The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1536: Bang on both sides

"Well, it seems that South Korea should also develop finance and look for new breakthroughs in finance." Han Shu said.

After Han Shu thought about it seriously. I believe that South Korea needs development in all aspects at present, but the problem is that South Korea’s funds are very limited, especially for some South Korean companies, which have very limited development funds. They can only rely on their limited money to invest in production. Financial resources are very limited. With sufficient funds, I am afraid that some situations can be improved.

After thinking about it, Han Shu believes that some improvements should be made in some areas, and these improvements will be very beneficial to South Korea.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." The horn sounded throughout the battlefield.

"There is enemy sentiment, there is enemy sentiment." On the observation tower of Chu Army, a Chu Army soldier shouted loudly. After Chu Jun heard the sound, they took up their weapons and rushed out of the camp.

"Enter the trench, quickly enter the trench." The Chu Army officer shouted loudly. The Chu army soldiers moved quickly.

"What's the situation?" General Chu Jun shouted loudly.

"Report. A large number of Qi people appeared around our barracks." An officer ran over, panting.

"Let everyone enter the trenches and prepare for war." General Chu Jun shouted.

"Here." The Chu army officer bowed his hand and left.

"Fucking so fast!" a bearded officer scolded while holding his sword and wearing armor.

"Brother. Come up with me and have a look. Once these Qi people come in, our situation will be bad." The Chu army general said nervously.

"Go, go to the artillery position. It's high over there. You can see everything." The bearded officer dragged the general and said.

"En. Okay." General Chu Jun thought for a while, and thought that the other party was right, so he followed the bearded officer. The general originally went to the Qianmen camp to have a look, but was dragged to the artillery position by the bearded officer. The entire Chu army camp was built on a nearby high ground. Artillery positions are arranged in the highest position, which can block the surrounding area. And the power of the artillery can be maximized. Under normal circumstances, artillery positions are selected on high ground. The bearded officer was obviously more experienced than this general. He directly took the opponent to the artillery position. Not only did the artillery position be safe, but he could also effectively observe the enemy's situation and cause serious damage to the opponent with artillery.

"Quickly. It won't be great if the people of Qi are killed." The bearded officer panted, dragging the general Chu Jun shouted.

Soon the two climbed to the high ground. The artillery had entered the battle position. After hearing the horn sound, they immediately ran out of their camp and entered the battle position.

"Oh my God." The bearded officer picked up his binoculars to check the surroundings. The surroundings made him feel his scalp tingling.

To the north of the Chu army camp appeared densely packed Qi people. These Qi people were dressed in tatters and their flags were in tatters. The weapons are in a mess. From muskets, spears, ge, wooden sticks. There are also some labor tools. The Qi people slowly approached the camp of the Chu army.

"They are more than three miles away from us." The bearded officer said after checking the situation with his binoculars.

"Oh my god. With so many people from Qi, they must kill us." General Chu Jun said unbelievably at this time. After seeing a large number of Qi people appearing to the north, he couldn't believe his eyes. He thought these were impossible things, but so many Qi people appeared in front of him.

"Is it all filled?" The bearded officer asked loudly at this time.

"The aim has been completed." A Chu Army artillery commander shouted loudly.

"En. Good. Immediately fire the artillery and bombard the Qi people. Disperse them." The Chu army officer shouted loudly.

"Here." After the gun commander got the order. The bombardment began immediately.

"Boom. Boom." Chu Jun's artillery began to fire. The rumble of cannons rang out, and the general Chu Jun covered his ears. The rumble of cannons made his ears hum.

"Send Lingbing, come here." At this moment, the Chu Army officer shouted loudly again.

"General." A soldier stepped forward quickly. "Place our small-caliber artillery in the camp to the north. Give the other side to kill." The bearded officer shouted loudly.

"Here." After the soldier got the order. Get on the horse immediately. Ride away.

"Swish." The shells roared.

"Boom." The artillery shells fell among the dense Qi people.

"Ah." The shell exploded after it hit the ground. The Qi people who were hit screamed. The team of Qi people is not very neat, and the team of Qi people is very loose. After the shells landed, not many people of Qi were killed. However, many Qi people were injured by the flying shrapnel.

"Ah. It hurts me to death." The man of Qi who was shot fell to the ground and shouted loudly.

"Ah." The man of Qi who was shot shouted loudly. The surrounding Qi people saw someone hit and fell to the ground, and they walked around. Some Qi people kept shaking their legs in fright, and some younger Qi people squatted on the ground and did not dare to move forward.

"Damn, get up quickly. Let me move forward." Some Qi guerrilla leaders kicked over, and then waved the bronze swords in their hands to drive the Qi people forward.

"Hurry up." The Qi State guerrilla leader shouted loudly.

"Swish." Cannonballs continued to fly in.

"Boom." The artillery positions of the Chu Army continued to bombard the advancing team of the Qi State guerrillas.

"We only have two artillery companies." The bearded Chu Army officer took his binoculars and saw that his artillery was not very effective in killing the Qiguo people.

The Qi guerrilla team is particularly scattered. In this way, the damage caused is very small. And he has only one artillery company. There are only eleven large-caliber artillery pieces. There is also an artillery company that has small-caliber artillery, and these small-caliber artillery can directly fire shells.

"Hurry up, let our artillery fire." General Chu Jun shouted loudly at this time. Seeing the Qi people coming over like a tide, General Chu's ability to withstand it has collapsed. He felt that his camp could not be lower than the opponent's offense.

"Don't panic." The Chu army officer shouted loudly.

This general of the Chu army came from a nobleman, and this bearded officer was promoted from the bottom, and his rich combat experience allowed the officer to take a calm look at the situation. make a decision.

The bearded officer grabbed the opponent's collar and shouted loudly.

"Bang." The Chu Army artillery continued to bombard each other. There have been some riots in Qi people, but they are still moving forward.

"You can't fight like this," the bearded officer said at this time.

"Commander, come here," the bearded officer shouted loudly.

"General." The gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Stop firing, I order you to separate the artillery and shoot at the two wings of the Qi people, forcing them to gather together." The Chu army officer shouted loudly.

"Here. Here." The gun commander agreed immediately. So the artillery began to adjust the muzzle. Bombard the wings of the Qi people.

"Come here." The Chu Army officer called out a soldier at this time.

"Let our small-caliber artillery directly bombard those Qi people in the center." The Chu army officer shouted loudly. Soon the Chu army began to adjust their tactical arrangements.

After a brief artillery adjustment. The Qi people took advantage of this opportunity to quickly approach the place two miles away from the Chu army camp.

The Qi guerrillas do not have many heavy weapons. Even if they have heavy weapons such as artillery, they will not use them. The use of heavy weapons requires a certain level of technical content. The Qi people simply don't have such talents, unless Yingyu can use it at a glance and teach some artillery methods. Therefore, most of the Qi people’s weapons are light weapons. When only light weapons are available, the Qi people can only launch attacks with weapons in their hands. Without any firepower support.

In addition to this aspect, the Qi people didn't have any tactical arrangements at all. They just pulled the queue out, and when they approached the Chu army's position, they attacked. They didn't know what the separate offensive tactics were. They could only gather all the people and form a wave-like offense in one direction.

"His mother, so many Qi people don’t have enough bullets." The Chu army soldiers hid in the trenches. They saw a large number of Qi people coming towards them. Although artillery shelled them, the densely packed people were enough. Let these soldiers feel scared.

"Let's talk about it if you live." Another soldier crouched in the trench and said. He didn't know if he could survive.

"Boom. Boom." The Chu army's large-caliber artillery bombarded again.

"Wow." The cannonball flew over the heads of the Chu Army soldiers with howling.

"Boom." Then it exploded among the Qi people.

"Bang." The flying shrapnel killed some Qi nationals, and the surrounding Qi nationals began to leave around the injured Qi nationals, screaming in pain, making Qi nationals feel numb, and the exploded arms and thighs made these soldiers feel scared. The people of Qi gathered together, and most of them had not experienced the battlefield. The **** scene made them feel very scared. Such a horrible scene gave the people of Qi a timid idea.

"Quickly go." However, under the urging of the Qi guerrilla leader, the Qi people had to move forward. They don't know what their fate will be.

However, some of them gradually discovered that Chu’s artillery only fired at both sides. Some smart people, seeing this situation, began to flock desperately to the two sides, or to a more central location. They believed that here Can avoid the opponent's cannon bombardment for a short time. Then you can live longer, after all, no one wants to be shot.

"Swish." The cannonball flew out with howling. The Qi people kept approaching the camp of the Chu army.

"They were fooled." The bearded army officer Chu exclaimed excitedly. The telescopes he was holding trembled. He is so happy.

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