The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1561: King, the stock has fallen again

"How many bank stocks do we have?" Li Wen asked his broker in his trading room.

"There are eight types of bank stocks, and we hold about 8,000 shares of four types of bank stocks." The stockbroker said.

"This number is already quite large." The stockbroker said worriedly.

"Yes, I know this." Li Wen pushed his glasses and said.

"Huh." Li Wen exhaled at this time.

"I decided to sell all the stocks in my hands. Turn to short. Let's start now. Regardless of the price." Li Wen said at this time.

"What?" The stockbroker was taken aback. Li Wen's approach directly shocked the other party.

"Why?" the stockbroker asked tremblingly. Because the number of stocks is not average. When such a large amount of stocks are directly put on the market, the entire banking sector will rapidly fall to an alarming level, and bank stocks occupy a considerable proportion of the entire market. The stockbroker knew at once what would happen tomorrow. Such drastic suppression will cause many stocks to collapse and fall.

"Don't ask me why, go ahead. Go ahead." Li Wen said while looking at the other party.

"Good. Good... Mr. Li Wen." The stockbroker said in a trembling voice.

The next day, the stock market was booming. Everyone is buying. A large number of buying orders flooded into the stock exchange market.

"You see, the steel stocks are all up. This is definitely a signal." A speculator in the court whispered.

"Oh my God. It's thirty-two gold. If I don't buy in, my funds will not be enough." Another old man said anxiously at this time.

With that said, some people picked up the transaction slip in their hands, filled in the numbers quickly, and ran to the transaction slip window.

And Li Wen was walking back and forth in his trading room at this time.

"The stock we shorted has now caused a loss of 10,000 gold. Do you need to stop the loss? Sir." A writer in charge of copying said with some worry.

"Do your job well. Otherwise I will quit you." Li Wen said calmly.

The writer spit out his tongue at this time. Li Wen was sweating profusely at the rapidly changing numbers on the blackboard. Bank stocks are all rising, followed by steel stocks, followed by trading and agricultural stocks. The rise of these stocks means that Li Wen suffered heavy losses because he is already standing in the other direction of the market and is short.

Li Wen's hands kept shaking. He couldn't control his shaking hands.

"Boom." A speculator friend rushed in at this time.

"My goodness. Li Wen. Think of a way. If you go up like this, I have to jump from the highest building." The speculator friend shouted loudly at this time.

"Get out." Li Wen shouted angrily with this hand.

"Damn, you interrupted my judgment." Li Wen shouted loudly at this time.

The speculator quieted down at this time and didn't know what to do.

"Get out." Li Wen shouted angrily, because such an intrusion directly caused him to interrupt his thoughts.

"Okay, I'll go out, you will jump from here sooner or later." The other party shouted angrily at this time. Then the other party left here. And Li Wen was extremely angry. He felt his head hurt very much.

"Give me a cup of tea." Li Wen said painfully while sitting in a chair.

"Okay." Everyone looked at Li Wen cautiously, because when the market needed to judge an important direction. Li Wen usually doesn't like others to disturb him, what he likes is a quiet environment. In such a quiet environment, a needle can be heard falling.

"Sir. Your tea." A waiter walked up and said cautiously at this time.

"Let it go." Li Wen watched the numbers on the blackboard change.

"Damn it." Li Wen cursed, because these numbers are constantly rising. Every point that goes up means that his loss will increase a lot.

"How much do we have to lose?" Li Wen said after looking at the blackboard.

"It's already thirty thousand gold." The assistant on the side said helplessly.

"En. Wait and see." Li Wen looked at the assistant and said. The loss of thirty thousand gold is nothing.

"Things will turn around." Li Wen said to himself, looking at the numbers on the blackboard. The assistant on the side looked at Li Wen. Li Wen's back was soaked. Although spring has come. However, the weather is not hot enough to sweat. Li Wen kept shaking his hands and watched the numbers on the blackboard change.

"One hundred thousand gold." An hour later. The assistant reported Lee Wen's loss.

After midday, the stock market opened again.

"Two hundred thousand gold." In just fifteen minutes. Li Wen's loss suddenly doubled. Li Wen's face was pale, and his hands kept shaking. He fixed his eyes on the numbers on the blackboard.

All the people present are cautiously engaged in their own affairs. Especially those writers are careful to transcribe numbers quickly.

The assistant on the side looked at Li Wen worriedly.

"The numbers have stopped." Li Wen said while looking at the numbers on the blackboard.

"Stop it." Li Wen said at this time.

The assistant on the side did not speak, but nodded silently. Then the market began to decline. But soon it rose again.

Li Wen clenched his fist and looked at the numbers on the blackboard.

But the numbers on the blackboard began to turn. It fell directly, and such a situation has never happened before.

Li Wen didn't say a word, but looked at the numbers on the blackboard.

The numbers keep falling. It surpassed a previous rising low, and then went all the way down. This situation has never happened before.

And Li Wen looked at the numbers more nervously. The assistant on the side began to get busy. Because of such a wave of decline. The number of shares in Li Wen's hands has undergone a very serious change. The number of his stocks has reduced losses, but he is still in a large loss.

Li Wen continued to watch the numbers change on the blackboard.

quickly. The numbers stopped falling and rose again, but did not exceed the previous high, and then slowly stopped. As time goes by, it slowly falls. The corner of Li Wen's mouth twitched. He continued to look at the numbers on the blackboard.

The falling numbers accelerated again quickly. And Li Wen looked at the digital changes blankly. His eyes were almost bursting with fire. But he still watched the numbers change.

The whole room was very quiet, only the rustling between the blackboard and the chalk.

Li Wen's forehead was full of sweat, but he didn't even care to wipe it.

After a rapid decline. The market rose again. But this time it went up very fast. Almost approaching the last rising high. But such a high point seems to be a mysterious force that has been unable to hold on.

"The market will close in two minutes." The assistant said while looking at the clock from the side. Normally, the assistant will notify Li Wen at the last moment.

"Good. Very good." Li Wen nodded and said. He said with a dry throat.

The assistant wanted to bring a cup of tea to the other party, but after thinking about it, it was over. After all, this is the last moment.

Li Wen finally looked at the changes in the numbers on the blackboard. The last figure is displayed. The market is still rising, but it has been unable to recover the high point before the original decline. After Lee Wen saw this. Laughed out.

"I am looking forward to tomorrow." Li Wen said at this time.

"Okay. Now, I'm very tired. Take a break. Take a break." Li Wen said, leaning on the chair. The assistant nodded, then sorted the numbers.

the next day. A large number of sell orders flooded into the trading window. And these sold orders directly suppressed the market numbers to a very low position, and this number was more than 20 points below yesterday's number.

Such a big drop suddenly caused a lot of panic. Such panic caused many people to buy the stocks in their hands.

"Hurry up, hurry up, no matter what the price, sell. As long as you can sell it." Many speculators on the window kept throwing the filled-in transaction orders into the trading window, and traders continued to accept the orders, but And continue to void most of the sell orders. Because there are only sell orders in the market, but no buy orders, transactions cannot be carried out under such circumstances. The consequence of the inability to proceed is that the price is continuously pushed down and the price is traded at a lower position. Only in this way can the falling market stop.

In order to get rid of the stocks as quickly as possible, some speculators threw in the transaction order desperately, and some speculators even threw the transaction order in directly. He directly told the trader loudly.

"You can fill it in. The deal will do at any price. This thing is too hot." shouted a speculator.

People behind saw this and followed suit one after another. And some smart people looked at the numbers on the blackboard and shouted out quotations, hoping that their orders could be traded. The entire trading counter is quite hot. It's extremely hot.

Everyone is selling stocks. This causes the market numbers to fall directly on the ground as if they were freely landing.

"We have a lot of profit on our books. Sir." The assistant said excitedly.

"One hundred thousand gold." Li Wen said, looking at the numbers.

"Yes, sir." the assistant said. After this round of decline, Lee Wen not only made up for his own losses, but he also got more beautiful book profits, which is much better than yesterday.

"No, it's not enough. Now we have to wait. It's definitely not the case." Li Wen said, looking at the numbers on the blackboard.

Inside the Xianyang Palace.

"Wang, the stock market has fallen again." Zhao Gao said worriedly.

"What?" King Qin looked at the newspaper. For financial news. King Qin couldn't understand, so he didn't care. And the newspaper did not update the information on the stocks.

"Master, the stock has fallen again." Zhao Gao whispered.

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