The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1544: New strategic offensive direction

Chu Jun controls King Qi. Under the condition that the king of Qi was in control of the opponent, the latter had all agreed to the opponent’s request. In order to achieve the goal of controlling Qi, the Chu State had to leave a 100,000 army stationed in Qi, for Qi to do this. The garrison had to pay a lot of money to the other side. All logistics supplies were borne by Qi. In addition, Chu was in Qi, and there were other requirements, such as taxes, and all kinds of money made by Qi. The state of Chu must participate in this business, and this treaty is extremely unequal. The signing of this treaty is equivalent to Qi directly admitting defeat. But this treaty is only known to a few people. Only the king of Qi, the queen, and a few attendants knew about Qi. Other than that, most people didn't know about Qi. Under such circumstances, Qi State Linzi gave up resistance and ended this war, and this war was over. But will there be wars in the future? I don't know.

"The company of the son is mainly engaged in the development of mineral resources. The main business is coal mining and transportation and sales. It belongs to the coal mining industry. This industry has great potential for development in Qin. Qin has many mineral mining companies. Main capacity Quite powerful." Li Feng, as a partner with Gongzijia, initially drafted such a plan. They planned to let Gongzijia establish a coal company. The registered capital is 50,000 gold. This fifty thousand gold is real gold, not Qin's paper currency unit. If converted into Qin State banknotes, it is roughly equivalent to two hundred and fifty thousand gold.

"Coal mining." Young Master Jia looked like holding the report handed over by Li Feng. The content of the report is very detailed, mainly focusing on the integration of the resources controlled by the son Jia, and then the establishment of Jia company. This is named after the son Jia. The company's main business is coal mining, and of course there are other businesses, such as coal transportation around coal mining and coal sales. In addition, it is some trade, agricultural production and so on. These are all integrated with the resources in the hands of Young Master Jia.

"Yes." Li Feng said.

"However, we still need some financial reports. These require very detailed information. We need to fabricate them. Only in this information can the company be listed. Stocks can be traded. Otherwise, if these things are not visible, they will not agree to our listing. Yes." Li Feng explained.

"Listed?" Young Master Jia then asked.

"Yes. Listed." Li Feng nodded and said.

"This is the first condition for our cooperation, and it is also a very important condition." Li Feng said. Although the Prime Minister's House of Qin State has made a guarantee to allow Zhao State's noble company to go public. But Li Feng still needs to be careful. After all, if these things are not handled properly, they will cause serious financial losses. This kind of guilt is hard to shirk.

"En." Gongzi Jia didn't understand. Fortunately, there is a counselor by the side, but the counselor does not seem to understand. For a large amount of information. This counselor was also exposed to so many things for the first time. He really didn't understand why Qin State had to make so many things. I haven't thought of these things before.

"There is one more thing, we need to advance the company's establishment by one year." Li Feng said.

"Oh. Why?" Young Master Jia asked puzzlingly.

"If there is no one year, these materials will not exist at all, and the people of Qin will not be able to see these things. This is very important to us. If we have just established. A company without a historical record, it is difficult for the people of Qin to believe . It is difficult for us to sell the company's stock, which is too difficult for us." Li Feng said.

"Oh. That's okay. This is easy to say, we can all prepare the documents here," said Young Master Jia.

"So, sir, how long will it take for us to get the money?" Young Master Jia asked.

"This. We don't know." Li Feng said.

"Usually it takes one month." Li Feng explained.

"This, we can't wait anymore," said Young Master Jia.

"We are as soon as possible. The Prime Minister's Mansion has already released policy restrictions for us. Presumably it should be faster." Li Feng said.

"We need to be faster. It's best to complete it within half a month." Gong Zijia said.

"This." Li Feng felt very embarrassed, and completed the listing requirements within half a month, which would have a great impact on Qin's financial market.

"However." Thinking of this, Li Feng believes that some time should be delayed so that some financial management can be strengthened.

"But what?" Young Master Jia asked curiously.

"We can use some funds to buy some of Qin's stocks. Make some money." Li Feng said.

"I heard that this Qin State stock. There is no money in an instant," said Young Master Jia.

"This is not necessarily. If it is used to manage money and hire us, we can make a profit. But we need to extract a lot of profit." Li Feng said.

"This is natural. As long as you have money." Gongzi Jia said.

"Well, then, we can draw out 20,000 of them. Convert it into Qin State banknotes, and then you can put them into it." Li Feng said.

"We will handle it as soon as possible." Li Feng said immediately. Gongzi Jia wanted to say something, but in the end he swallowed his own words.

The General Staff of Qin State Xianyang.

Qin's staff are carefully studying the sand table operations. They are marking the military information from various places on a huge sand table to make it easy to understand at a glance.

And Wang Jian and Wei Liao were walking downstairs.

"If it is true, then it would be an amazing geographical discovery." Wang Jian said with a smile.

"Yes. This will directly affect our strategic decisions." Wei Liao said.

"We are currently at a loss for the mountain people. We can't deal with them at all. The encirclement and suppression methods are too slow," Wei Liao said.

"If this is the case, Qin's territory may be expanded again. And there is a plain. The progress is quite fast. We can quickly advance the front to that position." Wei Liao said.

"Well, we can't make a bet on the sand table left by the prime minister. We need to further clarify the situation. It is too dangerous to send troops rashly." Wang Jian shook his head and said.

"En." Wei Liao nodded.

"However, we can send some expeditions, as long as they go deep into it, they can understand the situation." Wei Liao said.

"If we can figure out the other party's situation, we can follow it up." Wei Liao said.

"En. I'd better report it to the king and take some actions. This will be better." Wang Jian said cautiously.

"En. I think it can." Wei Liao nodded.

The discussion between Wang Jian and Wei Liao came from a report from the Qin Northern Staff. Based on the information of mercenary combat and the sand table left by Shang Wen, they made some speculations and came up with a shocking news.

The news is that behind the occupied mountains on the eastern border of Qin, there is a large plain. This plain seems to be even wider. In contrast, the mountain people in the eastern mountains of the battle can be cut off.

The people of Qin are extremely sensitive to the eastern mountains. Because of the mountain people's advantage in the battle situation and the insufficient strength of the Qin army, this poses a great threat to Qin's eastern border. The staff has always wanted to remove this flanking threat. But there is no way. To enter the mountains, it is necessary to conduct mountain operations. But the east is full of dense virgin forests. A series of actions such as development and mining of gold take time. Although the State of Qin has taken measures to suppress the actions of the other party. But for the time being, the State of Qin could not completely suppress his opponents.

From a strategic point of view. If there were plains behind, the Qin State could borrow from Liaodong and launch military operations to occupy these plains, then establish a line of defense, and then seize and encircle one by one. Separate the eastern mountainous area. Then clear these mountain people. In this way, Qin will be able to eliminate the mountain people on the eastern border, which will free up a considerable amount of troops for Qin. This part of the force has become an important mobile force, which can go north to chase the Huns. Going south can cross the Yanshan Mountain and sweep the entire country of Yan, Zhao, and even Qi. This is a very favorable situation for Qin. same. If you don't know these mountain people, then Qin can't draw troops. This part of the force is about to be firmly nailed to the eastern mountains.

It is these considerations. Wang Jian hopes to break this situation and strive to free this part of the force. The mountain people in the eastern mountains had a great influence on the flanks of Qin. Mountain people rely on favorable terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Their supplies are also very scarce. When launching large-scale military operations against the Huns, it is easy to contain the main force of the Qin army. This is very unfavorable for Qin State.

So Wang Jian shifted his strategic gaze to the eastern mountainous area. On the surface, Wang Jian's move was not very good. But murder is the greatest. Wang Jian considered one of Qin's favorable situations, that is, before Qin's troops were usually sent from west to east. Such a strategic posture makes it easy to focus on the Qin State in the west, which forms a prepared defensive posture against Qin State. Now that firearms are popularized, firearms obviously have a great advantage over the defending side. Of course, Qin Jun can rely on his own artillery advantage to make up for it, but for Qin State, it costs too much.

But attack from the north. It will form an unexpected situation. Attacking from the north is the route of the northern nomadic attack. However, following the offensive route of the nomadic tribe, a great advantage will be formed as a result. This is Wang Jian's new strategic goal posture. Attack from the north. Rather than the traditional West. This is a brand new strategic offensive direction for Qin State.

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