Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Are these all built by your own factories in South Korea?" Li Mu asked a workshop manager.

"No, now our factory is established as a joint venture with Qin Guoren." The workshop manager replied.

This is an arsenal established by a South Korean joint venture. It mainly produces some parts and components, most of which are completed by stamping machine tools. As long as there are machine tools, this kind of thing can be mass-produced. In addition, the buttstock is also produced here. The triggers are all produced by Korean workers. Li Mu looked at the large number of flintlock parts and felt that Zhao Guo would also introduce such technology. Li Mu was a soldier and naturally had a kind of affection for weapons.

"The prime minister, I think it's weird, why are there no barrels produced here?" Li Zuoche asked at this time.

At this time, Li Mu looked around and did discover the secret. There was indeed no barrel, no barrel. Basically, it was a scrapped rifle.

"Why is this?" Li Mu asked.

"What? Prime Minister." The administrator on the side asked.

"The barrel, the whole workshop should have a barrel." Li Mu asked.

"Oh. The barrel was brought in from Qin State, and the workshop responsible for the assembly will finally be assembled." The workshop manager said.

"Oh. Is this also part of the cooperation between Qin and Qin people?" Li Mu asked.

"It should be, but what is the specific main content? We don't know, but we are very busy here every day. A lot of guns are produced." The workshop manager said.

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded and checked the guns produced for Qin. He didn't know where a large number of guns were sold, but he knew that Qin people would definitely sell these guns.

"Let's go, let's go to other places to see." Li Mu knows that here, it is for nothing to look at. At most, I look at the production scale of other people. It is the people of Qin who are in charge of sales, and Li Mu does not know where their sales destination is.

Near Maza Mountain. Temporary camp of the Qin armed forces. The Qin people spent three days cleaning the battlefield, and then sent cavalry to attack the nearby tribe. Captured a large number of slaves. But the people of Qin were not interested in this at all. In Qin's view, these areas are very poor, and only those Huns who are willing to do so, the Qin people have no interest at all.

"What's your name?" Lieutenant Colonel Matt said. He is a civilian lieutenant colonel, that is, an official of the Qin State General Staff. His main task is to collect and analyze intelligence. He was expelled from the army because he gathered for drinking during the war, but retained his military rank. In order to survive, he had to join the Qin State Commercial Armed Forces. However, in such a team, he was very annoyed because he could not command the battle, and his salary could not be improved or maintained. After this battle, he felt that what should be done is that he and Qin Jun have a drink, and the relationship is known. One point is that the upper ranks of the Qin army will not send troops. In addition, he also learned that the armed forces are worrying about the cost of this troop dispatch.

Because the logistical support for their troops is very expensive, this is no longer what ordinary Qin merchants can afford. Originally thought that they could **** a lot of gold coins, gold, etc., but they were all sheepskins, cows, sheep, women, and these things, if they were sold in Qin, they would at best equal the cost. In this way, they Isn't it for nothing? In the past few days, many high-level military officers are discussing this matter, and even those businessmen who are not involved in military operations have participated. Obviously, they want to get huge benefits from the victory of this battle.

"Pamirye." said a middle-aged prisoner.

"Why do you say our words?" At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Matt asked.

"I was a businessman before, because my caravan was robbed. So, I was caught as a slave." Pamirye replied.

"Oh." Ma Feature nodded.

"Where are you from?" Matt then asked.

"I deal with the Western Regions you mentioned, but I am actually a Parthian." Matt said.

"Parthia?" Matt didn't know about Parthia, nor did he know that Parthia was actually another name for the Sabbath.

"Yes, you are talking about a country to the west of Dawan. This country was left by Alexander the Great. We conquered the Persians." Pamirye said.

"Well. Do you know the kingdom of peace?" Matt asked at this time.

"Rest in peace. This is one of our non-fallen nations, but the Parthian kingdom is still the world of the rest of the people. In other words, the kingdom of rest that you Qin people said is actually the same country as me." Pamirye inferred. .

"Oh. In this case, we may be talking about a country." Matt thought about it.

"Can you talk about the situation in your Parthian country?" Matt continued.

"Yes, our Parthian country is very powerful. We can defeat Dawan. Our relationship with Dawan is not very good. Although the two sides have exchanges, the relationship is close to the stage of war." Pamirye said To.

Hearing this, Matt was very shocked. He did not expect that the Kingdom of Xia would also be interested in the Kingdom of Dawan. In this case, a large-scale war between Anxi and Qin would inevitably occur. This war may be avoided from the perspective of the present. No more. I heard that the state of Parthian is strong and easy to expand. If it weren’t for Qin’s further development to the west, Dawan would be a buffer zone between Qin and Parthish. Think about it, the two are keen to expand. When faced with such a buffer zone, how could the country not do anything.

"Who was robbed of your caravan?" At this time, Matt felt that he should learn more about this issue.

"Dawan people, they are very greedy. They don't do trade by themselves, but they rob other people's property. They also have their own castles and collect taxes. However, they don't have much money to buy things, and they don't have a lot of gold coins. Therefore, They robbed us," Pamirye said.

"What business do you all do?" Matt asked at this moment. Matt is very interested in this question, because these things are what Qin wants to know the most. What the other party's property is, he knows what the other party's characteristics are.

"Weapons. The location to the west of the Parthian Kingdom produces iron weapons and the quality is very good. It is very suitable for weapons. Therefore, we imported from there and sold them to Dawan. The horses of Dawan are good. We buy horses and go to the Western Regions. Selling horses, so that we can make a lot of money. The Western Regions have gold and blankets. We also need these things, and then we exchange them. However, what we are most interested in now is that the products of Qin people are not only It’s a weapon, and something that can take a very complete picture. You call it a mirror.” Pamirye said.

"This kind of thing, as long as a small piece, is absolutely good on our side of the Sabbath country. In addition, there are other things. Anyway, your Qin State's products are very good, and these things are necessary." Mirye said.

"This time, being caught by you, I feel that I didn't lose anything. On the contrary, I feel that I have encountered the biggest opportunity, the big opportunity to become rich." Pamirye said excitedly.

Matt looked at each other calmly.

"What opportunity?" Matt asked.

"The opportunity to cooperate with you people of Qin, with your cooperation, I think that everything can be done. I think that your Qin country should stop offensive and should stop. I am willing to be a slave for you, my Master. As long as you let me do business, I am willing." Pamirye said excitedly.

"How can I trust you?" Matt put his leg on the table at this time and looked at the other party. For Pamirye, he didn't know what to do. He wanted to negotiate with the Dawan people, but the other party did not know what to do. Passionate about business, these are obviously two different things.

"I can make the people of Dawan cease the war and do business with you. The people of Qin have powerful weapons. The people of Dawan have to deal with the nation of Shah and the people of Qin at the same time. They must not be able to cope with them. Moreover, they are very good at your weapons. Enthusiasm, if you want to get these things, you have to use trade methods, and you will definitely not be able to beat you. My master." Pamirye began to show loyalty.

"Yeah." Ma Feature nodded.

"Your idea is very good. However, we still need to discuss specifically. If you adopt it, you will get the best support for this matter." Matt said to Pamirye.

"Yes, my master." Pamirye was faithful.

"However, if you do more than we expected, and exceed our understanding. Do you know what you will face?" Matt threatened.

"Yes, my master, the people of Qin are very powerful. We should be loyal to the powerful master," Pamirye said. The horse nodded and let the other party stay where they were. For Pamirye, Matt believes that the other party is just a businessman, and the businessman is highly profitable. For the country, they have no feelings. For such a person, Matt is very disgusted in his heart.

However, the information provided by Pamirye did have a great effect on Matt. Dawan is the buffer zone between the Qin State and the Parthian State. This buffer zone must exist, otherwise the Qin State will directly face the impact of the Parthian State. Although the people of the Qin State are not afraid of each other, a protracted war requires a lot of money. Money, this is a situation that business people don't want to see. Continuous investment and not getting what they want is a huge and unacceptable fact for them, which makes it difficult for them to bear.

In addition, the merchants of the Qin State want to obtain huge benefits. Through this war, it should be enough to make the Dawan people aware of the existence of the threat. As long as they force the other party to open their trade channels, they can achieve the opportunity for the merchants to make money from trade.

In addition, the people of Qin can provide weapons to each other through trade. With such weapons, the threat of the Parthian nation will be greatly reduced. Moreover, feelings can be used to support the Dawan people to consume the national strength of the Shah in advance. With enough money from the Dawan people and the improvement of Qin's logistics, this problem should be solved well.

Matt is very clear about Qin’s upper-level thinking. After all, he has been in the military staff. Political opinions are very important. The people of Qin don’t want to invest too much, nor do they want to get caught up in too much. Therefore, for the other side, more hopes to adopt trade methods. To solve the problem, military means, which is an auxiliary means, is an extreme way to achieve an objective.

"It should be like this." Matt said after sorting it out in his mind.

Then Matt quickly left and returned to his tent, writing and sorting out relevant materials, and he wanted to submit a report, which is likely to change the Western Regions of the Qin State.

Xinzheng, South Korea. Han Shu, Han Fei, Zhang Liang and others all looked at the sand table in a large conference room. This is the latest rough sand table drawn by South Korea based on the logbook and then sorted out.

"It's time to start." Han Shu said while standing. The room is large, but the space is very narrow. Because the huge sand table occupies a large space, many people have to stand as a last resort. Although chairs are arranged, if they continue to do it, it is very uncomfortable and the legs cannot be stretched at all. And there is a bump, which is very inconvenient. Han Shu's position was specially adjusted, but in this way, Han Shu was also very dissatisfied, because if he did it, he would see nothing. In order to see the sand table, she had to stand up, because of the queen, other people naturally stood up.

"Yes, Lord." A middle-aged colonel nodded and said.

"After a period of our exploration. We have discovered some margins in the South and Western Oceans. This is our preliminary statistics, drawn. There are big discrepancies, and I hope you can understand." The colonel said in apologetic salute.

"You have done a lot with Korea. You don't need to be humble. It's because we pay tribute to you." Han Shu waved and said to the colonel.

"Colonel Zhang, it's time to start." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Colonel Zhang nodded, and then began his introduction.

"At present, along the coastal line, the whole world is the kingdom of Chu, right up to here. Basically it is controlled by the people of Chu." Colonel Zhang started from the mouth of the Yangtze River and planned to the position of Vietnam today. .

"Well, why are Chu's strongholds all along the coast?" Han Shu suddenly noticed this problem.

"Prince King. Chu's ships cannot withstand the huge impact of the waves for a long time, and their deep-sea navigation skills are not good. If they go deep into the deep sea, only a small number of ships can return, and most of the rest will not return. , Even if they can come back, they don't know what position they will reach." Colonel Zhang said. He was in the army, and later transferred to the South Korean Navigation Team. Because South Korea needs such talents, he also loves adventure, so he keeps going south. On Queen Island, he keeps collecting various sailing situations. At this time, South Korea needs a person to do it. Report, because the queen wanted to know how far sailing has developed, so he was selected to come to make a report. Before coming, he did a lot of preparatory work. If he can get the support of the royal family, he feels that South Korea can expand in large areas outside the sea.

"Well. That's why. So, they develop along the coastal line." Han Shu looked at it and said. This is indeed the case. From the Yangtze River to the farthest stronghold in Chu, they all spread along the land.

"So, how is our development?" Han Shu asked concerned.

"Our situation is that we have established strongholds on various islands. On the one hand, the people of Chu are unable to live. On the other hand, we need these islands as a supplement. At present, we have discovered a lot of islands, of which we are in the largest two. A stronghold was established on the island. The first is Queen Island. The other is Chenlin Island. Because this island was discovered by Chen Lin, we named it Chenlin Island." Colonel Zhang said.

"Further south, there are more islands, but there are volcanoes, dense jungles, and there are so many islands. We can't station manpower on every island." Colonel Zhang introduced.

"Are you talking about Nanyang?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, these places are all in the South China Sea. These places have many islands and lush vegetation. There should be a lot of products in them. Because we are constantly searching south, we can't know more." Colonel Zhang said.

"Hmm. You said, did this spice also appear in this place?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Yes, it appeared in this place, and in some places there are pearls. We are doing these businesses to grow big. The people of Chu are ivory, gold and silver, and we are doing spices, coral, and pearls. "Colonel Zhang introduced.

"The other thing is, after our ship passed the south, the sun reached our north. It did cause a lot of confusion at the beginning, but we later went south based on the nautical records. After we came back, we learned from the information of the people of Qin. , We have crossed the equator line. However, there are more islands in the south, and a lot of people are needed to develop it. At present, there are a lot of people in need on the two islands. There are too many. The local aborigines were expelled by us, but they It still exists. The threat is still there, but it's not great." Colonel Zhang said.

Upon hearing this, Han Shu nodded. She also knew that development requires a large population. The current population in South Korea is insufficient, especially the population problem on the islands, which is a serious shortage.

"So, what's going on with that Western?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Oh. We discovered this Western Ocean by accident. One of our pirate ships of Chu State attacked and they kept chasing us. One of our ships passed through a strait and entered another vast sea, because In the west of Nanyang, we are called Xiyang, this is a new ocean, because it is the first time to discover, we don’t know what the other party has, what kind of products it has, so we can only continue to explore ." Colonel Zhang explained.

"Oh." Han Shu looked at it, because the results of the investigation were very few, and Han Shu didn't know. However, she feels that this Western is also very good, at least it can be the development direction of South Korea for a long period of time in the future.

"Let's talk about it, how should we develop, should we develop Nanyang? Or Western?" Han Shu asked after taking a look.

"Yeah. Chen believes that we should listen to Colonel Zhang's introduction, and his ideas are more secure." Zhang Liang suggested at this time. Han Fei on the side also nodded. His stutter is still not healed. Although many treatments have been adopted, the results have been minimal.

"Talk about it." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Colonel Zhang said at this time.

"At the end of the day, Korea should focus its attention on Southeast Asia, because there are many islands in Southeast Asia and rich products. It took a long time for our sailing expedition ships to learn about these. We hope that there are abundant products to make us earn. More money will expand our financial resources and further expand the number of our ships." Colonel Zhang said.

"After we have further development, we will develop the Western Ocean, so that we in South Korea will have two oceans." Colonel Zhang introduced.

"Yeah. However, we still have to explore this Western Ocean. If we don't explore it, it will be a loss to us.

"You are right. What we sail for is because sailing can bring huge trade and huge wealth. We don't just venture outside, but also have the ability to acquire wealth. Nanyang, we should Developed." Han Shu said.

"Prime Minister Zhang, you come back to discuss a plan and implement it as soon as possible." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang nodded and agreed.

"Yeah. However, we cannot do nothing when we become rich because of excessive development of Nanyang. What we should still do is still taking risks. I hope to see that our South Korea is a positive and enterprising country that is not afraid of difficulties. Being brave to explore is what we most hope to see. This should be reflected in the Western Oceans. We should learn more about Western Oceans. We can’t stop at a South Ocean after things are done. This is not okay.” Han Shu Speaking of.

"Yes. Lord." Colonel Zhang said.

"In the future, we in South Korea will develop an East, South, West, and North. These are the directions of our efforts in South Korea, and we must not slacken our efforts." Han Shu exhorted everyone.

"Yes. King." Everyone promised to bow, and after Zhang Liang bowed, he felt that Han Shu was thinking too much. But too little was done. There are many islands in a South China Sea. To what extent there are islands, there are probably not 10,000, but there are also several thousand. In this case, a considerable amount of manpower needs to be invested. How can such a large amount of manpower be solved? Zhang Liang's heart is very bottomless. If we continue to develop in this way, I am afraid that it will be difficult for South Korea to gain a foothold in Southeast Asia and develop the West in less than a century. Zhang Liang really doesn't know how to solve this problem. After all, this is a sailing problem.

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