"This son Jia, what are you doing lately? It's mysterious." The old noble Changping Jun Zhao Tuo said slowly.

"Lord, I don't know this, but the informant reported that Gongzijia had recently gone very close to the people of Qin. According to the people at the Gongzi's mansion. It seems to be planning something for the company." One with a long, slender beard. Said the counselor.

"Company?" Zhao Tuo replied doubtfully.

"What company?" Zhao Tuo asked.

"I don't know, I heard from the government that this company is related to Qin State and can solve the problem of the son's money." The counselor continued.

"Really?" Zhao Tuo asked.

"The nobles of Zhao country are all short of money. This Qin countryman can get money. Moreover, this Qin countryman is not stupid, so why should I give him money?" Zhao Tuo said disapprovingly.

"I think so too. But, the Qin people seem to be very busy. Could they really get forward? Qin people's money is just as they have changed." said the counselor.

Hearing this, Zhao Tuo's alertness suddenly rose.

"En. You send someone to continue the investigation and show me those people from the Qin country." Zhao Tuo said.

"Looking back to find time, I'm going to ask. Should I meet those Qin people. I want to figure out what's going on in this." Zhao Tuo said.

The counselor nodded.

"Send these materials back to Xianyang as soon as possible." Li Feng hurriedly took out a lot of materials and handed them to one of his subordinates.

"Is it possible to go public so soon?" the subordinate said worriedly.

"I don't know, do it as soon as possible." Li Feng said busy.

"Yes, head." He said, let's move the files away.

The preparation stage for listing is very complicated, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to solve in a short time.

The General Staff of Qin State Xianyang.

"What kind of situation is this Qi country, we don't know at all, we don't know to whom the aid materials are given. This prime minister's mansion lets us discuss what kind of countermeasures." said the secretary of the army.

"That is, let us calculate how much budget is needed to occupy an overseas place. This. It's a bit difficult." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"I really don’t know what the Prime Minister’s Mansion thinks. There are still a lot of things to do with our staff. All the military supplies are sold, and we can solve our military expenditure problem. I don’t know if they can give it to the people of Qi. The money is coming." The Secretary of the Army said.

"Military expenditure has been cut so much. Many plans have been stranded. It is impossible to do it at all." The Minister of the Heavenly Army complained.

And Wang Jian was not there at all, because such a meeting would not be able to negotiate a result at all. The overall military expenditure of the Qin Army has been cut by more than 30%. Such a drastic reduction in military spending has made some of Wang Jian's plans shelved, and the reduction in military spending seems to be intensifying. The government's fiscal revenue has decreased a lot, mainly because the production of various factories has decreased. Qin's trade exports and imports were affected by the Chu state, which reduced the first quarter's revenue. Coupled with the severe shrinkage of the market, this has greatly hindered Qin's sustained economic development. Although the Prime Minister's Office of Qin State issued a decree to develop trade, it required an overall plan to implement it, and what Qin State lacked was time.

In the face of reduced fiscal revenue and military spending, the military will naturally not actively cooperate with the prime minister's office. In their view, the prime minister's office intends to reduce military spending. Under such circumstances, naturally there is no countermeasure for Qin Jun to provide assistance.

"This is the plan provided by our people. They can't provide more materials to help the people of Qi." Meng Yi met Zhang Liang again. The problem this time is still the Qi state problem. The people of Qin State hope that Qi State can contain the Chu army and induce greater problems. For the Chu State Navy, the Qin State is actively contacting it, but this will take time.

"Qi people's problem is an economic problem." Zhang Liang said.

"Qi's economy is already bad at home." Zhang Liang said.

"Without any value, it is difficult for us to assist them." Zhang Liang said in his own opinion.

"Well, I think we don't understand too much about the issues of Chu and Qi. This is very unfavorable for us, and it feels very difficult to make a decision rashly now." Meng Yi said. The opinions are spoken.

"So, I decided to put it aside for a while and send some military observation missions and economic observation missions to make new decisions after thoroughly understanding Qi. However, I want to know some of the current situation. I heard , You South Korea has assisted Qi country, don't know what your opinion is?" Meng Yi asked.

"This, I know very little about specific things. What I know is that Qi's economy has completely withered, the population has decreased a lot, most of the land is barren, and people are in a state of insufficient food. And this country is still The war must continue. If this continues, I really don’t know what the outcome will be. Our assistance has also stopped. South Korea can only do business with them, and cannot provide continuous unconditional assistance. This will be very detrimental to us. Said.

"En. You are right, we can't just use assistance. We want to do business with them." Meng Yi said.

"But this kind of business is very difficult to do. Our market is shrinking severely. Some of our products in Qin State have been unsalable and squeezed. Except for the Chu State market which is better, other markets are shrinking. Our products are already very difficult to sell. And the resources of other countries are not attractive enough for us.” Meng Yi said, reflecting the current status of Qin. Countries have begun to levy high taxes, so that the people's purchasing power has been reduced a lot. With the reduced purchasing power, the sales of Qin's products have fallen rapidly, especially for some civilian needs. No matter how good the products produced by Qin State are, but people in other countries cannot afford to buy them, the impact on Qin State is too great.

"Our situation is the same. Chu's market is shrinking very severely. We can only focus on the Yangtze River area. That area is better, other places." Zhang Liang directly shook his head and said that the situation in South Korea is not optimistic. .

"What do you say are these reasons?" Meng Yi asked.

"According to our investigation. It seems to be related to the taxation of various countries. The taxation of various countries is extremely unreasonable. The people simply cannot afford to buy our goods. Our factories can produce more goods in a short time, but sell them. If we don't go out, our factory can only close down." Zhang Liang said.

"I think that in the next step, our two countries should put the crux of the problem on opening up more markets instead of focusing on the east. Other directions should also be carried out as soon as possible. Otherwise, big problems will arise. Yes. Once our business is short of funds, it will not cause a little problem.

Qin and South Korea are very similar in terms of development systems. The production capacity of factories in the two countries has increased a lot, especially the use of some advanced equipment, but the problem is that no matter how advanced the equipment is, there is no market where it can be sold. This is very bad news for Qin and South Korea. Without market sales, there will be a backlog of products in both countries, and a greater crisis will come. Now both countries are aware of this problem, but neither country has a good plan on how to solve it.

"Hurry, let go, hurry up." A small official of Chu State snatched a woman's silk with his sturdy hands.

"My lord, please," the woman cried out in tears.

"Our family relies on this for some food. Otherwise, we will starve to death." The woman shouted. The Chu people onlookers kept shaking their heads, and then left unbearably. Some people feel pitiful when they look at it.

"Pay taxes. I don't know. If you change things, you have to do business, and you have to pay taxes." The little official robbed the silk from the woman's hands regardless.

"Hey. I can't live this day." A businessman shook his head and left. He saw that this was a noble tax collector, and quickly left like a plague. The nobility raised tariffs. The amount of the tariff is quite large, which has greatly exceeded the final tolerance that the Chu people can accept. The Chu people are being patient, enduring the last trace of temper that can be suppressed.

"This Chu country can't live anymore," some Chu people said on the road.

"That's right. This nobleman levies taxes, this tax collector wants more fierce." A farmer whispered.

"On this day of this year, I have to pay taxes before planting. I have something to pay. Hey." The farmer shook his head.

"As a result, I robbed my field, and now there is no field. I can't live anymore. I think about it. Go overseas. Maybe there is still a way to survive." The farmer made up his mind. .

"I said, brother. Don't. This overseas is very dangerous. There are big storms. There will be a lot of deaths at once. I heard that everyone in a boat will die. Dead. I have to feed the fish. "The other person said anxiously.

"Here. Sooner or later, I will be sucked blood by these noble lords. Let's go. I don't want to be sucked blood alive here." The farmer said anxiously. Then the farmer left in a hurry.

The high taxes have become unbearable for Chu people. However, some people are enduring it, and some people put their hopes overseas, because the original intention of overseas colonies is to avoid high domestic taxes because the taxes are too high. Make it difficult for the people to survive. For the purpose of survival, they targeted overseas. They heard that overseas is a piece of paradise, where there are no nobles, no taxes, and if you want to cultivate the land, you can live on it yourself. Under such a stimulus. The people of Chu chose to venture south, seeking their own chance of survival in the colony.

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