The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1436: Do you want money?

"Here is full of people." At an open-pit coal mine in the north of Qin State. A recruitment worker shook his head and said.

"Please. I need this job. I have a child in my house. I have four children to take care of and I need this job. Really. Please. Let me go to work." A middle-aged man Said pleadingly.

"No. We have a rule. The number is full. I can't do anything about it," the staff member said.

"Actually, I also want to help you. There are many situations like yours today." The staff member said.

"You know?" At this moment, the staff member looked at the middle-aged man and said.

"Today there is a man in his thirties who has thirteen children in his family. Thirteen. Oh my God. I can't believe it. With thirteen children, he can barely maintain his previous job, but last month , He lost his job. Thirteen children, the youngest is only two months old." The staff member said.

"But there are too many people looking for jobs now. Do you know? Too many." The staff member said embarrassingly.

"So." The staff waved their arms at this time.

"He begged me to give him a job today. But, there is no way. Everyone needs a job. I don't know when so many miners appeared all of a sudden. I couldn't find them before, but now, this is the case. There are too many people here. Really. I can’t do it. It’s no use begging me. Really. I’ve tried my best. I think you should find the state government, maybe they have a solution.” Staff member Time said.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man was stunned. He didn't know what to do. He has been looking for work for many days. But even if they can't find it, the family's livelihood is facing great difficulties. Money cannot make ends meet. He didn't know what to do. Recently, he always suffers from insomnia, because without a job, there is no source of income. Without financial resources, it is difficult to survive. Unlike before, you can farm. However, there is no land for farming now. Not at all. He didn't know what to do.

"I, I need a job." The middle-aged man from Qin State said.

And in the Guyuan Mansion. An official of the Qin government is reporting such a situation to the local chief.

"My lord, I want to explain that our current situation is very bad." The office worker said with a report.

"Say it, I'll listen." The Chief Executive listened.

"Let's put it this way. Our unemployment number has reached a staggering number. Most of us here are miners, but now they have a career. Because our coal mines have closed a lot. These people have lost their jobs. Without jobs, there is no source. , Their livelihoods are facing great difficulties.” The office staff said at this time.

"En. I know these." The New Deal chief said at this time.

"But here is the problem." The office worker said worriedly.

"They have no jobs and no financial resources. They will cause great harm to society. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible," said the office worker.

The Chief of the New Deal heard such words at this time. There was a pause. He looked at each other.

"I want to hear your solution?" At this time, the Chief Executive looked at the other party and said.

"We should set up a job introduction center. Or, provide some training and introduce some positions to them. At the same time, we should attract some investment as much as possible. In this way, we can transform. Build a power plant or something." The office staff waved their arms. Said.

"Your idea is very good. Do you need money?" At this time, the Chief Executive asked.

"Of course. And the budget is about 20,000 gold." The office worker said, waving his arms. It seems that these are just things.

"Huh." The Chief Executive let out a sigh of relief at this time, looking particularly helpless.

"Damn it." After the Chief Executive said so. Turn around and leave.

"My lord. This is a very good thing, he can greatly solve a situation like ours. This is of great benefit to us." The office staff said at this time.

"Listen. Don't bother me." The Chief Executive said to the office worker.

"I know. Your idea is very good. Very good. Very good." The Chief Executive said exaggeratedly, waving his arms.

"But. These are not what I want." The Chief Executive said at this time.

"If you can have a plan without money, then I will be very, willing to listen to you. You can talk as long as you want. As long as you don't need money. If you want money, don't talk about it to me. Understand? "The Chief Executive looked at the other party and said.

"Why?" the office worker asked curiously.

"Okay. Let me tell you why?" The Chief Executive said while looking at the other party.

"Because our parliament does not support our new fiscal distribution plan, our fiscal expenditures have been exhausted, and the only taxes can not satisfy our expenditure for one year, no, six months, and three months. . We are short of money now, extremely short of money. Understand?" The Chief Executive looked at the other side and said.

"En." The office worker said in surprise.

"Plus financial allocations. Xianyang's allocations are getting less and less. And we need to do a lot. Our roads need to be hardened, and lighting facilities need to be installed. In addition, there are more infrastructures that need to be built. But , We don’t have money, I know your plan is very good. It’s very good. But we don’t have money, we can’t do anything without money.” The chief executive looked at each other.

"I asked the local councils to increase taxes, but now, no one agrees to increase taxes at all, and let those councillors increase taxes. It simply doesn't work." The Chief Executive said.

"Think about it. Without money, what can we do?" the Chief Executive asked the other party.

The office staff did not speak, but shook his head. He did not know what they could do without funds.

"So, we still do nothing." said the chief executive.

"That's it. We have done our best. Without money, we really can't do anything." The Chief Executive said at this time.

"Oh." The office staff only learned about it at this time. The Chief Executive knows that some training courses will be held to let those unemployed miners learn some skills, and then through training, some new positions will be introduced to them. At the same time, attract investment and build power plants, because power generation and coal mining are together, so that some people can be diverted. Establish employment agencies and so on. These methods can solve the problem.

The method is good, but the method cannot be implemented, so no matter how good the method is, it is not a good method.

The crux of the problem lies in the financial issues of local governments. The local government of Qin State had to pay large sums of taxes to the central government of Xianyang. Some of these taxes were left to the local government to develop the economy, but this part of the money was very small. It is usually difficult to expand.

The central government allocated relatively little money to them again. In this way, local governments have very little excess funds to develop the local economy. This resulted in the rapid development of the central area of ​​the Qin State, especially the Guanzhong area, where most of Qin’s fiscal revenue was invested in these places. And the fringe area. Qin's development level has become diversified. Some places are still poor, while others are rich.

There are many reasons for this situation, but the main reason is that the local government cannot afford to invest in the economic construction of the region. As a result, the economy of this region is constantly being pulled apart by other regions.

Shang Wen is very aware of this situation, because the funds originally invested in these areas have been withdrawn. Used for military construction that was consumed. According to Qin's land area, the size of the army of 250,000 is not small. However, the equipment of this army has been updated very quickly, and Qin has always been armed. Therefore, King Qin also paid special attention to the fact that Qin always equipped the most advanced weapons, and which advanced weapons were used. In terms of military affairs, Qin maintained a strong overwhelming advantage. Although not too large in number, it was in terms of combat capability. , Qin State definitely has the strength to speak.

But the price was heavy. Most of Qin's fiscal revenue was invested in military construction, which was a consumption. Unlimited consumption. This consumption is very large. As a result, Qin needed to issue bonds to meet this demand, but the funds raised by the bonds were evacuated due to the sudden outbreak of war in Qin. This caused serious financial problems for Qin. The funds originally invested in local construction were reluctantly withdrawn. Because war needs, war needs far exceed the needs of domestic construction.

There are many times when Shangwen wants to launch more domestic construction plans. Wars often break out. In the end, under the pressure of King Qin, he had to allocate funds to the other party to meet the needs of the other party. As a result, such a plan was shelved unlimitedly, and Shang Wen was forced to be very helpless, so it was best to confront the military. Unrestricted disarmament, reduction of the other party’s military equipment plans, and at the same time, confronting military personnel at important meetings, and those who can solve problems without military use will absolutely not use military solutions to solve problems.

In doing so, the relationship between the military and Shangwen has become rigid. There is a big contradiction between the two. The military's attitude towards Shangwen is very bad. Because Shangwen wants to cut back on each other continuously, the contradiction between the two sides is very acute.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the local government of Qin State lacks the necessary funds. Such a fact is something that both parties cannot avoid. Shang Wen resolved this matter. But Meng Yi has to face such a difficult problem. Or the problem he has to face is several times that of Shang Wen.

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