"These people can't afford too much wind and waves." Shouchun, the patriarch of the Jing family nobles said disdainfully.

"Patriarch. Isn't these slave riots trivial?" a middle-aged nobleman said excitedly.

"Look at the State of Zhao and the State of Qi. One day, our State of Chu will encounter such a situation. If this happens, our state of Chu will be in a bad situation." The middle-aged nobleman said anxiously.

Slave riots and riots began to appear in varying degrees in the southern farms and mining areas of the nobles. These seem to be collusion, it is such a strange series of things that make this sensitive nobleman nervous.

When a large amount of cannon fodder was collected, the noble farms and minerals experienced riots to varying degrees. These riots caused the loss of a certain number of slaves, but this is only the beginning of the problem. Such things happen every year, and the patriarch naturally ignores them. But the middle-aged nobles found things very strange. The current situation of the nobility is not optimistic.

The income of the nobles as a whole has decreased a lot, but the expenditures are extremely large. The cost of front-line operations alone has taken up a large amount, which has not yet maintained the noble taxation income on the Yangtze River. If at this time, slaves rioted on a large scale, it would cause great disasters. Obviously the middle-aged nobles are already worried about this. But the patriarch has not attracted enough attention, or that the matter has not yet become a big issue.

The Wuyue area of ​​the Chu Kingdom is an area with developed agriculture in the Chu Kingdom. The special climate, coupled with the rich land, and the migration of a large number of people here have allowed the Chu Kingdom to develop rapidly.

Coupled with the development of the South by the State of Qin and the prosperity of the Yangtze River, this has enabled the Wuyue area to develop greatly, especially the commercial agricultural economy here. Obtained unprecedented development. The farm is only for the nobles. The greedy monopoly of the nobles made it unbearable for the Chu people in Wuyue area.

Coupled with the recent increase in taxes imposed by the nobles, the entire State of Chu is already a huge gunpowder barrel. Nowadays, the nobles recruited a large number of slaves to go to war, and mobilized various forces to maintain this army. This gives the locals a chance to take advantage of it.

"Tonight, we are going to rush into this farm and kill all the dogs of the Chu nobles." said a young man in commoner clothes. He just held a **** in his hand.

"Climb down quickly." A middle-aged man pulled the opponent down. And behind the middle-aged man, there was a large group of people following them, and under the cover of the woods, they were approaching a noble farm.

"Damn it, this dark night. What night to watch?" Two noble thugs with torches and muskets came over.

"Furthermore. We are all watching a group of ladies, can they still run away? This is too funny. Isn't there a thing long under my crotch, man?" A thug said with a smile.

"Yes. Something that can make those girls scream." The other thug smiled and echoed.

"Hahaha." The two continued to laugh.

"Go. Let those ladies scream." The two thugs smiled and walked towards the other corner of the farm. A large number of female slaves were held there. Obviously these female slaves became the targets of these thugs.

"Hold it." The middle-aged man grabbed the youth at this time. The youth's eyes showed a fierce murderous look.

"Wow." The young man broke free from the middle-aged man. Then quickly ran out.

"Boy." The middle-aged man cursed in a low voice.

"Brothers. Hands. Go ahead." The middle-aged man shouted loudly.

"Charge." The slaves lying on the ground quickly rushed up and rushed over with their weapons.

"Who?" The surprised thug looked at the crowd that suddenly appeared.

"Charge." Hearing the sound of killing. The two people did not react.

"Quick. Quick. Quickly shoot. Fire, fire." A thug fell to the ground with the torch in his hand. But neither of them fired. Because two people are nervous, they won't shoot anymore.

"Puff." At this moment, the young man quickly rushed towards him. Killed one of them all at once.

"Ah." The other person moved his leg slowly after hearing the scream. But this step is too late. Then the thug's head was squashed.

Immediately shouting and killing sounded through the night sky, the locals were dissatisfied with the nobles' taxation, as well as the escaped slaves. They quickly attacked the nobles’ various industries, farms, mining areas, and handicraft workshops. As long as they could strike down, they would be crazy. Hit it down. This is nothing to them.

On the battlefield of the Eastern Front of Qi State.

"Let." Qi Jun artillery position. A gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom." The artillery fired quickly. The shells whizzed and flew out.

"Swish." The shell made a sharp whistling sound.

"Boom. Boom." There was an explosion on the Chu army's position. At this time, Qi Jun was also constantly running in the trenches. They are adjusting their offense, after a period of rest.

"Stop. Stop now." A lieutenant Qi Jun waved his arm in the trench to stop his men. A platoon of soldiers squatted in the trench.

The lieutenant took out his binoculars and checked the situation in the trenches.

"Smoke, there is smoke everywhere, and nothing can be seen clearly." The lieutenant took a look, and the Chu army's position was covered by smoke. In order to cover and smooth the Chu army who stuck to the line of defense. The Qi army used the artillery that had just been captured in the fortified battle and redeployed its troops. Siege each other. The presence of these Chu army stubbornly caused the Qi army's defense line to be extremely messy. In some places, there was an area that was not controlled by the Qi army. This caused the Qi army's defense line to be broken and it was difficult to effectively counter the Chu army's subsequent offensive.

In order to tie the front. Sweeping the threat of the Chu army, the Qi army had to launch an offensive. If the attack is not launched, the Qi army must retreat to the original line of defense. Such a retreat is unbearable for the Qi army. After seizing a certain amount of ammunition, the Qi army decided to launch an offensive, they believed. The plight of Chu Jun is much higher than that of Qi Jun. It should be easy to attack the Chu army.

In fact, Chu Jun's situation is indeed not good.

"I'm starving to death. I haven't eaten for two days." A young Chu Army soldier said weakly while lying in the trench. The Qi army had already besieged them, and the food on the entire front was finally completely consumed due to the progress of the war. There is no food supplement. Chu Jun's situation is very bad. Many soldiers go to war when they are hungry.

"I'm starving to death." This is the voice of all the Chu army officers and soldiers. They need a full meal.

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