The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1953: Federal Bank Reserve Board

"I want to know why you people from the Yue family were defeated by the people of the Shabbat. We need to know some details about the situation in the country." A lieutenant colonel said while looking at the people from the Yue family.

"This." The Yue family looked at the lieutenant colonel's staff. He didn't know where to start.

"We need to understand the situation in the Sabbath country. Only in this way can we help you." The Lieutenant Colonel's staff told the Yues.

"Okay. We don't know much about the kingdom of Shah, but we know that they also have control over Dawan." The Yueshi said to the lieutenant colonel. Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel stopped for a moment. He realized that Qin's attack on Dawan would never be so simple.

"What else?" the lieutenant colonel's staff continued to ask.

"The Sabbath and their country is in Persia, anyway, it is what Parthya." Yueshi said.

"Parthia" Lieutenant Colonel looked at each other suspiciously. Because this "Parthia" Qin people have never heard of it.

"That's right. It's Parthia. We also heard many people say that. It's called the Sabbath country. You can also call it this way. This is how you Qin people call it. Maybe it's a translation problem." Yueshi said.

"In addition, there are the se*s. They are the main part of the Parthian cavalry. They are mainly cavalry and they are very mobile. As far as I know, they are mainly in tribal form and have a fixed capital. We Yue people still don’t know where they are, but one thing I can be sure is that Wusun people have also received attacks from Parthians. Their situation is worse than ours.” Yue people said. .

"We Yue people still have a small country established, but most of the Wusun people are still tribes, small country regimes, and can't survive yet." Yue people introduced. And these things. This is the first time Qin people have heard of it. The lieutenant colonel realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Before, the kingdom of Anxi came to our people from Qin. What do you think they might come here for?" the lieutenant colonel asked at this time.

"It is estimated that it is reconnaissance or temptation. Their army is particularly powerful, especially the cavalry. There are three types of cavalry, heavy cavalry, which are elite troops. There are also light cavalry and foot archers. Their tactics are mainly Patriarchs. Tia shoots back to the horse." Yueshi introduced.

"They shot like this." Qin Guoren looked at it as the Yue family twisted their backs and turned their bows back to shoot the chasing soldiers. Immediately realized what, the other party has a strong maneuverability. This kind of battle has a great influence on the Qin State.

"The other thing is, their bows and arrows, theirs has a compound bow, which has a range that exceeds your gun, but it is not as powerful as yours. However, the most powerful thing is artillery. They don't have this kind of thing. The range exceeds theirs. The compound bow, however, is not flexible enough. We can't protect it. It's easy to be defeated. In addition, the opponent is cavalry. We can't beat the opponent at all." Yueshi said.

"How do you fight?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"Their constant harassment goes behind our backs. Very rarely we fight head-to-head. We can defeat the other side. However, the other side directly attacks the place where our supplies are supplied. We can't fight them." The Yue people have a headache. Speaking of. Hearing this, the staff of the lieutenant colonel felt a headache. No wonder the cavalry of the Parthian nation went straight behind them after a quick attack. It turned out that this is their style of play. Once they encounter an offensive setback, they will quickly retreat, then look for the opponent’s weakness, and meet again. Will continue to attack behind. This is a typical nomadic tribe's style of play. To deal with this kind of play, you can only use maneuver to maneuver, or use infantry to fight against the opponent, but also to limit it to the opponent's combat area. After all, the opponent is a nomadic cavalry who comes and goes freely.

Later, the lieutenant colonel's staff learned more. Most of them belonged to the Parthian nation. However, from the Yue population, the Qin people learned a detail, that is, on the west side of the Parthian plateau, there is a plain. On this plain, there are developed handicrafts, commerce, and agriculture. This surprised the people of Qin, and the main iron weapons of the Parthian nation came from this area.

"Welcome General Li Mu to visit South Korea." Han Shu reached out with his right hand.

"Thank you very much for the queen to meet him in person." Li Mu reached out with his right hand. The two sides shook hands as a courtesy to meet.

"I hope this time, we can cooperate happily." Han Shu said with a smile.

"Yeah. Happy cooperation." Li Mu nodded.

Subsequently. Han Shu introduced the people who came to greet him, and then sent Li Mu to the Zhao State Embassy to rest. When Li Mu came to South Korea this time, instead of taking a train to go around to Qin State to South Korea, he chose to go directly south and enter Xinzheng. On the way, Li Mu took a few people to stop and go, mainly to see the construction of the railway, if there is a railway going south. All Zhao Guo's problems can be solved. Zhao State is close to Qin State, or where resources are available, and the development is very good. However, the south of Zhao State is still stagnant. It is still an agricultural area with underdeveloped commerce and relies on agricultural taxes to maintain it. The people live in poverty. After seeing this, Li Mu felt that Zhao Guo's current situation in the south should be changed.

"Prime Minister, this time South Korea has shown great enthusiasm. It seems that South Korea also hopes to develop railways with us. If it is opened to traffic, the situation will be very good." said Li Mu, the Li Zuo motorcade.

"Well. It's good. But I still have some concerns." Li Mu said.

"Or is it a funding issue?" Li Zuoche asked.

"Yes. The South Korean side can say that, sure they can solve the funding problem, but we, what should we do?" Li Mu said worriedly. Regarding the situation that Han Shu greeted us today. What Li Mu saw was a kind of self-confidence. Li Mu suddenly realized the problem through this confidence. South Korea will definitely be able to solve the funding problem by itself.

"Prime Minister, recently, I heard that South Koreans have set up a stock exchange by themselves, although there are only three stocks. However, these three companies have solved part of the funding problem. I think, does South Korea use this to solve the problem?" Li The left car asked.

"Stocks solve the problem?" Li Mu asked.

"Yes, they sold the stocks in their hands in exchange for a large amount of funds. These funds came from all walks of life in South Korea." Li Zuoche introduced.

"Well. No wonder South Korea is so confident, but we don't have such a thing. This is a difficulty for us. We can only place our hopes on the people of Qin." Li Mu said.

"Do we still issue bonds?" Li Zuoche asked at this time.

"No. Think of a way, yes. We asked the Koreans how to do it. After we understand, we can solve our problem." Li Mu said.

"Well. I'll find out about this matter. Since Koreans can understand this matter, so can we." Li Zuoche thought this matter was not difficult.

Qin State Xianyang.

"South Korea has established its own stock exchange, and they are also actively trading stocks recently. However, this market is still very small, with only three listed companies, and their stock issuance is also very limited." Xiang Ying, director of finance Yu reported.

"Yeah." Yingyu didn't expect South Korea to set up its own stock exchange. This was a big surprise, and they had not received any news before. If it hadn't been for the recent stock boom in South Korea, it would be really hard to imagine that South Korea would set up a stock exchange by itself.

"It's really hard to imagine, but it's established if it's already established." Yingyu said.

"They currently only have three stocks. The number is still small. They have great development potential. We can't blindly stop them." Yingyu thought about it.

"Since we can't stop it, we have to make a lot of money from this market. This is what we should do." Yingyu said.

"Yeah. It's just that, if you do this, a part of the funds will flow into this market. This market is a diversion function for us." The financial director said to Yingyu.

"You should look at the long-term goal. There is a lack of funds everywhere. What does this mean?" Yingyu asked.

"This shows that the stock market can still develop. If it is not available from banks because of the lack of funds, it is necessary to find a way from the stock market or raise funds from other places. The same is true for the bond market. At present, some banks, in order to solve the funding problem, Issuing a large number of bonds, the bond interest is higher, and the cost of capital is relatively high. If we can issue stocks to solve this problem, mortgage stocks. In this case, it will be easier." said the financial director.

"Yes. That's it. Moreover, the government will continue to inject funds. In the future, more funds will be injected into it." Yingyu said.

"This is a great opportunity for development." Yingyu said.

"There are developments in many places, including steel, cement, railway construction, urban construction, and trade factory production. And so on. These are all in large-scale production. We need a lot of capital, and we have many opportunities to make money. Many. There are too many to count. This is something I have never encountered before. Personally, I feel that Qin must enter a period of great prosperity." Yingyu said.

"Great prosperity." The financial director did not think of this. What he was worried about was the immediate matter. As for the future, he did not think more.

"Okay. I'm going to a meeting. As for the future, we can take a long-term look." Yingyu picked up a few documents and left.

People are sitting everywhere in the meeting room of the Prime Minister's Mansion. The conference room was not too big, but there were a lot of people coming. They were all shareholders, directors, or representatives of the directors of major banks. They are here to solve the funding problem.

"Have you heard?" a middle-aged man sat in the corner and said to the person next to him.

"What's the matter?" a particularly uncomfortable man standing next to him asked curiously.

"Pegasus Bank merged with Taiyuan Wangshi Branch." The middle-aged man took out a small metal pot at this time and took a sip. The best sake is placed in the pot.

"This, is this true? This branch is also very powerful." said the man who was standing especially uncomfortable.

"It's still fake, haven't you seen it? In the stock market, Pegasus Bank has soared a lot because of this incident. The price has risen like a rocket. The speed is whizzing." The middle-aged man Speaking of.

"Oh. Is there any gossip in this?" At this time, the standing man asked.

"This, I don't know, anyway, I only know that the share of this bank has increased a lot. The number of shares is quite large. At this time, there is a lack of funds, and there is a lot of lack of funds." The middle-aged man said.

"The share of shares has increased so much. What is going on? Generally speaking, when funds are tight, you won't do this. Because this merger takes up a lot of funds. Under the current situation of extremely tight funds, How could such a thing happen?" the standing man asked strangely.

"That's why I sit and you stand, but we are all the same, we are in the corner." said the middle-aged man.

"Have you seen it? The people sitting in front of them are all big-timers. They are the pillars of Qin State Bank. To a large extent, their existence is the pillar of Qin State Bank." The middle-aged man said.

"I saw it. The chairman of Wenyang Bank." As the middle-aged man saw Yingyu walk in, as soon as Yingyu came in, many bank shareholders and directors had to stand up and question marks.

"The aura is great," said the standing man.

"This is what Qin needs right now. I heard that Wenyang Bank pledged 20% of its shares to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and the Prime Minister's Mansion issued a considerable amount of banknotes. As a result, Wenyang Bank has a financial problem. It is estimated that the Pegasus Bank is doing the same. They are increasing their own shares. After the shares increase, they will begin to mortgage their shares to the federal government. The federal government buys these shares and then injects funds. In this way, the market The funds raised will solve all their business." The middle-aged man said.

"So, this meeting, this time, is the Mengxiang convened this time for this matter?" the standing man asked.

"Well. I have a brain this time. This thing, that's it." The middle-aged man said.

"I also listened to the people in front. They know a lot, maybe some people have solved this problem, but we can only look at others to do this." The middle-aged man said.

"Now there is a very lack of funds. If we can solve the funding problem, we can have great development. Our bank, at most, is doing ordinary business. If we want to have a big development, it depends on the situation. This is for us. "The middle-aged man seemed to have thought of something.

Then, Meng Yi came in, and after a short greeting, began the topic of today's meeting.

"At present, I know that many of you are short of funds, especially banks. The flow of funds is getting worse and worse. This is mainly because the Federal Government of Qin has reduced bank interest rates and increased liquidity of funds. In this way, the flow of funds will increase. Make it more difficult." Meng Yi said to everyone.

"I know that everyone lacks funds. This is due to the recent shortage of money supply." Meng Yi said.

"The prime minister has already thought of this question. To maintain, the federal government has decided to increase the money supply in order to increase a large amount of funds. Help the bank to get through this situation." Meng Yi said.

"Therefore, the Federation established a federal bank to solve the total money supply problem." Meng Yi said to everyone.

"Federal Bank?" When everyone heard this, they began to discuss it in a whisper, even though the bankers knew that the federal government might set up a certain institution to complete the capital injection.

"The Commonwealth Bank only injects funds and does not participate in specific business activities. This is the main function of the Commonwealth Bank." Meng Yi explained. What he is worried about is that the banks are worried about the Commonwealth Bank robbing their market.

"But before the establishment of the Commonwealth Bank, there are still many things. For example, we need to consider the specific status of each company's shareholding and the allocation of funds." Meng Yi said.

"Before, we relied on the banking union to complete this matter. But now ours, our banking union is unable to complete the infusion of funds, which requires a new department to complete such things, but this matter is still It takes a transition. The transition period requires some preparation. When the time is right, the Federal Bank can be established to complete such a thing." Meng Yi said.

"Therefore, I suggest that a bank reserve committee be established. As a transition, I don't know if everyone agrees?" Meng Yi asked everyone.

Everyone look at me, I look at you.

"Next, let me introduce the functions of the Bank Reserve Committee." Meng Yi said.

"The Commonwealth Bank is actually still a non-governmental department. It is under the orders of the federal government. However, in actual conditions, the Commonwealth Bank needs to adjust according to the actual situation. And the bank union has a large capital flow turnover station. Meaning." Meng Yi said.

"The Federal Bank is actually an important management department that officially allocates funds, injects funds, cuts funds, and adjusts bank profits. Qin's Bank Reserve Committee needs your support, and he needs each bank to reflect the situation. Federal. After all, the bank is not the government, but the entire banking industry. Therefore, before the establishment of the Federal Bank, Qin Guo first established the Federal Bank Reserve Committee." Meng Yi said. In fact, Meng Yi and Shang Wen discussed this matter seriously. Shangwen tends to set up the Federal Bank at once. In this way, the Federal Government controls the function of issuing banknotes in the hands of the government, and the functions of how much money is injected and how much funds are provided are placed in the hands of the Federal Bank. In this way, it can be solved at once. There is a problem of lack of funds in the market.

But doing so will seriously dampen the enthusiasm of Qin State Bank, because they know that most of the current banks are privately owned. If they suddenly transition over, it will create a fact that banks belong to the federal government. , This is unfair to them. This is what Meng Yi worries about. The Commonwealth Bank controls most of the bank’s shares simply by increasing the banknotes, which is meaningless to the bank. Therefore, he thinks that banks should be given greater rights in order to mobilize their enthusiasm. . therefore. Meng Yi came up with a transitional plan. This plan is the Federal Bank Reserve Board. Most banks are included in this committee and they are given certain seats. In this way, it is the right of the government to issue banknotes. However, how many banknotes are issued, This requires negotiation with the bank. If the Federal Bank is set up blindly, it will create an established fact that the federal government will issue as many banknotes as it wants. The establishment of the Federal Bank Reserve Board is actually, The federal government negotiates with representatives of these banks to prevent the federal government from dominating. In this way their enthusiasm will be greatly mobilized.

After all, the federal government can buy all their shares as long as they issue banknotes without restrictions. In this case, their efforts will ultimately be given to the federal government. The unrestricted use of banknotes by the federal government will cause this to happen.

At this time, everyone on the field talked about it. Obviously many people are aware of this problem. The Federal Bank Reserve Board has solved this problem precisely, which is indeed very good news for them.

"I think this is very good. We can occupy a certain seat based on our share of stocks. With this seat, we can determine the development of the bank. The banking industry does need a strong institution to manage it. The previously loose banks The alliance really cannot do this." said a banker.

"The Federal Bank Reserve Board can solve this problem and restrict the federal government's banknote issuance rights. We need to discuss how many banknotes to issue, which is very beneficial to us. If the government issues banknotes without restrictions, What will be the result?" At this time, the banker asked.

Everyone knows this problem. It is also very clear about this. Meng Yi wisely chose to take a step back, give up the initiative and give the initiative to the bank. After all, Qin’s economy needs bankers to develop, and the federal government cannot do everything. This is not in line with Qin’s economy. The special national conditions of the current development. Meng Yi's wisdom was approved by everyone. At the end of the meeting, the establishment of the Federal Bank Reserve Board was approved by a high number of votes. The proposal of the Commonwealth Bank has been temporarily shelved, and the length of the shelving depends on the specific circumstances.

Meng Yi's proposal was approved by everyone. People have also recognized their ideas. Shangwen’s Federal Bank plan had to give up because it emphasized the government’s functions too much.

"Yeah. This is the Qin people's own choice. It is not a decision made by a certain person. This is a historical choice." Shang Wen said when he received a telegram from Meng Yi. For the Federal Bank on hold. Shangwen didn't feel a pity at all. On the contrary, I feel fortunate for the establishment of the Federal Bank Reserve Board.

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