"This is not a military issue at all. The report submitted by the Military Observer Group has clearly pointed this out." At a high-level meeting in the Wenyang Investment Bank, an executive expressed his views.

"If it is a military issue, the Zhao noble army can defeat the opponent in the first time, but now, we provide them with weapons and equipment, which is of no use at all. If we continue to invest, our losses will increase. We already have a sufficient number of mineral stocks in our hands. This can no longer be done." Another executive stood up and said.

"But Jia's stock is very cheap." A bold young man put forward his own opinion. Because the current stock price of Jia Company is indeed very low, only a small amount of capital can be used to control a large part of the shares, and this part of the shares is worth holding.

"Although the price is cheap, there is no value, and it is impossible to invest. We not only want to gain income, but we must also protect our capital." At this time, the senior investment consultant said.

"Zhao's continuously deteriorating investment environment can no longer be solved solely by military issues. This requires Zhao himself to solve it through a variety of means. From the current point of view, Zhao is extremely lacking the stable environment that such investment should have. I suggest that we withdraw. Zhao Guo’s muddy water, we have a hard time." Senior investment consultant said.

Zhao Guo's domestic turmoil is turbulent. The contradictions are sharp, and such an environment lacks investment security. However, investment banks are inherently risky, and the risks and profits are at the same time. It is precisely with such a huge risk that there will be higher profits. People in investment banks believe in this.

But what cannot be ignored is that the security of investment is often ignored by them. The problems in Zhao's country cannot be solved simply by the military. The most essential thing is to restore the foundation of Zhao's stability. And Qin Guo is the investor, and it is difficult for the investor to intervene in this matter.

And investment banks also have to face such a choice. Retreat, or continue to hold. This is their difficult side to choose. However, many of them realize that it is difficult to solve this problem with an investment bank alone.

"The problem of Zhao Guo is actually very difficult to solve." The Minister of Finance and Meng Yi said when they discussed the issue.

"Zhao lacks a person with great political courage. In other words, it is difficult for Zhao to reach a consensus on economic and political issues. This consensus is very important. It is very important at all times." said the Minister of Finance. .

"For example, on the issue of taxation. This politically daring person needs to adjust the contradiction, at least for the two sides to reach some agreement. But from the current situation in Zhao, the noble party absolutely does not compromise, while the other party hopes The other side made concessions, but obviously neither side had any intention to withdraw from the first step.” The Finance Minister said.

"En." Meng Yi nodded. Zhao Guo's situation was indeed more complicated than he wanted. Before Qin State only had to conquer the city. But now, Qin already has a lot of land. Obviously it is no longer suitable in the need of vast land. What Qin is in need is to obtain more resources without war. These resources will be used to stabilize the situation in Qin. However, Zhao State controlled nearly 80% of Qin's coal demand. It can be said that the State of Zhao is very important to the State of Qin, but the State of Qin cannot solve the problem through war. The domestic situation in Qin is not conducive to the use of war.

"I think it is necessary for us to resolve this dispute at once. Coal is too important to Qin State." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, but we don't know what way to solve this problem." The Finance Minister said.

"I think it's time for Zhao Guo to change the prime minister?" Meng Yi said lightly.

"Change the prime minister?" the Minister of Finance asked suspiciously.

"Yes. Zhao's prime minister’s inaction has harmed Qin, and they don’t seem to be willing to accept Qin. Therefore, I think that Zhao should be replaced by the prime minister, perhaps in exchange for the prime minister, Zhao’s situation is right. Qin is more advantageous. You must know that military methods can no longer solve the internal contradictions in Zhao, and it is not convenient for Qin to intervene in this regard. If you want to make changes, you can only use this method." Meng Yi said .

"This may be a way." The Minister of Finance nodded. However, the Minister of Finance does not yet know how much one country can play in the change of important figures in another country.

But when Qin State was ready to actively take action to replace Zhao Guo's prime minister, Zhao Guoren had already mobilized himself.

"Step down, step down. Step down." A large number of people from the Zhao country gathered in front of Guo Kai's mansion, and they were very dissatisfied with Guo Kai's approach. On the one hand, Guo Kai continued to compromise with the nobles. A series of tax cases were issued against the people of Zhao State, and the nobles were among the objects of taxation. Not only did these nobles not levy taxes, but the most terrible thing was that they even paid back Want a discount, in some places. They enjoy great tax rights, and in many places they do not have to pay taxes. As a result, the monopoly position of the nobility has been further strengthened, and the interests of the people, especially the merchants, have been maximized. In the same competitive environment, the nobles have great financial and tax advantages, while the merchants have to pay high taxes. At the same commodity price, the merchants are in a state of loss, while the nobles are in a profitable state. It is conceivable how unfair this state is, and it is precisely because of this huge advantage that nobles have achieved amazing advantages in some projects, which other businessmen do not have. This is extremely unfair to businessmen.

Not only businessmen, but the interests of the people are also extremely unfair. Nobles do not have to pay taxes. And Zhao Min was already in dire straits. The other muscular man didn't converge, and he had to increase his taxes, so Zhao Ren stopped doing it. They immediately protested and called on Guo Kai to step down. Then repeal all unfair tax laws.

"Step down. Step down. Step down." Zhao Ren shouted vigorously. And Guo Kai's house was once again enclosed. After several rounds of containment, Zhao decided to solve this problem in a peaceful way. After all, some of the people in the Zhao country are already bleeding. Many people do not want to see bloodshed, so this method becomes their only choice.

"Step down. Step down." This became Zhao's only appeal.

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