"What's the matter with the third regiment?" Tian An anxiously waited for the first batch of battle reports in the front command. Some regiments attacked extremely smoothly. They had already broken through the defensive position arranged by the Chu army and rushed to the rear of the Chu army. For other groups, progress was extremely slow.

"The third regiment was severely hindered. The Chu army had artillery fire support. The third regiment organized several large-scale assaults. They didn't work, on the contrary, the casualties were high." A staff officer next to him knew about this. The situation said.

"Why did the seventh regiment attack smoothly?" Tian An asked.

"Our commando team destroyed the ammunition in that area, and they also attacked the opponent's artillery position. Naturally, the offensive went smoothly. Moreover, the Chu Army soldiers gave up resistance. The seventh regiment's offensive went very smoothly." Another staff officer said. .

"En." Tian An nodded.

"Let these regiments get through as soon as possible. We want to drive the Chu army away." Tian An ordered.

"It's the sir." The staff officers saluted.

The seventh regiment's offensive momentum is flourishing. Many soldiers of the Qi army got red eyes. Along the way, they frantically pursued the Chu army. But Chu Jun discarded all the weapons that could be thrown away. Still can't avoid Qi Jun's crazy attack.

"Bang." The soldiers of the Qi army didn't have much ammunition, so they picked up each other's ammunition along the way. Then quickly pursued.

"Ah." A Chu Army soldier fell to the ground after being shot in the back.

"Puff." The Qi Jun chasing him thrust the bayonet into the back of the Chu Army soldier. The Chu Army soldier let out a scream. Qi army soldiers chased frantically.

"Chasing. Chase them fiercely, don't let these beasts run away. Kill. Kill them all." The Qi Jun officer with the epaulettes is a colonel and shouted as he ran. More and more Qi troops were chasing frantically. The Chu army ran away desperately, and there was no stable front to resist the Qi army's attack.

And on the other side. The offensive of the Third Regiment of the Qi Army remained passive.

"Wow." The Chu Army's artillery position still exerted their firepower advantage at the only commanding height nearby. This firepower advantage caused great casualties to the Qi army's offensive.

"Ah." The artillery shells hit the Qi army's offensive team, causing heavy casualties. A large number of Qi army soldiers were hit, and the solid shells were very powerful. This is a large-caliber artillery, not a flat-fired small-caliber artillery. The Qi army soldier whose arm was severed by artillery ejected blood from the wound, while other Qi army soldiers continued to attack.

"Bang. Bang." The Chu Army soldiers in the trenches shot calmly. The Qi army soldiers approaching were shot one after another.

"Boom." The Chu Army artillery that fired flatly caused more damage. Such artillery fired. Caused a lot of casualties. The Qi army suffered too many casualties under such fierce bombardment. They have no effective fire support. And there are not many bullets in the musket. In addition, the commando did not destroy the opponent's artillery position. The opposing artillery still played a very important role.

"No way. Retreat. Let's go on like this. The casualties of the brothers are too great." Continuous shooting. The bombardment of cannons. Qi Jun’s casualties are too costly

"Retreat quickly. In this moment, dozens of brothers died. Can't be beaten. Can't be beaten." A captain only had half an ear. His ears were still bleeding, and a bullet that flew hit his ear, but luckily it didn't hit his head.

"No. We have to take this position. Otherwise, our regiment will not be able to advance." A major officer said, hiding in the pit.

"Let's fight again and there will be no more." The captain said excitedly.

"No. Continue to rush." ​​The major ordered.

"Hey." After a cry. The captain continued to order their soldiers to move on. As a result, it is conceivable that in the face of a well-defended Chu army position, the Qi army's casualties are getting more and more expensive.

"No way. Retreat. If this goes on, our regiment will be completely lighted up." A colonel saw through his binoculars.

"There are nine companies in total, and there are already four fights with only a few people left. The officers have been killed two-thirds." The colonel faced the casualties of such a fight. I only trembled in my heart.

"Sir." The staff officer on the side said anxiously. The other regiments were chasing frantically, but their regiment stopped in front of the starting position. The Chu army did not take a piece of the position, which was too great a loss for them.

"I know. But if we continue to fight, our regiment will be gone." The colonel said firmly and decisively.

"Report it, let's stop the attack. There is no way."-said the colonel.

"This." The staff member said puzzledly.

"Stop the attack. Retreat." The colonel said painfully.

Inside the front-line command of the Qi army.

"The loss of the three regiments is too great," said a colonel's staff officer.

"The Chu army we are facing has a complete defense system. This is too difficult for us to attack." The staff officer said.

"And the casualties have exceeded half. It will be very unfavorable to us if we continue to fight like this." Another staff officer said.

"Our infantry has few ammunition and cannot provide effective firepower. We are very disadvantaged in this regard," the staff officer said.

"En." Tian An nodded.

"Stop the offense." Tian An also realized the problem. In the absence of effective firepower to support the offensive. The Qi army had too many casualties in this offensive.

"So next, do we deploy other forces in other directions?" a staff officer said.

"What do you mean?" Tian An asked.

"We have torn a hole in the Qi army's defense line. We rush in and we can quickly expand the front line. Then we can hit the hole more and more. Then these well-defensive Chu army will be surrounded by us. This is for us. It's very advantageous. Moreover, we can pursue the pursuit to an astonishing level." The staff officer said.

"En." Tian An nodded.

"But, General, in this way, those Chu troops who stayed behind are too threatening to our flanks. If we rush to the front, those who stay behind will cut off our rear. If we are pursued If the Chu army changed its direction and turned to attack, our losses would be too great." The staff officer expressed this concern.

"This." Tian An heard this. Suddenly startled. If such a configuration is true, then it is possible that the Qi army won at the beginning, and then the subsequent victories will become the Chu army's. Qi Jun's situation is very bad. Thought of this. Tian An sweated a lot on his back.

"We still didn't move anything. We chased like this. We don't have much supplies." Tian An said.

"Such results are already very good. Not bad." Tian An obviously hasn't recovered from the shock just now.

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