The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1602: The coastal areas of Qi

"This, this plan." Ministers, look at me and I will look at you. They are all very worried about this matter, because this matter has exceeded their imagination.

"The prime minister. This plan is too bold," said the Minister of Finance.

"This is equivalent to outsourcing external military operations to these commercial organizations. Although this can solve financial problems, it is too bold to do so. And how to do this, how Qin Jun thinks about it. This is equivalent to seizing their military power. "The Minister of Finance said worriedly.

"Prime Minister, you still think about it again. This is a good thing for us, but if we can’t handle the military’s problems well, once we get into trouble, the conflict between the military and us will be very serious. We are in a difficult situation." The Minister of Finance said worriedly.

The Minister of Finance's concern is justified. There was a big conflict between Qin’s civil official group and military commander group. At this time, after Meng Yi planned to solve these tribes, he would use merchant arms to outsource the entire defense, and the entire defense was Qin’s affairs, and Meng Yi did this. , Which is equivalent to letting the Qin army's defense issues go to the Qin merchants. In doing so, it is to provoke the contradiction between Qin's military and the civil official group. This situation will cause a lot of internal conflicts in Qin.

Such a big contradiction is bound to shake the entire Qin State high-level. Although the current battle between civilian officials and military generals is only on the issue of military expenditures, Meng Yi now puts the problem on the defense of the Qin army. Defense is a matter for the Qin army, and the intervention of civilian officials will inevitably lead to a counterattack from the military. In this way, the struggle between the two sides will expand, and the Minister of Finance does not want to expand this matter. Just want to put the focus of the contradiction on the issue of military expenditure. This is to expand the contradiction between civilian officials and military generals. The Minister of Finance obviously does not want to see such a situation.

"If we don't do this, our situation will be even worse. Qin's military expenditure remains high and financial resources are very tight. If we don't do this, we won't have the money to let Qin's economy develop again." Meng Yi Said worriedly.

"This is the overall situation." Meng Yi said.

The ministers present nodded. But what do they mean. This is bound to intensify the contradictions among Qin’s high-level leaders. The military has already been in trouble with the civilian clique on the issue of military expenditures, and now it has to start operations on the defense controlled by the Qin army. Counterattack.

"Prime Minister, I think this matter is still slow. Now is not the time to start this matter." The Minister of Economy said in a relieved atmosphere.

"En." Meng Yi also knew the consequences of this matter. After all, all the civil servants present know it.

"En. Okay, but I want to report this matter to King Qin. Then turn to solve this matter and unfold." Meng Yi temporarily took a step back, but did not give up on this matter.

On the battlefield of the Eastern Front of Qi State. Tian Heng is discussing the logistics supply of the army with a civilian official.

"My lord, this time our army launched a counterattack on the Eastern Front and seized some weapons and supplies, which reduced our pressure on arms demand a lot," the civilian official said.

"However, for military expenses, the soldiers' salary has been owed a lot, and General Tian divided some of the gold sand. But compared to the military expenses owed by the soldiers, it is too much. Moreover, there is a lot of pressure on logistical materials. Especially the demand for food. Our Qi people are already supporting this army hungry. The current situation is very bad." The civil official said worriedly.

"I know the problem you mentioned, the old problem is." Tian Heng said calmly.

"Master, in the busy spring season, this time is the most shortage of supplies. If the Chu army launches an offensive, it will be detrimental to us. Moreover, so many labors are trapped on the eastern battlefield, and the loss to us will be great." The civilian official Said.

"Well, how much gold do we have left out?" Tian Heng asked.

"Because of the combat mission, ours only excavated gold sand with less than one stone. If gold is smelted, it will be even less." The civil official said worriedly.

"En." Tian Heng looked helpless.

"Lord, the minister has a suggestion," the civil official said.

"I heard that the king has reached an agreement with Chu in the south. Do we also want to stop fighting against the Chu army?" the civil officer suggested.

"No." Tian Heng said.

"You have already forged an enmity with the Chu army in this battle, and it is impossible to resolve it. The truce is no longer controllable." Tian Heng said.

"Oh. That's it." The civilian nodded and said.

"Lord, the minister remembered one thing." The civil official then staggered the subject and said.

"Oh. What's the matter?" Tian Heng asked.

"Master, we can take advantage of the coastal areas to find some money and food there. After all, wars rarely happen there, and there are fish and salt benefits along the coast. The northern part of Qi is no longer able to collect things. We can only think from coastal areas. Want to see?" the civil official said.

"Yes. There is a lot of fish salt in these places. We can also improve the food." Tian Heng said. At this time, Qi State has exhausted all its national power. Everything is slowly recovering, and recovery takes a long time to accumulate. However, the coastal areas of Qi have not been greatly impacted during the war because they have fishing boats and rely on maritime superiority. This is very important for the country. importance.

"Lord, the minister has already sent someone there." The civil official said with a smile.

"Hehe." Tian Heng said with a smile.

"Qi has been broken, and there is no material to use." An economic observer of Qin said.

"The entire agriculture has fallen into a state of stagnant development. The fields are all old and weak, and there is almost no use of cattle. The farm tools are badly damaged." The Qin State Economic Observer said.

"Qi's commerce is not good anymore. The number of employees in the handicraft industry is very small. Their level of commerce has stalled. They can no longer conduct more trade activities." Another observer said.

What they learned along the way was very bad for Qin. They can't find out where Qi can have an advantage at all.

"We still haven't paid attention to one place. This place is the coastal area of ​​Qi State, and Qi State has the benefit of fish salt. In this way, fish salt is the place that Qi State pays most attention to. We only understand Qi State’s handicraft There is also agriculture. And the most important thing in Qi, we don’t know yet. We might as well go to the coastal areas of Qi, which is where we should pay the most attention.” The observer said.

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