The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1538: The war mode is different

"It's a cannon, the cannon we ordered." On a colony in the south of Chu State. The Chu people who unloaded the cargo on the shore shouted loudly.

"It's a cannon, the cannon we ordered has arrived." Chu people shouted happily. These cannons were all ordered by them, and after avoiding the attack of wind and waves and the harassment of pirates, the merchant ships successfully reached the port of the southern colony of Chu Kingdom. At this time, the Chu people who came to unload the cargo came forward. Check out their artillery. The colony’s armament only had guns, and the artillery was only available on merchant ships, so the colony’s defenses were relatively weak. After the colony established a self-governing government, the government decided to strengthen its own defenses to resist increasingly unfavorable pirate harassment. At the same time, the local militia was armed. After these militias were strengthened by artillery, they could develop further inland.

With the increase in the number of colonies, the land used in the colonies became tense, which is very unfavorable to the local economic development. However, the local land is controlled by the indigenous people. Although the colonial authorities can further expand the land, if they want to If you expand the land, relying on the militias with guns in the colony will not be able to win the initiative at all. Only with cannons can you win the situation. Therefore, the colony imported large-scale artillery to arm itself. Only the artillery can pacify the local indigenous people.

"With these cannons, the natives can completely calm us. The current colonies are only coastal, and the inland along the coastline is only a dozen miles deep. Only deep inland can we find minerals. Next, the colony must rely on it. Only minerals can develop the economy." The colony elected chief said to his militia captain.

"Then, in the next step, we will continue to attack the local indigenous people." The militia captain said.

"Yes, the next step is to do this." said the colony chief.

"However, in this way, we need a large number of soldiers. If these soldiers fail in battle?" the militia captain said worriedly.

"Nothing," said the colony chief.

"The colony needs land to grow some cash crops to make profits, and there are a lot of minerals to dig out. These all need to be developed in depth. Do you know?" said the governor.

"Do you know how Qin people developed?" the governor asked.

"I don't know." The militia captain said.

"That's how the people of Qin developed. Their land expanded a lot. Looking at us again, the land area is too small." said the colony chief.

"We are just by the sea, and there is nothing by the sea. Only by developing inland can our colony grow, understand?" said the colony chief.

"Yes. Sir," the militia captain said. With the growth of Chu's overseas colonies. Colony development space is getting smaller and smaller. On the contrary, their opponents, the local indigenous people, occupy a large amount of land, which is rich in agricultural resources and rich in mineral resources. Ever since, the colony decided to develop inland. These are the spontaneous determination of the local chief. They saw their own development path from the Qin State, but the actual needs of the colony still need to be further developed.

After the colony chief left. The militia captain shook his head helplessly.

"Crazy. Completely mad. If this continues, our situation will be bad." The militia captain is very unoptimistic about expansion, because the colonial people are unwilling to fight, and the colony and the local aborigines have gone through a **** battle. . Both serve are temporarily in a balanced state. Not only that. The colony is also actively developing. In addition to developing agriculture, the colony is also developing handicraft industry. On the one hand, the local indigenous people need a large number of handmade products to meet their own needs. The demand for territory seems not so strong. In addition, some colonies have newly arrived immigrants. They are not very strong about expansion. What they want is a stable residence, not just in a strange place. Start desperately.

Therefore, the captain of the militia was extremely unoptimistic about the expansion of the colony. But the governor of the colony was too anxious.

"How is the frontline battle?" Yingyu led his troops to the mountainous terrain with favorable terrain, and more and more guerrillas participated in offensive operations, and Yingyu's approach seemed very conservative. In this situation. Many people complained to Yingyu. They didn't understand why their chief became timid at this time.

"I don't know." Stone said in a low mood.

"What's the matter?" Yingyu asked loudly immediately.

"Others are attacking, why did we retreat? I don't know if the chief is timid and scared." Shishi complained.

"Is your kid angry?" Yingyu said to the stone with a smile.

"Don't dare, we can only obey our chief's own decision." Stone said unconvinced.

"I know your kid is not convinced. Knowing the current situation, the guerrillas are all going to attack the Chu army camp, but we are constantly retreating." Ying Yu said.

"I also want to attack, but the current situation is that we are too optimistic." Yingyu said.

"It took us only one or two months from the development of the guerrillas to the expansion to the current situation. However, we have gone from more than 100 people to more than 2,000 people today. The number has grown a lot. But don't forget. What is our real combat power?" Yingyu said.

"We are not yet capable of confronting the Chu army head-on. The Chu army has regular infantry, artillery, and chariots. And we, the infantry can't make a single gun. Most of the weapons are still very backward. The quality of the officers is also Not good enough." Yingyu said.

"We can command a company to fight. We can fight ambushes, but the Chu army can sweep our guerrilla operations. They can fight with thousands of people at the same time, but we." Ying Yu said, shaking his head. Obviously, the guerrillas do not yet have such capabilities.

"So, now, tell me, how is the offensive situation of the guerrillas?" Yingyu asked.

"This." The stone scratched his head at this time.

"Sir, sorry." Stone said with a smile.

"We, we didn't go scouting." Stone said with a smile.

"Let's go scouting, we need to know the dynamics of all parties." Yingyu said.

"It's the sir." Stone left with a smile.

"Lao Mo, the weapons of the Qi guerrillas are too scarce." Shang Wen said to Lao Mo.

"Lack?" Old Mo said in confusion.

"Yes. Look at their hands, there are only a few muskets. The Chu army has artillery and more advanced weapons. It is extremely disadvantageous to fight against them." Shang Wen said.

"Isn't this a good thing you did?" Mo Li pointed out unceremoniously.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"I admit it." Shang Wen said.

"But relying on these simple weapons, we suffer too much." Shang Wen said.

"Can't do this." Shang Wen said.

"What good does the Prime Minister have?" Old Mo asked.

"Only with weapons can we fight against them. At present, in the mountains, we are looking for some sulfur, saltpeter, and burning some charcoal, we can deploy some gunpowder, and with gunpowder, we can make some explosive weapons. . This is beneficial to us." Shang Wen said.

"Gunpowder?\" Old Mo said.

"Yes, it's gunpowder." As Shang Wen waved his hand, a man with a musket came over.

"Give me a bullet." Shang Wen said.

"This." The Qi countryman looked at Old Mo at this time.

"Give it to him." Old Mo motioned. The opponent immediately gave Shangwen a bullet, with a section of wax paper behind the bullet. Gunpowder is sealed in the wax paper. When fighting, you can use it by biting a hole with your teeth.

"Bah." Shang Wen bit open a mouth and spit out the wax paper in his mouth. Pour the gunpowder in your hands.

"These are gunpowder, and the bullets in the barrel, which is what you call the hidden weapon, were fired by him." Shang Wen said.

"This is gunpowder?" Mo Li asked curiously.

"Yes, this is gunpowder. The formula of gunpowder is actually very simple. It is saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. These three are all in one," Shang Wen said.

"Oh. I said, our gunpowder has always come from Chu or Qin." said the Qi countryman who gave Shangwen gunpowder.

"This is not a secret. The people of Chu know the formula, but their formula is not very good. The color of the gunpowder is not very good." Shang Wen said.

"Because there is a ratio problem. Then I will tell you the ratio, you can make it. In addition, the barrel, I need some ironsmith, you can use the manual method to make the barrel." Shang Wen said.

"In this way, you can make some barrels. Then you can make guns. There is no effective supply and you can only rely on yourself. But there are still bigger problems that have not been solved." Shang Wen continued, shaking his head.

"What's the problem?" Mo Li asked.

"The root of the guerrillas is still the economic problem. If you don't have economic income, it will be difficult for you to develop further." Shang Wen said.

"So many people need a lot of money to eat, use, and wear." Shang Wen said.

"En." Old Mo also seriously realized this problem.

"My opinion is that on the one hand we have to be in the mountains. On the other hand, we still have to turn to the ocean." Shang Wen put forward his own views.

"On the sea?" Mo Li looked at Shang Wen suspiciously.

"Yes, at sea, we do maritime trade. Selling salt and starting trade, there are many things that can be developed at sea, and there are many marine resources." Shang Wen said.

"With these things, money can be exchanged, armaments can be expanded, and war can be continued. In the end, the war is fighting economics." Shang Wen said while looking at Old Mo.

"The current mode of war has already changed. It can't be done like before." Shang Wen said.

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