in Changsha by means of a peaceful visit to provide fire support for the Chu naval forces. In this way, I think Faster." The bank representative said at this time.

"Here." Xiang Yan hesitated at this time, because the Chu State sent a warship. The Qin warships are iron-clad ships, their ships are very large, and they use iron. It is generally difficult to penetrate. If the State of Qin came to an attack on the State of Chu. Didn't you lead the wolf into the room? Thinking of this, Xiang Yan raised a lot of suspicion.

At this time, the bank representative was thinking about the decision of the bank's directors. He thinks such a decision is a bit too abrupt.

The bank directors believe that this matter should be resolved as soon as possible. Taking this into account, the directors believe that the military should be sought for cooperation. This speed will speed up, after all, Qin has a "strong" navy. But this navy team was parked in the military port without any movement. This makes many taxpayers dissatisfied. Think of this situation. The directors believe that such a favorable condition can be used to let the navy go out to fight a battle. In this way, they can help the navy solve the problem that they cannot go to sea. At the same time, they can get practical benefits.

"You'd better send a merchant ship." Xiang Yan refused after thinking about it.

"What?" The bank representative looked at Xiang Yan in surprise at this time.

"This is a warship, the threat is great, and it is Qin's armed forces. We are very worried about Qin's bad motives. Therefore, it is better to send a merchant ship over." Xiang Yan refused this benefit.

"This." said embarrassingly at this time.

"In fact, General, this may not be possible. The warship has already set off. They may be on the way. Or they will be there today. This is not a joke, this is a fact. The Navy does not know why it was so fast. This is a fact. That's all I want to tell you." The bank representative said at this time.

"What?" Xiang Yan looked at each other in surprise.

"Come here." Xiang Yan shouted loudly at this time.

"General." A soldier came in immediately at this time.

"Immediately convey the command of the general. The whole army is on guard. The artillery is pushed to the dock. Aiming at the Qin warship appearing on the river." Xiang Yan commanded loudly at this time.

"Here." The soldier left quickly after getting the order.

"General. It can't be this way, it will also lead to greater conflict." At this time, the bank representative anxiously persuaded.

"Before you do this, you should consider these circumstances. What you sent is a warship. It is a warship with a cannon. Anyway? Since it is here, we must prepare." Xiang Yan looked at the other party and said.

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