The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1449: Deliberately release water

"If the siege continues, many people in the city will starve to death due to lack of food." A lieutenant officer of the Qi Jun worriedly found his superior, a lieutenant colonel battalion commander.

"Well, I know this." The lieutenant colonel said impatiently. They just surrounded Yunzhong City as per the order, and they got reports that a serious riot had occurred in Yunzhong City. So they sealed off Cloud City, but they did not launch an attack in time. The reason was that they were not ordered to launch an attack. Many of their officers did not agree to launch an attack because the city was civilians. Despite their serious riots, letting them attack the civilians really made them feel very worried.

"Listen, our numbers are not very large. The troops who came to join the siege have only one regiment, which is less than 3,000 people. And how many people there are in the city, there are about 30,000 people in riots. Maybe even more. Can be more." At this time, the lieutenant colonel said quietly to the lieutenant.

"Do you think. Can a force of less than 3,000 people be able to surround more than 30,000 people?" The officer asked the other side in a low voice.

"This, I, I don't think it's possible." The lieutenant replied in a low voice at this time. He was very puzzled by such a question. He didn't know why the lieutenant colonel asked such a question.

"Don't understand?" The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"What the sir meant." The lieutenant understood a little bit about what the lieutenant colonel meant. Think about it carefully. Zhao Jun's military strength is indeed very small. They only have a force of less than 3,000 people, and this is the case when a full-man infantry regiment is all in place. And the other side, how many people are there in the city, more than 30,000 people, or even more. In this way, a huge unbalanced population advantage is formed.

Although Zhao Jun has undergone rigorous training, his weapons and equipment are relatively advanced. They are equipped with machine guns. In theory, they can block the city because they are more effective and organized, but even so, they still feel a little strenuous. This is because Yunzhong City has rapidly developed into a mining city. The reason for using a city is that Yunzhong City has expanded several times and its population has rapidly increased by about 500,000. Such a number is rare in Zhao State. The crazy offensive actions of the people of Qin on the grassland quickly reduced Zhao’s foreign troubles. The main function of the city is no longer a defensive fortress. This is one of the reasons for stimulating population growth, but the main reason is the discovery of coal mines. With the Qin State's demand for coal mines. Zhao Guo also discovered a large number of high-quality coal mines. With the rapid growth of the raw coal export business, Yunzhong City has rapidly grown into another wealthy city second only to Handan in Zhao State, and the speed is much faster than Handan, because the raw coal business is very hot. It can be said that it is a huge profit.

"The coal mine business is like digging the soil. As long as you hold a shovel and dig some soil, you can make a lot of money." A Zhao Guo businessman described Zhao Guo's raw coal business in this way. In fact, Yunzhong County of Zhao State is rich in raw coal, and it is a very good high-quality coal. Even in Qin State, the coal in Guyuan area of ​​Qin State is raw coal with high sulfur content. This kind of coal is not as good as Zhao Guo Yunzhong County's high-quality coal in iron smelting and coking, and Qin can only rely on imports from Zhao. In the Yunzhong area of ​​Zhao State, because of the discovery of the value of such coal, the value is to make a lot of money, anyway, there are many. As a result, the country of Zhao went crazy for mining, and the people of Qin kept down the price through railway transportation, because the railway belonged to the people of Qin. In this way, the coal mine business quickly became popular.

With the rapid accumulation of Zhao Guoren's money, Yunzhong City quickly expanded. The number of people increased rapidly, mainly because the nearby villagers lost their land and became miners to carry out transportation tasks. There are also some rapidly wealthy people who built large mansions near the original Yunzhong City, so Yunzhong City was slowly expanded. Among them, they might as well build many large supermarkets and shopping malls based on the Qin State. It gradually expanded into a few main roads, and then became a street. The original Yunzhong City has become the core area of ​​the city, surrounded by surrounding buildings. And Zhao Jun surrounded such an extremely complex city. Instead of the original city.

Zhao Jun could not encircle if he wanted to encircle, because the city has many roads leading to the periphery of the city, and their military strength is very limited, they can not all line up, completely blockade the city, they can only block the main roads and build positions there. , Laying out barbed wire, erecting machine guns, and arranging the position of the cannon. Constructed into a tight firepower net, but now, they only have one infantry regiment. And their defense zone, because of the rapid expansion of the city, cannot be completely sealed off at all.

"Let them go," the lieutenant colonel said, looking at the lieutenant.

"Understood. Sir," the lieutenant saluted.

The lieutenant colonel smiled, and then left.

In the location of the eastern defense zone of the city, Zhao Jun is a slightly remote place. A platoon of a Zhao army is stationed here, and they are responsible for blocking a secondary arterial road.

"We only have this point and want us to block such a road. I think if I fire a few rounds, the rioting miners will shoot me to death with shovels." A corporal said while sitting in the trenches.

The others looked at the corporal and said.

"Sir, someone is coming towards us." A second-class soldier in charge of the guard whispered. He looked at each other nervously.

"Don't shoot." A second lieutenant stood up and entered his battle position. Then he picked up his binoculars to check the situation, what he saw was that several miners walking in groups carefully left Cloud City around the edge of the firepower net of the defensive position. They did not carry firepower weapons, only shovels and pickaxes were used as weapons. They look nervous. It doesn't seem to have any attack power.

"They came towards us. Did we shoot?" the second class asked nervously. In his opinion. They are about to launch an offense.

"Don't shoot." The ensign continued.

The corporal looked at those people impatiently.

"Call, let them go away." The ensign said at this time.

"What?" the second class asked puzzledly.

"Let them go away. Tell them there is a defensive position here, and let them leave from the surrounding area." The ensign said.

"This, okay," the private soldier said.

"Hey. Get out. Get out." The second class shouted loudly. The few people in the distance heard someone shout, and it was Zhao Jun, because the second-class soldier stretched out his body loudly and shouted.

"Leave around the edge of the position. Hurry up." The second class shouted loudly.

And the miners on their stomachs looked at the privates in surprise.

"Leave quickly, we won't shoot. Go away." The ensign leaped into the trench and shouted loudly at this time. Then he waved his hand and returned to the trench.

Those miners, look at me, I look at you, and then quietly left.

"Sir, why are we doing this?" the second class asked puzzledly.

"They are just civilians. There is no threat, can we shoot ourselves?" The corporal next to him gave the opponent a head and explained. The ensign nodded when he heard this.

The Zhao Jun grassroots officers have actually done this. They deliberately release water. They are soldiers, but they are also conscientious soldiers. They have very high military codes. After the state of Zhao was disarmed, the army of 100,000 people left behind all elites.

A squad of patrols patrols a southern defense zone. Because there are not many people, there are many loopholes and blind areas in Zhao Jun’s defense area. These blind areas need to be continuously dispatched to patrol and check, because of these. The existence of the blind zone can easily cause the opponent to attack himself from the flank. In order to prevent such an action from happening, Zhao Jun needs to send a large number of patrol teams to patrol and be alert to such a situation.

"Who?" a leader of the small group shouted loudly, and then raised his gun to aim.

"Come out. Otherwise I'll shoot." The sharp soldier shouted loudly.

"Don't shoot, we surrender." A miner shouted loudly. Then Zhao Jun's vanguard saw several miners raise their hands and stand up.

"Throw away the weapon and raise your hands. Stand still and don't move." The sharp soldier shouted loudly. The soldiers who followed up kept aiming and shooting.

"Come up with me and have a look." A lieutenant officer picked up his rifle, replaced it with a pistol and walked forward.

"Sir." A sergeant watched as the lieutenant walked forward unscrupulously to remind him to be careful.

The lieutenant didn't care at all.

"Raise your hands up. Come here." The lieutenant pointed at someone and walked over. Then the lieutenant began to search, and there was nothing in the miner's clothes.

"Don't kill me, I haven't eaten for many days. The price of food in the city is too high. We want to find something to eat. That's it." The miner said innocently.

"Let go. Go. Go there. There is no patrol over there. Go." After the lieutenant searched. Say so.

"Hurry up. Many of you have already walked away like this. Hurry up," the lieutenant said while looking at each other.

"This. Yes." The man smiled unnaturally. Then he ran away quickly.

"Come here." The lieutenant began to search another person at this time.

"What is this?" The lieutenant made a gold vessel from the next person, which looked very valuable.

And the man raised his hand and looked at the lieutenant nervously.

"Grab him," the lieutenant said, looking at each other.

"Let's go." A sergeant who followed immediately grabbed the opponent.

"Next," the lieutenant said at this time. The others looked at the lieutenant. Some people are willing to search, while others take the initiative to retreat, while the lieutenant looks at those people.

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