Then the telegram was sent again. This time the situation is more detailed than previously understood. This allows Xianyang, Qin State at the top level, to understand and solve problems more clearly.

"If this is the case, things will be difficult to handle." Yang Duanhe said with a telegram in his hand.

"What can't be done?" Wang Jian said, looking at the sand table.

"Whether it is the Huns or the Huns. We must guard our defense line. No one is allowed to enter without our orders." Wang Jian said while looking at the northern defense line.

"En." Yang Duanhe nodded.

"We still don't have reinforcements to reach the designated areas quickly. It seems that we can only prepare the militias for combat. If such measures are not taken, it will cause a great disaster." Yang Duanhe said.

"En. There is not much force nearby to mobilize. And our reinforcements are still on the way, it will take at least three days to arrive. Time is not enough." Wang Jian said worriedly.

"This matter, the Prime Minister's Mansion has to make a decision, only they can solve this problem." Wang Jian said after thinking about it.

"How to solve it?" Yang Duanhe asked.

"Let Hu Ren defend us. If they want to rely on our Qin State, they must show some sincerity." Wang Jian said.

"Compared to these Hu people, the most powerful one is the offense behind the Huns. The Huns’ Zuo Xian king heard that his tribe had left him. He would definitely take revenge. In contrast, the situation of the Huns is. It's more threatening than those Hu people tribes. If we let the old and weak of those tribes enter our defense zone, let their armed forces resist them. We give some fire support appropriately, we think. The problem should not be big." Wang Jian Said.

"En. In this case, I think it can be done. Just how to resettle those old and weak? And the aftermath." Yang Duanhe said worriedly.

"So, we need the Prime Minister's Mansion to make some decisions. Only in this way can they buy time for us." Wang Jian said.

"I'll call the Prime Minister's Mansion." Yang Duanhe said.

"No. I'll make this call." Wang Jian waved his hand.

"Okay." Yang Duanhe nodded.

In the palace of the prime minister of Qin State. "Boom." Meng Yi deducted the telegram. Then sat weakly on the chair.

"Huh." Meng Yi exhaled.

Wang Jian threw the problem to Meng Yi. Meng Yi began to think about this issue. The centrifugal force between this tribe and the Huns is great. This led to the overall refuge behavior of this tribe. But the Huns will retaliate. As Wang Jian said, Qin’s defense will take time. Use time to strengthen the line of defense. Relying on the current only point of defense, it is very likely that the opponent will break through. Time becomes a key.

But where does the time come from. Time is to fight for. The Huns have not yet appeared, which shows that there is still time, but now we must be prepared. If the old and weak of this tribe are allowed to come in, the threat is not big, but it is afraid that this tribe will attack suddenly. In this way, Qin's defense line would collapse on its own.

"But if they don't let the other people in, will they guard the defense line for Qin?" Meng Yi asked himself.

"Impossible." Meng Yi replied.

The southern part of Qi State.

"Sir, according to your request, those Qi guerrillas were defeated. And it was a big rout. Ten thousand people were beaten." Shishi told Yingyu the news of the defeat of the Qi guerrillas.

"En. Sure enough." Yingyu was not surprised at all.

"Stone. Those who take you with you, immediately gather the broken soldiers. You stand a little behind, if you can't stand it, then retreat a little bit. Remember to put the people apart, and send the people who gathered up to us. We. The Qi Army's defense line must be moved closer as soon as possible." Ying Yu said.

"Are we going to withdraw?" Shishi asked.

"Yes, retreat. The Chu army must have reinforcements. The reinforcements are gaining momentum. We must retreat." Ying Yu said.

"Anyway? You let the broken soldiers retreat along the seashore. If there is a sea, there will be a boat. If the Chu people don't have a boat, they can't control the seaside. Through the boat, we can still reach the back of the Qi Army's defense line. Hurry up. Go ahead," Ying Yu said.

"Yes. It's the sir." Shishi nodded and said. Yingyu knew that with this little person in his own hands, he could block the opponent's attack at all, and even guerrilla operations would be impossible. At present, he can only retreat step by step, and Yingyu has already figured out the way forward. Retreat along the seashore. There are boats here, and the Chu army's defense line is just weak on the seashore. If you can't get past the defense line of the Chu army, you can also go around by boat. In this way, you can reach behind the Qi army's line of defense. If there are guerrilla operations in the future, it will be possible to transport troops to the rear of the Chu army again by sea.

At this time, several merchant ships were moored in Qi's waters. Shang Wen stood on the beach. Watching the fishermen busy loading and unloading goods. They removed the goods from the fishing boats and then transported them to shore. Then hoard it.

On the merchant ships not far away, the cargo was constantly unloaded. Transported to the shore by fishing boat.

"No way. It's too slow to deliver goods like this." Shang Wen said while looking at the fishing boat. Because the sea is very shallow here. Those big ships cannot dock. The only way to unload the cargo from the ship and load it on the fishing boat. Then they are transported to the shore by fishing boat. Such transportation efficiency is very low. Shangwen saw it all at once.

However, there is no natural mooring harbor nearby, and large ships cannot dock and can only transport goods in this way.

"Sir, this method of transportation is too slow." said a South Korean captain.

"If we continue to transport like this, when can we leave. If there is a storm on the sea. Our boat suddenly has an accident, we will lose more than the gain." The South Korean captain said.

"Sir, please unload the cargo as soon as possible." The South Korean captain said anxiously.

"Don't worry, in fact, I am also worried. It is too slow to unload this way. And you are willing to unload the goods here, and then exchange for something before leaving. Your sincerity itself is great." Shang Wen said with a smile. .

"We should thank you." Shang Wen said.

"There. It's just that you have to unload the cargo quickly. We are afraid of the storm." The captain said worriedly.

"En. The captain said, I'll go around and see if there is a harbor that can be berthed. If you berth there, maybe the speed can be faster." Shang Wen said.

"Then I'm grateful. I'm grateful," the captain said, arching his hands.

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