"Aim." Yingyu pulled the pistol's hammer.

The others also opened the fire door gingerly.

"Bang bang bang bang." At this moment. The second row of muskets in the back position immediately opened fire. A burst of lightning and thunder shot. The Chu army and the transporters who were transporting supplies fell a lot at once. The cows were also frightened. The convoy suddenly panicked.

"Shoot." Yingyu who got the signal immediately ordered loudly.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." After receiving the order, the row also fired quickly. There was a burst of lightning and thunder, and the flying bullets continuously hit the Chu Army soldiers and transport personnel who thought the inner and rear groups were under attack.

These two rounds of shooting suddenly disrupted the position of Chu Army.

"Boom. Boom." Then immediately. There was a huge explosion from the rear team. Some soldiers in the hidden second row threw some explosive packets at the Chu army in the rear.

"Ah." Chu Jun, who was injured by the dynamite bag thrown over, let out screams.

"Kill." After the explosion, the guerrillas immediately launched an attack. With their bayonet muskets, they rushed directly into the chaotic team of the Chu army.

Some people in the second row rushed past with machetes, shovels, and bayonet rifles. The offensive from the beginning to the end caused the Chu army to suddenly become confused.

"Run." The Chu army that was attacked had already suffered a severe blow right away. The Chu army transporting logistical materials was originally a third-rate unit. They would immediately collapse when they encountered a little attack. Such an attack itself has already Chu Jun couldn't beat him.

"Run quickly. The Qi people have come here." A Chu army officer drew like a man and ran away quickly in the direction where there were no Qi people in the middle.

"Don't kill me. Ah." A Chu countryman was hiding beside the bullock cart. The bullock cart may be owned by the family, in order to protect their own property. They had to risk staying in place.

But for the sake of hatred, the people of Qi can't take care of this. They kill the people of Chu when they see it. Some Qi people have hatred to the extreme. Seeing those unarmed Chu people, immediately waved the machete in their hands and slashed towards the opponent's neck.

"Boom." A head fell to the ground.

"Run." Chu people ran away desperately, while some Qi people kept killing those Chu people who were unarmed and transporting supplies.

"Don't love the battle. One row continues to pursue. Don't go too deep. The second row stays and transports all the supplies away. Quickly." Yingyu stopped and shouted at this time. Yingyu is very clear that after receiving such benefits, the Qi people should take the initiative to retreat at this time, because only in this way can they keep the fruits of victory. This battle is very important to them. Because this is the first battle after the formation of the guerrillas, if they cannot get logistical supplies, the guerrillas will be in desperation.

"Hurry up." Yingyu shouted loudly at this time.

"Quickly. Follow me in a row." Shishi took the lead in chasing Chu Jun. Stay in the second row. However, most of the people of Qi were poisonous to those of Chu, and they continued to kill those of Chu.

"Stop it all." Yingyu shouted loudly at the second row of men's slaughter.

"Bang Bang." Yingyu raised the pistol in her hand and fired twice, because she felt very angry.

"I want you to stop." Yingyu shouted angrily. A man of Qi had already brandished a machete to chop off the head of a man of Chu.

"Stop it. Be my subordinate, just other people will kill people. They are all innocent people, and they have their own lives." Yingyu shouted loudly.

"But they are all Chu people, they are the Chu people who killed our family." Qi people who are very vindictive shouted one after another.

"But you are also soldiers. Obey your discipline. Also, they are Chu people, but they are all ordinary people. They are all innocent. They are not soldiers. If you want to kill, you must kill those Chu troops. What is it to kill these people? Skill." Ying Yu scolded angrily.

"Stop it all," Yingyu shouted loudly.

"Release those people to me." Yingyu shouted loudly.

"Thank you for your mercy. Thank you for your mercy." Those Chu people were very grateful to Yingyu for saluting at this time.

"Hurry up. Hurry up." Yingyu shouted loudly.

"Oh. Oh. Hurry up." The Chu people who were lucky enough to get their lives left the battlefield one after another, and they had to abandon their bullock carts.

"This." The other Qi people felt annoyed at this time. Because they will have to let go of their enemies. This is a very unacceptable thing for them.

"Let them go." Yingyu shouted loudly.

"Don't talk nonsense, let those people go, we are fighting Chu army, not Chu countryman." Ying Yu said loudly. In Yingyu's view, war is an army-to-military matter, and the people should not be involved. The people are innocent, and they themselves are the victims of the war.

"Hey." Some Qi people watched Chu people leave the battlefield angrily.

"Don't sigh. Hurry up and take all these supplies. If Chu Jun follows up, it won't be easy." Ying Yu shouted loudly.

"Hurry up." Yingyu shouted loudly.

In desperation, the Qi people got up one after another and took away all the materials they got.

"Don't be greedy, first put some weapons, gunpowder, and grain. Transport to the big pit over there and bury it." When Yingyu was in ambush, she had already chosen a location. It can be said that she had planned everything from the beginning.

She is very clear. With this little manpower in hand, it is simply not enough. To carry so many materials, even with a manned ox cart, such a large team can't go far before they will be discovered by Chu Jun. This road is the main road of the Chu army, and the reinforcements of the Chu army will soon discover it.

The materials they laid down couldn't get much at all, and the Chu army would quickly reinforce them. In this way, they would have to abandon these materials, but the combat troops holding the materials would not be able to leave the battlefield very far. And he himself is a guerrilla warfare in nature, and he needs such a batch of materials, which are very precious to them. Without this material, their war would not be able to go on.

I thought about it. Yingyu thought of a good idea, which is to sort these materials on the spot, bury them, and then their own personnel escorted or carried the excess materials. What can't be taken away can be burned on the spot. In this way, the Chu army could not check their supplies, and they could retreat calmly. After retreating, after avoiding the Chu army's limelight, they could come back and get it. This is a very good idea. After thinking of this, Yingyu succeeded in ambush. Immediately, only personnel will transport these materials to the large pit found in advance for burial.

But a row of people drove the Chu army away.

"Hurry up. Hurry up. If Chu people come up, it won't be easy." Yingyu urged and helped. After all, there are few people in Qi, and they can't get more than a hundred carts of materials.

"Sir, we can't get these supplies at all?" a Qi countryman asked worriedly.

"Who asked you to take it all. If you can't take it, burn it on the spot. If you can take it, take it away as soon as possible. We can only stay for half an hour at most." Yingyu ordered.

"These are all burned?" The Qi countryman looked at Yingyu in surprise.

"What a pity these are." Qi Guoren said.

"Unfortunately, if you give it to Chu Jun again, Chu Jun can beat you back. Do you know?" Ying Yu said.

"Quickly. Hurry up. Stop talking nonsense." Yingyu said, letting people drive the bullock cart away. Some grain, Yingyu ignited on the spot.

"Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and light it up. Burn it." Yingyu ordered loudly.

"Oh." The people of Qi nodded helplessly. They felt it was a pity. Because of such good materials, they were ignited and burned. Many people in Qi are still unable to eat.

Just when Yingyu cleaned up the battlefield. The third row encountered the situation they least wanted to see.

"The platoon leader, the platoon leader, it's not good." At this moment, a three-row soldier ran over empty-handed and shouted loudly.

"What's the matter?" the old farmer asked worriedly.

"Chu army, we saw a group of Chu army coming here." said the empty-handed soldier.

"What?" the old farmer asked in surprise.

"How many of them are there?" the old farmer then asked.

"A lot. There are hundreds of people anyway. No, there are thousands of people. Anyway, I can't count them." The soldier reported.

"Broken." What the old farmer worried about still happened.

"Sir, look quickly, there is smoke over there." At this time, a soldier pointed to the smoke rising from behind.

"It's our people, they succeeded. It is estimated that they will have a little more time, and no one has come to talk about the situation now." The old farmer looked at the position of the dense smoke and said.

"Brothers. Our task is to hold the reinforcements of the Chu army. As I said, we can't let them pass if we die. Now they are coming. We should hold them back. Buy time for our brothers." The old farmer said.

"But," some soldiers said, stretching out their hands.

"I know. But that's how we are, and we have to fight. Fight to the last person." The old farmer said.

"If you don't want to stay, I won't force it." The old farmer looked at everyone.

"We are not afraid, anyway, our family members died in the hands of Chu people, and we fought with them today." A Qi countryman said.

"Good," the old farmer said.

"We're fighting too." The other people who were fighting high stepped up and said.

"Good. Good." The old farmer nodded looking at everyone.

In this way, this group of Qi guerrillas stayed in this way, planning to use their lives to block the advancement of the Chu army.

"No, there is heavy smoke ahead, and our convoy is in trouble." A Chu army soldier reported.

"Hurry up, go forward, hurry up." A Chu army officer shouted loudly. After seeing the message of heavy smoke, he issued an order.

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