"Others? Where are the others?" the colony's supreme officer shouted loudly.

"No. Nothing." A desperate militiaman stood in the office and said.

"It's all gone," the militia said in frustration.

"Where did everyone else go?" the top official asked loudly.

But the militiaman did not answer. And he didn't go on. However, the colonial chiefs are now facing a serious situation, that is, the colonial people feel very terrified. They saw with their own eyes that there were more than 800 militiamen on the expedition, but only a few people came back, and these people were all embarrassed. Everyone felt that there was a problem with more than 800 militiamen.

"Give us an explanation." The people gathered and shouted loudly.

"Give us an explanation." The people shouted outside the residence of the Supreme Chief, because the militia is the security guarantee for this colony. Without this guarantee, they feel that there is no guarantee for safety.

"Oh. My goodness." At this time, the highest official of the colony was sitting slumped in his chair, and he got bad news from the returning militia.

The dispatched manpower was wiped out. They were severely attacked at night. The indigenous people took advantage of the darkness to launch a night attack. In addition to the rain, the musket can't exert its power, and the situation is close to each other. The militia quickly retreated. Afterwards, they retreated all the way, but along the way they encountered constant harassment and attacks by indigenous people. Along the way, they suffered heavy losses.

"My God." The colony chief was at a loss. The colony’s armed forces have been lost, and the colony chiefs don’t know whether they can defend their colonies. This kind of difficulty is too great.

He originally wanted to rely on force to expand his territory, but as a result, the manpower they sent was lost. The colonies are in danger. This situation is not good.

"This news is going to be told to the parliament." The colony chief said after thinking about it.

Colonial Parliament.

"The bad news. That's it," said the governor of the colony.

Hearing this news, the colonial legislators present were all surprised.

"This. What about this?" the colonial councillors asked one after another.

"This is not very good. These militias are the most critical force for our defense of the colony. The loss of these forces is too great for us." Colonial lawmakers said one after another.

"The land we hoped to bring was not brought. As a result, our armed forces were completely lost. What should we do next?" said the colonial congressman.

"We have to rearm the militia. This will cost a lot of money." Another colonial legislator said.

"The premise is that the more indigenous people must be guarded, and the more aboriginal people threaten us too much." The colonial congressman asked the question.

After the colony lost a large number of militias, the current predicament of the colony is the loss of those armed forces and the possibility of facing offensive by the indigenous people. You know, their attack on the indigenous people this time was an offensive. These indigenous people will certainly not give up.

And in Xianyang of Qin State. Qin State Exchange on the Wall Street.

"Today, Qin State's stock trading market will bring a new page in history." Meng Yi said while standing on the trading desk.

"Qin's financial market will not only serve Qin. It will also benefit the six countries." Meng Yi said briefly. The newspaper carried a full report on Qin Guo's listing of a brand new stock. However, the stocks listed this time are not Qin Guo's domestic stocks. It is a foreign stock. Zhao Guojia's company went public.

"Ding Ding." After a brief meeting. Meng Yi rang the start bell. Then, Qin Guo stock began a day of trading.

Zhao Guojia Company is a coal mining and trading company. The company had already carried out some publicity before going public. This kind of publicity is very necessary, because any new stock listed on the stock market is a gamble. The price of the company can rise rapidly. Shareholders can be ecstatic, or fall, and fall to death.

However, after the opening bell rang. Fierce bidding has begun. But after five minutes, the price of this stock was not bid, because the situation of this stock is very special and there are many factors that need to be considered.

"This stock is Zhao Guo's company. We don't know much about how this company goes public. Not only that. We don't know the operating conditions of this company. I heard that Zhao Guo's situation is very chaotic. Those miners have taken over. In the mining area, coal cannot be mined. Then the coal cannot be transported to the place where it is needed." said a Qin State trader.

"The situation is obvious. Such stocks are too risky to go public. Although the face value is priced at 100 gold. But, I think, this price." Some experienced traders looked at the big blackboard and said.

"This stock is a new stock, there is no history, the ghost knows how to go." The trader said.

"What do you think. Mr. Li Wen." A young trader on the side looked at Li Wen. And this speculative kid seemed very relaxed. He looked at the people around him.

"Are you asking my opinion again?" Li Wen said as he looked at the people around him. Li Wen rarely comes to the stock hall. Because many people like to watch the amazing operations of this speculative kid. This kid has a high level of trading. I have made a lot of money, I have my own set of trading principles, and everyone who trades here knows his name. This is a legend.

"My opinion is that he will definitely fall. All circumstances are not good for him." Li Wen said.

"But I don't do this stock." Li Wen looked at the people around and said. Then he walked away.

"Down. This is coal stocks. And it's run by the nobles of Zhao Guo." After hearing Li Wen's analysis, other people came forward and started talking.

"Look at it. The first price is out." Just then. The rolling digital card starts to rotate the number behind the listed company's public card, and Jia company is rotating the first number.

"Forty-five gold." The people present reported this number one after another.

"Oh my God. This is a stock with a check face of 100 gold." After seeing this number, some people were surprised to see it.

"Oh my God." Some other people let out a surprised voice. But a minute later, the next number stunned everyone.

"Thirty-two gold." The people present cried out in surprise. This means that no one wants to buy this stock. On the contrary, it encountered a big selling order. Many experienced traders have avoided. They think this stock is simply a catastrophe.

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