"Remember?" the governor said.

"What?" the young man asked.

"The government of Guanzhong sent us a telegram, asking us to organize a group of decent companies to enter the stock market." said the local governor.

"En. I remember such a telegram. Our East Mongolian state has no decent company to enter the Qin State stock market. Although there can be a lot of money, but think about it, what kind of company does East Mongolian state have. It's just that. No. Those who do business are all small retail investors, even if they do a lot, they haven't formed a huge organization. It's really hard to imagine." The young man said.

"Yes. We don't have it in East Mongolia. However, the telegram of the Guanzhong government allowed us to organize a batch and gave us a lot of preferential support policies." The local governor said at this time.

"What does the sir mean?" the young man asked.

"Why don't we take this opportunity to set up an enterprise, or a large enterprise such as multiple trading companies. Together, these enterprises have very large resources." The local governor said with a smile.

"Think about it, we can't send troops, nor can the military send troops. Our finances simply cannot solve this matter." The governor said.

"Yes." The young man nodded.

"We are the government, and many places are inconvenient, but some people are very convenient, and they have ample resources. And we can increase fiscal revenue without worrying about how they operate." The governor said.

"What the chief means is that we want to set up one or several large enterprises. These enterprises have great advantages. On the one hand, they can quickly mobilize a lot of resources, such as money. We don't have that much capital, but They have, and they have manpower, and we need to engage in diplomacy and negotiation. They can solve this. The most important thing is that military power, especially mercenaries, they have a great advantage. They have enough funds and enough. More resources to mobilize more troops to adjust, although they can not be compared with the soldiers, but they are more capable of fighting than the soldiers." The district governor said.

"According to our intelligence. The situation of the Huns is not good now." The governor said.

"They are torn apart. It's easy to be separated and then wiped out. Or they are drawn together. In short, these things are not things that we can worry about. Naturally, people will deal with them, that is, the corporate personnel. If they want to expand their trade, they must do this, and If the trade becomes bigger, they will know how to mobilize the resources in their hands. For them, it couldn't be more normal." The governor said.

"The chief is right. In this way, we can also solve the problem of companies going public." The young man said.

"Yes. This plan is very good. This is what I just figured out." The governor said.

"The chief deserves to be our local chief. It seems that our East Mongolian state is about to post." The young man said with a smile. Immediately, the governor broke the chattering discussion in the state assembly. He proposed such a plan. In this plan, many contradictions can be easily solved. Because this scheme is very attractive.

There is no shortage of merchants in East Mongolia, and these merchants are unique in traditional fields. Their industrial products are many and their relative value is great. However, the commodities of the Huns, mountain people, and Hu people are in a weak state. . Their commodities are all agricultural products, natural and rarely processed. Whether it is ginseng, licorice, or wood, minerals, these things are all primitive. In addition, the low usage and fierce competition resulted in the extremely low prices of these raw materials in the local area, and the goods in the hands of the people of Qin were necessary for these people. For example, two items of salt and iron were enough to exchange for a large amount of such raw materials. It can be said that doing business at the border is a big business in itself, and there is no possibility of losing money at all.

But with this kind of business, these New Qin people cannot grow bigger and stronger, and they are also actively looking for the cause, but the result can be imagined, they can't figure out what is the reason.

But now, they know. Their resources are not concentrated enough, that is, they cannot form an effective organization and increase efficiency. Commercial behavior is actually a kind of resource allocation behavior. How to maximize the effectiveness of resources has always been one of the main axes of business activities. And these people from the new Qin people are fighting alone, or they are used to doing it alone and are unwilling to share the profits.

The enterprises in the Qin State Pass are different. Although they are not as good as the businessmen in these places in terms of some talents, they far surpass the businessmen of these six countries in terms of resource allocation. Because they are unable to organize and allocate resources in such an effective way.

Simply put, if business security is threatened, they will mobilize enough troops to ensure their own safety. And the goods are gathered. Less resources are consumed. Reduce costs. At the same time, it can save more manpower to defend the goods. The rest of the manpower can also carry out commercial workshop operations. Continue to make more products. This way the profit will be greater.

A person's money is limited, but after forming a business, this kind of resources will increase invisibly. This is the advantage, a reasonable arrangement of the enterprise advantage.

When this plan was proposed. Some people have already seen the huge business opportunities in it. Not only that, if a company can be listed on the Qin State stock market, it will be able to seek more capital. What is the capital? It's resources. They can use this capital to expand greater benefits.

obviously. This scheme is both tempting. The businessmen have no reason to oppose, nor do they have any strength to oppose it. They do not need to do this.

"This plan. Very good. Very good." Meng Yi saw this report in his office.

"In this way, Qin's border security will have a solution. Not only that, Qin can also list a large number of new companies and enterprises, increase our fiscal and tax revenue, and increase our strength. This is very good. Great." Meng Yi said excitedly.

"Repost this telegram to Wang. At the same time, a cabinet meeting is held to promote this report, but I want to discuss it and see if there are any omissions." Meng Yi put down the stroke report in his hand and said.

The assistant on the side nodded and left. Meng Yi believes that this is the highest suggestion he has ever seen. Combine many problems and solve them easily. This is a kind of creative thinking, this kind of thinking can compete with Shangwen. This is a very good idea.

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