"Report, General, General. It's not good." When he was puzzled at home, an officer from the bottom of the aristocratic navy army ran up with scattered hair.

"General, general." The low-level officer continued to call.

"Yes, yes, someone touched it from behind." The officer paused and breathed.

"What?" The general let out a cold sweat at this moment, because he knew it. There are not many people behind to defend. If the opponent rushes up from behind, this is the real danger.

"Quickly. Take someone to blast them all out. Boom out." Jia Jiang shouted loudly.

The people around didn't seem to hear the order.

"General, they, they have cannons." At this time, the officer whispered again.

Hear here. Everyone said nothing. Everyone knows how powerful this cannon is. It can kill them. They don't want to do it.

"Send me someone to rush down immediately. Hurry up." Jia Jiang threatened the officer loudly.

"Boom." At this moment, a shell struck.

"Kill." Then there was a cry of killing.

"He, they came here." The officer said with a pale face, looking at the home general in a panic.

"What?" At this moment, the generals were all frightened. He didn't expect the opponent to attack so quickly. He hadn't sent troops to defend, but he attacked all at once. This greatly exceeded their expectations.

"Kill. Bang Bang Bang." The businessman's armed forces launched a fierce charge. The noble naval forces who gave their backs to the opponent were not their opponents at all, and although there were infantry in the fort, the infantry was defending in front. Instead of behind. The fort is full of artillery. The artillery has no defensive weapons. Such a situation is too threatening to them.

"Retreat quickly." Seeing the businessman's armed forces rushing over. Some people immediately persuaded the general to leave here.

The aristocratic navy general has been frightened. The prestige just now swept away. There is simply no courage to resist any longer.

"Hurry up, brethren." The five-hundred businessmen armed and rushed fiercely, they quickly rushed to the fort, and the resistance of the Chu aristocratic navy forces collapsed in an instant. The noble navy has no courage to resist at all. They are just a mob. They just think it is enough to fight such a thing. The results can be imagined.

When Chu merchants were armed and swiftly solving the obstacles on the Yangtze River, a Korean merchant ship appeared in Shang Wen's eyes.

"Big boat. It's a big boat." The fishermen spotted the big boat when they went to sea in the morning. Then everyone ran to tell each other.

Shangwen also heard the news. What he didn't expect was that he would see a big ship here. This big ship was indeed a big ship. It was bigger than any fishing boat Shangwen had seen, but it was only relatively large. Shang Wen took out the telescope he made to check the situation. The big ship did not approach. Obviously he was looking for a place to anchor, and there were not many places suitable for the big ship to dock around.

"Look at the banner, my eyes can't see clearly." Shang Wen handed the binoculars to Mo Li.

"Oh. Let me see." Mo Li took the binoculars to check the situation.

"Okay, it seems to be the flag of South Korea." Mo Li said after looking at the telescope for a while.

"What?" Shang Wen looked a little surprised, because he didn't expect to be the Korean flag.

"This is a South Korean ship. By the way, see if there are artillery on it." Shang Wen said nervously at this time. Because he knew that South Korea built a large number of wooden gunboats in Qin's shipyard. Such a big ship may be a wooden gunboat.

"However, they seem to have come down, and a small boat seems to be approaching us." Mo Li continued.

"En." Shangwen's doubts became even greater.

"This may be a Korean warship." Shang Wen said.

"What? South Korea still has warships." Mo Li was a little surprised. Obviously, South Korea's warships surpassed her knowledge, because in her opinion, South Korea actually still has warships. And also appeared at sea.

"As for the artillery, I didn't find it. How are you sure that this is a gunboat?" Mo Li asked suspiciously.

"Because this ship is very big, bigger than a merchant ship, and has a lot of sails, which is usually not done by a merchant ship. If you do this, the shipbuilding cost will be very high, and the merchant will calculate the cost wisely. , More than that." Shang Wen said.

"Their size is too big. Only gunboats can do this. Speed, firepower. Only gunboats pursuing force can do this." Shang Wen said.

"Will these Koreans attack us?" At this time, Mo Li asked such a question.

"I think. No. Otherwise they won't come." Shang Wen said.

"Wait and see. We will know everything we want to know in a while. Shang Wen nodded and said.

Soon, the small boat approached the coast, and the fishermen watched the visitors from the sea vigilantly.

"We don't have any hostility." One went ashore. The Koreans on the ship made such a gesture.

Shangwen went with the patriarchs in those fishing villages.

"Are you a Korean gunboat?" The patriarch was still looking at these people. The patriarch did not know why these Koreans appeared at sea. But Shang Wen on the side asked such a question.

"You, who are you?" a big bearded man asked Shangwen.

"I am a native of Qin. Qin's shipyard has built such a ship, I know." Shang Wen's meaning was obvious, just to warn the other party. He knows the details of the other party.

"Oh." The big bearded man nodded.

"I am the second officer of the Spear, Zhang Er." said the big man.

"Qin Shangwen." Shangwen nodded and replied.

"Can you tell me the purpose of your coming here?" Shang Wen asked.

"En. Of course." Zhang Er nodded.

"We are here to investigate the situation. We need to find a place to stay." Zhang Er said. Having said this, the fishermen looked at Zhang Er alertly. And those of Zhang Er's men looked at Shangwen with weapons, if they had done it, they would have done it long ago. Obviously it will not wait until now. It seems that the other party did not intend to use force from the beginning. Shang Wen knows this very well. Because the other party didn't even open the fire door.

"What's the situation?" Shang Wen asked.

"En. I guess my husband doesn't know that the Yangtze River in the south is impassable, and many merchant ships stay on the coastal zone, but this is not a solution. If the goods cannot be delivered in time, the loss will be great." Zhang Er said.

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