The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1452: What should come will come

"Fight." Zhao Min and Ya Ya fought into a battle. After all, the yamen do not have an advantage in the number of people. Their previous violent attitude has become the target of Zhao Min's revenge. Then was besieged. Under Zhao Min's frantic siege, many government officials were beaten into a coma.

In such a fierce conflict between the two sides, some government officials were beaten with no power to fight back, and some of them fled. For them, they did not want to be beaten to death by this group of violent people.

"Bang." The sound of a gunshot plunged the originally boiling scene into calm.

"Puff." A young man from Zhao country fell to the ground and still spouted blood from his wound.

"Fight." At this time, a member of the State of Zhao saw the Yamen shoot and kill. This violent struggle quickly escalated to a serious situation.

"Beat." At this time, the angry Zhao Guoren desperately surrounded the government officials, and desperately beat the opponent to death.

"Bang. Bang." Gunfire sounded sporadically. And some people saw the situation escalate and began to quickly leave this scene.

Handan Ling was leading more than one hundred Zhao Jun soldiers to rush here. Zhao Jun can only provide this person. Because they did not get the exact order, and what they were going to defend was the handan heavy land, the border situation was extremely unfavorable to the state of Zhao, and the Zhao army could not send heavy troops.

"Not good." Handan Ling heard the gunshots far away.

"Quickly. Something happened." Handan Ling shouted loudly. Then quickly speed up and move towards the direction of the prime minister's house.

"Go forward, go forward." A captain of the Zhao Jun military police shouted loudly.

"Wow." Zhao Jun's military police speeded up and ran to the prime minister's mansion quickly.

The situation of Zhao Min's encirclement and beating is getting worse. Some Zhao Min who killed the red eye even cut off the heads of the Yamen who were killed. The body was also severely mutilated, and the incident at this time had seriously escalated.

"Hold up. Hold on." Fu Cheng was beaten blind. His arm was seriously injured, and the blood continued to stay. Many people were killed by the Yamen who rushed in. Many government officials fell to the ground and never got up. Only the few remaining people formed a simple small square, barely supporting it.

"Hold up. Hold on." Fu Cheng shouted loudly.

"Not good. Military police. Zhao Jun military police are here." I don't know who shouted. Zhao Min only calmed down a bit.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." The Zhao Jun Gendarmerie swiftly stepped forward and fired a warning shot in the sky to disperse the crazy Zhao Min.

"Disperse, disperse." Zhao Jun gendarmerie shouted loudly.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." Zhao Jun Gendarmerie continued to fire warning shots.

Some Zhao Min saw Zhao Jun coming, they withdrew one after another, turned and left.

"Disperse." The Zhao Jun gendarmerie quickly adjusted its formation, mounted the bayonet on the rifle, pressed harder, divided, and dispelled the crazy Zhao Min.

Under the dispersal of the Zhao Jun gendarmerie team, Zhao Mincai slowly dispersed, and there were a lot of corpses left on the ground, including servants, civilians, various pieces of meat, and human organs. The scene was extremely intercepted.

"Oh." Seeing such a scene, Handan sighed in pain.

"This is a big deal." The military police captain said when he saw such a scene. There are at least fifty corpses in the venue. Seeing such a scene, the military police was still afraid of such a scene.

"This matter must be reported to the general as soon as possible, otherwise our situation will be difficult to handle." said the military police captain.

Subsequently, the military police immediately took measures to block all roads and adopt emergency alert measures. Handan Ling also reported the incident immediately, and Handan resumed its curfew.

At a later time. The military police officially entered Handan City and blocked all major arterial roads to prevent the situation from further expanding. Similarly, news of this kind reached Qin immediately. South Korea, and several neighboring countries.

"Zhao Guo's troubles will probably continue for a long time." Meng Yi said, looking at the content of the telegram.

"Then what shall we do?" The Minister of Economy said worriedly.

"Coal, our industry cannot sustain without coal. This is a big blow to us." The Minister of Economy said worriedly.

"En." Meng Yi said with a heavy expression. He didn't know what to do. At present, Qin Guo can't think of other ways to quickly restore coal production, because coal tycoons and bankers have joined forces to close down those small coal mines. Qin's small coal mines have stopped a lot. The reason is because the funds are broken. This is a good thing bankers do.

"If we don't have coal. Industry will suffer a serious decline. We have to be prepared for this." The Minister of Economy continued.

"I will take care of this matter." Meng Yi said, looking at the Minister of Economy.

"I really don't know why such a thing happened to us." Meng Yi said while looking at the other party.

"Okay. That's it." Meng Yi said with some exhaustion.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Princess, can we come to Korea like this?" Two ordinary people came to Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Okay, why not?" Yingyu said while looking at South Korea's Xinzheng Railway Station. After Yingyu talked to Han Shu on the phone, she decided to come to Korea. She didn't notify anyone, but came quietly and caught the opponent by surprise. However, Yingyu had to face a very important problem, and that was how to enter the Han Palace. Formal entry is definitely not acceptable. This is the question Yingyu thinks.

"That." Han Shu said hesitantly.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen said while looking at the other party.

"From just now until now, you've always been so worried." Shang Wen asked as he ate. Shang Wen looked at the newspaper by the way. Without any entertainment, he is naturally bored.

"Oh. Nothing?" Han Shu said with a stiff smile.

"Oh, isn't it?" Shang Wen said while looking at the other party.

"Know?" Shang Wen said after taking a sip of soup.

"You are not good at lying either." Shang Wen said while looking at each other.

"Your look is telling me." Shang Wen said at this time.

"You have something, and it's hard to decide on this matter. Right?" Shang Wen said while looking at the other party.

"En." Han Shu said stiffly.

"Your face is very stiff. This has revealed your mind. Speak out and have a look." Shang Wen said indifferently.

"Speak out, only by speaking out can you solve the problem." Shang Wen continued.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"Yingyu will come back to find you." Han Shu thought for a while, and finally decided to tell Shangwen the matter.

"Ahem." Shang Wen didn't expect such a news. At this time, it happened to have a sip of soup.

"This is my feeling. My feeling tells me that she will definitely come when she comes back." Han Shu looked at the desktop and said.

"What?" Shang Wen looked at each other in surprise and said.

"We used the phone before." Han Shu said at this time.

"She asked me about the song on the phone. As a result, I didn't know what was said. She felt that you were here. I only felt it later. This is a special feminine feeling." Han Shu Continue to say. Shang Wen looked at each other in surprise.

"I, I don't understand." Shang Wen asked inexplicably at this time.

"How did she know that I am here?" Shang Wen continued to ask.

"I have already explained. She learned about it from that song. And I don't know what I said. She felt it herself." Han Shu continued.

"Oh." Shang Wen didn't even know, Han Shu had already mentioned this problem before. Shangwen just didn't understand, why the other party was able to learn this sensitively from some small topics, which surprised him too much.

"What do you think?" Han Shu looked at Shang Wen and asked. Because she has been worried about this problem.

"En." Shang Wen seemed very calm at this time.

"Come on," Shang Wen said calmly.

"What?" Han Shu looked at each other in surprise and said.

"Come on. The problems that should be solved are solved." Shang Wen said calmly.

And Han Shu obviously did not expect Shang Wen to be so calm.

"Could it be that you?" Han Shu asked carefully. Because she is very curious. Shangwen did such an important thing herself, she wanted to know what he thought and how to solve this matter.

"Nothing?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"The one who should come and come back, let the flow go. There is nothing to worry about. There are some things that need to be explained. It needs to be understood. I did something wrong, I admit. I, I think to avoid responsibility, especially to women. Maybe at that time , I'm not mature yet. After all, I have experienced a lot less." Shang Wen continued.

"Since I am immature and evaded responsibility, I can only accept it calmly when facing what has happened. Face everything calmly. The past things and the responsibilities of evasion must be borne within a period of time in the future." Shang Wen Said.

"You know?" Shang Wen looked at Han Shu and said.

"Those you said to me. What you said is right, what you said is right. I admit my mistakes. A man should not escape responsibility, especially the responsibility of a woman. At this point, your educational significance to me It's huge." Shang Wen said while looking at Han Shu.

"For this, I thank you. Thank you very much. Let me know this. So, I have thought a lot. I have thought of many ways to apologize to Yingyu. Admit my mistake. I am willing to accept any punishment." Shang Wen said .

"That incident once made me panic, but now, I am calm. I decided to face it calmly. Let it be. Maybe this can solve the problem more effectively." Shang Wen continued.

"This is my opinion. It should come and will come." Shang Wen said after a bite of rice.

Han Shu looked at Shang Wen affectionately.

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