The Chu State navy specially established a battle fleet to deal with the noble navy, because they could not openly clash with the noble navy. Because of this, their operations are camouflaged. They must act as water pirates, pirates to fight back against the noble navy, and strengthen their power by constantly harassing and attacking the noble navy of Chu.

"These nobles of the Chu Kingdom really want to be strong and can do anything." The captain of a fast warship "Quainu" newly launched in South Korea looked at the chart angrily.

South Korea in order to further strengthen their maritime power. In particular, they want to build their own navy. In order to complete such preparatory work as soon as possible, the Korean royal family allocated 100,000 gold from the royal vault to build four fast warships.

The fast battleship is a tandem three-sail gunboat. The entire gunboat is one size smaller than the large gunboats previously ordered by South Korea. But a little bigger than a medium-sized warship. This kind of warship is equipped with 32 artillery pieces. The number of artillery is a little less, but the speed is much faster. In addition, the overall hull is streamlined and the weight is reduced a lot. Therefore, the warship is faster than the large warship. Such fast warships have weaker firepower than large warships, but their speed is faster. Compared with medium-sized warships, he has advantages in speed and firepower. Moreover, the price is not expensive, one hundred thousand gold can build such four fast warships. Weapons and equipment, personnel training, Qin Guo Shipbuilding Factory is all in charge. It is worth mentioning that such fast warships are not equipped with ordinary smoothbore guns. It is equipped with a certain number of rifled guns. The shells also use cone-shaped shells.

Although the gunship is also equipped with a certain number of smoothbore guns, the proportion of the number is relatively small, because the smoothbore guns are easy to operate. The advantage of relatively fast speed is specifically proposed by South Korea, and the rest of the artillery is equipped with front-mounted rifled guns. Use cone-shaped shells. South Korea asked to build such a ship because of the many changes in their warship thinking.

"If South Korea wants to build its own navy, the number of warships at the beginning cannot be too many. First, when South Korea builds its own navy, Qin is bound to be particularly jealous of South Korea, and South Korea can only produce its own limited number of Korean warships. The quantity to block the dissatisfaction of Qin's navy, otherwise Qin will inevitably take measures against South Korea. For example, the unconditional seizure of several other warships under construction in South Korea." South Korea’s Minister of Transport said at a cabinet meeting.

Because the establishment of the navy is closely related to maritime trade and transportation. The Minister of Transport set up a special water transport office. This water transport office was actually the early South Korean Navy Department, because most of the staff here were officers. Although they are from South Korea’s New Army Army, they manage South Korea’s water power. In addition, shipping is extremely closely related to South Korea’s maritime trade. The main reason is that shipping can bring a lot of raw materials, such as wood, which can provide Korea with a lot of raw materials. These woods give South Korea a certain advantage in papermaking and furniture manufacturing, because some woods are not available to the State of Qin.

"En. So, South Korea's next shipbuilding plan can't continue to build ships as originally planned. South Korea's shipbuilding must follow a rule, that is, the number is small, but it must be refined. Therefore, the smoothbore gun cannot continue to be equipped with artillery. Use more accurate rifled guns.” The Director of the Water Transport Department pointed out the key point. The Water Transport Department carefully studied the future development of the South Korean Navy. He drew on books related to the State of Qin in the library of the State of Qin. Records some Shangwen's views on the Navy. The navy is a special service, because navigation itself is a technologically comprehensive undertaking, so the navy is highly technical. It is precisely at this point that the Director of the Water Transport Department believes that some new technologies should be used boldly instead of continuing as the path has been traveled before.

"One-sided expansion of the naval establishment will result in a lot of waste of resources. The future naval funding is very limited. The king has already cut the royal family's expenditure to build our South Korean navy. In addition, we have not been able to obtain more maritime trade taxes recently. , Which makes our navy unable to continue to expand its size. In this way, it will cause our navy to be unable to continue to develop continuously. This is a bad phenomenon for us. In the current limited funding situation, We want to improve the combat effectiveness of a single warship, and the promotion must increase a certain amount of funds and equip some new technologies on the warship." said the Director of the Water Transport Department.

"That's right, our scale cannot be too big. This requires us to do so. The future navy cannot be expanded. It can only be lean." The Minister of Transportation emphasized.

South Korean senior officials, especially Han Sook, believe that South Korea should establish its own South Korean navy, but the prerequisite is that South Korea must create established facts, and that the South Korean Navy has an overseas naval base before it officially becomes an army. This overseas base has a certain amount of shipbuilding. And ship repair capabilities. In order to facilitate the repair of Korean warships and other merchant ships.

In addition, the South Korean Navy must have a certain amount of combat effectiveness. Such combat effectiveness is to be able to withstand a blow from the Qin army, have a certain attack capability, and at least have a chance to fight back.

These purposes are secondary. What is really important is that the establishment of the South Korean navy is actually to serve the needs of South Korea’s economy. South Korean high-level officials have gradually discovered some strange things, that is, the domestic market, coupled with the extreme shrinking of the six-nation market, such a shrinkage. As a result, the demand is sluggish, and the continued light industry production will not have enough motivation to promote the country’s economic development.

However, at this time, the Minister of Economy in South Korea's cabinet noticed one direction, that is, South Korea's maritime trade is rapidly unfolding.

South Korea’s maritime trade is developing very fast, because South Korea has discovered an island, coupled with the continuous development of Qin’s foreign trade, especially the rise of the slave trade. A large number of South Korean businessmen participated in it. On the one hand, they imported a large number of weapons and other industrial products from Qin. At the same time, the light industrial products produced in South Korea were sold to the Chu colony through the railway and road network. Korean merchants participated in overseas trade like Chu merchants. The difference is that the Koreans are in the timber business, and they specialize in those Chu kingdoms. The wood that Qin does not have is good furniture wood. This kind of wood business has given South Korea a lot of business capital, but the South Korean government has not imposed taxes on these businesses.

And another news made Han Shu very angry. It was the establishment of the Chu aristocratic navy. As long as the nobles whose fiefs were on the Yangtze River, they established large and small aristocratic naval forces. They intercepted passing merchant ships, whether it was Chu or South Korea. Yes, for the ships of the Qin State, they will levy some taxes appropriately, or they will be exempted from levying taxes, because they are afraid of offending Qin. However, if other countries register Qin ships, special approvals are required, which will give Qin ships some advantages, but Qin's overseas trade is not large, so the overseas trade is mainly Chu and South Korea.

However, South Korea did not levy taxes on its own merchant ships, and the establishment of large and small aristocratic naval forces in the Chu Kingdom imposed taxes on past Korean ships. This caused the loss of Korean taxes and the unintentional loss of a large amount of gold and silver. , Forcing South Korea to decide to speed up the establishment of its own South Korean navy to protect the interests of South Korean merchant ships, and the establishment of the navy is actually the establishment of the South Korean Maritime Trade Taxation Office to protect maritime trade, which is to protect South Korea’s maritime taxes. Because the development of this tax is enormous.

These are the true goals of South Korea's establishment of a navy.

The large and small naval forces established by the nobles of the Chu state severely hindered South Korea's tax collection, which forced South Korea to speed up the pace of building a navy.

In this context, South Korea once again invested a sum of money to once again build a fleet of four fast warships. They are determined to rely on their technology and combat strength to teach some of these noble navy forces.

"Let's fight!" "Quick crossbow." The gunner on the ship couldn't wait to join the battle. The Chu noble navy levied taxes on passing ships, and according to the information obtained by other merchant ships, there are many such noble navy forces, but South Korea has just launched this fast warship, and the results of the soldier training are still unknown. . This makes the Captain of the "Quick Crossbow" feel a bit tricky.

In fact, the name of this warship Kuaibow is that the crossbow is very powerful and accurate, and what they prepare is a rifled artillery, which is exactly in line with the characteristics of a crossbow. However, this How powerful are the capabilities of a warship? The captain himself didn't even know.

"Our warship has just launched. We don't know how effective it is," the captain said.

"If we rush into war with them, it might be against us," the captain said.

"We can't do it alone, you know, we are a new ship." The captain was under a lot of pressure. Originally they were conducting sea trials. However, the appearance of the Chu aristocratic navy stood in front of them. If you want to continue, you must fight this battle. But how sure is this battle. The captain was not sure.

"Let's reconsider the situation first. We need to make a detailed plan." The captain said at this time.

"En." The other officers nodded.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The important purpose of going to Qin this time is to sign an alliance. Qin's poor response means that Qin's interests have not been impressed. If we are going to Qin this time, we must impress Qin. Let Qin think of peace. We signed an alliance, which has great benefits." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"The other purpose is to take the opportunity to test Qin's reaction to the South Korean Navy. If the reaction is good, we will continue." Han Shu continued.

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