The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1928: Intelligence of Merchants in the Western Regions

"Wait, don't kill this person in a hurry." A second lieutenant officer of the Qin Army said, looking at a trembling survivor of the Dawan tribe.

A commercial force attacked here. The entire tribe was hit hard. Many men in the tribe were killed, many of the remaining elderly and children were also killed, women were all taken away, and the materials that could be taken were taken away as much as possible.

"Okay." An armed member of the Qin State who was aiming and preparing to pull the trigger slowly lowered the gun.

"Sir, it's useless to keep this person." A sergeant next to him put his pistol back into the holster and said.

"I remember you know some words from the Western Regions, you ask him. I want to know the situation." The ensign looked at the other side and said.

"But, sir, if they don't understand." The sergeant looked at the second lieutenant worriedly.

"Then kill him. Such a waste is of no use to us," the ensign said.

"Okay. Sir," the sergeant said.

Speaking, the sergeant asked each other in a Western language. When the other party looked at the sergeant blankly. The second lieutenant looked at the situation of the two.

Seeing that there was no response from the other party, the sergeant asked in another Western language. When the situation was the same as before, the other party was a little dazed, and looked at the other party extremely nervously.

"Kill it." The ensign said impatiently.

"I'll try again." The sergeant asked again at this time. Because there are several countries in the Western Regions, there are common languages ​​between countries, but Qin Jun also rarely masters how to use specific languages.

The sergeant exhausted all his language, when the opponent was still at a loss.

"Huh." The second lieutenant lost his patience completely.

"Kill it," the ensign said.

"Bang." There was a clear gunshot. The sergeant drew his gun and killed the opponent.

"Trash," the ensign said, looking at the opponent's body.

"Sir. We can't get accurate information at all. The Western Region dialect doesn't work here." The sergeant said to the ensign, worried.

"We don't understand them at all," the ensign said.

"Damn it. This place is too unfamiliar to us. I don't even understand what the other party means." The ensign said worriedly.

"The above let us come to Dawan Country. Entering Dawan Country to understand, but we can't rely on us to see, we must also listen to the other party's intentions." The ensign said.

"The sir, or the language problem, will be solved later, but now we need to solve the problem here." The sergeant said.

At this moment, the second lieutenant looked into a haystack behind the sergeant, and he felt that there was someone inside. His vigilance told him that there was a big problem with this haystack.

"Wait." The ensign said at this moment, raising the pistol in his hand.

"Come out," the ensign shouted.

"Bang. Bang." The ensign fired twice at the haystack. At this time, the sergeant quickly drew his pistol and pointed it at the haystack.

"Damn it. It burned them." An armed team member passing by came over with a torch. Then light the haystack directly. And a lot of things were set on fire around. At this moment a person ran out of the haystack.

The person who ran out called out loudly with words that the ensign could not understand. The second lieutenant had pointed his pistol at the opponent's key.

"Wait. Officer, wait. This person speaks the Western dialect." At this time. The sergeant called out loudly.

"!@##¥". The man still kept yelling loudly. When the ensign heard this, he let go of his finger that was about to pull the trigger.

"What do you mean?" the ensign asked the sergeant Dao at this time.

"He said don't kill me. Don't kill me. That's probably what he meant." The sergeant said.

"Oh. Tell him, tell him to shut up, or I will kill him." The ensign said with a bit of patience.

The sergeant quickly told the other party the original words. The other party raised his hands and nodded. Express understanding. Then gradually calmed down.

"Ask about the situation here, and tell us everything he knows, if he can't explain it." The ensign pointed at the opponent with the pistol in his hand. The other party understood, and then said sentence by sentence. Some of the words that the sergeant didn't understand, mainly because the Western dialects were a little difficult to understand. He could only communicate repeatedly and use words that the sergeant knew to explain the situation. It took about an afternoon, and the commercial armed forces rested on the spot.

"Ask to explain the situation?" the second lieutenant asked the sergeant.

"Sir. This person is from the Western Regions, who escaped from the northern border, and was later captured by the Dawan people. As a slave, here, he does something that can be done." The sergeant said.

"En." The ensign nodded.

"What else does he know?" the ensign asked at this time.

"He knows that this is a tribe in the country of Dawan. There are many people in this tribe. He vaguely heard that there is a city in the depths of the grassland in the northwest of our place. It is a town in the country of Dawan. The population there is. Many," the sergeant said.

"Others. Are there others?" the ensign asked.

"Nothing. That's all he knows, he's just a slave," the sergeant said.

"But he understands some Dawan languages, which can bring us great translation convenience." The sergeant continued.

"En. Well, this person will keep him. If he can accurately mark the city of Dawan, I will consider giving him some benefits. If not, I will reduce him. Let him understand. Own situation." The second lieutenant continued.

"I have told him this. Let him do it for himself." The sergeant said.

"En. Qin State currently doesn't understand Dawan very much, but our commercial forces have already entered. The previous Western Regions were defeated in this way. However, what we are currently laying down is a larger Western Region." The second lieutenant said.

"Sir. Our current intelligence is not enough to understand the entire Dawan country. If this goes on, our situation will be too unfavorable." The sergeant said to the second lieutenant.

"I know this, but we can only do this if we can change the situation, but today we have a translator, with this translator we can do a lot of things." The second lieutenant said to the sergeant.

In southern Xinjiang, in a wine shop opened by the people of Qin.

"When I rushed in, I saw a Western Region man and two Western Region women. As soon as I entered, I shot the man without hesitation. On the spot. The two women screamed. I took a look. It turned out that the two women turned out to be mother and daughter." A Qin Jun Lieutenant Colonel officer said excitedly. Take the hit lieutenant colonel and then took a sip of wine.

"What happened next, sir." Some officers and soldiers on the scene said excitedly.

"Then, of course, it's comfortable things. A mother and daughter, old. Go inside and they'll be comfortable, small. That's tight." The lieutenant colonel said excitedly. And the people present heard this. They all cried very excitedly. Life in the barracks is extremely boring, coupled with the long-term defense without anyone to change the defense, the morale of soldiers is very low, the only way to boost morale is to use some colorful jokes to invigorate the atmosphere. Over time, some officers took pleasure in this.

Just as the officer was preaching about his own experience, a businessman from Qin State brought in a businessman from the Western Regions. The businessman from the Western Regions clearly understood what the people of Qin said, and he knew what Qin's words meant. Because he often does business with the people of Qin, he can do business well only if he understands the Qin dialect. The things the lieutenant colonel talks about are based on the suffering of the people of the Western Regions. This is the hotel where Qin people gather, and there will be no Western Regions coming in here at all. But the people of the Western Regions still feel uncomfortable.

"Sir. Sir." The Qin businessman found Lieutenant Colonel Qin Jun.

"Who are you? What can I do for you?" Lieutenant Colonel Qin Jun said to the other party after a sip. The lieutenant colonel was a little unhappy, obviously annoyed by the other party's interrupting his own interest.

"Sir. It was Major Britt who asked me to come to you. This is his letter of introduction." Qin State businessman took out a letter and handed it to the lieutenant colonel. The lieutenant colonel glanced at the other person, then took the letter and checked it.

The letter was written by a friend of the lieutenant colonel, Major Barrett. The letter stated that a businessman from the Qin State and a Western Region businessman came to him, and told him that these two people would provide important and up-to-date information about the Yue people. This information is very important to Qin State.

"Well, this is not a place to talk. Come with me." The lieutenant colonel put away the letter, and then waved at the two people to beckon them to follow him. The content of the letter felt different for the lieutenant colonel.

Soon the two people followed the lieutenant colonel to a conference room of the South Xinjiang Command. The outdoor security is very strict.

"Drink tea." The lieutenant colonel ordered his soldiers to bring three cups of tea, and the lieutenant colonel drank a cup by himself. He feels his head is a bit heavy, this is because of drinking, he now needs tea to keep his mind clear.

"My name is Chen Zhong. I am a staff officer here." Lieutenant Colonel introduced.

"Drink tea." Chen Zhong said to the two.

"How do you know Major Barrett?" the lieutenant colonel asked curiously.

"We are businessmen. Major Barrett is responsible for the defense of our area. We have known Major Barrett because of business." Qin Guoren said.

"What business do you do?" the lieutenant colonel asked at this time.

"This." The businessman from Qin State looked at the lieutenant colonel.

"Don't worry, I can say nothing." The lieutenant colonel persuaded the other party to arrive.

"Okay, sir, I, we are in the arms business, because we need a lot of muskets and shells for smuggling. These things are profitable businesses for us, but these things are detailed in the Federal Law. Export license, but the military has no right to verify these things. Therefore, we got to know Major Bailit." Qin State businessman explained. Chen Zhong nodded. Express understanding. He is very aware of the fact that some borders are true, especially in defensive areas. Such things often happen. In the Western Regions, the arms smuggling business is the most profitable business. Those in the Western Regions always want to dump the powerful things of the Qin people elsewhere to make a lot of money, and the Qin people have a large number of cheap muskets in their hands, and these muskets have given the people of the Western Regions a very powerful impression. , So the Western Regions like this weapon very much.

Where there is demand, there is supply. In this way, the arms business has grown. A large number of arms dealers exclusively sold the weapons in their hands to these Westerners. However, most of all arms dealers lack formal certificates, which require approval from the Ministry of National Defense, and a large number of factory serial numbers have to be filled in. These procedures are extremely cumbersome to register. This is Little Wangzhou. No one is willing to spend a lot of time filling in these things. The correct way is to transport the muskets privately. It is precisely because it is illegal to do so. These businessmen like to use bribes to bribe the border officers. For border officers also hope to have some income. In this way, the merchant and the officer met. Chen Zhong discovered such a thing very early. But he found that no one had reported the matter. Later, he learned that everyone knows such things. When no one reports it, everyone will die in trouble.

"What is this Western Region businessman doing here?" Chen Zhong asked.

"He is my partner." Qin State businessman explained.

"Britt told me that you have an important piece of information that tells me that if the information is useful to us, we will pay you a lot." Chen Zhong said.

"Yes. Yes." Qin State businessman said.

"For you. Tell him what you saw and heard." The businessman from Qin State said to the businessman from the Western Regions. The Western Region merchants were a little nervous.

"It's okay, tell me. If the situation you said is useful, I think we will give you some rewards." Chen Zhong said over a cup of tea.

The Western Region businessman looked at Lieutenant Colonel Qin Jun, still feeling a little nervous. Although his businessman is aside, he is still a little nervous.

"Drink a cup of tea." Qin State businessman said.

"Drink tea. Drink tea." Chen Zhong motioned. Speaking of the Qin merchants putting the teacup in the hands of the three of the Western Regions, the Western Region merchants looked at Chen Zhong nervously, and after about seven or eight minutes, the Western Region merchants calmed down.

Chen Zhong waited patiently. Drank two cups of tea. The drunkenness slowly went down.

"I am, I am in the arms business. I bought a lot of muskets from you to buy a Yueshi from the plateau, Wusun." Said the Western Region merchant. Chen Zhong nodded.

"The business of this musketeer can suddenly catch fire. It is not just that we people in the Western Regions need muskets. These Yue people and Wusun people also need muskets, and they need a lot of them. It's just that there were few in the beginning, but many now, they are big. They buy in bulk from us. They use gold when trading with us. But we don’t know where the gold comes from. But they do use gold for trading.” The Western Region merchant emphasized.

Agent Chen Zhong nodded. Beckon the other party to continue talking.

"Recently I have put in some artillery. This artillery is very powerful. After the launch, it shocked many people. Those people need a lot of artillery. So I imported a lot of artillery from Qin State and bought them. However, the price of these artillery is very high. Expensive, and the amount of funds for the transaction is a lot." Said a businessman from the Western Regions.

"Therefore, I decided to sell them separately because I was afraid of being caught in their ambush. This would be very unfavorable to me." The Western Region merchant said. After selling a large number of guns to the other party, the other party needs another more powerful weapon. This weapon is artillery, but the price of artillery is very large, and the amount of gold required is also very large, which is unbearable for ordinary people. s price.

Therefore, the object of the transaction is generally specific.

"That's it. One of our commercial teams was ambushed by the other party. Fortunately, we didn’t lose much. Later, I found someone to check this matter. It turned out that their gold was exhausted, so they had to The method of looting is adopted, and one thing I have learned is that their background may have an army background." Said a businessman from the Western Regions. Hearing this, Chen Zhong frowned. If this matter is true, then the problem is even more serious.

"What do they want these artillery for, do you know?" Chen Zhong asked at this time.

"This, I have learned that they are going south, because this weapon has a huge lethal power. There is a country in the south that has a powerful weapon made of elephants. Very few people can defeat those elephant troops." This is a merchant from the Western Regions. Speaking of time.

"But guns, and terrible artillery, these weapons can pose a great threat to the elephants. So they want to buy a lot of artillery from us, but they are too hateful. They want to take the artillery from my hand. , I want to get help from the Qin government. I will teach these people of Yue and Wusun who don’t know how to be great.” The businessman from the Western Regions said angrily.

"You mean, they buy guns. The guns are not used to deal with us, but to develop southward?" Chen Zhong asked at this time.

"Yes. That's it. I have changed the object of my business. The business of the Shah Nation is much better than theirs." At this time, the Western Region merchant said.

"En." Chen Zhong nodded.

"Anything else?" Chen Zhong asked Qin's merchant at this time.

"No. This is what he wants to say. I also got the news from him." Qin State businessman said.

"Do you want help from Qin people?" Chen Zhong asked at this time.

"Yes. We need the people of Qin very much to teach those Yue people, Wusun people." Said the merchant of the Western Regions.

"En. You continue to do your business. We need to evaluate how useful this news is for us. We also hope that you can continue to provide relevant information. If necessary, I think we may take some measures." Chen Speaking of.

Then Chen Zhong sent the opponent away. And Chen Zhong quickly ran to the staff. He is in charge of the intelligence collection by the General Staff. Recently, too much intelligence has been obtained from these businessmen. But a lot of information is not of much use. At that time, the merchants of the Western Regions brought a major message.

"You mean, the artillery we sold has reached the Yue people and Wusun people who fled to the western plateau. And these Yue people and Wusun people did not dare to fight with us, they chose to attack south. "Chen Zhong analyzed the information he had obtained and said.

"What do you mean?" the chief of staff asked Chen Zhong.

"My thought is that these Wusun people and Yue people may have to launch a military operation. The Western Regions have suffered a lot from doing business with these people. If we can do business with them in the name of Qin, I Think, we can get even greater benefits. In addition, we can send military observation missions to carry out diplomatic activities. To understand the situation, these people are not our Qin people anyway, we hurt them. The important thing is that we want to understand other aspects. What's the trend of China. Especially to the south, what is the area to the south?" Chen Zhong said.

"En." The chief of staff thought for a while.

"This question is very important, and it is also a very important piece of information." The chief of staff thought about it.

"En. You sort it out and report it to the General Staff and the Ministry of National Defense. Maybe they would like to see such a report." The Chief of Staff said to Chen Zhong.

"Yes. Sir." Chen Zhong nodded excitedly. He knows that if the above attaches importance to this situation, there will be new trends in the Western Regions.

The report was soon sent to Xianyang of Qin State.

"This report is very interesting, but it doesn't mean much to us. The Qin army is currently in a defensive state, and it is impossible to send troops to this place." Wang Jian said after reading it.

"If it was given to the Ministry of National Defense." Yang Duanhe looked at Wang Jian.

"They are useful but not useful to us." Wang Jian said.

"The Prime Minister's Mansion has been emphasizing the development of the Western Regions, the Western Regions, and the development of the Western Regions market. I think they are now selling arms and weapons to these people, and these people dare not fight against our Qin people. They can only develop in the south. We really don’t know what kind of place it is. I think it’s okay to develop in that direction. In this way, we can develop in that direction when we vacate our hands.” Wang Jian said.

"Give it to the Ministry of National Defense to see how they do it." Wang Jian said.

"En. This is easy to handle." Yang Duanhe said.

Within the Ministry of Defense.

"I think it is necessary to discuss the recent situation with the prime minister." Wei Liao said.

"En. I also think that the latest intelligence is very complicated. Many situations are political, diplomatic, and military. If these issues cannot be handled properly, it is difficult to determine the specific security situation in these areas. It will cause great harm to our next actions.” Meng Tian said worriedly.

"En. I just don't know what the Prime Minister will think." Wei Liao said.

"En. To be more specific, I think I should let him see. The prime minister's campaign activities have been relatively frequent recently. If the problem of the army can be solved well, I think the prime minister also hopes to get the support of the military. If it can be relieved as much as possible The military’s questions are very beneficial to the prime minister’s election campaign." Meng Tian suggested.

"En. I think it's OK. That's it. First sort out this report and pass it to the Prime Minister, so that the Prime Minister can think about countermeasures with ease. Then discuss with us a good strategy to solve this problem, not just consider Qin State. At home, we must also consider the main areas of Qin State in the future." Wei Liao said.

"En. Just do it." Meng Tian said.

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