The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1531: Financially sensitive

"What if we transfer this risk to the bank?" The arms sales meeting of the Lee Arms Company is still going on. But this time they have a new proposal. A young assistant with glasses said while holding a report.

"This plan." Manager Wang nodded. He thinks it is feasible, but can this plan continue?

All the people present are very clear that their plan is to let Qin’s bank lend to the nobles, and after these nobles get the funds, they will quickly buy arms. In this way, the arms company can get the money. This risk was transferred to Qin Guo's bank.

"Those people in the bank, can they do it?" Manager Li asked this question at this time.

"You know, those bankers are not stupid. They don't understand this problem." Manager Li said.

"I think we can give it a try. If we don't do this, the business won't go on at all. Those nobles lack money, and they don't have money to pay for our arms, but they all need a lot of money to buy arms. We Only by selling arms can we survive. This business is very big. And it is close to Qin. If it is done, it will be very beneficial to us." Manager Wang said.

"Well, let's try it. That's the only way." Manager Li looked helpless at this time. The arms companies really want to make this business, but they can't let the arms companies fall into a disaster.

In order to get this arms order as soon as possible. Li's Arms Company sent representatives to look for the adventurous and aggressive Wenyang Investment Bank. They are a branch of Wenyang Bank, which is a branch of Wenyang Bank. He is different from other commercial banks. Investment banks should invest the accumulated money. In other words, compared to ordinary commercial banks. Investment banks are more offensive.

The reason why Li Arms found Wenyang Investment Bank instead of a commercial bank was that the senior managers of Wenyang Bank understood the other party's intentions at once, but the commercial bank's profit came from the bank's deposit and lending. They not only need to get profits, but also to ensure safety. If the money is given to the nobles and the nobles do not stabilize the situation, the situation will cause immeasurable consequences. The bank executives are also worried if they lend to Zhao Guoren. Then Zhao Guoren can't repay the principal and interest. Thinking of this danger, they threw this hot potato to the investment bank. they know. The investment bankers are very adventurous.

"What's the situation?" Wenyang Investment Bank headquarters. A senior investment manager came to his office and asked. He was listening to the Qin State stock market report. When he came here, Qin's stock market fell into a stalemate, and the fluctuations became smaller and smaller. But such fluctuations are usually the unfolding of a wave of big fluctuations. The problem is, up and down. They do not yet know what the situation is.

"Li's Arms Company has a big deal to talk to us." The assistant quickly took out his own file folder, then pulled out a report and handed it to the senior manager.

"My glasses?" The senior manager sat down at this moment and said.

"Here, sir." The assistant found the eyes of the senior manager and handed it to him.

"I see what they want to do." The senior manager said with the report.

The senior manager looked seriously.

"Humph." After reading the report, the senior manager grunted.

"Do people from these weapons companies doubt our IQ?" the senior manager said disdainfully.

The assistant on the side looked at the senior manager unidentified.

"They want us to lend money to the nobles of the Zhao country. After these nobles get the money, they can buy cannons and guns. In this way, they can get the money. Yes, they get the money, but we want Take the risk that the nobles cannot pay the principal and interest. This is a serious challenge to our IQ. Challenge." The senior manager said angrily.

"This." At this time, the assistant finally understood that the senior manager would reply like this. If this were the case, the business would not be done. But the assistant thought about it, after all, they are investors, they are playing a game of money, and such a game itself is closely related to risk. If there is no risk, there is not much benefit to talk about.

"Now it seems. The situation is a little different." The assistant said this inexplicably at this time.

"What's the difference?" the senior manager asked at this time.

"Oh. That's the case. We recently studied some situations and thought that Qin’s capital market was too small. It could not be connected with several surrounding markets. That is to say, Qin’s money is in Qin, or Qin’s. Money. Although Qin State has a lot of capital, bonds, stocks, and futures, these things are only owned by Qin State. Other countries do not. Qin State has developed rapidly over the years. Various stocks and bonds have been flooded. Qin State’s stock market, but these things are only Qin State’s stock market. Qin’s companies are listed on the market. Qin’s own bonds are traded. These things, bonds are exchanged for money, and money is exchanged for money. Stocks. Stocks are exchanged for funds. In this way, in a certain area, Qin Guo's own funds are transferred." The assistant said some of the results of the research at this time.

"En. Go on." The senior manager was very interested in such topics.

"While going around like this, our situation will get worse and worse," the assistant said.

"In the final analysis, these funds are still being transferred in Qin State. Therefore, our profits. It is conceivable that this may also be an important reason for the stagnation of Qin State's stock market." The assistant said his opinion.

"Go on." The senior manager touched his chin and asked the assistant to continue.

"My opinion is. If we pull in several surrounding markets, for example, the market in Zhao country, and the market in South Korea. For example, the market in Zhao country. The noble lords of Zhao country need a big For the money to buy artillery, we can let these noble lords set up a company first. You know, these noble lords don’t have much collateral for loans. After letting these noble lords set up a company, let them hold the company. Or let us entrust them to sell. In this way, we can let Zhao’s company go public in Qin, and we can sell stocks by raising the stock price. After the nobles get the money, if they put those coal mines After it is taken, we can use it to sell. If the noble master wants to gain control, he must buy it back, or if they want to speculate, they will also buy some stocks. You know, we are experts in this area. "The assistant said.

At this time, the senior assistant still touched his chin to think about this matter.

"Anything else?" The senior manager has already pondered this matter. The senior managers were very angry at Lee's Weapons Company's proposal, which undoubtedly doubted their IQ. However, after an analysis by his own assistant. Senior managers think it is feasible. The advantage of investment managers is that they can carry out capital financing well. If you sell the stock in your hand, you will immediately get a large sum of money. Such funds are very impressive for them.

"Nothing." The assistant shook his head and said to the senior manager at this time.

"En. Very good. The idea is very good. You go down first and I will study it." The senior manager said.

"Yes, sir." The assistant turned and left. The senior managers are still thinking about this matter, and the senior managers believe that this matter is feasible. But there are some risks. Because Qin Guo's capital control has not yet loosened the stock trading. In particular, the issuance of some bonds has not been liberalized. If it is traded in Qin State, how does Zhao State’s company go public? If you trade in Zhao State, Zhao State does not have a stock exchange market. It is also easy to cause problems. In this way, after controlling the other party's shares, finding a market becomes the key.

From the perspective of investment banks, controlling the counterparty’s shares is simple. This is because these nobles don’t care about mortgage these things to Qin State. However, after control, if the mortgaged things in their hands are sold, this is the key. This requires Qin State either to sell these stocks in his own capital market, but Qin State The stock market is developing so rapidly that it may not be possible to sell these things. But if these things are sold to the Zhao State market, it will be difficult to establish this market. This is a very risky thing.

Thought of this. The manager stopped thinking. He immediately picked up the phone on his desk.

"Hello." The manager picked up the phone, shook the phone, and connected to the company's internal switchboard.

"Take Director Xiao." The senior manager said calmly.

Then the call was connected. The senior managers told Xiao He about this matter and his own views. After Xiao He received the call. Picked up his pen and recorded this incident. Xiao He feels that this is a solution to the bank’s dilemma. Thought of this. Xiao He immediately realized that this was an important event of great reform significance. So he immediately called a high-level meeting to discuss this matter.

And in Meng Yi's office. Meng Yi is also holding an important meeting, the content of the meeting is to discuss how to carry out reforms.

"Everyone knows that our current situation is not very good. Qin's trade exports have declined to a certain extent, and some commodities and grain cannot be sold. This is not a good thing for us. But. On the other hand. Wang Shang sent a telegram. Let us pay attention to some things. Border smuggling has become a trend and is difficult to control. It is very detrimental to us. Wang Shang asked us to increase our jurisdiction over the border." Meng Yi introduced the situation.

"I want to hear your opinions?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

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