The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1949: Increase the amount of money

“After Qin established the Federal Bank, he could inject capital by buying shares. Regarding the issue of the Western Regions, the minister believed that the Prime Minister could complete an integration of the Western Regions commercial organizations by way of capital contribution from the Federal Bank.” Meng Yi explained.

"The appearance of the Commonwealth Bank is not completing the increase in money supply?" Qin Wang asked.

"Yes, Lord." Meng Yi replied.

"The Federal Bank is a non-governmental organization. But it is under the jurisdiction of the Qin Federal Government, and they have their own operating authority. After all, the currency issuance power is in our hands, and the currency power in our hands is only for the Federal Bank to manage." Meng Yi continued. To.

"After Qin State injected funds through the Federal Bank, he could quickly organize those major commercial organizations." Meng Yi continued.

"Because the injection of capital is equivalent to the Qin government's indirect participation, and the capital gains obtained belong to the Qin federal government. In this way, the Qin government can reduce fiscal revenue. In addition, it can get a considerable amount of money through business operations. Part of the objective income. Regarding the management of the Western Regions, the established business organization has greater flexibility, and maintains trade, and can carry out a series of actions according to the needs of trade." Meng Yi continued.

"If the Duhufu is established, then it will only create a serious fact. It is unlikely that the Duhufu will take full account of commercial trade. Therefore, there is a great lack of economic issues. We, Qin, will open up the Western Regions. , The purpose of expanding the Western Regions is for the market. The establishment of the Duhu Mansion is to govern the entire Western Regions and establish military regions in the Western Regions." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah." King Qin nodded. I think what Meng Yi said makes sense.

"Now the widow is somewhat interested in the establishment of this federal bank." King Qin said at this time.

"Is the idea of ​​the Federal Bank also proposed by the prime minister?" King Qin asked at this time.

"Yes. The prime minister had already held a cabinet meeting before and had repeated discussions at the meeting, but at that time, there was only one way to inject capital, which was to issue bonds and then inject capital. Only in this way, the problem cannot be fundamentally solved. The injection is not very good, on the contrary, it will reduce the funds on the market a lot. This kind of plan has to be abandoned in the end. Recently, I only heard about this plan by chance, but not fully discussed it.” Meng Yi answered truthfully.

"Well. This Federal Bank can be completed as soon as possible. The capital injection cannot be delayed. There are currently many places where a lot of funds are needed. The demand for this paper currency is increasing. The longer it is, the more difficult it is for Qin's economy to go up." Speaking of.

"Yes, the king, the minister thinks so too." Meng Yi saluted.

"The current currency systems of various countries have almost collapsed. If the Qin currency system does not exist and the original gold and silver system is replaced by the paper currency system, the result may be the collapse of the economies of various countries." Meng Yi said.

"Well. Listening to what you say, the widow has more than one hypothesis." King Qin said to Meng Yi.

"If Qin did not act according to the prime minister, but continued to use military forces to squeeze countries, what would be the result?" King Qin asked at this time.

"This." Meng Yi thought this question was too big and it was inconvenient to answer.

"Don't worry and say boldly, doesn't your federal government have an advisory group? What kind of things must be carried out after bold speculation, and the widow will forgive you." King Qin said.

"Yes, Lord." Meng Yi replied.

"The minister believes that if the Qin army had continuously launched an offensive eastward, it might be a result of losing both sides." Meng Yi said.

"Why?" King Qin asked.

"If the Qin army blindly attacked eastward, it might take ten to twenty years to unify the world. However, at that time, Qin’s financial pressure was also very huge. The reason why countries could not resist was because of their Financial difficulties have been difficult to support. From the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty, the military consumption has not recovered after about a hundred years. The countries have been unable to support, the finances are scarce, and the economy is on the verge of collapse. Under such circumstances, the countries will naturally be affected by Qin. After the destruction, Qin unified the world, but afterwards, Qin's financial situation is not optimistic. The consumption of food, population, and other resources in the war for 10 to 20 years has far exceeded Qin's economic capacity. , If." At this time, Meng Yi lowered his head with some worry and didn't say anything. In fact, Meng Yi once assumed such an inference, and calculated it with cabinet ministers. It's not just these. Qin's major economic schools have also made such inferences, and Meng Yi only approved these inferences as he thought.

"What if?" King Qin asked at this time.

"If after the Qin reunification war, it encounters the invasion of the south or the northern minorities, the financial pressure of Qin will be even greater. If you blindly increase financial expenditure, the situation of Qin may not be very good in the end." Yi said this time.

"Yeah." King Qin nodded.

"The widow had never thought about it before, but after reasoning about this kind of thesis, the widow was also worried. If it goes on for a long time, the final situation may be that our country, Qin, cannot escape the danger of extinction." King Qin said at this time.

"The King." Meng Yi was a little panicked.

"It doesn't have to be this way. Fortunately, Qin State has a great talent from the prime minister." King Qin continued.

"This prevents such a dangerous situation from happening. Qin's development in the past few years has far surpassed Qin's business reforms." King Qin said.

"In the final analysis, we still need to change and keep forging ahead. This is a kind of spirit. Qin State has such a determined and enterprising spirit." King Qin said.

"Yes. King." Meng Yi saluted.

Afterwards, King Qin and Meng Yi said some other things. For such a serious topic, King Qin no longer explained. For such an answer, King Qin already had an answer in his mind.

Maza Mountain.

"His grandma. Let's live here this time." An armed member of the Qin State armed with his gun, said somewhat discouraged.

Regarding the siege, he felt a trace of fear, irritability, and anxiety. After all, he was not born in a regular army. He was only hired to make a fortune. When he said it, he didn't say that he must be surrounded. Although he had been told that there was a risk, he did not expect such a thing to happen.

"What?" an veteran on the side asked.

"Missing women?" the veteran asked.

"No. No." The player concealed. In fact, he is nervous inside.

"It's okay, it's all men. Who doesn't want women? I heard that women in Dawan are very beautiful." The veteran said seductively.

"I didn't think about women. It's just." said the team member.

"What's the matter?" the veteran asked.

"Yes, I'm a little nervous, you say, can we go back?" the team member asked at this time.

"This, I don't know." The veteran looked at the other party and replied. Hearing this answer, the team members were a little disappointed at this time.

"It's okay. Qin's so many weapons can't beat us at all, so there's no need to worry." said the veteran.

"Oh." Despite this, the team members were still worried.

"There are so many ravines below here that we are besieged. Our ammunition, food, and water are all depleted little by little. This is not good for us." The team member said worriedly.

But the veteran praised anything, he picked up his binoculars and kept looking into the distance.

"Look, over there." The veteran looked into the distance with his binoculars.

"It seems, it seems to be the Qin army." The veteran said.

"What?" the team member cried out in surprise.

"It's the Qin Army, the black battle flag of the Qin Army, looking at the shape, it is a triangle, it should be the cavalry.

"Yes, it's the cavalry of the Qin Army." The veteran cried.

"Qin Jun is here. Qin Jun is here." The veteran exclaimed excitedly. The players on the side also yelled, and he did not see the cavalry himself, so he yelled loudly.

"What, the cavalry is here." At this time, the other team members stood up and looked at the distance.

"Hey, that's right, look, the cavalry over there is walking around the edge. These Dawan people are beginning to get nervous." Qin State armed team members stepped forward, and some lay on the trench with binoculars and watched. Without a telescope, they can only stand up high, and they are not afraid of Dawan at all. Because their bows and arrows were far behind them, more soldiers stood tall and looked at the situation on the ground, which was nothing to them.

"I don't look right. It's just cavalry, no infantry, and no artillery." A member of the team said while looking at the situation in the distance.

"You are stupid. This infantry can be faster than four legs." Another team member said with a single telescope.

"How heavy is the artillery thing," the soldier with the single-scope telescope continued.

After the Qin's cavalry circled the opponent's camp for a week, the Dawan's cavalry followed far behind and dared not get too close. A large number of Dawan cavalrymen followed far behind.

"These **** Dawan country cavalry, if we get close, we must kill him." At this time, a cavalry corporal said to his company commander.

"Haha." The company commander just kept smiling.

"Company commander, we just turned around, just go back like this?" The corporal on the side continued to ask.

"The Dawan people are the same as our Qin people. The trenches dug around are everywhere. Our cavalry can't use it at all. We can't attack. We can only swim and fight around." The cavalry company commander said.

"It seems that we can only find other ways." The cavalry company commander said.

"Yes. Sir," said the cavalry corporal.

The task of the cavalry company commander this time is to investigate and see what the situation is before they can start the next step. They found out this time that the people of Dawan were smarter than they thought. Under normal circumstances, fighting the Qin army would take a while before they thought of digging trenches, but Dawan didn’t take long to dig trenches. , This is something that the people of Qin did not expect.

Zhao State of Handan.

"The Koreans have agreed to work with us on the railway project, with regard to the specific details of this project." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

"It's just. The funding issue has not been resolved." Li Zuoche continued.

"The two countries should study and solve this problem together. In addition, there is also Qin. Qin must also want us to build railways. Solve all current problems." Li Mu said to Li's left side.

"It's just that we push all the problems to the people of Qin, and we can't solve this problem by ourselves. This is really a bit passive. If the people of Qin cannot provide such a large amount of funds, our project may be stopped. This is not for us. A good thing." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah. However, the funds we can gather at the moment are very limited. At present, Zhao Guo’s main funds are mainly concentrated in factories. Railway funds are not available at all. The time has come to the beginning of the spring. If it is delayed, the construction period will be delayed. . "Li Zuoche forgot about the time.

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded.

"Qin people should be able to give us more funds, but why don't they provide us with funds." Li Mu said worriedly.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"What is this?" A Korean asked, standing on the financial street in Xinzheng, South Korea, looking at the gate of a newly established company.

"Finance, stock and financial exchanges, our own financial transactions in Korea said." At this time, a well-dressed young man came out and said with a smile.

"What kind of finance?" asked the Korean onlookers.

"It's the stock." The well-dressed young man explained.

"Let's put it this way, do you want to make money?" the young man asked.

"Yes. Of course I did. Who doesn't want this money-making thing." The Koreans onlookers said one after another.

"That's right. This finance is about making money." The young man explained.

"If you want to make money, you can come in and buy stocks. These stocks are shares. Have you seen those stock companies that make big money?" The young man said at this time.

"When you come in, you buy shares. These are the stocks of large companies, and their prices are very good. You will accept them. Then at the end of the year, the company will pay dividends with you when the company makes money. Dividends, know or not, this way , You can make money on a large scale." The young man said.

"Dividends. How much can be paid?" Some women heard that they could pay dividends. Their eyes suddenly brightened. In their opinion, giving money is really good.

"As much as you buy, you get the dividends. The more you buy, the more you get." said the young man.

"That's it. It's just." Some people began to worry.

"Don't worry, don't worry, this stock is worth money. You can look at the profitability of those big companies. They make a lot of money." The young man continued.

"Yeah, one of our former children has something to do. He just opened a factory and made a lot of money in a year. He has married several daughters-in-laws. All of them are good-looking." A woman Speaking enviously.

"That's right, when you buy this stock, it is equivalent to a shareholding. Become a minority shareholder in this factory." said the young man.

"Look at that factory to make money. If you buy in, you can make money like this. This will have a lot of benefits for you." The young man said.

"You said, little brother." A woman asked in a low voice at this time.

"I mean. This factory doesn't work all of a sudden, or if this factory doesn't make money, don't we lose money?" A middle-aged man said worriedly.

"It's okay, it's really okay." The young man waved his hands and said.

"The ones that can be listed here are the best companies in Korea with the best business level. They can make a lot of money. If it doesn't work, you can go in and give it a try, give it a try, and you'll know." The young man continued. Speaking of.

"But." At this time, there are still many people who are worried. In their opinion, buying stocks can make money, but it is not easy for them to make money. They need to work more than ten hours to get the hard wages. If there are some accidents, they really can't do anything. Although many people kept asking questions around the young people, many of them gathered to watch the excitement, and few took the initiative to ask questions.

"You know the State of Qin." The young man saw few people go in and buy stocks. A little anxious. Then went on to talk about it.

"I know. Qin people are very rich, they are also workers, and they make a lot of money. We give very little. The difference is several times worse." A Korean worker complained.

"I think it is several times, dozens of times." Another South Korean worker said.

"However, I didn't say anything." The South Korean worker said.

"People's technology is this. We can't do it in Qin. People can get that money, it definitely makes sense." The worker said.

"These are not important. The important thing is, do you know that Qin workers have extra income?" the young man asked.

"I don't know, but I think it makes sense to me. People from the Qin country will definitely give extra for this technology, and the money must be high." The worker said.

"No, it's not such a person. People from the Qin country, after they have money, they deposit part of the money in the bank, and then part of the usual expenses. The other part, to put it bluntly. Just buy stocks, they can make money by buying stocks, and they can do it. For more things, many people in Qin State do this. If it doesn’t work, you can go to Qin State. I heard that those engineers, if they invent important things, give them shares directly, and they will sell these shares. Or continue to hold and eat dividends, what does this mean?" the young man said.

"What?" everyone asked.

"This is equivalent to getting a part of the factory, a workshop, and a production line, which is yours. In this way, can you have no money?" the young man asked.

"If you want to live well, you have to be willing to pay for it. The reason why people from Qin people live well is because they are willing to pay for the capital and buy stocks. In this way, can they live a bad life? This salary is money, and stock dividends It's money, and dividends are money. Banks give interest, and there are bonuses. You said, can they not make money." The young man said.

"That's right, people give more." Everyone said.

"Hahaha. It's done. It's done." At this time, a Korean came out and said excitedly. At this time, I kept counting money.

"This. This." All of a sudden everyone gathered together and asked each other.

"I bought the shares of Oriental Trading Company all at once. All of a sudden, I went up by a gold. I bought one. As a result, I got so much money at once." The Korean came out excitedly.

"This." All the Koreans looked at him in surprise. All Koreans were surprised. They have never seen this kind of money. In this way, they don't know how long it takes to work to make so much money.

"Hurry up and buy it." The Koreans were taken aback for a moment, and everyone rushed in to buy stocks. Only then did they dare to buy stocks.

"How is the situation on the stock exchange?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang.

"It's okay. On the first day, many people bought it and many made a profit." Zhang Liang said excitedly.

"Hmm. Anyone who loses money?" Han Shu asked worriedly.

"Yes. But the impact is not great. There are only three stocks in the stock exchange. According to the king's order, they dare not sell a large number of stocks at the beginning. After all, this market has only begun." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded.

"It's just that the number of stocks is a little bit less." Han Shu said.

"There are a lot of kings. At the beginning, if we put too many stocks at once, we will lose a lot. Many people will not buy stocks, and this market will not appear." Zhang Liang continued.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded.

"You are right, it is definitely not right to go on like this, you are right. We have to put a long line, so that we can open up a big market, but I don’t know how the people of Qin can open up such a big market all at once. Come." Han Shu said.

"I don't know this." Zhang Liang said.

"In this way, we can be regarded as solving a market problem." Zhang Liang said.

"With the support of the financial market, our funds will definitely be resolved, as long as we take out more stocks to sell, this problem can still be resolved." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. This matter is not anxious, but widows believe that there is still a lack of sufficient funds in the market, and we can print more banknotes to solve this problem. However, how to put banknotes in this thing is the key. "Han Shu said.

"My lord, the minister thinks, use this money to buy these stocks." Zhang Liang thought for a while and said.

"Buy stocks?" Han Shu looked at Zhang Liang and asked in confusion.

"Yes. The king. That's what the minister thinks." Zhang Liang said.

"If we buy, it is equivalent to the Korean government's capital contribution and becoming a shareholder. This will not only allow the company to develop and solve the funding problem, but the government will also get a portion of the benefits in the future. It will have good benefits for the government and the company. Can increase a lot." Zhang Liang suggested.

"Yes, this idea is very good. Very constructive." Han Shu said.

"That's it. I agree. Our funds can have a way out." Han Shu said excitedly. In this way, the printed banknotes can quickly enter the financial market, and then flow through the financial market to where the market needs it today.

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