The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1918: Shang Wen's election speech

"Following the people of Qin, can you really make a lot of money?" Wang Zhao summoned Li Mu in his garden. Wang Zhao asked such a question at the beginning, because Wang Zhao was also worried and mortgaged his palace. This is appropriate. ? But, think about it, if you mortgage, you can exchange a certain amount of funds, as long as a period of time passes, you can earn it back. At that time, the mortgaged palace will be abandoned. Wouldn't it be better to rebuild a better one? It was also for this purpose. Wang Zhao met with Li Mu. After the meeting, Wang Zhao immediately asked such a question.

"Yes. It will definitely make a lot of money." Li Mu replied.

"Oh." Zhao Wang didn't believe it, after all, Li Mu answered too quickly. Wang Zhao had to reconsider.

"Is this really possible?" Zhao Wang asked.

"Yes, Lord." Li Mu replied.

"The demand for steel and cement will be huge. However, building such a factory requires a lot of financial resources. This is definitely not something ordinary people can afford. Although the initial investment is relatively large, compared with the subsequent benefits, This is really nothing." Li Mu said.

"At present, Qin State is building a lot of railways, which requires a lot of steel and cement. In addition, we Zhao will also do the same. We will build a lot of railways. Besides our Zhao State, there are more places, such as Yan State. , Qi, Chu, South Korea, Wei, and many of them all need it. It can be said that building such a factory can meet so many needs." Li Mu said.

"The widow understands. In other words, there are many people who want this thing, and many people will come to buy it. Isn't that true?" Zhao Wang asked.

"Yes, Lord." Li Mu replied.

"But, what if these places are no longer needed?" Zhao Wang asked such a worrying question at this time.

"My Majesty, as far as I can see, this kind of thing won't happen yet. Because Qin has already launched a lot of such projects, they need quite a lot of things." Li Mu said.

"If the people of Qin are built, we also need to build. Qin’s railway network covers a lot of places. We also need to do this in Zhao country. Not only do this, but also sell these things to people in other countries through railways. In this way, we Zhao Guo’s finances can expand a lot quickly. This is very beneficial to us Zhao Guo.” Li Mu continued.

"En." Zhao Wang nodded.

"But, this mortgage is out of the palace, and the Qin people want the widow's palace. This, the widow still feels a bit angry." Wang Zhao changed the subject at this time, and actually agreed to Li Mu's request, especially about the relationship with Qin. Cooperation to build factories, but the problem of the palace needs to be solved again.

"My lord, the minister thinks so." Li Mu said at this time.

"At present, King Qin's Xianyang Palace is a bit narrow and tight compared to the development of Qin's Chang'an District." Li Mu said.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Wang asked at this time.

"The king, the construction of the Xianyang Palace was based on previous construction techniques, using a lot of wood and the technology of ramming the city walls, and the technology of Qin State is already very backward. The reinforced concrete technology used by the people of Qin is very backward. The degree of sturdiness is no less than that of solid stone. Not only that, there is a big difference between such a building and a wooden building. It is not only sturdy, but also beautiful and tall. Qin’s high-rise buildings can be built with more than twelve stories. The palace can build higher floors." Li Mu said.

"En. Not bad. Not bad." Zhao Wang nodded.

"In this case, the widow will invest, and within a year or two, the widow's palace will be built." Zhao Wang said with a smile at this time.

"It seems that this investment is fine." Zhao Wang nodded.

"Thanks to the king." At this time, Li Mu thanked him.

"Haha, I would like to thank the Prime Minister, if it weren't for the Prime Minister, I would not have done what it is today." Zhao Wang said.

"That's it." Zhao Wang said with a smile.

"My lord, can this matter be reported publicly?" Li Mu asked Wang Zhao at this time.

"Oh. Public reports, why is this?" Zhao Wang was a little surprised, so he asked Li Mu.

"My lord, if you do this, you can attract more attention and create a lot of momentum. Not only that. What the minister thinks is that you can also join several other major nobles or ministers to participate. As long as they pay a certain amount The king’s money and the composition of the shares, the king takes the majority, and other people can also occupy several equally divided shares. In this way, the capital problem can be solved. The pressure on the king can also be reduced." Li Mu suggested.

"En. This is a good suggestion. If the widow is allowed to spend so much money by himself, it will still be difficult for the widow. The financial aspect is also very difficult." Zhao Wang said.

"Yes, Lord, the current capital of Qin State is very large. But our Zhao State has not fully developed in terms of capital." Li Mu said.

"En. So, the widows also need to unite." Zhao Wang said.

"En. In this way, the widow agreed to do this. He joined other people to participate in it. What the people of Qin said is very good. If there is money, everyone makes money." Zhao Wang said at this time.

"Yes, Lord." Li Mu nodded. After Wang Zhao finished speaking, he left happily. And Li Mu was also greatly relieved at this time.

On the mansion of a nobleman of Zhao Guoyi.

"The price of this gold has fallen one after another. It has fallen, it's really upsetting for his mother." A middle-aged nobleman was drinking wine with a flushed face, and the nobleman was very annoyed at the loss caused by the fall of gold. However, they are still reluctant to give up gold because they worry that the price of gold will still rise. It is also because of this illusion that they continue to hold gold, and they are not willing to mortgage the gold again in exchange for liquidity. They simply don't want to look at things like capital investment.

"Second uncle, don't you get upset when the price of gold drops like this?" the middle-aged nobleman asked after taking a sip of wine.

"Annoying, but annoying is useless. If it's useful, I won't be annoying." The nobleman named Ershu said at this time. At this moment, an attendant of the second uncle stepped forward cautiously, and then looked at the second uncle, as if there was something urgent to talk about. But seeing that there were outsiders, he was too embarrassed to continue. He was hesitating whether to continue under such circumstances.

"It's nothing, let's talk." The second uncle waved and said at this time.

"Yes. Master." The attendant nodded.

"The little one just heard a news, the news came from the palace, saying that the king had agreed to Li Mu's request and started cooperation with Qin Guoren. The specific content of the cooperation is not clear, but it is mainly on steel and cement. Expand." The attendant reported at this time.

"Is this news true?" Second Uncle asked next.

"It should be true. I heard that this incident seems to be in the newspapers. If this is the case, this incident cannot be faked." The attendant continued.

"En. Pay attention to the matter in the newspaper, if it is true." The second uncle began to ponder this matter.

"You go down first, what's the latest situation, report up." The second uncle waved and said at this time.

"Yes. Let's go for the younger one." The attendant walked away quickly as he said.

"Second Uncle, is this true?" the nobleman asked.

"Regardless of whether this is true or not, if the king wants to invest, you and I must sell the gold." The second uncle said impatiently.

"Why?" the nobleman asked at this moment.

"I have to ask why?" Second Uncle looked at his nephew and said.

"This is already obvious. Think about it, what kind of steel mills and cements are being opened with the people of Qin, this thing needs to use Qin's paper money, you and I are all gold, and the kings have opened factories. Can you? No matter what, these birds are from the Qin country. They are really not good birds." The second uncle stood up and said.

"I'll go if I have something." The second uncle stood up and waved his sleeves and walked away.

In the morning of the next day, the Zaobao published the news about Zhao Wang's investment in setting up factories, and in the report, it detailed the expenses of Zhao Wang's future expenses. For specific investment projects, Qin also needs to make specific decisions, because the specific conditions of investment are in the hands of Qin people. However, this news has been quite shocking to Zhao Guoren.

The shocking news is not that Zhao Wang wants to invest in a factory. Instead, the Zhaowang Palace must be mortgaged. After the mortgage is released, a large amount of funds will be invested in setting up factories.

"Brother Zhao, how do you treat this matter?" Brother Chen asked at this time.

"This investment in steel, cement, such factories is not something you and I can do. This requires a lot of funds. I heard that a cement plant in Qin State needs this number to run it." Brother Zhao stretched out himself at this time. Five fingers, and swing back and forth.

"One hundred thousand gold?" Brother Chen exclaimed.

"Yes. It has to be invested so much, and the people of Qin country only need to invest 20,000 yuan. When they finally pay dividends, they still have to open four or six. They are six and we are four." Brother Zhao said.

"This, why is there so much?" Brother Chen asked in surprise.

"Yes, that's all. Anyway, many people will do things like investing. In the future, the demand for steel will be very large, just like the benefits of salt and iron before." Brother Zhao said.

"The people of Qin are doing this kind of business now. For this steel, large-scale production, only the people of Qin will know the technology, and they have technology patents. This kind of advantage occupies a large proportion. Before, you could not think of this. Point." Brother Zhao said.

"It's just. We would be very risky if we want to do this kind of business." Brother Chen said.

"No, we can't do this kind of business." Brother Zhao said at this time.

"Can't do it? Why?" Brother Chen asked.

"Why, because it's very simple, because this kind of business is not something we can do. These nobles have a lot of gold in their hands. If they want to do it, they can only cooperate with the people of Qin. You think, the nobles of the Zhao country have already suffered. They can only If they make money back in this business, if they do, think about it, what they will do, and they will definitely participate in it. These nobles are extremely arrogant and they are not reasonable at all. Can you do it?" Zhao Brother asked this time.

"This." Brother Chen didn't dare say anything when he heard this.

"If we want to do, we can only do other business. This kind of business is not something you and I can participate in. These are all noble affairs." Brother Zhao took a sip of tea. Regarding what kind of business, he felt that he should continue to do business. For things like starting a factory, although it is of great interest, Zhao Guo’s national conditions do not allow businessmen like him to participate.

The subsequent nobles of the Zhao country knew about this. Regarding King Zhao's request to participate in the shares, the nobles also tried to find a way, because they did not want to use the gold in their hands, and selling gold at this time would be a great loss.

Qin State Xianyang.

"Wang Zhao's handwriting is really big. I didn't expect King Zhao to have such a bold spirit." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"Haha." Meng Yi only laughed when he heard Shang Wen's praise.

"What are you laughing at?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"These are all your contributions. This may be the way Li Mu came up with. Zhao Wang just gave orders, and you praised Zhao Wang. I really don't know if you are satirizing Zhao Wang or ridiculing Zhao Wang." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen To.

"En. I think he can take out the Zhao Palace, which shows that his idea is still certain." Shang Wen said.

"If one day in the future, the Zhao Palace can be turned into a museum, I want to go in and take a look at the palaces of various countries?" Shang Wen said.

"However, you are right. In this case, the palaces of various countries will be treated as museums." Meng Yi said.

"Just like you built those museums, these things turned out to be very good historical relics. However, these palaces are made of wood and it is difficult to preserve. This is not a good thing for us. But you can take a look, It is much better to be destroyed by war in the end." Meng Yi continued.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"These are all cultures, a carrier of civilization. If they can be preserved, they are worthy of our descendants. Our descendants can visit such palaces to see how these palaces were built in the past. The artistic and cultural value of the people is higher than the value they mortgaged to the bank. Now the bank is making a large-scale harvest." Shang Wen then moved to the bank.

"Yes. King Zhao wants to invest and ask those nobles to buy shares in the royal family. In this case, those nobles don't have much money in their hands. They only have gold in their hands. They can only get loans by collateralizing or selling the gold. Only then can I turn to the royal family's projects." Meng Yi said.

"In this case, the bank will make a lot of money." Shang Wen said.

"We will leave these matters to the bank, and they will take care of their own affairs." Shang Wen said.

"By the way. Yesterday, you and the princess spoke very late. What did you say?" Meng Yi asked.

"In the future, they will develop the electrical industry." Shang Wen said.

"This is the second technological revolution. It can bring about tremendous changes, and the State of Qin has already benefited." Shang Wen said.

"But." Meng Yi said while looking at Shang Wen.

"However, we only have the Qin family, and this one is not enough. We need to expand to many places." Shang Wen said.

"This is where they will develop in the future. But I think we still need a lot of steel and coal. The more these resources, the better. However, we should also pay attention to one point, that is, oil. We need a lot of oil. This is A future plan can be recorded in the memo." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"En." Meng Yi recorded it.

"Today is going to make a speech for the prime minister. I hope you can show your talents. The Democratic Party needs an exciting speech. The Democratic Party has lost too many points." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen. Shang Wen just nodded.

On the square of the east city of Qin State.

"When all parties are giving speeches, you will think, what is your prime minister doing?" Shang Wen asked.

"Is he eating? He's still sleeping. Others are fighting to run for the prime minister, but our prime minister has been reluctant to show up. Is it shy?" Shang Wen said with a humorous opening.

"Haha." Some people laughed at the scene, but more people thought it was not funny for Shangwen to do this.

"Actually, I am very busy. Busy people can't spare time to give a speech." Shang Wen looked at everyone and said.

"However, things will be better in the future. Because this is an election year, unless I don't want to be the prime minister. This situation can change a lot." Shang Wen said.

"Then Prime Minister, what is the Democrats' campaign slogan?" an audience member asked loudly from the audience.

"Yes, the prime minister, very democratic parties have their own campaign slogans, so what is the prime minister, what is the campaign slogan of the Democrats?" people in the audience asked one after another.

"Damn it." Fan Zeng scolded in the audience.

"We have not prepared these things yet. At present, all parties have their own slogans. The only two major parties, the Federal Party and the Democratic Party, do not. If they are put forward at this time, the Federal Party will respond according to the slogans we put forward. We have never discussed these things before, so we are very passive." Fan Zeng said.

"It's only up to the prime minister's response." Meng Yi said while looking at Fan Zeng.

"Yes. That's the only way." Fan Zeng didn't expect that the public would think of such a problem. Shangwen would encounter such a problem at the beginning of his speech.

"No, I don't know." Shang Wen replied directly.

"Oh." There was an uproar at the scene.

"In fact, I have just campaigned, and there is still no clear answer to my campaign slogan." Shang Wen said frankly. This is the same as any of Shangwen's previous speeches. This is Shangwen's unique style, but the people of Qin like this style.

"I haven't figured out what Qin people really need?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"According to the truth, the current life of our Qin people is pretty good." Shang Wen said.

"The Guanzhong area has developed a lot. Every household has electricity, and houses have been flipped. Everyone in Qin has electricity and tap water. There are also gas stoves. Everyone has a job. They go to work at eight in the morning. Take a one-hour break for dinner at noon. At 7 or 8 o’clock in the evening, we will get off work, and then we will be lively throughout the night. Snacks, movies, and various entertainment facilities are provided for us to entertain. The children have their own school needs, they can follow Come to my own preferences, do some research, we have a stable salary, salary, can do some small business to experience life." Shang Wen said. These are the daily routines of Qin people.

"Every month we have vacations. We can take a train to Qinling, or take a long trip to the northern grasslands. Skiing, snowball fights, or hunting. Watching various sports games. We Qin people never thought of it before. "Shangwen said at this time.

The Qin people present nodded.

"But now Qin is a federal state. It is a federal system. In the unexpected areas of Qin, especially Guanzhong. We also need to see that there are still many places without such facilities. Maybe they have just developed. , They need a lot of things, but they don’t have facilities like ours. They may not even have clean water in some places, so don’t even mention electricity.” Shang Wen said.

"Not only the federal states of Qin, but also places outside of Qin. Chu in the south, Wei in the east, Qi in the east, Zhao in the north, and Yan in the north. These areas are our traditional Central Plains regions. In the Guanzhong of the Qin State, there are not only Old Qin people, but also New Qin people. Although we have contradictions of this kind, but externally, we are all from the Central Plains and all from Huaxia." Shang Wen said.

"Once upon a time, our Qin State is responsible for the great responsibility of reunification. This great responsibility is not only to annex these regions, but more to the work we have to do before reunification. We must take an open attitude and look at tolerance. To accommodate these regions ." Shang Wen said.

"Qin country should be an open country. Qin country should not only develop its own place, but also look at the surrounding situation with an open learning attitude, openness. It means that Qin country has to learn a lot of things, we are advanced As with other countries, we can’t just be complacent. Such complacency is not good for Qin. A truly powerful country lies in its people and its people’s ability to look at its surroundings openly. It can learn from others’ strengths and then develop. Own, Qin is indeed ahead of others by a lot, but we definitely can't stop here." Shang Wen said.

"We may be satisfied with the status quo, and whenever this happens, I am very worried. Because we are too satisfied with the status quo and satisfy the current situation and forget the motivation to move forward. Qin is now a federation of Qin, which means more than just It is the old Qin, and there are more Qin people who need to be accepted as Qin people." Shang Wen said.

Hearing this, everyone present was silent, because this is a serious question.

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