The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1501: This may provoke a war

"Yes, Qin will not fight anymore." Meng Yi said, looking at everyone. All those present were quiet. They looked at Meng Yi in disbelief, did Qin Guozheng stop fighting?

Western Qi State. The new Korean army camp where Shang Wen is located.

"Bang. Bang." The gunshot sounded loudly.

"Go back. Go back quickly." The colonel shouted to Shang Wen with a rifle.

"I just took a look." Shang Wen shouted loudly at this time.

"It's too dangerous here." The colonel shouted to Shang Wen.

"Boom." A cannon sounded. The artillery of the new South Korean army made a huge roar.

"Bang." The colonel kept firing at this time.

"I see." Shang Wen lowered his body and walked around the fortifications.

"Flare. Hit more." the colonel shouted loudly. Randomly, the flares quickly fly into the sky. The flares illuminate the entire night sky. At this time, Shang Wen quietly stretched out and wore a big iron pot, watching the Chu Army attack.

Although the Chu army were all infantry, their offensive tactics worked very well.

After the Chu army surrounded the camp. When night fell, they took the opportunity to launch a night attack on the camp of the new Korean army. However, the new South Korean army, which was on high alert, immediately noticed the actions of the other side. The new South Korean army immediately took measures, which is to put on a lot of flares, with the help of flares. The new South Korean army quickly discovered the opponent's offensive arrangements.

"Here. Transfer one row to me." The colonel shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang. Bang." The Korean New Army soldiers kept shooting. Bullets were fired, shooting the Chu army soldiers who were trying to cross at a distance. The Chu Army soldiers went smoothly in the initial offensive, but when they approached the camp, they ran into a lot of trouble. The barbed wire made them move slowly, and many Chu soldiers were caught by the barbs of the barbed wire.

"What is this?" The clothes of the soldiers of the Chu Army who charged in the front were hung by barbed wire. Many soldiers were unable to move. They managed to remove one corner of their clothes, and the other corner was caught by another section. Up. As a result, the soldiers of the Chu army could hardly move. Many people couldn't move after hanging, thinking that they were scarred by the inside barbed stick.

"Puff." "Ah." A soldier screamed, then hung on the wire fence.

"Puff puff." Then another soldier was hit. Many soldiers of the Chu army hung on the wire fence. They could not move and became very few shooting targets. Such shooting made them feel very terrified.

"Bang. Bang." The new South Korean soldiers took aim and fired calmly. More and more soldiers of the Chu Army stopped on the barbed wire fence when they attacked, and then they were continuously hit by flying bullets. When they were dying, they were all hung on the wire fence.

"Stepping on their bodies and rushing over." The Chu army officer who was in a hurry shouted loudly at this time. The Chu soldiers stepped on their own bodies helplessly and rushed over, but the people in the past became more stepping stones against the barbed wire.

"Quickly, push the machine gun over. Shoot them." A captain commanded loudly at this time. Shang Wen was in the fortifications, with his hand against the big iron pan, watching the revolver pushing over. An artillery mount is installed under this machine gun, which makes it very convenient to move. However, Shang Wen glanced at the machine gun, and it was obvious that it was imported from Qin State. This type of machine gun is still an old-fashioned one, which uses a magazine for ammunition.

The magazines Qin used later were all fed with mixed linen. Judging from the way of supplying ammunition, this should be an old-fashioned machine gun retired by the Qin army.

And Qin Jun is also willing to do this kind of used weapons export business, which is usually one of the best ways to save military expenditures, and many services do this. For example, the Qin Army exported a large amount of its stock valve rifles to Zhao Jun, Qi Jun, and Yan Jun. Let these rifles work again, and Qin Jun himself is equipped with a rear-pull rotary rifle, or a rifle with a magazine. They themselves eliminated such backward weapons.

It is estimated that this machine gun was retired by the Qin Army. After retiring, after good maintenance, in order to replace the new machine guns, they sold these weapons to the new South Korean army. Because the new South Korean army is also engaged in military reforms, their army size is very limited, and military expenditures are relatively large, so they imported these advanced weapons from Qin. In addition to water-cooled machine guns, this type of machine gun is generally allocated to elite troops. For example, the elite garrisons guarding the Han Palace are equipped with such machine guns. However, some other troops cannot have such weapons because they are equipped with such machine guns. Weapons cost a lot of money.

And such revolver guns were equipped with such troops at this time. Most of their opponents were defensive troops, and they seemed insufficient to attack them, and such machine guns were sufficient for them.

"Papa. Papa." Just when Shangwen inferred the origin of this machine gun. Soldiers of the Korean New Army have set up machine guns and began to shoot continuously.

"Papa. Papa." The bullet started shooting rhythmically. The muzzle shot out bullets continuously.


"Ah." The Chu Army soldier who was hit wailed. Screams.

"Ah. My arm." A Chu Army soldier's arm was interrupted. He himself cried out in pain.

"Puff puff." Then the bullet hit more Chu Army soldiers. Many Chu Jun were killed before they could struggle.

"Puff." A Chu army soldier broke free from the barbed wire. He struggled hard, his clothes were scratched in many places, and there were many blood marks on his arms. He desperately wants to leave here.

"Puff." But the bullet still hit them. Continuous shooting of machine guns. The Chu army's dense assault formation was very affected.

"Puff." A flare flew into the sky at this time. The Chu army on the offensive was illuminated. There is no night here. The Chu army trying to launch a night attack was photographed.

"Bang Bang." The sound of shooting kept coming, with the help of flares and perfect fortifications. The Chu army's infantry offensive was fully contained.

Especially with the help of machine guns, the Chu army's offensive was completely defeated. Many soldiers of the Chu army quickly retreated after being shot by machine guns, even though the Chu army had a numerical advantage.

Shang Wen himself also saw the densely packed Chu Army soldiers rushing over with the help of the flares. Then they were repeatedly hit, fell to the ground and died.

"Retreat. Retreat." A veteran of the Chu Army shouted loudly under his weight.

"Woo." The Chu Army soldiers launched an offensive in vain, and were repelled by more than 300 people from the new South Korean army.

"Retreat. Retreat quickly." The Chu Army soldier shouted.

"Swish." A flare rose again. With the help of flares, Shang Wen held a telescope to check the situation on the land.

Chu Jun left a large number of corpses. Many corpses were gathered on the section of barbed wire. The role of barbed wire is very strong. This directly prevented the Chu army from attacking.

"Huh." Shang Wen looked at the Chu Army soldiers who were retreating. At this time, he breathed out a little relaxedly.

"Papa." The machine gun was still firing continuously at this time.

"Stop shooting. Stop shooting." A new South Korean army officer shouted loudly.

"Pop." After the machine gun shot the last bullet. The whole battlefield suddenly became quiet.

"Strengthen vigilance, and the rest, seize the time to rest." The South Korean new army officer shouted loudly. Immediately, the soldiers who had just finished fighting began to leave their combat positions, and then returned to their original positions to rest. Some wounded and dead soldiers were also carried down. The officer began to inspect the statistics.

"The battle is over." Mo Li lowered her body and walked over and asked at this time.

"Yes." Shang Wen felt that his back was wet.

"This battle is beneficial to the new South Korean army. They can defend. Ours is not in danger for the time being." Shang Wen said to Mo Li at this time.

"En. But we can't do without here." Mo Li said.

"Yes. The Chu army is going to encircle, and it is estimated that they will not launch an offensive for the time being. I think a lot of people have died, and the Chu army has suffered a bit more loss." Shang Wen said.

"They are powerless to attack." Shang Wen continued.

"Let's take a break, we look for opportunities, and then retreat." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En." Mo Li looked at Shang Wen.

"How to leave this situation?" Shang Wen looked at the position worriedly. The Chu army had an advantage in numbers. They attacked the new South Korean army to no avail, but it was still possible to encircle the new South Korean army.

"Sir, what should we do?" asked a captain of the new South Korean army.

"The Chu army's offensive is a declaration of war on South Korea. Report this matter to Xinzheng immediately," the colonel said.

"Since the Chu army is attacking us, we must let them know how good we are." The colonel said as he looked at the retreating Chu Jun.

Xinzheng. The staff of the Korean New Army.

"The latest telegram. The Chu army attacked our army's temporary camp in the western part of Qi." A major officer hurriedly handed it to a major general officer.

"Oh. Is there a fight?" the major general asked.

"Happened. Sir," the major continued.

"En. This may provoke a war." The major general said while looking at the telegram.

"In short, this matter is not something we can decide." The major general said while looking at the telegram.

"I will report this matter to the general. Let him handle it." The major general said.

"Go down." The major general looked at the telegram. Waved his hand.

"Yes. Sir." The major nodded as he looked at the major general.

Then leave here quickly. The major general stared at the telegram.

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