The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1937: Proposal of the revival plan

"Something went wrong." The chief of staff anxiously said to Li Xin with a telegram.

"What's the matter?" Li Xin was sitting and reading a novel. This novel is a science fiction novel. It tells about the fact that Qin can land on the moon and establish himself on the moon after the technology develops to a certain extent in the future. A base in China, there is another creature on the moon. The novel itself is not very good, but the idea is bold, and the writing seems to be true. The adventurous spirit in Li Xin's bones made him very interested.

"One of our commercial armed forces was besieged by the soldiers and horses of Dawan." The chief of staff put a telegram in front of Li Xin.

"This is a telegram. The details are also on it," the chief of staff said.

"In the beginning, there were more than 100 people. Later, two commercial armed forces near us, with a number of less than 500 people, came to support. By the time of the telegraph, several nearby commercial armed forces had received news and went to support. The situation is urgent, and they hope that the Qin army can provide support. Otherwise, their situation will be very bad." The Chief of Staff said.

"The number of them ranges from 20,000?" Li Xin asked, looking at the telegram.

"Yes, we don't know the specific situation, but what we know is that they are at the junction of plains and mountains, where the terrain is extremely flat. It is not conducive to defense, but is conducive to the opponent's offense." The chief of staff continued.

"Are both sides increasing troops?" Li Xin asked at this time.

"En. Maybe, this may be very big. According to our speculation, it may be that our harassment has angered Dawan, and Dawan retaliated against us. As a result, one of our commercial armed forces and the other party hit. In this way, both sides A confrontation was formed. Our commercial armed forces continued to strengthen, and so did the other side. In this way, a general battle might be formed. However, our number is not enough. If our weapons do not have the advantage, I think we It will definitely lose a lot." The Chief of Staff said.

"En. This matter is really difficult to deal with." Li Xin nodded and said.

"Sir, I think the key to this matter is that we must provide reinforcements. If the reinforcements are not available, the situation will be very dangerous. Several nearby commercial armed forces should have arrived. Moreover, we still have them here. A lot of commercial armed forces are being assembled, and they can also get there, and if we add reinforcements, I think." The chief of staff looked at Li Xin and said.

"You mean, we can fight a general battle?" Li Xin asked at this time.

"Yes, both sides are now adding reinforcements. We can solve the affairs of Dawan at one time. As long as we wipe out the main force of the other side, we can negotiate and negotiate with them. Anyway, the meaning of the above is not to expand into a large-scale war. Qin is currently unwilling to break out on a larger scale, and the number of troops is insufficient. The mobile force that can be dispatched is very limited. If we can reach an agreement with them and conduct business, I think this will be very beneficial to us. Said the chief of staff.

"En. Those merchants' armed forces can also gather under such conditions." Li Xin said.

"Yes. This is the only place where we can mobilize commercial forces. It is estimated that they think so too." The Chief of Staff said.

"En. I think about it." Li Xin stood up at this moment and walked back and forth.

If it follows the Chief of Staff's vision, it is very feasible. Even if the main force of Dawan's army cannot be wiped out, the opponent will have to inflict heavy damage. In this way, Dawan will be at a disadvantage, but Qin has not gathered much force to destroy Dawan. First of all, the mobile unit of the main force of the Qin army is not enough. It is estimated that Qin Jun can pick up one division at most, even if it is very remarkable. More than 10,000 people can want to destroy the Kingdom of Dawan, which is somewhat unrealistic.

Secondly, the financial pressure of Qin State has increased, and it is impossible to increase military expenditure. In this way, it directly restricted the Qin army's combat. However, commercial armed forces can, but commercial armed forces are of a commercial nature after all. They cannot have the discipline of soldiers. Besides, they are here for development, regardless of cost. Investors will not do it. This time it is estimated that the businessmen saw the prospects before they rushed to help, or not so. In short, things have turned a lot better. Li Xin felt that this was just such an opportunity for Qin to change the current situation in the Western Regions.

The last point may be more important. Li Xin heard of the Chief of Staff’s analysis that the Qin federal government does not want to attack blindly, and for the moment, the cost of the attack is very high, because the spoils they get are far less than what they put in. The looting and the attack are obvious. It is a loss-making business. Merchants are unwilling to do it, and the only way to keep them is to trade, but to trade, you need to get permission from the other party.

"If you hurt each other at this time, we threaten each other with military means. I think we might solve this problem." Li Xin said.

"That's it. Send a telegram to the Ministry of National Defense immediately. At the same time, we must also actively prepare for the war and draw at least one regiment to support it." Li Xin thought about it and gave an order.

"Yes, sir." said the chief of staff. Then I started to get busy.

Qin State Xianyang.

"I already know about Yan Guo. Do you want to borrow a lot of money to support your commercial development?" Shang Wen asked Yan Guo's special envoy.

"Yes." Yan Guo's special envoy said.

"However, I heard that you are fighting in Liaodong, especially against the Koreans. Tribes like Goguryeo are also fighting, and it is difficult to solve the problem for a long time." Shangwen said.

"This, the prime minister has been worrying too much." Yan Guo's special envoy said.

"No, it's not that I'm worrying too much. It's that I'm worried." Shang Wen said.

"We can't get a guarantee that the commercial loan we provide will enter your army, and your army will use the money to go to wars and wars, but it is a very expensive place. The increase in organization and military expenditure is very crazy. Qin Guo At present, we are working hard to cut military expenditures and increase government investment in infrastructure." Shang Wen said.

"Only in this way can there be greater economic development. But, Yan Guo, I don't see such a situation." Shang Wen said.

"You know, if this money is lent to you, I think that you will invest it in the field of economic construction and you will be able to repay it in the future. After all, this money is very important to us." Shang Wen said.

"However, the situation is different now." Shang Wen continued.

"You have invested in areas that Qin State Bank does not want to see. Military areas, military affairs, and wars are purely expendable. Instead of copying wealth, you continue to consume wealth. Winning wars may not be able to obtain huge returns. I think , Such a risk, Qin State Bank will not do this." Shang Wen said.

"This." Yan Guo's special envoy did not expect that this was the reason for Prime Minister Qin's refusal. He originally thought that as long as Yan Guo paid a huge interest cost, he could borrow a huge amount of money, but he did not expect Qin State to do so.

"We can mortgage, mortgage a lot of land, minerals, taxes, etc., we can all mortgage these things." said Yan Guo's special envoy.

"No, no. You have mortgaged these things. Although you have already repaid. But this time the nature is different." Shang Wen said.

"It can be said that Qin State Bank invests in the commercial field, and the money is still circulating, just like water. But if it is invested in the military field, I think we can only watch." Shang Wen said.

"This kind of risk is too great. Unless you can cut military expenditures, start trade, and formally build your economic base, I can consider all of these. We can reduce interest costs. However, it is absolutely impossible to invest in the military field. Yes." Shang Wen said, shook his head, and said with a finger wiggling back and forth.

"This." Yan Guo's special envoy hesitated, and the content of the subsequent conversations basically revolved around here. Shang Wen's attitude is very clear. You can borrow money, but you can't invest in the military field. The economic field must be able to quickly restore the economy. field. Otherwise, Qin Guo would never borrow.

"I think it is necessary for Qin State to make a large-scale financial change, or propose a financial plan." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi. Shangwen ran into Meng Yi after coming out of the conference room, and he felt it necessary to express some of his thoughts.

"What do you mean?" Meng Yi asked. The two walked and talked.

"At present, all countries are hoping to use Qin's banknotes, and the scale of Qin's banknotes may be expanded, and the scale may expand to one billion gold." Shang Wen said.

"So much?" Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen in surprise.

"Yes, so many. You have to take a long-term view. Qin's eight federal states. These places are under construction. In addition, Qin has several counties that also need to carry out economic construction. This requires a lot of funding. ." Shang Wen said.

"The government can only solve this problem by issuing a large number of paper money and borrowing heavily at the same time." Shangwen said.

"Well, I understand these. But, what exactly is going on? I don't understand." Meng Yi shook his head and said to Shang Wen.

"The previous meeting has explained this matter." Shang Wen said.

"A lot of funds are needed, and the scale of the funds is about one billion gold." Shang Wen said.

"Yan, Qi, Wei, and Chu in the south all need to rejuvenate their economy. At present, peace has come. We need countries to cut military expenditures. The size of Zhao's army is maintained at 100,000, plus we have loaned it to us. The number of their troops is around 70,000, and the pressure on military expenditures is very small. However, Yan, Chu, and Wei still retain a large number of troops. In addition, Qi also sent a large number of telegrams. They mean to borrow money. Although the scale is small, I think this is tentative." Shang Wen comprehensively explained the recent situation. Meng Yi listened patiently.

"They all need a lot of capital, and our bank can just expand into these areas." Shang Wen said.

"En." Meng Yi nodded.

"With capital, as long as they don't invest in the military field, they can do a lot of things, such as building railways and fully developing the local economy. These places are in turn called our huge market." Shang Wen said.

"Qin State exports capital on the one hand, on the other hand, it is constantly building its own market, which is very important to Qin State's future." Shang Wen said.

"But the current capital output is a bit chaotic. If we can, what I think is that if we can cooperate in a planned way, such as signing a series of contracts, I think this problem can be solved very well." Shang Wen said to Mongolia. Yi said.

"In other words, we used to invest in pieces without a system, but now, if we have a systematic investment, especially the export of capital, we can solve the development problems of various countries." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, this is what I think." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"I think we should put forward a revival plan. At present, Qin needs to issue a large number of banknotes and then influence countries through banknotes." Shangwen said.

"The era of metal currency is passing. We have to expand. This is a requirement of capital. If we don't do this, it will be difficult for our company to develop further." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"En. Okay." Meng Yi nodded.

"This is a very good plan. I think it should be put into the DPRK meeting for detailed and specific discussions, and we must also come up with a specific plan. If it is passed, we can also get the support of a large number of financial institutions in the prime minister's election. , It is very important for us to get the support of the bank." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"In terms of propaganda, we can get a lot of bank funding. The campaign has to go to various states to conduct specific campaigns. Without funds, it will be difficult for us to start. I heard that the Federal Party has already launched a propaganda offensive. OK." Meng Yi said to Shangwen worriedly.

"En. I already know this very well." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi without worry at all. And Meng Yi was helpless.

"Sorry, excuse me, Prime Minister. The Ministry of National Defense, the General Staff has something to look for you. It's a particularly urgent matter." Shang Wen's assistant anxiously caught up with the two people and said.

"Oh." Shang Wen was a little surprised.

And Meng Yi felt that there might be a military problem. This was Meng Yi's first reaction.

Meng Yi and Shang Wen made an exchange of eyes, which made the two of them react quickly, and they hurried to the Ministry of National Defense.

"That's how it happened." Wei Liao explained the two.

"Because it is in the territory of Dawan, this is a military issue, but Li Xin's telegram is not only a military issue, but also a political and economic issue. Therefore, we feel that the prime minister should decide some things." Wei Liao told Shangwen Speaking of.

"What do you mean?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"What we mean is, fighting, it's hard to seize an opportunity to fight, but the Qin army can only provide one or two regiments. In terms of technical arms, it can provide army aviation at most, and the space army can also provide some bombing airships to join. Fire support will be carried out," Yang Duanhe said. Yang Duanhe came to this meeting on behalf of the General Staff.

"Through the method of fighting, the other party is forced to conduct peace talks, and then after the talks begin, commercial cooperation can be carried out. The main body participating in the battle this time is not the Qin army, but a large number of commercial armed forces. If possible, I think we will pass these contents soon." Wei Liao said.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"I think your idea is correct." Shang Wen nodded.

"I always believe that excessive use of military means, especially if the Qin army is involved, will lead to high military expenditures. This is very detrimental to the future development of Qin. This is something we don't want to see. ." Shang Wen said.

"This time is different. We are using commercial arms. It is an economic issue, but it is also a military issue. The military must serve the economy. The purpose of our fight is to open the other party's market and let our products enter the other party's market. This is our real goal, not simply defeating the other side and entering the other side's territory." Shang Wen said.

"What the prime minister said is that this time it is mainly commercial armed forces. They are strictly the Qin army, but more of them are non-governmental organizations. There are many command problems." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"En. We can solve the problem through company cooperation. The government can come forward and set up a company with government registered capital, and then distribute it according to the provided force and contribution. Just like Qin Guo's joint-stock company. "Shang Wen said.

"En. Treat the war as a commercial activity," Yang Duanhe said.

"It was originally a commercial activity. The war is also true. What we have to do now is to reduce costs and expand our commercial activities." Shang Wen said.

"For the specific situation, we still need to discuss specifically, come up with a plan, and submit it." Shang Wen said.

"For specific military operations, the General Staff Department can be responsible and the Ministry of National Defense can execute them." Shang Wen said.

"En. I think we can proceed like this. We are good at military issues, but military, economic, and political issues. This is a matter for the Ministry of National Defense. We know how to fight it, and it depends on the Ministry of National Defense." Yang Duanhe said.

"Okay, let's start." Shang Wen said. Speaking, everyone began to reason out what happened as much as possible. This is a multi-departmental responsibility.

The third floor of the Qin State Stock Exchange.

"Mr. Li Wen, are we going to sell some stocks?" Li Wen's assistant asked carefully. Because at this time Li Wen is thinking, any movement can disturb the other person's thinking. This is what Li Wen dislikes most.

"No. We want to increase the position." Li Wen said at this time.

"However, Mr. Li Wen, our profit has not expanded much, and the falling range is decreasing. I am worried, whether there is any danger, we might as well sell some stocks." Li Wen's assistant suggested. Because he found that the decline began to stagnate, the daily increase was limited, and the decline was also very small. It fluctuates like this every day. Such a decline made the assistant feel that the market may be brewing a big volatility, upwards and downwards. It is not clear enough at present, but one thing, he feels that it is certain that it is really unwise to trade at this time. Usually at this time, Li Wen would not make a deal. He would travel, go hunting in the forest, or ride a horse, or go fishing. In short, he would not do such things. Li Wen, what this speculative kid is doing at this time is the last thing he should do.

"Don't get involved in this matter, just do your own thing." Li Wen said annoyedly.

Hearing this, the assistant trembled. If Li Wen is a little annoyed to make a deal, he usually won’t get any good results. On the contrary, he will lose money and lose a lot of money. This is the least he wants to see. The result, if this is the case, the assistant will be very worried.

"Yes." The assistant agreed carefully. When the assistant saw Li Wen frowning, he carefully withdrew. When he withdrew, he happened to ran into the thin man who had walked with Li Wen recently. He didn't know what the other party did, but the other party was able to show A lot of economic data, these data said that Li Wen was dizzy, and finally had to believe that the assistant felt that this thin man was not a good person, and he might bring fatal harm to Li Wen, because Li Wen never made a deal. No need for guidance from others, but this time it was different. A large number of plans were based on this thin man's economic data.

"What is this?" On the street in Xinzheng, South Korea, a Qin Guo Insurance salesman handed a sales slip to two stout men, one of whom had a beard and scumbag asked.

"Oh. This is insurance." The salesman introduced.

"Insurance?" the man with a beard and scumbag asked.

"Yes, insurance. In case of an accident, we will pay you money and loss." The salesman introduced.

"There is such a good thing?" the two men exclaimed.

"Yes. That's it. Our insurance is for this." said the salesman.

"If you encounter any danger or accidental disaster, as long as you have purchased insurance and encounter a loss, if the accident conditions are met, we will compensate you for the loss. The specific amount depends on how much you invest in us. , Of course. You have to see what you do, how much you invest, and how much we can pay you. These are all clearly stipulated." The salesman said.

"We are sailing, can we buy it?" another man asked.

"Navigating?" the salesman asked.

"Yes, we often encounter various dangers when sailing, and ship sinking often happens. If we buy insurance, will things be beneficial to us?" At this time, the bearded man asked.

"Are our losses going to be reduced a lot." The scumbag man immediately said.

"This should be possible, we insure, what we do is this accidental disaster, reduce your losses." The salesman said.

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