The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1533: The Qi State question raised

"Are they retreating?" Yingyu asked Shishi.

"No, they think we are lying to them." Stone replied.

"Sir, let's retreat. Leave them alone. These people are just looking for death. They don't even send scouts to fight. They deserve to be sent to death." Shishi said.

"The problem is not this. You are all Qi people, and Qi people should be together to defeat the Chu army. If you can't be together, then you will be scattered and scattered. In that case, you won't defeat the Chu army at all." Ying Yu Said.

"En." Stone nodded at this time.

"What shall we do?" Stone asked again.

"Watching your people rout, then we took the opportunity to launch an offensive. After two rounds of shooting, quickly out of the battle, we will collect our own troops on our own." Yingyu said.

And the attendant on the side was very worried at this time.

"Head, gunshots." A Chu Army soldier said when he heard the gunshot not far away.

"Everyone, go forward." After receiving such a report, the Chu army officer quickly ordered to go forward.

"Quickly, rush over." The Chu army officer drew his pistol and ordered. The officers of the Chu Army used daggers and pistols. The long spears were usually used by other soldiers. Compared with the short spears, the long spears carried more weight than short spears. The officers used short guns more often to solve the battle.

"Fight. Hurry up." The officer issued an order. "Wow." The Chu Army soldiers behind picked up their rifles and quickly rushed over. Their task is to eliminate these Qi people and harass the Qi people on their logistics supply line.

"We are rich." The Qi people who attacked only noticed their spoils at this time.

"Hahaha. Eat it." At this time, the people of Qi quickly opened the dry food bag and robbed the Chu Army food they saw.

"My lord. That's not right." A thin Qi countryman walked over with his hands free and said. And the bearded Qi countryman was eating the food captured by Chu Jun in his mouth.

"The next few cars are all sand." The thin Qi Guoren said in a low voice.

"what did you say?"? Heard such a news. The bearded man suddenly became anxious.

"What are you saying again?" The beard asked anxiously.

"Sand. It's sand." The thin man said anxiously.

"How is it possible? How could these Chu soldiers eat sand." The beard said comfortingly at this time.

"This is not good." The thin man said anxiously.

"Maybe, this is really Chu Jun's ambush." ​​The thin man said worriedly.

"Don't talk nonsense." The beard waved his hand. Beard himself didn't believe it was true.

"Charge." At this moment, the Chu Army soldiers following behind had already appeared not far from them.

"Chu, Chu Jun." A member of Qi State left the food in his hand and exclaimed excitedly.

"Run." The Qi countryman turned anxiously and fell to the ground. For them, the most disastrous place of the war began.

"Bang. Bang." Sporadic gunshots sounded at this time. The soldiers of the Chu army were already close to the people of Qi at this time.

"Run." The Qi people discarded their spoils and began to flee. But it was too late. Chu Jun had already pursued it.

"Shoot." The Chu army officer shouted loudly, brandishing his pistol.

"Bang bang bang bang." The Chu Army soldiers raised their guns in a salvo.

"Ah. Poof." The Qi people who escaped were shot in the back and fell to the ground, and many of them were knocked down.

"Charge." The Chu army officer waved his arm at this time, indicating that the Chu army soldiers continued to pursue fiercely. After talking about shooting, the remaining battle could only rely on the bayonet.

"Puff." A Chu army soldier who had been escaping much slower was pursued at this time. The Chu army soldier assassinated the escaping Qi nationality with a bayonet in his hand.

"Ah." Qi Guoren let out a scream. Then fell feebly.

"Kill." Chu army soldiers charged.

"Boom." The stone saw that his man was killed by the Chu army in the ambush. Hit the ground fiercely with his fist.

"Hold it down." Ying Yu watched as Chu Jun kept rushing into their ambush shooting circle.

"Charge." The soldiers of the Chu Army were armed with their bayonet rifles and attacked the Qi people in a skirmish formation, and the Qi people had nothing but to escape. They can only do this.

"Aim." Yingyu gave an order.

"Click." Qi Guoren took the flintlock in his hand and opened the fire door, aiming.

"Shoot." Yingyu quickly issued an order.

"Bang bang bang bang." Yingyu's men quickly shot.

"Ah." The soldiers from the Chu Army who rushed to the front were caught off guard. Many people were hit by flying bullets before they knew what happened, and then fell to the ground. Many people have no way of knowing what happened.

"Ah." Officer Chu Jun was also hit by a bullet in his left arm. Many people were beaten up.

"Shoot." Yingyu gave the shooting order again.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang Bang." The second round of shooting quickly unfolded. Another row of Chu Army soldiers was hit.

"Run." Ying Yu saw that the Chu Army soldier was hit by a sudden shot. The order to retreat was immediately issued.

"Run." Yingyu pulled up the stone, then shouted loudly, then immediately turned and fled.

"Run." The others yelled loudly and ran away. The rest can't care about anything. But Chu Jun was completely defeated at this time. They originally thought that they were only chasing a mob, but what they didn't expect was that the other party would still have a hand. When they were chasing, they would ambush and beat them. In one fell swoop, they completely defeated the chasing Chu army. Up. Many Chu troops didn't even know what happened, they just knew that another wave of Qi people gave them a severe blow.

"Run." Yingyu shouted loudly, letting his people leave the war zone as soon as possible. Fortunately, Chu Jun was completely defeated. Yingyu's sudden blow completely disrupted Chu Jun's pursuit plan. And such a blow also gave Yingyu a chance to retreat calmly.

"Prime Minister, our Qi State can no longer support it. If this continues, the State Council of Qi will be destroyed by the State of Chu." Tian Heng looked at Meng Yi and said.

However, Meng Yi did not have any good solutions to the issue of the country. In Meng Yi's plan, the issue of Qi is the last issue. This last issue needs to be resolved after other issues are resolved before the Qi state issue can be finally resolved. However, the Qi state problem cannot be delayed with time, especially since Tian Heng of Qi state is constantly looking for Meng Yi. Meng Yi really has no way to delay the Qi state problem.

"The Qi state issue still cannot be completely resolved. This is not an aid issue." Meng Yi interrupted Tian Heng.

"Qi has no problems with aid, but why do we need to assist Qi and what methods should be used. You must know that transporting supplies from South Korea through Wei and Qi will consume a lot of money. The road conditions are very bad, and the cost of transportation is much higher than the material itself.” Meng Yi continued.

"The current fiscal revenues of all countries are not good. No country has taken the initiative to help Qi under such circumstances. Think about the situation that any country wants to avoid. How can it be possible to help Qi at once." Meng Yi said.

"Therefore, the main problem at present is to solve the fiscal revenue problem of various countries. Only when this problem is solved can the problem of Qi country be brought up." Meng Yi continued.

However, Tian Heng had nothing to say after hearing Meng Yi's explanation, and the most important Qi State issue turned out to be the last one to be resolved. And what I want to solve most is the fiscal revenue problem of each country.

Meng Yi has held several small cabinet meetings. The result of their many discussions is that the Qi state issue is ranked last, and the most important thing is to solve the fiscal revenue problem of various countries.

South Korea’s fiscal revenue problem is not very serious, and Qin also has a relatively serious fiscal revenue and expenditure balance problem. Qin borrows a lot. If this continues, it will seriously affect Qin’s credibility. If you continue to increase debt If the quantity is not reduced in a planned way, it will cause a debt backlog. The next government will not only have serious fiscal revenue problems, but also a large amount of debt to be repaid. This caused the Qin government's financial crisis. This is predictable. This is undoubtedly a sharp sword hanging in Qin's credibility.

Compared with other countries, the problems of Zhao State and Yan State are extremely serious. Zhao State has caused excessive taxation due to fiscal revenue, and the problem of excessive and unbalanced taxation then caused a deep backlog of social problems in Zhao State. The social problems caused the turbulent situation in Zhao country, and this situation continued to ferment, affecting the Qin country, and in turn, it would cause a series of social problems.

Therefore, solving the financial problems of various countries is the key at present. As for the country of Yan, it can also be regarded as a problem of marginalization. The problem of Yan Kingdom is because it is in the north. In addition, its national strength and economic level are far inferior to the countries of Zhao and South Korea, which are close to Qin. Therefore, the problem of Yan State appears to be marginalized.

"Qi's problems can only be solved after these problems are solved, of course." Meng Yi felt that this would be disadvantageous to Qi's country. Therefore, Meng Yi believed that some reassurance should be given.

"The Qi problem will be resolved as soon as possible. After solving the financial problems, all countries will have attention and pay attention to Qi. The railway will be built directly to Linzi in Qi, or even to the seaside of Qi. As long as Qi is willing. Then there are roads. . Then, a large amount of materials will be transported along this line of communication to Qi, reinforcements, materials, and more weapons, equipment, etc. As long as the previous complex problem is solved, it can be Solve the Qi State problem." Meng Yi said, looking at Tian Heng.

"This is a complicated economic issue. After the end of the war, Qi will quickly restore the economy." Meng Yi said while looking at Tian Heng. In fact, Qi must be valuable in order to solve the problems of Qi.

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