Inside a military camp on the outskirts of Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Have you read this telegram?" Han Shu asked.

"Look. King." Zhang Liang replied. Zhang Liang has been summoned back by Han Shu.

"The Chu State Passage is probably broken. The Chu nobles are also repairing fortresses and naval forces who build ships and launch the water. The taxes levied are too high. There is no way to go this way." Han Shu said.

"So, Majesty, this newly opened road is very beneficial to South Korea. At least it won't move like the nobles of Chu State." Zhang Liang said.

"Passive. Not necessarily. These Qi people don't know what to think now." Han Shu said.

The matter discussed by Han Shu and Zhang Liang is the latest telegram from South Korea. This telegram comes from the collective telegram of South Korea's Southern Business Corporation. This telegram points out the various unfavorable situations in the Yangtze River. Among them, the greed of the nobles of the Chu Kingdom caused difficulties in advancing this golden waterway.

Chu State Merchant Shipping and South Korean Merchant Shipping’s commercial profits are declining rapidly. In order to reverse this situation. The Korean trading company decided to open up a new business route. This trade route is Qi State, or Yan State's passage. Pass through the coastal areas of these two countries, and then unload the cargo. Then arrived in Qin by land. In this way, the Yangtze River is avoided. Instead, directly enter the Central Plains region. In this way, South Korea's merchant shipping interests will increase rapidly. Avoided the greedy exploitation of the Chu aristocrats.

"We switched to firing on the Northern Trade Road. This will inevitably pass through Qi State, so Qi State has the possibility of re-emergence." Han Shu said.

"But we didn’t control the situation of Qi State very well. We could control Qi State originally, but Qi State’s attitude was unclear, which led to our fruitless end. Moreover, we just signed a lot of things that didn’t make any sense, but didn’t honor. Agreement. So far, this problem has not been solved." Han Shu said.

"My lord, the minister believes that these can be resolved." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. What is the prime minister's opinion?" Han Shu asked.

"The minister thinks. Qi State has no choice but to do it without relying on us. The current new style has forced Qi State to do this." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. Why does the Prime Minister have such a view?" Han Shu asked curiously.

"At present, Qi has been in trouble for a long time. Before, we didn't know what Qi was useful for. At that time, we only saw the role of ports in coastal areas, but we were helpless. There was no railway and highways passed through Qi. Give up," Zhang Liang said. Indeed, at that time, South Korea did think of using Qi's coastal areas as its naval base and sea access. But helplessly, the role of Qi was of little value at the time, and even if South Korea deliberately increased the value of Qi, it was unable to do so. Because Qin has no income. South Korea wanted to win over Qin's gains, but Qin couldn't see this kind of profit space. For Qi, Qin was also very vague. They didn't know how to solve Qi, so this matter was delayed.

At the beginning, South Korea proposed to build a Shikoku railway with Qin. Qin State can own all the railways, but Qin State did not repair it. Why? Because Qin State believes that the value of building this railway is not great. Only South Korea was actively constructing this railway. However, Qin State was in a state of half-push half-finished, and then King Qin gave an order, Qin State ended the summit and returned home quickly. This matter was put on hold. Now the situation has suddenly changed like this. Zhang Liang thinks the time has come.

"Now Qi can become an important node on the northern commercial roads. Merchant ships can go directly northward into Qi, Yan and other places, as long as there is a railway and highway. Then the materials on the commercial ships can continue to reach Qi and Yan. There are also places such as Wei and South Korea." Zhang Liang said.

"In this way, the State of Qin can avoid the golden waterways of the Yangtze River in the south. At the same time, it also dealt a clear blow to the nobles of the State of Chu. I am afraid that the State of Qin will not disagree." Zhang Liang said.

"En" Han Shu just nodded.

"This matter makes a lot of sense. But, we don't know what Qin's attitude is?" Han Shu said worriedly.

"My lord, the minister believes that the current state of Qin is at least 50% sure that he will do this." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. There is only half the chance." When Han Shu heard that there was only a 50% chance, she just nodded, and did not approve of this view too positively.

"My Majesty, half of the chances are pretty good." Zhang Liang also saw that Han Shu was disappointed, but still decided to actively express his views so that Han Shu could agree with him. the opinion of.

"My lord, there is currently no commercial roads in the south of Qin. The aristocracy is very important. Qin can't solve the aristocratic problem in Chu for a time. But if you build a railway, helping Qi is equivalent to suppressing Chu. This is very beneficial to the State of Qin. Not only that, but the State of Qin can also profit from it. Imagine that in this way, the problem of taxation by the aristocracy of the State of Chu will be solved naturally. The State of Chu sees that the State of Qi will reduce taxes here , It is impossible to levy taxes rashly. After all, there is a competitive advantage between the two." Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded silently. Expressed agreement with this.

"Not bad." Han Shu nodded and said.

"From Qi, to Wei, South Korea, and then to Qin, on the way, that country could threaten Qin and inevitably compromise Qin's tariffs. Because Qin is powerful, and only Qin can control the railway. Therefore, the State of Qin is profitable." Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"Qin is profitable. But there are many reasons why Qin may not do so. For example, it passes through the three countries and the construction of railways is expensive. I am afraid that Qin cannot afford such a large amount of expenses." Han Shu saw There are still problems.

"This is why the minister is 50% sure." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. That's right." Han Shu smiled.

"Qin is advantageous, so it is natural to do it. Moreover, Korea has also benefited a lot from this. Therefore, South Korea and Qin have the same interests. This way, the cooperative relationship between Qin and South Korea can be deepened. Lay a solid foundation for alliance and cooperation between South Korea and Qin," Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded. Then began to ponder this matter carefully.

"I will think about it." Han Shu pondered this matter into a state of contemplation. If you think about it, this matter is indeed beneficial to South Korea, but the problem is that it must catch up with Qin. From the perspective of South Korea, it is indeed very advantageous.

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