The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1470: A navy that accomplishes nothing

"Your luck is very good." Shang Wen said.

"Can catch up." Shang Wen continued. He is a little unnatural. Expressed with waving arms.

"I think you should stay by my side. I am going to Qi State now, following these South Korean military and other affairs delegations. They are going to Qi State to observe. Make some suggestions, or take some measures, etc." Shang Wen continued.

"I think following them, maybe there is some help. You can be my secretary. Then you can follow me. I can tell you some opinions." Shang Wen continued.

"Secretary?" Senior Sister looked at Shang Wen and asked at this time.

"Yes. That is, the people who are with me, who have to deal with some documents." Shang Wen continued.

"En. Okay." Senior sister reluctantly agreed at this time.

"Then, I should know your name. Because, it's impossible for me not to know the name of my secretary." Shang Wen asked at this time.

"En." Senior Sister looked at Shang Wen and said at this time.

"You call me Li." Senior sister said at this time.

"Li?" Shang Wen looked at each other in surprise.

"En." Senior sister nodded.

"So what's the last name?" Shang Wen asked curiously.

"I don't know, they all call me Mo Li." Senior Sister replied.

"En." Shang Wen nodded. Shang Wen vaguely felt that the other party's origin was a bit tortuous. I don't want to ask more.

"Okay. Li." Shang Wen tried to call the other party's name.

"You are very beautiful." Shang Wen said.

The senior sister didn't appreciate Shang Wen's praise at all.

"If you want to talk nonsense, I don't want to listen at all." Li still said coldly.

"Okay." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"I'm going to Qi State this time. I want to see what Qi State has become?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"For other countries, I have not been to them, and I don't know them very well. I just read the opinions about these countries from the report. But these opinions are those of others, not my own." Shang Wen said .

"I want to have some opinions of my own, so that I can take some measures based on Qin's situation." Shang Wen continued.

"Start a war?" Li asked at this time.

"No. It's not to start a war. The cost of starting a war is too high. My goal now has been reached." Shang Wen said.

"Qin has vast territories in the north, northwest, and southwest. The emergence of these territories disperses a lot of Qin's standing forces. If Qin unifies the six countries and launches a war of unification, it will reduce these. The local standing forces, but doing so will create a lot of emptiness in strategic defense. Qin must first consider its own security strategically." Shang Wen said.

"At this point of consideration. It is unlikely that Qin State will take the initiative to launch a big offensive. Although Qin State has developed very well in all aspects. However, the actual situation is not as good as you see." Shang Wen looked out the window. Said the scenery.

"Qin is strong on the surface, but actually fragile inside. This fragility comes from many aspects. It is not a single aspect. Qin has many problems that have not been resolved. I think it is unlikely that Qin will launch until these problems are resolved. A larger-scale war, in that case, will kill a lot of people. I personally do not want to take the initiative to develop the war, launching a war, there must be war moral guilt. Such guilt should not be held by Qin State." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En. That's why you didn't take the initiative to attack the Six Nations when you were in office?" Li asked at this time.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"Maybe, maybe not." Shang Wen said ambiguously.

"I don't want to use war to solve all the problems. This is very detrimental to the Qin State." Shang Wen said.

"It's also bad for everyone. But my feeling is that the final problem is still war to solve the problem. Maybe the number of deaths at that time seems to be relatively large. But I think this is good for everyone." Shang Wen Time said.

"Know?" Shang Wen said.

"I feel that I am now compromising. I am constantly making compromises. For some things, I don’t think we should solve them prematurely. Instead, I have adopted a procrastination strategy. I don’t know if it’s right, but I think it’s only It can be solved like this." Shang Wen continued.

"En." Li looked at Shang Wen, he didn't know what Shang Wen was talking about. Some things she can understand, but some things she doesn't understand. do not know why.

"What about Qi Guo's problem?" Li asked at this time.

"I think. Qi's problem has now become the result of a game of multiple countries." Shangwen said at this time.

"And there is already such a trend. South Korea's interests are involved, and Qin's interests are also involved." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Even Wei Guo is prepared to be involved, because there is a road transportation problem. Moreover, Qi itself does not have much national power to support this war, and they rely solely on foreign materials to support it. Chu State will be able to support it for some time. , But after a period of time, they will choose other methods to try to solve. Because they are using traditional methods to fight a war that can not be won by traditional methods." Shang Wen said.

"The current problems are still solved diplomatically. But don't worry, I think the future tone is peace. Qin is unable to launch war. It is necessary to seek considerable benefits in a peaceful environment." Shang Wen said.

"En." Li looked at Shang Wen. Because she didn't understand what Shang Wen was talking about.

Changsha in the southern state of Chu.

"General, what about the local chiefs and nobles?" At this time, a young Chu State Navy officer asked.

"It's best to kill them all." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"This." The Chu State Navy Officer was a little surprised.

"Here." However, he soon understood the meaning. Promise to arrive immediately. Then he bowed his hand, turned and left. If Xiang Yan wants to occupy Changsha, it is impossible to keep these original local officials and nobles. This is their power, and only they don't exist anymore. Only Xiang Yan can stand.

"General Hershey." Xiang Yan was very busy, because the army occupied Changsha and easily occupied Changsha, which allowed him to proceed with the next step. Establish a sound and detailed taxation system.

"En. Don't congratulate, there are still many things to do." Xiang Yan said busy at this time.

"En." said the representative of Qin State Bank.

"Yes, you should have let the warships of the Qin State Navy leave here. The matter is over. You should leave too." Xiang Yan said with ease on the surface. In fact, he was very worried about this matter in his heart. If the Qin State Navy warship did not leave for a day, he became more and more worried.

"I'll talk about this, they won't leave without a clear order," the bank representative continued.

"The next most important thing for us is to carry out some important taxation reforms. The military expenditures of the Chu State Navy cannot always rely on bank loans. We must take necessary measures to reform taxation." Banking representatives are very worried. Said.

"En. What do you plan to do?" Xiang Yan asked.

"According to Qin’s taxation system, establish its own taxation method, and the tax rate should be unified, effective, and determined with clear legal provisions. It is not only our family to determine, but to convene more tax collection objects. Negotiate and formulate a fair legal provision to proceed." said the bank representative.

"I think this tax rate must be low at the beginning, and there is a certain time limit. Only in this way, the Chu State Navy can have its own financial income." said the bank representative.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded at this time.

"It's not just that." The bank representative continued.

"Taxes are actually the fiscal revenues of the Chu State naval forces. In terms of expenditures, there are also certain reasonable expenditures. For example, they cannot be used entirely for army building. They must be invested in the most basic construction. For example, ports, wharfs, and large Loading and unloading equipment, as well as the establishment of cities, etc." said the bank representative.

"These things need to be fully considered. Only in this way can the repayment requirements be effectively fulfilled." Qin State Bank representative said at this time.

"En. Just do what you want." Xiang Yan readily accepted the request of the representative of Qin State Bank at this time. He knew that Qin people had a great say in such a matter, and he was not good at it. To manage these affairs, and the people of Qin have their own management system, such an effective set of management system is helpful to the people of Qin, so it is also very helpful to themselves. After figuring out such a thing. Xiang Yan was also very relieved of the people of Qin. And there is great trust.

"Well, let's change the registration management system first." At this time, the representative of Qin State Bank said.

"The representative is solely responsible." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Thank you General," said the bank representative.

On the battleship Qin State Endeavour.

"Chu's navy occupied Changsha city, and we estimate that we are about to go back. A shot was not fired, but just walking back and forth. This is the Qin State Navy." A navy captain looked at the city of Changsha as Chu fluttered. The National Water Army ensign said.

"Originally, we could join the war and fire a few shots at the defenders, but now we have to return. Nothing has been done." said Captain Qin State Navy.

"A navy sailing without success. We should be pirates. It is much better than being a navy." said a naval officer who was listening.

The fact that the Qing navy achieved nothing has disappointed many naval officers, and they have no hope for the navy. Because this is what the Navy does.

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