"Master Jing, as long as you can put our king on top, we can immediately lay down our weapons and surrender." Hou Sheng said eagerly to the noble representative sent by Chu State.

On the other hand, the representative of Chu State with a white flower and beard just shook his head, as if not interested.

"We can also give money, how much do we want?" Hou Sheng looked at the Chu aristocratic representative on the opposite side in horror. The old man with white beard and beard on the opposite side was the representative sent by Chu State. To end the war as soon as possible was a task given to him by the nobleman, for such a task. This Master Jing felt very tricky.

Because he was also a nobleman, and the vital interests of the nobleman in this war were seriously damaged. The huge consumption of the war made the nobles overwhelmed. They originally thought that they could easily seize the gold production area of ​​Qi people and expand their country’s gold. But what they didn’t expect was that Qi’s gold production area had not been obtained, and instead they were here. The consumption is getting bigger and bigger.

If it weren't for the rich tax revenue on the Yangtze River, I am afraid that these nobles would not be able to support this huge war, Master Jing. When he came, he had been entrusted with an important mission, which was to resolve this war, but how to end this war. Master Jing didn't know this.

If this war continues in Chu, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Chu to support it. The interests of the nobility have suffered severe losses. However, unexpectedly, there was another unexpected gain, that is, Chu Jun captured King Qi. In this way, Chu Jun had the initiative to negotiate. As long as he just grabbed the card of King Qi, he didn't have to worry about Qi State's refusal to submit. It's just that Chu State still doesn't understand the specific thoughts of Qi people. Therefore, Master Jing watched the performance of Housheng very calmly.

At this time, the winner looked at each other nervously. And Master Jing looked at other directions leisurely. The winner doesn't even know what the opponent thinks. The situation is very unfavorable for all countries.

While Chu and Qi were busy negotiating, an absolute number of nobles in Chu received reports that their navy was attacked. Their navy all huddled in the water village and couldn't come out.

"Oh." A Chu nobleman sighed, shaking his head.

"What can we do?" another long-bearded Chu country nobleman said with a sigh. A large group of nobles gathered, and they discussed about the union of the Chu nobles and navy forces. Because of the current situation, it was already obvious. There are a lot of water thieves attacking them outside. This is a very unfavorable thing for them.

"Have you heard? Those water thieves are very rampant, they have already attacked our merchant ships." An aristocrat said grimly.

"What can I do then?" a wrinkled old noble asked worriedly.

"What can I do?" the nobleman said helplessly.

"There is no way. A few days ago, I wrote a letter saying that one of my mining ships was full of copper mines, all of which had been intercepted." The nobleman said.

"Hey. I don't know what to say at all," the nobleman said. The nobles gathered to discuss the water pirate attack. This kind of thing almost made them feel devastated.

"Everyone is quiet. Be quiet." A handsome royal nobleman stood up and shouted. But everyone is discussing and discussing their own affairs, and they don't pay attention to these at all.

"Boom boom boom." There were booming voices everywhere, and all the nobles were talking. The scene is comparable to a bazaar.

For the nobles’ constant attacks, the nobles feel very helpless, because if this goes on, their navy can’t beat the opponent, and they won’t be able to catch the opponent. What’s bad is that the water pirates have attacked their merchant ships. The area south of the Yangtze River is an important mineral area in Chu State, where a variety of ores are produced. These ores are an important source of income for the nobles. In addition to minerals, they also There are a lot of agricultural products. The nobles relied on these minerals and agricultural products to make high profits in their business with Qin. Now, the water pirates attacked their merchant ships, which is equivalent to cutting off their economic lifeline. This is extremely detrimental to the nobility.

On the surface of the Yangtze River.

"If we transport the ore from this ship to Qin, we can sell it for a good price, and then use that money to change it to a few ships, and we can expand our power again." A water thief captain stood on the ship. The head shouted happily, now he has three ships. The number of artillery for the two transformed warships is still very small. The other ship was the merchant ship of the robbed nobleman. They released all the sailors on the nobleman, because the sailors on it were all poor and sympathetic. They let go of each other, but the noble officers on the ship didn’t want to let them go. Because these people are important sources of money. Extortion of wealthy noble officers is also an important source of income for these water thieves.

"Show me all those wastes, and I also hope to exchange these wastes for some cannons." The captain of the water pirate shouted loudly. Then they moved on.

The robbery of water pirates is also a kind of business. Water pirates also need a living, and they also need a lot of money. When the people of Qin country do business, they can get the things they need, wine, munitions, ships, and a lot of life. necessity.

Wuyue area, aristocrat of Chu State. This is an important agricultural production place for the nobility of Chu State. Because it is spring, the noble farm is the busiest time.

In a noble farm. There are leveled land everywhere, and a large group of people are busy on these land. On the level ground, a wooden pillar was erected, and on the wooden pillar, a thin man was hanging.

"Damn it. Let you run, you run. Don't you have the patience?" An aristocratic thug who was responsible for guarding the serfs on the farm cursed fiercely.

"Water... Water." And the person who was hanging was wounded all over. His lips were dry, and he hadn't eaten or drink for several days. The body is severely dehydrated.

"Water. Bah. You died of thirst." The thugs cursed loudly at this time.

"Yes, if I want to tell him, give him some, just right, uncle has a little water." At this moment, another thug who was slightly drunk said.

"Damn it. It's cheaper for you kid." As they said, the two peeed into a mud pot. Then they poured urine directly on each other.

"Hahaha." Then the two laughed frantically. They seem to see something interesting.

The person who was hung had been hung for several days at this time, and with his dry lips, he licked the urine that was splashed on his face as much as possible with his dry lips. He is severely dehydrated. If this continues, he will be thirst to death. While looking at the other person drinking his own urine. The two thugs were laughing wildly.

"Drink. Drink. Uncle let you drink well. Hahaha." The two people looked at the hanging person and laughed loudly. The shrill sound resounded throughout the farm.

"Fucking. These noble dogs." A sturdy Chu man bent over to work on the ground. Regarding the actions of those noble thugs, he saw in his eyes, his eyes were full of revenge.

"Hold it." At this moment, an older Chu country man came over. He has his back naked, and his back is covered with scars. These scars were all whipped by the Chu aristocratic thugs.

"How to bear it?" the sturdy Chu man said angrily.

"Be quiet. Don't let those dogs pay attention to us." The old man whispered.

"If you want to leave here, just restrain yourself with me," the old man said. The man who was hung up was a serf who was caught back because of his escape. Because the noble farm has expanded a lot, the farm work will be much hectic. The nobles simply dismissed the serfs. They were unwilling to increase the number of serfs. In their opinion, these slaves also needed to consume a lot of food, so the nobles sent more thugs to beat these serfs. The serfs are constantly busy every day. But the scale of the farm has expanded greatly. And the scale continues to expand. The life of the slave is getting heavier and heavier. Many slaves and serfs were overwhelmed and fled one after another.

They heard outside that the Chu people have colonies overseas. As long as they find a way to escape to the sea and reach the colony, they will be free. Not only that, they also have a piece of land because there is no one there. The land reclaimed is your own.

With freedom and the temptation of land, many serfs and slaves fled. As the number of people fleeing increased. The noble thugs took control of the serfs. As long as the captured serfs and slaves were a dead end, they would be killed alive, or severely wounded, and then hanged up. Slowly died of thirst, without other torture. The others must gather and watch the person slowly being tortured to death. The noble thugs hope to scare these serfs and slaves to live on the farm with such terrible methods.

However, the temptation of freedom and land is too great. As news of the colony spread in Chu, more and more slaves and serfs wanted to escape the control of the nobility. They hoped to have their own freedom on that hopeful land.

"Go, we must go overseas, where there is a piece of our own world, it is not those dogs who beat us with leather whips." The old man straightened up and said.

"Fucking, work hard, I'll kill you," said a thug with a musket on his back, waving his whip and shouting loudly.

"Yes. I'll do it now." The old man quickly lowered his waist and began to work.

Some signs of collapse have gradually appeared on the noble farm. Because the foundation for the maintenance of the noble farm is these serfs. Attract from the outside. In addition, the cruelty of the nobility intensified the desire of serfs and slaves to escape. They yearn for freedom and desire to obtain various personal rights. Instead of being tortured here.

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