The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1517: Army pay and food

"Fight." A word came out loudly from the Qiguo guerrilla officer.

"Bang." A gunshot broke the calm.

"Boom." There was a huge roar immediately after the launch.

"Boom." Chu Jun's motorcade was overturned in an instant.

"There is an ambush," the Chu Army soldier shouted loudly.

"Bang. Bang." The sharp gunfire shot out from the side in an instant, and Chu Jun fell to the ground quite a bit.

"Run." The Chu army who was attacked immediately scattered and fled.

"Kill." After a round of shooting. The Qi guerrillas immediately launched an offensive because they used flintlocks. The poor reloading of the flintlocks made the Qi people feel very annoyed, but they were helpless. However, Yingyu did not become ashamed of using the flintlocks. Reluctantly, she adjusted her tactics in time.

If the Chu army is particularly large, and her own strength is sufficient, she will choose to organize some continuous launching places, but if the opponent's number is not large and her own strength is not too sufficient, she should change her tactics and no longer Organize multiple consecutive launches, but adopt a one-time launch tactic. After one shot, the whole team immediately launched a charge.

Suppress the opponent with the first firepower strike, and then rushed up quickly. To defeat the opponent, this is a flexible tactic. This time the Qi guerrillas adopted such a tactic.

"Charge." The Qi guerrillas carried their bayonet rifles, or directly charged with other crude weapons. However, the Chu army encountered such a situation and was suppressed by the first round of fire, plus the use of artillery. Bombardment. Chu Jun's psychological line of defense collapsed instantly, and many of them dropped their supplies and turned around and ran away.

"Kill." The Qi State guerrillas chased them all the way. Chu Jun ran wildly all the way. After chasing for a distance. The Qi guerrillas stopped pursuing them. Their main task was to seize the opponent's logistical materials. They did not have much interest in pursuing the Chu army.

"Hurry up. Take away everything that can be taken, and burn everything that can't be taken. Don't leave it to the people of Qi. Hurry up." Qi State guerrilla officer shouted loudly.

The guerrillas used both hands and feet to take away all the materials they could take away. If it was difficult to take away, they would bury them on the spot so that they could come back later. However, the Chu army had already left the battlefield because of the Qi army's pursuit. They didn't know much about the Qi guerrillas' practices.

For guerrilla operations like this in the south of Qi State, there are still a lot of logistics that the Chu army must pass through. And such an attack quickly had an effect.

On the battlefield of the Eastern Front of Qi State. This is an important gold producing area in Qi State. It was also an important attack by the Chu army. But here is the main defense of Qi State, and the Chu Army and Qi Army have fallen into a long-term stalemate.

"His mother. Why is there less and less rice?" In the trenches, a veteran of the Chu army shouted while holding his big bowl.

"That's right, the rice in it can be counted clearly." Another Chu Army soldier looked at the gruel in his bowl and shouted.

"Yes, his mother. The men are fighting on the front line. You can't even eat a full meal." Some soldiers roared at this time.

The soldiers of the Chu army were eating more and more wild vegetables and fewer and fewer rice grains. There used to be a dry meal, but now it's all porridge. Not only that, but there are more and more wild vegetables in it, and there is no taste in cooking. Soldier combat is physical work. Consume a lot of physical energy, so they need to add a lot of salt. However, the logistics supply line of the Chu army. Not even the salt is added. Although they can get materials from nearby, Qi is a big salt-producing country, but they cannot break the deadlock. Even if the salt is resolved, the soldiers' food and clothing becomes a problem.

"Go, find the cook for me and see if he has embezzled our rations. His mother's." A soldier shouted loudly at this time.

"Wow." The soldier threw his bowl to the ground as he said, other soldiers followed suit after seeing this situation.

"Wow. Wow. Wow." More and more soldiers threw away the bowls in their hands, and then quickly joined them. As the ox cart convoy on the logistics supply line of the Chu army was intercepted and attacked by the Qi guerrillas. Over time, the front line of the Chu army slowly produced some influences, such as the issue of soldiers' food rations.

If before, the convoy needed to transport a large amount of food, this kind of food has already saturated the logistics supply line. However, the war now requires not only the supply of rations for soldiers, but also a large amount of ammunition supplies. The Chu army's logistics fleet can only increase the number of vehicles and the number of times to complete such transportation tasks. It can be said that in such a war, the Chu logistics supply line Already overloaded. This kind of overload operation actually cannot withstand any little blows, but the emergence of the guerrillas has caused this kind of overload operation to begin to collapse a little bit.

The logistics of the Chu army must not only guarantee the ammunition, but also guarantee the soldiers' rations, plus the attack by the guerrillas. As a result, fewer and fewer materials are being delivered. The rations that could be barely guaranteed have also arrived less and less due to the attack. The weapons and ammunition also began to rapidly decrease.

"Say, why are our rations deducted?" The angry soldier beat the cook who was cooking.

"Bang." A heavy blow hit the cook's stomach, and the cook lay on the ground with pain.

"Spare." The cook's face was full of bruises and black blood. The angry soldier watched the cook fall to the ground.

"No, no, it's not that we're depriving it, yes, it's that we get so much food. We have sent people to dig wild vegetables everywhere." The cook said in pain.

"Where did the food go?" The soldier asked at this time.

"This. You have to ask the people who deliver food, they should know." The cook spit out blood on the floor.

"Let's go. Brothers, ask." The Chu Army soldier shouted loudly at this time. Then went looking for those who were transporting logistical materials. The Qi army on the opposite side also faced the same problem, but the soldiers of the Qi army seemed not to care about it. They were more concerned about their military pay than what they were eating.

"This month, we didn't pay the army salary again. I haven't received a eldest son in three months." A second-class soldier of the Qi army sat in the trench and ate the wild vegetable dumplings. Among them, wild vegetables occupies a huge part and only a small amount of food. But compared to Chu Jun, they are better.

"Don't mention it," said an veteran sitting beside him, leaning on the trench and looking up at the sky.

"None of us got a eldest son." The veteran said.

"Li said, this General Tian, ​​won't let us go," said the second-class soldier on the side.

Having said that, the other soldiers in the trench looked up at him.

"Shhh." The veteran heard this. Immediately beckon the other party not to say such things loudly.

"In this case, don't say it clearly. This is messing up the military's mind. Be careful to pull your kid out and get shot." The veteran said in a low voice.

"Oh." The private nodded.

"But, this military pay." The second-class soldier said worriedly.

"Don't worry about your salary. See those with cards." The veteran said, pointing his eyes. The privates looked at the low-level officers who were inspecting in the trenches. Carrying cards are the epaulettes on their shoulders, and these epaulettes are their officer identification.

"None of them paid military salaries. What are we in a hurry." The veteran said indifferently.

"Besides, Qi is so messy. You can't spend it if you have money," the veteran said.

"Take it." The veteran continued looking at the sky and said.

"Oh." The private nodded.

In fact, there are many soldiers like this in the Qi army. They don’t care much about how they eat, because they can still fill their stomachs. However, they are worried that the money they get is missing, or in other words, they finally have it. The army pays. In the end, it was not issued. After all, many soldiers hadn't seen a gold coin in their hands for months. They are really worried that their money will not be distributed in the end.

Such a problem, on the contrary, made the soldiers of the Qi army more calm, but their morale dropped a lot. The main reason is that their military payments are in arrears for a long time. Such arrears made Qi Army soldiers very worried.

"Are there any problems with our line of defense?" Qi Jun's front-line command force. A colonel was sitting in a chair, he was covered with a blanket. Asked, squinting.

"No, sir." A major sat on the ammunition box looking exhausted.

"Oh. That's fine." said the colonel.

"Yes." The major sat on the ammunition box worried.

"What is it?" the colonel asked, still closing his eyes.

"Yes, morale is low. I, I'm here." The major waved his arms and didn't know what to say.

"What?" The colonel still closed his eyes.

"When I inspected the front lines, I found that our soldiers were all discussing the issue of military pay." said the major.

"Yes, you know, we haven't paid military pay for several months. Many soldiers are very worried, worried that their military pay will not be paid. We have to think of a way." The major said worriedly.

"So, are they worried about eating?" the colonel asked, sitting up at this moment.

"This, it doesn't seem to be too much," the major said.

"En. That's good. They just don't care about this issue. They care about the military salary." The colonel said, looking at the major.

"Yes." The major nodded.

"Our soldiers don't care about what they eat? But they care about how much money they can get?" The colonel looked at the major and asked.

"Yes. Sir." The major nodded.

"Very good. This shows that our soldiers can tolerate some time." said the colonel.

"As for the question of military pay, I think there will be an answer soon. Don't worry. Don't worry." The colonel continued. Then he lay down again. For such a problem. The colonel couldn't help it. This is a matter for civil officials to solve. He only cares about how to fight.

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