"These goods are getting more and more. If they can't be sold, our situation will be uncomfortable." A Korean businessman said, looking at the mountain of goods.

"Our ship is empty. But if these things cannot be sold, the consequences will be disastrous and disastrous." The Korean businessman shook his head and said.

"I don't know, what does General Tian think?" Shang Wen asked Tian Heng on the side.

"We are short of these things in Qi country. For example, we lack too much of this food. There are more materials that can be shipped to us. It's just." Tian Heng looked at the mountain of goods, and thought. Very happy, but not satisfied.

"It's just that we don't have money." Shang Wen said the key question.

"Talk here." Shang Wen thought that some of the next words were private conversations.

"The current situation is that merchants need to ship these goods to Qin country so that they can get the money they want. In other words, Qin is the buyer and they are the seller. The buyer can't find the seller. In this way, both sides Trading is natural and letting it go," Shang Wen said.

"Speaking of this, isn't this just a ready opportunity?" Shang Wen said.

"Mister means that we Qi can use taxation or our rights as a guarantee, so that we can get the goods, and after all these goods are sold to Qin, we can give part of the payment and profit to the other party. Now." Tian Heng said.

"Right. This is a non-profit business. If Qi is not able to do so. Qi can outsource these businesses, such as Korean merchants and other countries," Shang Wen said.

"Mr. See you," Tian Heng said excitedly.

"In this way. Qi can have taxes and riches, and Qi can rise again." Tian Heng said excitedly. He seemed to see a very broad prospect.

"En. There is one more thing that needs your attention." Shang Wen said.

"What's the matter?" Tian Heng said, arching his hands.

"It's the tax issue. Taxation is a big issue." Shang Wen said, rubbing his feet back and forth with his head down. In fact, he didn't know whether Tian Heng could accept this truth. I don't know whether the current Qi State can withstand such a test.

"You also know that Qin's tax is very low, only 5%. This is an important opportunity brought by the rapid development of Qin, but the difficulties at the beginning far exceeded your imagination." Shang Wen said.

"The tax issue is not resolved. Anything is difficult to proceed. Why did Qi state have such a big riot, and what is the reason? It is because Qi Wang continuously waged wars, and the war consumed a lot of financial resources. And Qi state’s financial resources were exhausted, I began to recruit from the ordinary people. The war dragged on and dragged on for a long time. The burden on the people was getting heavier and heavier, which eventually led to such a big disaster." Shang Wen said.

"Qin also tried his best to avoid such things, so we established a law. Let everyone know what Qin's tax rate is. Then select some competent officials to collect taxes. The local tax, the people know, and the officials strictly enforce it. , In order to ensure that there can be no mistakes in any of these links." Shang Wen said.

"For example. You levy one-third of the tax. But when it is in the hands of the people, the actual tax is already as high as two-thirds. Such a high tax can only be maintained by the people, and wait for you to increase the two-thirds. At that time, the people have nothing left. They can only get up and knock you down. Otherwise, they will starve to death. Such endings are everywhere. I hope General Tian can do it for himself." Shang Wen said.

"En." Tian Heng nodded.

"Sir, please teach me." Tian Heng respectfully saluted after listening to Shang Wen's words, and let Shang Wen finish some specific opinions.

"En. This. I can't teach you. You can only figure it out for yourself. You can look at South Korea. At the beginning, South Korea was not as good as your Qi country. Now, South Korea's strength has surpassed your Qi country, and it has grown rapidly. The situation." Shang Wen said.

"En." Tian Heng nodded. Acknowledged Shangwen's views.

"How South Korea did this, I think this is related to their open mind, continuous active learning, and their aggressiveness is not unreasonable. At present, King Qi has lost his aggressiveness, not just King Qi, Even some of the noble ministers of Qi State have lost such a determination. And you, General Tian." Shang Wen said back.

"We are facing a dilapidated Qi country. If this time we can use a broad mind, let go of everything, and boldly learn and do it. Naturally, we will know how to do it." Shang Wen said.

"To be honest, Qin also has such a problem." Shang Wen said.

"Some people say that my policies in Qin are equivalent to Qin's second reform." Shang Wen stretched out **** and said.

"This second reform, although it seems that there is not much resistance. In fact, these factors are still present. My approach is to cultivate a new force to promote the reform. The reform is not a person’s behavior, but history. The behavior." Shang Wen said from a historical perspective.

"If the reform is carried out, there will be great resistance. Because everyone is opposed to you. And if you want to implement the reform, you will have to face unprecedented resistance. Only if you let many people follow you can you have such a broad prospect. . There is more room for display." Shang Wen said.

"Follow me?" Tian Heng still didn't understand.

"For example." Shang Wen thought for a while.

"I noticed South Korea." Shang Wen said.

"I and the Queen of Korea are good friends." Shang Wen said.

"I know a little bit about the situation in Korea." Shang Wen continued.

"South Korea seized power in the form of mutiny at the beginning." Shang Wen said.

"After the coup. South Korea began to implement policies that benefit the people. For example, lower taxes, allow land mergers, etc., a series of measures, in fact, is to reduce the power of the Korean aristocracy, and then foster new support forces. These forces are civilians. . They have merchants, handicraftsmen, etc. They get a lot of benefits, even if they are rich, they will get a lot of land. And all kinds of goods. And the power of the nobility is weakened. They will oppose , In this way. It becomes two opposing parties. The two sides have formed contradictions on some issues. And this contradiction is the root of the problem. As a civilian power, it supports the Queen of South Korea, so the Queen can come to power because of the other side. The power of this is great," Shang Wen said.

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