The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1580: Self-reliance and king

"Don't fire. Don't fire." Chu Jun shouted loudly in the position.

"We have something to say, we have something to say." Chu Jun shouted loudly inside the position. The Chu Army soldier shouted loudly. Then they waved the white flag.

"There are white flags on the Chu army's position?" Inside the Qi army's trench, the observing soldier shouted loudly.

"Sir. Come here quickly. There is a situation." A Qi army soldier shouted loudly.

An ensign officer quickly ran over.

"Let me see." The second lieutenant officer raised the telescope in his hand to check the situation.

"What do these Chu people want to do?" The ensign looked at it. The white flag was constantly waving on the Chu army's position.

"What to do?" the soldier reported.

"I'll report to the sir." The second lieutenant said immediately.

Then what happened on the front line was reported to Tian An.

"What do you think?" Tian An asked the staff on the side.

"I am afraid that the Chu army was trapped by hunger." A staff officer put forward his own opinion.

"En. I agree too." Another staff officer said.

To make such a judgment, Qi Jun inferred and confirmed one of their previous guesses. There was a big problem with the logistics supply of the Chu army. Otherwise, the Chu Army would not take the initiative to harass the nearby Qi people, and from the materials seized by the Qi Army. All that was hoarded on the Chu army's position were some weapons and ammunition. But the food is very small. Judging from this point. The Chu army lacked enough food to support this battle.

"En." Tian An nodded.

"I can't wait to kill all these animals. Eat their meat, drink their blood, **** their bones." Tian An said fiercely.

"But for the sake of the overall situation, to preserve our strength. We still talk to them. If there are fewer dead people, then dead people." Tian An said. The other staff also nodded. After all, fighting is deadly. Although revenge is very pleasant, but there is no benefit in solving the problem.

Then the two sides sent representatives for the first contact. Regarding the results of the battle on the eastern front, neither the people of Qi nor the people of Chu seem to care too much.

"King Qi has become a puppet of the Chu Kingdom. If we continue to be loyal, it will be very unfavorable to us. Moreover, we don't know what the situation is at present." A doorman analyzed.

"That's right." The other doorman nodded at this time. At this time, Tian Dan, who was the lord, didn't sit around thinking about anything.

"The king of Qi ignores the life and death of the people of Qi. The prime minister will win no way. If it were not for the lord to resist, I am afraid that my Qi country would have been perished." At this moment, a white-haired adviser stood up and said excitedly. Obviously for those reports in the newspaper. It is difficult to accept for this counselor.

"At present, Qi State has exhausted all its strength. If we compromise with Chu State, our Qi State may fall into a more difficult situation than war." The white-haired adviser continued.

"I don't know how Mister can solve this matter?" a young doorman asked.

"Leave the king alone. Stand on your own." The white-haired counselor said excitedly, waving his arms.

Hear here. The people present were stunned. In fact, all the doormen and counselors could see that Tian Dan and Tian Heng already had such conditions. Moreover, the current situation is also very beneficial to Tian Dan and the others. King Qi became a puppet of the Chu Kingdom, which is because he put himself on hold. The winning situation has fallen into an unfavorable situation. Not only that, but Tian Dan and others have made a lot of achievements in military power, political power, and popular support. For example, Tian Heng allocated the land of the nobles to the Qi people who lost their cultivated land, and the people of Qi are slowly recovering. When the people got the land, they naturally recognized the administration of Tian Dan and others.

On the contrary, the aristocrats of Qi State who lost their land are obviously going to be disadvantageous to Tian Dan and others. After all, land is the foundation of this country. It is also the private property of the nobles. To give land to the Qi people is to divide the private property of the Qi nobles. This is tantamount to hitting Tian Dan and others on the opposite side of the nobles of Qi State. The representatives of King Qi are the interests of the nobles. All signs indicate. The interests of the nobility must not be violated. Tian Dan and others have no possibility of reconciliation with the nobles.

In terms of military power, the nobles suffered heavy losses, and Tian Heng also controlled the only army with combat effectiveness in Qi. Judging from the domestic situation, these are beneficial to Tian Dan and others.

"It's all gone." Tian Dan, who hadn't spoken for a long time sitting on the side, said suddenly at this time. Then he stood up and walked away. The other doormen, the counselor only reacted at this time, and they talked a lot about the gray-haired counselor's suggestions. Although everyone has such an idea, they have not spoken it out. But to go around the circle, to mention this matter in a subtle way. Because no one wants to be the first to say this thing, but at this time there is such a person publicly saying such a thing. Everyone was naturally talking about it.

In fact, Tian Dan had such a plan a long time ago. After all, the situation of Qi State is very unfavorable. King Qi has been emptied, and it is difficult for the nobles to do anything in the face of such a difficult situation. Therefore, Tian Dan believes that the current difficult situation can be solved by self-reliance on Qi and becoming king. However, this matter is easier said than done. It's hard to do.

The crowd gradually dispersed, but the gray-haired counselor did not leave for a long time.

"Why is Lao Zou so abrupt?" At this moment, Tian Dan appeared in the hall.

"The lord. Someone must do this. Qi country has reached a situation where it must be changed. The king of Qi is already unable to take on the great responsibility. Only the lord can act as such an adult." The white-haired counselor said excitedly.

"En." Tian Dan didn't say more.

"It's just that this thing is not easy to do." Tian Dan said worriedly.

"The lord. The great event in Qi country has been achieved. The people have longed for the lord. The main force in the army has been owned by the lord. And the king, the nobles have lost their way." The white-haired counselor said.

"If you don't take it at this time, it's hard to tolerate it." The white-haired counselor said excitedly. And Tian Dan just looked at each other.

"The lord, you can go to Qin again now. Qin can help Qi regain the country and achieve the lord's hegemony." The white-haired counselor said excitedly.

"Qin State." Tian Dan moaned.

"Lord. Take care." At this moment, the white-haired strategist suddenly pulled out his saber and wiped it toward his neck.

"Puff." The white-haired counselor drew his sword and snarled himself.

"Zou..." Tian Dan fell to the ground while looking at him shaking. The blood kept flowing out, and soon there was a pool of blood on the ground. Tian Dan closed his eyes in pain. He knew that it was for him to die. Tian Dan knew very well in his heart.

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