"My lord, they all drove away." Xiaohe looked at Han Shu incomprehensibly. Han Shu is very busy correcting documents.

"Post this. And inform the people of the country." Han Shu said, putting a written document beside the book case.

"Here." Xiaohe stepped forward cautiously.

"You can take a look." Han Shu prompted.

"This." Xiaohe generally knows about the revised documents later, and rarely knows it right now.

"Look. You can understand the widow's intention to drive away those wastes from Jixia Academy." Han Shu looked up at Xiaohe at this time and said.

"Oh." Xiaohe nodded without knowing, and then opened the file cautiously. Then read it carefully. The order in this document says that the Royal Palace of Han will again save about half a million gold from its daily expenses. This is quite a sum of money, which means that the royal family's expenditure will be reduced to the size of an annual subsidy of 30,000 yuan. This scale is already quite large. In order to prepare for the establishment of a maritime surface military force. A lot of money has been saved. A lot of expenses have been cut in the palace. For example, some luxurious decoration plans have been cancelled, and many repair plans have also been cancelled.

The cost of palace personnel has also been cut to the extreme. The attendants used by the palace have been reduced to fifty people. This is a huge sacrifice made by the Han Palace, but fortunately some other expenses are unnecessary.

Because Han Shu is a woman, she doesn't need so many harem beauties like other Han kings. In this way, she left a large amount of expenses.

"The king meant to strengthen education in South Korea?" The female official Xiaohe said happily.

"Yes. Few people thought about it. Those Jixia Academy did nothing in Qi State. Today, South Korea has encountered a technical bottleneck, and there are no talents like South Korea. Hey, South Korea is just dying." Han Shu Time to put down the pen in his hand and stand up.

"Back then, I was in Qin with Shangwen, the prime minister of the State of Qin. Qin's Shangwencheng placed great importance on education. At that time, the widow still thought that this person was not smart enough, but now it seems that the widow is thinking too simple. Qin is relying on it. Thanks to the education system, a steady stream of talents has been delivered. These talents are much better than those of Jixia Academy. And they are very practical." Han Shu said at this time.

"Qin's children can study for free and can go to it. In Korea, only some people can go to it. The threshold for such a university is very high. Few people think about it, this is wrong." Han Shu lowered his head and said.

"Qin's education is universal and basic. Before, Qin always sought talents from the East, and they had to lower their heads to recruit talents. Today, Qin is producing talents by itself, and with Qin's efforts This kind of universal and basic education system is popularized. Children in Qin can go to school, and through learning, they can see that they are naturally extraordinary, and the things left by these predecessors are an intangible wealth. Look. You can’t use it. How long does it take for this wealth to gather quickly. And now Qin has already shown such demand for wealth. And in Korea, we don’t have a university, but we don’t have such a foundation. This is not strong. The widow is really anxious. Too anxious." Han Shu shook his head and rebuked.

"My lord, now my lord has allocated such a huge sum of money, 500,000 gold is enough." The female official Xiaohe said excitedly.

"These are not enough. Do you know how much money Qin allocates every year?" Han Shu then asked.

"I don't know." Xiao He shook his head.

"It is one million gold. Moreover, there are also a large amount of social donations, which are only part of their basic education. If many research projects are added, this amount exceeds the military expenditure of the Qin government." Han Shu said solemnly. .

Hear here. Xiao He was no longer excited.

"Qin, the state of Qin is strong, there seems to be an absolute reason." Xiao He said nervously. Only then did Xiao He know why Qin State was so powerful. No country can spend such a large sum of money on education, and the sum of this sum of money actually exceeds military expenditure, which is far beyond Xiao He's expectation.

"Next, the widow should find the Korean people and join such a large army. The future of South Korea is here. Education is my South Korean millennium plan. It is not an exaggeration to call it an exaggeration." Han Shu read it. After the report, I felt how backward Korea was in technology. To catch up with Qin like this, I can only use education as a channel. Other channels can't catch up at all. The tricks used to steal Qin's technology are furtive and can't solve the current problems in South Korea at all. Although anxious, anxious is of no use.

think about it. How about you just got the technology? You don’t have someone who knows technology, and stealing technology is a waste of effort. This, once detected by Qin, will be even more detrimental to South Korea.

After thinking about this, Han Shu realized that at the beginning Shangwen spent so much money and so much energy to focus on building a country's education system, what a vision it was. Such long-term strategic views. Only now did Han Shu understand. This is not something that ordinary people can see.

"Education requires patience. If you don't have great patience, or if you are always anxious to get results, you won't get anything at all. This education requires investment." Han Shu said.

"This document will be released immediately. Hurry." Han Shu continued.

"Here." Xiaohe agreed, then immediately turned around and ran out.

When Shang Wen established Qin's education system, he saw that there were big problems with Qin's talent system. Although Qin is actively recruiting talents from the six countries, he is not actively providing talents in his own country. This makes Qin very passive to accept talents from the six eastern countries. This is very passive, and Qin has a talent system. There is also a big problem. For technical talents, no active protection measures are taken, but passive use. Shangwen spends a lot of money, manpower, and material resources on education, which is to reverse this unfavorable situation in one fell swoop.

Now, Han Shu is also aware of it. Learning Qin is no longer a simple imitation. Many essences need to be studied and digested by yourself. For example, Qin State University, South Korea also has universities, and South Korea actively sends overseas students. However, there are more military students abroad. After all, many new Korean military officers directly graduated from the Qin Army Military Academy. However, the proportion of other international students in other industries is not very large.

On the street in Xinzheng, South Korea later, I have usually visited, and all countries have curfews at night. Qin and South Korea are just the opposite. More and more people appear in the market. Because people work all day and want to rest in the evening. Coupled with the growing size of the city, more and more street lighting facilities, and the cancellation of curfews, people are more willing to stay outside at night. After all, it is too boring at home.

"Hey, have you read the newspaper?" Just under a street lamp, many people returning from get off work from the factory gathered, and they all had their own bowls for dinner under the street lamp. Human lives are usually willing to gather under street lamps, because they have to light candles and waste lamp oil when they return to their homes. And this street lamp belongs to the public house. No need for nothing.

"If you have any news, talk about it." People are more and more like to discuss under the street lights. Listening to various sources.

"That's the good news, the old dog just told a joke." A young man in a lab coat said with a big bowl in his hand. He was still chewing and eating.

"What old things in Jixia Academy were beaten up by the soldiers of the new army today. Many people lost their shoes. His grandma's and Lao Tzu were not there. I didn't see such a good situation." The young man Said.

"Quickly talk." A middle-aged man stood up immediately. He was squatting on the edge of a telephone pole, and there was a bowl on the pole. Apparently he had just eaten under the telephone pole.

"The newspaper said that our lord, from the royal palace expenditure, there is about half a million gold left." The man said.

"So much money." The young man shouted loudly when he heard so much money.

"Shut up." A woman glanced at the other person and continued to listen.

"This money will be spent on our children. We, Korean children, will be able to go to school for free in the future," the person said excitedly.

"Huh?" The Koreans present were surprised and looked at the man in disbelief.

"It's true, our children can go to school in the future." The man said excitedly. But everyone present looked at that person quietly.

"Really?" a woman said cautiously.

"Really, all the notices are posted in this newspaper. It is said that the government office will handle related affairs this night." The person continued.

"Long live the queen." The middle-aged man called out loudly for the first time.

This middle-aged man is worrying about his child. There are several children in other families, but his family has only one seedling. Parents all over the world have broken their hearts for their children. He wants his children to get ahead, but there are only a few ways to get ahead. Doing business. It's too risky. I have never done it myself. The child doesn't know yet. Serve as a soldier. But being a soldier in a war will kill you. This is the only one in the family. After much deliberation, there is only reading. Reading can make you stand out, but the cost of reading is very large. Generally, school fees are very expensive. Only Korean universities can exempt tuition fees. But a few-year-old doll can't get in. This hardly killed the father. What he thinks is that he can do a few more jobs so that his children can enter school and go to university in the future. Come out to be an official. But did not expect. Now that the country has solved the problem of tuition fees, it also allows children to go to school for free. Can this not make this father happy?

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