The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1568: We have artillery

"It's unbelievable, but I just rely on this method, not relying on any insider information. I can do it like this." Li Wen said.

"So, I rely on my own ability to carry out." Li Wen said.

Two tolerances, look at me, and I will look at you.

"Then the stock market crash has severely affected Wangshang's assets." A tolerance said.

"I can't control this, I. What I have to do is to do the right thing and judge whether it is going up or down, that's all." Li Wen said.

"That's all I can say." Li Wen said, waving his arm.

The two tolerances look at each other.

"Okay. That's it, that's the investigation we can do." A tolerance said.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Li Wen." Tolerant stood up and said.

"En." Li Wen just nodded nervously. Then nothing said. Because it is engaged in stock speculation. Li Wen's interpersonal relationship is extremely bad, he doesn't understand the social etiquette of ordinary people at all.

"Check it out." Meng Yi stood behind his desk.

"Investigate how many weapons-carrying ships South Korea has built in Qin. I need some data." Meng Yi said to his assistant.

"When do you need it? Prime Minister." Meng Yi's assistant asked.

"The sooner the better. At least I have a rough figure." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The assistant said. Then he left quickly.

"The South Korean side will definitely develop in this area. We don't know how many ships the Chu State has built. But there is one thing, we must know how many ships the South Korean side has built." Meng Yi said.

"Prime Minister, there is one more thing, maybe you should take a look at this." At this time, Meng Yi's assistant handed Meng Yi a newspaper.

"What?" Meng Yi looked at the assistant at this time.

"The above said, Qin State's bank loaned to Chu State Navy." The assistant said at this time.

"What?" Meng Yi said loudly.

"Yes. That's it. The bank loaned it to the Chu State Navy. The newspaper said that the Chu State Navy used the money to purchase a large amount of weapons and ammunition, as well as a lot of modified warships." Meng Yi's assistant Said.

"However, these are only reports in the newspaper. The specific situation. We don't know yet." The assistant said.

"En. We must find out about this matter. This matter will help us a lot." Meng Yi said.

"Good." The assistant nodded and motioned to leave.

Meng Yi realized at this time that South Korea was doing a lot of things. And Qin Guo only got some information from other aspects. Qin State was obviously in a passive situation.

The south of Qi State. Yingyu built his army's base in a mountainous area. The Chu army could not enter these areas. They were afraid of being ambushed.

"Sir, our soldiers lack enough weapons. We can't solve these problems well, and there is some food. The number of our troops is expanding too fast. The consumption is too serious. The last time the consumption of food is almost almost done. "Stone reported to Yingyu.

"En. How is your personnel training?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"The shooting is basically no problem. In terms of bayonet fighting, they have not experienced battle." Shishi said.

"En." Yingyu nodded.

"You follow the same tactics used in the previous exercise. Ambush the Chu army's logistics supply convoy." Yingyu said.

"We. Ambush." ​​Stone said in surprise.

"Yes. Just follow the tactical arrangement. This is a simple ambush. You should be able to do it well." Ying Yu said while looking at the stone.

"But." Stone is still a little nervous, and he is very worried that this ambush will be difficult to complete.

"You must have experienced this ambush, and I can't be in charge of every ambush. Otherwise, our team will never grow. You must experience such an ambush yourself." Yingyu said.

"It's just." Stone said worriedly.

"Don't just, as a commander, you should be resolute and decisive, even if it is wrong. You must carry it out. How to deal with what happens is what the commander should do, understand?" Yingyu taught.

"Yes. Sir." Shishi nodded helplessly.

"There should be confidence. This is what the commander should do." Ying Yu said.

"Well, the next thing, you do it yourself." Ying Yu said.

"Yes, sir." Shishi saluted.

Stone then left with his company. They were ordered to ambush a logistics convoy of the Chu army, and Ying Yu sent a company of scouts to assist in this mission. In order to grasp the trend in time. As a reserve team, the second company will attack at any time.

All day, Yingyu waited for the result. This is the first time Yingyu has sent an independent combat force to perform such a task.

"Are they here?" Yingyu asked worriedly the second company commander.

"There is no commander yet." The second company commander replied.

"Is there any specific news?" Yingyu asked next.

"Not yet, we just heard fierce gunfire." The second company commander replied.

"En. Are there still intensive gunfire behind?" Ying Yu asked.

"No," the second company commander replied.

"En. Our ambush was successful." Yingyu said excitedly.

"This. Sir." The second company commander said in disbelief.

"Sir, can we succeed in ambush? This is the first time we ambush the Chu army. If the follow-up troops of the Chu army chase up, we will be over." The second company commander said worriedly.

"There was no intensive gunshots behind. This shows that the follow-up troops of the Chu army did not follow up, and our troops did not engage the enemy. In this way, our war will proceed smoothly. Wait patiently." Ying Yu got himself. Analysis of the situation.

"Yes, sir." The second company commander said at this time.

"Sir, they're back. They're back." The commander of the second company exclaimed in excitement.

"Sir." Stone shouted loudly. The company behind drove a large group of bullock carts. A lot of supplies are being transported here.

Then many people gathered around.

"Sir, our ambush was very successful. We seized a lot of food and weapons, and many of our things were solved." Shishi smiled happily.

"En." Yingyu was able to suppress the excitement in her heart instead.

"That's right. Sir, we also captured three artillery. Look." Shishi said excitedly at this time.

"What?" Yingyu looked at the stone in surprise.

"We captured three artillery pieces. I heard from the soldiers of the Chu army that they were transported to the front line, and now they belong to us." Shishi said.

"Artillery. We have heavy weapons. These heavy weapons." Yingyu said happily.

"In the next ambush, we can use cannons. In this case, the Chu army will be defeated even faster." Ying Yu said.

"Okay. Don't be happy too early. Now we ambushed the logistics team of the Chu army, and we will leave here as soon as possible. The Chu army will mobilize a large number of troops to attack us, which is very detrimental to us." Ying Yu said loudly. Shouted.

"Retreat. Quickly." Yingyu shouted loudly. Yingyu knows very well. After attacking the Chu army’s logistics equipment, the Chu army would often take retaliatory measures. The Qi army attacked the opponent’s logistics equipment, and the Qi army carrying such a large amount of materials was too late to transfer. Yingyu’s approach is usually buried in some concealed equipment. Where the team left directly. In order to avoid the other party's search.

In the south of the Chu Kingdom, attacks on the noble naval forces intensified. Many water pirates heard that other water pirates participated in it, and they also participated in it. They didn't have any good feelings for Chu aristocratic navy. Everyone was naturally very happy to participate in it. It is not just water pirates that are involved, even businessmen are also involved. For them, tax resistance is a measure to ensure their best interests. They are willing to take such risks.

"If we take part in the offensive against the noble taxation ships, would our firepower be too weak? And the noble naval ships have much more artillery than ours." A businessman said. More and more merchants gathered, they wanted to attack the noble navy, so that they could avoid taxes.

"No matter what, we have to fight the noble navy. Even the noble navy can't beat the water pirates, and we have a large number of people. We will definitely be able to defeat the other side." A businessman said confidently.

"En. If we can't handle it well. We will lose a lot." Another businessman said carefully.

"After all, the noble navy is an army. No matter how strong our equipment is, I am afraid that we will not be able to fight against the navy. What if we are defeated by the opponent if we launch an offensive rashly? We must know that our people are not military trained. "The businessman said worriedly.

"Relax, the noble navy forces have not experienced some military training, and those noble navy forces are not our opponents at all." said the merchant.

"This. If we fight with the noble navy, there is still a certain degree of danger. Those water thieves are all battled. We." The merchant hesitated.

"The aristocratic navy is settled." The merchant who was fighting the battle firmly said.

At this time, the noble navy was also discussing countermeasures.

"Recently, many water thieves have attacked our taxation vessels, and we have not taken measures. If this continues, we will be completely defeated." The one-meter-high noble navy general said worriedly.

"General, you can't fight like this." An aristocratic officer said worriedly.

"What?" the noble sailor general shouted loudly.

"Our men are not fighting at all. If they are fighting, they will simply kill them. At this point, they will not take the initiative to fight." The noble water army officer objected.

"En." At this time, the general greeted him without saying anything.

The generals are very clear about the situation of the noble navy. They are not at all for war.

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