"Run." The noble artillery ran wildly behind. After Zhao Jun took the artillery position. Quickly rearrange the lines of defense. Some people also began to re-adjust their guns to target the infantry positions of the nobles.

"Bang. Bang." And this time the noble infantry was on the ground. It's already another scene. With the arrival of reinforcements. The nobility gained some advantages. They are in number and firepower. Has suppressed the firepower of Zhao Jun's reinforcements.

"Puff. Puff." The suppressed Zhao Jun couldn't raise his head and shoot at all. Some people tried to stand up and shoot, or reload the ammunition. As a result, he was hit by a flying bullet.

Many people were hit by the opponent before loading the second bullet and fell to the ground. Zhao Jun's support troops were suppressed and could not move in place.

"Shoot. Shoot." The major shouted. But his people kept their heads down, and fewer and fewer shots. The noble infantry kept shooting at them. This makes them extremely passive.

"Shooting. Shooting." The major raised himself at this time. Drag a soldier to shoot.

"Woo." At this moment, a bullet flew in.

"Puff." The major was shot in the neck.

"Puff puff." The major immediately lay on his side on the ground. The blood immediately flowed out from the wound on the neck.

"Sir. Sir." Beside the soldier. A second lieutenant saw that his chief was shot, and blood was constantly pouring out like spring water. On the side is the soldier lying still on the spot.

"Sir." The ensign yelled anxiously. Then he came over immediately.

"Swish." A bullet flew over. The bullet directly hit the ensign's back. The second lieutenant lay on the ground, unable to move in pain. The bullet hit him in the back. He felt he could not move.

"Woo." The firepower of the nobles is getting fiercer and fiercer. A large number of noble infantry gathered together. The firepower was naturally much fierce.

"Shoot. Shoot." The noble infantry officer waved his arms loudly at this time and directed his subordinates to shoot continuously, and then some bold soldiers began to advance, shooting while constantly advancing. Zhao Jun, who came to support, was suppressed and could not move. They simply couldn't raise their heads and shoot back powerfully.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." The noble infantry moved forward while shooting.

"Kill. Kill those thugs. Quickly." An aristocratic infantry officer shouted loudly.

Inside Zhao Ping’s Chinese Army Barracks. Zhao Ping is walking back and forth. The intensive gunfire outside the camp was not far from him. He did not expect. On the first day here, the thugs actually launched an attack directly. The gunfire was not far from him. Hear intensive gunfire. Zhao Ping was terrified. He walked back and forth waiting for the house to report the latest order. Because he gave the order. Let your subordinates solve these thugs as soon as possible, so that they can have a good night's sleep tonight.

"No. It's not good." A noble artillery ran in in a panic. Despite being intercepted by aristocratic guards, the emergency military situation allowed him to rush into Zhao Ping's camp.

"Oh." Zhao Ping, who was turning back and forth at the door, was almost hit by the noble artillery. He took a few steps back.

"Watch it." Zhao Ping looked at the artillery who rushed in annoyed. And Zhao Ping was frightened, coupled with a sudden collision. The whole heart is difficult to balance.

"Master. Master. It's not good." The noble artillery shouted anxiously.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Ping asked dissatisfiedly.

"I, our artillery. The artillery position is lost." The artillery said in horror.

Then the artillery looked at Zhao Ping with trepidation.

"Wh, what?" Zhao Ping looked at each other unbelievably.

"You. You. You." Zhao Ping barely supported his body. Because his body at this time is no longer under control. He has no control over his body and doesn't feel anything.

"This. This." Zhao Ping was almost mad. But suddenly I don't know what to do.

"You. You." Zhao Ping felt that he had difficulty breathing now, and then fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Master. Master." The artillery shouted immediately at this moment.

The guard saw this situation and didn't know what to do.

Noble artillery position.

"Pay attention to everything. Take precautions for those noble soldiers to counterattack." Er Shishi personally checked the defensive position. But he was worried about the intensive gunfire in the distance, and he didn't know why the opponent would shoot like this. And the gunfire is quite intense. Out of curiosity, when he rearranged his position, he sent a scout to scout.

"Sir. We have adjusted the artillery. It is ready for bombardment." At this time, a lieutenant officer ran over to report.

"Okay. Fire the cannon immediately. Hit these noble lords. Let these old boys. Try the power of the cannon." Captain Er Shishi said excitedly.

"Fire," the lieutenant shouted. The lieutenant is an officer who returned from studying in Qin State. He studied infantry. The biggest threat to infantry is not guns, but artillery. Naturally, he needs to know something about artillery. It was this kind of understanding that allowed him to adjust and let his subordinates operate the artillery.

"Boom." A cannon fired smoothly.

"Woo." The cannonball flew out with howling.

"Bang." There was a bang in the distance. The captain saw nothing with his binoculars.

"This. I don't know if it's correct," the captain said.

"Reloading," the lieutenant shouted loudly. Although they captured a lot of cannons. But there are very few people who can operate the cannon. They only had two guns firing.

"Just aim at the camps of the noble veterans. Hit me fiercely. Do you see the places of the fire? That's it. Hit fiercely." The captain shouted.

"Boom." Then came the sound of artillery bombardment. Another cannonball flew out.

"Boom." A fire in the distance flew up all at once. This time it was a grenade. The grenade exploded quickly after landing. The tent of the noble infantry camp was suddenly overturned by an explosion, and then some places caught fire.

"Sir. Sir. The artillery has stopped." A Captain Zhao Jun from the mine ran over and shouted quickly.

"I saw it. Moreover, the camp of the noble soldiers exploded. It seems that our people succeeded." The colonel exclaimed excitedly.

The noble infantry was overwhelmed by the explosion sound from behind. Some people involuntarily looked back.

They don't know what happened.

"Swish." At this time, another shell came over.

"Boom." There was a sound of a shell landing.

"Ah." A group of noble infantry was knocked to the ground. Many people fell to the ground. Others wailed.

"Woo." Then the shell flew out.

"Wow." A chariot was smashed.

"Damn it. Why did the artillery hit him on the head?" An veteran Yuzi cursed loudly.

"That's right. Why did you hit your own person?" Some aristocratic soldiers who followed also cursed.

"Swish." At this moment, another shell flew over. But the shell flew away. Did not hit any targets.

"Fucking. It's evil. Why are these shells hitting one's own body." An aristocratic soldier said curiously.

"Not good." At this time, the veteran Yuzi reacted.

"Is it our artillery position?" The veteran Yuzi shouted loudly.

"Hurry up. Come. Retake the artillery position with me." At this moment, an aristocratic officer stood on a chariot and shouted loudly.

"Hurry up," the officer shouted loudly. The veteran has realized the danger.

"Run." The veteran whispered to his attendant.

"Quick," the officer urged.

"Kill." At this moment, there were bursts of shouts of killing from the mine. Countless torches shone gleaming light. These lights gradually converged into a stream of fire. Seeing such a stream of fire rushing towards him calling for killing. Many noble infantry are stupid.

"Kill." The cry of killing was like a flood rushing down the mountain.

"What are you looking at. Run." The veteran shouted loudly at this time. Then quickly throw away his weapon, quickly ran away. Other people see this situation. Also reacted, threw away the weapon and ran.

"Run." More and more noble soldiers began to run.

"Don't run. Bang. Bang." The noble officer shouted loudly while standing on the chariot. However, the huge shouting and the terrifying momentum made the aristocratic soldiers' collapse a little bit into an uncontrollable situation. More and more people got involved, and they quickly threw away their weapons and ran away quickly. Seeing this situation, the noble officer quickly jumped out of the chariot and joined the fleeing crowd.

"Run." The Chinese army camp went out of the account. Zhao Ping lay down like a person who had come back to life. He heard such a voice beckoning a family to see what happened outside.

"Here." The famous family will prepare to go out.

"No, it's not good." An aristocratic officer rushed in.

"We. Our people. Out of control. The mob rushed down the mountain, and our people ran away." The noble officer shouted loudly. He looked at the people in the camp with horror on his face.

"What?" Jia Jiang screamed.

"Ah." Zhao Ping stretched out a weak hand.

"I. I." The officer saw Zhao Ping, who was faint, and his family quickly ran to Zhao Ping's side. Seeing such an opportunity, the officer quickly turned around and left quickly.

"Quickly. Take me away," Zhao Ping said excitedly. Then he fainted.

"This." The family will be in trouble. He heard that there were people fleeing outside. And the cry of killing was getting closer. The family will quickly drop Zhao Ping. He quickly ran out of the camp, and he also joined the fleeing army. The aristocratic army disintegrated in an instant.

Noble soldiers fleeing everywhere. The miners and Zhao Jun's chasing army swiftly pursued them.

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