"For music matters, I don't care too much. However, I will ask them to see if they can explain the situation. Anyway, I will reply to you." Han Shu said.

"En. Thank you," Yingyu said with a smile. She has confirmed the existence of Shang Wen. The sixth sense of a woman is always so accurate.

"There are still some things, I'm going to hang up." Han Shu said at this time.

"En." Yingyu didn't expect that Han Shu would call so quickly.

"Boom." "Beep." Before Yingyu could say goodbye, Han Shu had already hung up the phone.

"Huh." Han Shu deducted the phone. Exhale heavily. I don't know why, Han Shu, who is good at lying, feels very heavy.

After Han Shu deducted the phone. The whole feeling is much empty.

On the southern waters. The troop carrier and supply ship sailed in the direction of Chu State.

"How many is this?" the captain of the troop carrier asked.

"The sixth one. Captain," a sailor replied.

"There must be one of our own ships being attacked. Otherwise, there won't be so many dead bodies at sea," the captain said.

"Yes, Captain," the sailor replied.

"What happened?" The captain said, looking at the corpse floating over the sea in confusion.

"Do we need to investigate these situations?" the sailor asked.

"No. We will encounter such a thing." said the captain.

"Come up the corpse," the captain ordered.

"Yes, Captain." The sailor nodded at this time and agreed.

Immediately, the sailors started to salvage the floating body. The bodies they salvaged almost all had one thing in common, that is, most of them wore their own clothes. The body was immersed in sea water for a long time and became swollen, making it difficult to confirm its identity.

"Captain. Come here for a while." The chief officer walked up and said at this time.

"What's the matter?" the captain asked, looking at the sea.

"There is something wrong with the corpse," the chief mate said.

"Wrong?" the captain asked at this time.

"Yes. Captain," the chief officer replied.

"Let's take a look." The captain said, letting the first officer lead the way.

A white and swollen corpse was salvaged, and the face was no longer visible, and the bare skin was abnormally white, which was the result of long-term soaking.

"Captain, the clothes are wrong. Most of the corpses we salvaged before were wearing our clothes, but this one, this one is wrong. The clothes he wore were civilian clothes. They were not military uniforms. The underwear inside was also No." The chief mate reported after a detailed inspection.

"En." The captain nodded.

"What's wrong?" the captain asked at this time.

"There is. Toes." The chief officer said.

"Among the previous corpses we salvaged, one was wearing a military boot. We were all equipped with military boots. The military boots have a narrow-sided design. If we wear them for a long time, our little thumbs will be trapped. But this corpse is not like this, but scattered. Like our sailors, but our sailors also have boots or shoes. Only those civilians, especially those who have been on deck for a long time, will do this. "The chief mate said.

"En." The captain nodded.

Under normal circumstances, the Chu State navy forces are allotted standard military boots. Those sailors who are used to barefoot are also forced to wear military boots. Only in rare cases will they take off their military boots. The reason is simple. The army is a place that pays attention to military discipline. Although standard military boots are a trivial matter, trivial matters can reflect the signs of strict military discipline. It is exactly this. The difference between being a soldier and ordinary civilians.

Pirates are different. Pirates mostly come from civilian armed forces. They have received very little formal military training, and some have almost none. Naturally, military discipline will not be emphasized. Coupled with a long time at sea, they have become lazy. Therefore, they rarely wear military boots. Only the captain, the leader, will be so particular about it, because they believe that this is the difference between them and ordinary men.

Other pirates are mostly barefoot. They think that only in this way can they become more flexible, because they have become accustomed to being barefoot. Putting on military boots will only make them adapt to a longer period of time, which is a very adaptable thing for them.

"What do you want to explain?" the captain asked at this time.

"What I want to explain is that this corpse is likely to belong to a pirate." The first officer looked at the captain and said.

"They don't have military uniforms?" the captain said.

"Pirates do not have military uniforms, captains, and that is, pirates are free and loose. They can't have standard uniforms. It is precisely this that has caused many merchant ships to encounter unprecedented attacks." The chief officer said.

"En." The captain nodded and said.

"However, our ships, even troop carriers like us, are armed with two artillery pieces. How could they attack us. Are these pirates crazy?" the captain asked incomprehensibly.

"Captain, there are many ships launched from Qin State Shipyard, and the ships launched recently have artillery on them. And the number of artillery is only a lot," the chief officer said.

"Some armed merchant ships are equipped with only two artillery pieces, but some ships are equipped with more than a dozen artillery pieces. And those pirate ships are also equipped with as many artillery pieces as possible. They have enlarged their sails and sailed very fast. The firepower is also much stronger. They are no less than our small warships." The chief officer said worriedly.

"En." The captain frowned at this moment. He also knew this, but he didn't care about it. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

"You mean, we are likely to encounter a pirate ship that is more vigorous than us?" the captain asked worriedly.

"Yes. Captain." The chief officer nodded at this time.

"Huh." The captain exhaled heavily. This news is not good news for him. Worst of all, they are likely to encounter, so you must be more vigilant.

"Plus..." The captain decided to increase his vigilance. To prevent such a situation.

"A ship was found ahead." At this moment, the sentry shouted loudly. The call of the sentry interrupted the captain's order.

Hear such warning signs. The first officer looked at the captain in surprise. He just explained the possibility of pirates, did pirates suddenly appear? This kind of surprise also appeared on the captain's face.

"It doesn't seem to be." The captain picked up the telescope to check the situation at this time.

"This ship doesn't have any sails. There are no people." The captain said while looking at the situation with a telescope.

"En." The chief mate said.

"But, why is it black?" the first officer said at this time.

And the captain shook his head.

"Order the gunner to be ready. Let's go and see the situation." The captain looked at the black ship and ordered.

"The gunner prepares, we are going to get close to that ship." The chief officer conveyed the captain's order.

The troop carrier began to approach at this time. On the deck, a team of soldiers is fully armed, and they are ready to respond to emergencies that may arise. The gunner looked nervously at the approaching "black ship."

The supply ship at the back also followed closely at this time, and the gunner above them was also nervously watching the strange ship, beautiful and any power, a mast stood abruptly there. It looked so weird, and this weirdness made the soldiers feel terrified, and the fear made their arms stiff.

"Captain, shall we fire a shot?" the chief officer asked, looking at that there was no one on the black ship.

"No. Don't move." The captain said quietly at this time. The captain was also watching that ship, and the performance of this ship made him feel terrible. This makes him feel elusive.

"If there is someone on it, let's take a shot. Maybe we can see something." The first officer suggested at this time.

The captain was also looking at the strange ship. The whole body of the boat is black, which is blackened by the fire. The original color of the ship’s wood is only present near the sea.

"Take a shot and try it." The captain ordered at this time. The captain also thought that it would be better to fire a shot like this.

"Fire." The first officer shouted loudly at this time.

"One shot. Release." A gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom." The muzzle quickly ejected a long tongue of flame. A cannonball roared out.

"Wow!" The cannonball hit the ship directly, and a big hole was suddenly punched out of the burnt wooden board.

"Are we still fighting?" the chief officer who was observing the situation then asked.

"Wait and see." The captain looked at the breach with his binoculars.

"Boom. Bang." The captain saw a black charcoal drop into the sea.

"What is that?" the captain asked next.

"I don't know." The chief mate shook his head and said.

"It seems that something is scorched." The first officer said, looking at the black thing falling into the sea.

"Captain, it seems to be a charred human body." An old sailor behind said at this time.

"What?" said the captain, looking back at the old sailor in surprise at this time.

"After the person is burnt, it looks like that. It looks like it was burned alive. I think there are still some human figures on that thing, so I probably just talk about it like this." The old sailor said at this time.

After the captain and chief mate heard it. You look at me, I look at you, and they all picked up their binoculars to check the situation.

"It seems to be." The captain re-looked at the black object falling into the water and said.

"It seems that there is no one on the ship. Otherwise, someone should come out to see the situation after such a heavy shelling. Prepare to help. How many people will go up to see the situation. What happened to this ship?" The captain then ordered.

"In this situation, we must understand, it is very likely that this is still our own ship." The captain continued.

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