The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1504: Damn, so many cannons

"Brothers Qi Jun on the Eastern Front, your king has been captured by us. Linzi City is about to be taken down too. You surrender quickly." A Chu Army soldier shouted with his own loud voice. .

"Surrender. Don't fight. Your life is yours. Your lord, he has surrendered." The Chu Army soldier shouted loudly.

Entering a standoff on the Eastern Front battlefield. Neither the Chu Army nor the Qi Army could expel each other. During this period, except for the outstanding air combat, everything else fell into a standstill. The morale of the soldiers on both sides is gradually diminishing.

"Surrender. Brother Qi Jun. Your king has been captured by us. Qi country no longer exists. You don't have to work for him." Chu Jun soldiers thought of it. Chu Jun hoped that through such shouting, the morale of Qi army would be destroyed.

Inside the trenches of the Qi army. The trenches on both sides are dug more and more. Dig deeper and deeper. The role of artillery is getting smaller and smaller. Because the artillery is not powerful enough to destroy the trenches.

"Our king was arrested. Is this true?" After hearing the news, a second-class soldier of the Qi army asked an veteran on the side in a panic.

"Bah." The veteran cut a piece of wood with a knife, after hearing such a question. Immediately spit out.

"Do you believe it?" the veteran said disdainfully.

"No. I don't believe it very much," the soldier said at this time.

"That's right," the veteran said.

"Furthermore. King Qi caught it and caught it. Our loyalty is Tian Heng. This is our lord, King, King Qi. King Qi does not give us a penny, nor will he give us a little grain. Eat. These are given by our lord, Tian Heng. Remember this." The veteran said while looking at the private.

"Oh." The second class looked at the veteran in horror, because the veteran gestured with the knife in his hand. This soldier saw it with his own eyes. The veteran cut the throat of the Chu Army soldier with the knife in his hand, and he seemed to see his own throat cut by the opponent.

The Qi Army is a new army that is all organized according to the Qin State. And it uses military pay. The payment of military pay comes from Tian Heng. The financial resources of the Tian family support the daily expenses of this huge army.

You must know that in the old-style army, the soldiers did not pay military pay at all, and food was the biggest guarantee. Soldiers are rewarded when they win a war, but most of the fruits of victory are for the nobles and officers, and ordinary soldiers get nothing. But now, the mode of war, and the reform of the military system. Let these soldiers get actual benefits. Soldiers who receive actual benefits will only take care of those who pay them. In fact, this is an employment system. After soldiers get the money, they will show their loyalty to the employer who gave the money.

Under the strengthening of this system, the soldiers of the Qi army on the eastern front line caught the news of King Qi. The response was not great. Because most of the soldiers in Tian Heng's hands are from the bottom, the soldiers from the bottom are far away from the core power of the nobility. The centrifugal force is very strong. Regarding matters of the nobility, they didn't care much about it in the first place. What they care about is their vital interests. As long as Tian Heng continues to pay military pay, they will not care about anything.

Therefore, the Qi army on the Eastern Front didn't react too strongly to this incident. Many soldiers just passed by with a faint smile, they still continued their confrontational life.

In Linzi City. Qi Jun was divided into two factions.

"The king has been caught. We continue to resist, no one makes any sense. Moreover, Linzi lacks food and drink, and it will be a death sooner or later to fight here. I decided to go to the north. People who find us will continue to fight. Go down." said a lieutenant of the Qi army.

"I'll follow." A sergeant held up his injured arm.

"Now the king is arrested. Can we leave?" said the lieutenant colonel Dongan.

"We should stay," said the lieutenant colonel.

"No, I want to leave. It doesn't make any sense here anymore. We are guarding an empty city, and there are only noble lords. We will not work for the noble lords. Look at those noble lords. They don't have to fight, we can't get enough food. , They are eating meat. These people are just enough to be damned." The lieutenant said fiercely.

The lower-level officers of the Qi Army are all from the bottom, and they are all promoted from the bottom. They are very disgusted with the manners of the nobility. They also don’t have any feelings for the actions of the nobles. Under such circumstances, they hope that their people will leave here and look for their team. Only by looking for their own team, they can get supplies and get what they want. Military pay. Working for the noble lords, they get nothing. After months of persisting, they were completely disappointed with the noble master. Especially after King Qi was arrested, the morale of the soldiers dropped a lot. Some dissatisfied soldiers believed that King Qi should be killed by the Chu army. They had no feelings for their king anyway.

"You should listen to my orders," the lieutenant colonel shouted loudly.

"No. The soldier belongs to me," the lieutenant said, looking at the lieutenant colonel. Then he drew out his pistol with a crash.

"Wow." With a cry. The lieutenant took out the pistol himself. The sergeant on the side had inconvenient arms, but he still held up his rifle. The two sides faced off at gunpoint.

"My people, listen to me," the lieutenant said, looking at the lieutenant colonel. The lieutenant colonel was helpless. Because these officers of theirs all control the officers and soldiers at the grassroots level, and many officers and soldiers listen to them. They belong to middle-level officers. There is a serious lack of control over the grassroots soldiers.

Middle-ranking officers because they belong to the middle-ranking relationship. In addition, there are not many high-level officers in the Qi army, and many high-level officers cannot fully control the troops because the troops on the western front are very messy. The supplement and supply of soldiers is almost controlled by the basic-level officers alone. In addition to the continuous retreat of the Qi army, the chaos caused has led to an increase in the control of the lower-level officers of the Qi army, while the middle-level and high-level officers cannot control their soldiers because they have some At that time, he didn't even know how many people he had under his team. In this way, the ideas of the officers at the bottom can hardly affect the middle. But middle-level officers also have their own ideas. Because they are in a special position. Especially in a transitional position, they want to enter the aristocratic class. In their opinion, only by entering this class can they be prosperous and wealthy forever. But the low-level officers and soldiers don't think so. What they want is vested interests. For the nobles, they themselves did not hold any hope. The disparity caused this situation to happen. In this situation. The internal division of the Qi army is serious.

"Okay. You left here with your own people. I will never stop you." said the lieutenant colonel.

After all, the other party holds a lot of manpower. The lieutenant colonel could only helplessly agreed.

"We will figure out our own way to get out of here. Linzi, we won't keep on." The lieutenant continued. The lieutenant colonel just looked at each other coldly.

Outside Linzi City, the Chu Army's position. The soldiers of the Chu army waited for the movements of the Qi army in the city, and they began to relax. They believe that they have captured King Qi. Then Qi Jun's surrender will not be far away.

A mining area in the Zhongshan area of ​​Zhao State.

"You said this. Can this mine be taken down?" It was an old nobleman whose name was Zhao Ping. This time, he led three thousand private soldiers from nobles and nobles to quell the riot miners in a mine in Zhongshan area. There are more than 20,000 miners here plus their families. Moreover, there are more than 1,000 regular troops from the Zhao army to join them. There is a lot of gunpowder in the mine. Although there are many guns. But there is a lot of gunpowder. The nobles also organized manpower to attack and were bombarded by those explosives. Many aristocratic private soldiers have lingering fears. Dare to come to quell the rebellion.

"Here. Lord, we have a cannon." A family general stepped forward and replied hesitantly.

"Oh." Zhao Ping will answer when he hears his family. His heart became more uneasy. Because his number is not dominant. There are more than 20,000 people on the other side, and 1,000 well-trained soldiers. Those soldiers have all fought. But very few of his men have fought in battles. He knows what he usually does.

"Well, let's try it. After all, we still have cannons. Cannons. They don't have this weapon." Zhao Ping said comfortingly.

"With this cannon. Maybe, this boom. They surrendered." Zhao Ping comforted himself.

"Yes. Lord." The family on the side said quickly.

"En. Get ready, let's fire bombardment." Zhao Ping gave the order.

"The lord has an order. Ready to fire." Jia Jiang shouted loudly. This aristocratic private soldier quickly mobilized his artillery troops and arranged them.

Although the number of private soldiers of the nobility was small, they had a lot of artillery. There are a total of forty-five artillery pieces. There are already so many artillery pieces.

"Aim." The gunners of the noble private soldiers pushed the cannon to the gun position one after another, aiming at the mine.

On the mine, a soldier of Zhao Jun ran over shouting loudly.

"It's not good. There are artillery troops below." Zhao Jun's soldier shouted loudly. The soldiers who fought in the war knew very well how powerful the artillery was. The cannonball flew over. Everything can be interrupted. People can't stop it at all.

"Don't panic," a colonel officer shouted loudly. Then he continued to pick up his binoculars to check the artillery positions of the noble army.

"Hidden in the tunnel. Don't show your head, those shells won't hit us." The colonel shouted loudly. For the cannon, he knew the power of the cannon very well. The most feared unit of the infantry, a single shell can sometimes destroy a company. The cost of soldiers' casualties is very high. It's very tall and outrageous.

"Fuck, so many cannons. More than forty cannons." The colonel put down the binoculars, then after thinking about it, he took the binoculars and looked again.

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