"Are we going forward?" a colonial militiaman lowered his gun and asked the militia commander.

"Go forward. Of course we will go forward," the militia commander said breathlessly.

With the local aboriginal Vietnamese attack, it collapsed. The militia seized the opportunity to launch a counterattack and expand their territory.

"Hurry up. The next tribe, we are coming soon." The militia commander said.

"Yes. Brothers, hurry up, the rich trophies are waiting for you." The assistant of the colony chief exclaimed excitedly. He used two local indigenous women as a carrying frame to advance. They have ransacked several nearby indigenous tribes and captured a large number of indigenous Vietnamese people, and they have obtained the land of several nearby tribes, women, and various other All kinds of trophies, some precious woods, and some decorations. As for the gold and other things they wanted, they didn't find it. After all, they are not all natives and natives who are not completely civilized.

"When you get to the front, you have great trophies. You can bring an indigenous woman home to be a wife. Hurry up." The assistant shouted loudly. Then boost morale.

"For women." A tired militiaman stood up from the ground at this time and began to move forward. Although they felt very tired after chasing them all the way, they still felt it was worth it for the women.

"Go forward. We must move forward as soon as possible." The assistant urged loudly. And more soldiers started to stand up and move forward.

Soon the team regrouped and moved forward. The militiamen are at the forefront, because they are infantry. And behind them were artillery. The artillery is too heavy. Although powerful. But here, they need manpower to pull. There are no horses in this place.

"Are you sure there is a tribe ahead." The militia commander asked in a low voice.

"Yes, sir. There is a tribe. There is still smoke in it. Look." The militiaman said and pointed to the place where the smoke was in the distance.

"En. It is." The militia commander whispered.

"Shall we fire?" the militiaman asked quietly.

"Of course. This is an attack on the cottage." The militia commander said.

"However, our artillery went too slowly. They are still behind. We need to wait." The militiaman whispered.

"En." The militia commander nodded.

"Then wait," the militia commander said.

So the militia team stopped, and they found a tribe of indigenous Vietnamese people, which they supposedly wanted to ransack. But their artillery did not keep up. This made them have to stop and wait for the artillery.

"Why stopped and stopped attacking?" After a long time, seeing that he hadn't launched an attack, the assistant ran to the militia commander to question.

"No cannon." The militia commander asked at this time.

"No cannon. If you don't have a cannon, you have to attack," the assistant said loudly. Obviously he was not afraid of the more native people hearing his voice.

"We have muskets. The more people only have simple weapons. They are not our opponents at all. As long as we attack. They will definitely be defeated by us." The assistant said loudly.

"I am the commander of the militia. How to fight is my business." The commander of the militia has long been impatient with this assistant who interfered in command. And extremely annoyed.

"You should listen to me." The assistant said, looking at the commander.

"Everyone, attack. As long as we shoot. If you attack, you will be the one who snatches the woman." the assistant shouted loudly.

I heard that I could grab a woman. All the militiamen are fighting for 120,000 points.

The militia commander was extremely angry at the assistant's behavior, but his men were obviously not under control. Many soldiers are ready.

"Kill." Immediately. The militiamen launched an offensive immediately. Many people rushed over with their bayonet muskets.

"Bang. Bang." When approaching the gate of the tribe, they shot quickly. Shoot where they think there are people. The militiamen showed great bravery.

"Charge." With such bravery, they soon rushed into the tribe. But, strangely, there is no one in the tribe. Quietly.

"Kill." The people behind shouted and rushed in. When they saw that the other tribe had been breached, they rushed in. In their opinion, this was the best time to grab a woman.

"That's not right. Why is there no one." A militiaman bent over and looked around with a shooting attitude.

"That's right." Another militiaman also said with a musket.

"Is it, we are in ambush?" a sweaty militiaman said worriedly.

"No. No." said a big militiaman.

"No, we are definitely not in ambush," said the big militiaman.

"Who knows. Let's shoot. See if anyone is there," a thin militiaman suggested.

"Yes. No matter there are people or no one. Shoot." The big militia said immediately.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." Then the gunfire sounded. All the militiamen did not spare their bullets at this time and fired at suspicious locations.

After a burst of chaos. Everyone stopped. Some people loaded bullets, and some people still looked around. They looked nervously at the abnormal surroundings.

"Next. Next. What should I do?" a militiaman asked nervously.

"I'll take a look." As he said, the big militiaman had already loaded the bullets, and quickly went over with the bayonet musket.

"Hua la la." There was a sound of clattering. The big militia has searched a thatched house.

"Fucking. No one." The big man shouted loudly.

Then other people stepped forward boldly.

"There is no one here either." The other soldiers responded at this time.

"Fucking, nothing." A soldier searched. They didn't find anything valuable and felt very angry.

"Somewhere. Burn this broken place." A militiaman suggested.

"Hey." At this moment, a small militia officer stepped forward and obstructed.

"What to burn?" the militia officer said.

"I didn't see it, it's getting dark. Everyone will spend the night here today. These thatched huts can also provide us with shelter from the wind and rain." The militia officer said.

"Yes. It can provide us with shelter from the wind and rain. It's better than getting wet by a fish." Others said.

"This house is mine." A militiaman rushed into a room. Hearing this, other people robbed their houses one after another. For them, these houses are good places to sleep.

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