The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1965: North of Liaodong

Shangwen was talking about some new weights and measures, in fact, it was the implementation of a new type of weights and measures. Qin State has not yet introduced a unified currency. The reason is that the implementation of the unified currency will usher in greater problems and the currency system will be extremely chaotic. Because, in the old paper currency system, there is a unit of gold, and in the new body system, there is no gold, and there are currently examples of using metal currency in various countries. Such things cannot be prohibited. In addition, the use of Qin country paper currency by various countries The effect is better. There is a gold unit and there is a certain demand, because gold and the metal currency used have a certain link, so that the settlement can be settled very well. If it is cancelled at once, it will be inconvenient. Such settlement It greatly helped the stability of Qin's paper currency system, so Qin did not promote a unified currency. But weights and measures are different. Every country has its own weights and measures, although Qin’s influence is more extensive. For example, in terms of weights and measures, everyone uses Qin’s standards and then converts them to their own country’s weights and measures. This is more troublesome, especially in engineering. When the project is expanded, this kind of impact is particularly large, and many habitual things cannot be corrected all at once. Therefore, the State of Qin urgently needs a new measurement.

The unification of weights and measures is also the idea of ​​Shangwen and King Qin, but in fact, it is still common in all countries. Compulsory implementation is more difficult. Shangwen thought of implementing a new standard, and everyone should abide by this standard. Therefore, Shangwen thought of rice. The unit of meter comes from astronomical measurement, and Shang Wen thought of using such a well-founded standard to implement it. This is fair to everyone.

However, the current development of astronomy still needs a certain amount of time, at least after the great geographical discovery, further development, but the current expansion is still a bit worried, the speed of expansion seems to be fast, in fact, it is already very slow. The problem is very serious. Shangwen's concrete solution still requires a lot of investment.

The states of Qin State.

"Qin Guo currently has many city banks with many names and weird names. For example, I have heard of scanning Huangsha Bank, Huangsha Commercial Bank and so on." Li Li nodded and said.

"Well. There is no way. Many of our towns are named based on geography." Lu Shao replied beside Li Li. He is a native of Qi, but he is the mayor of Huangshi Town and the chairman of Huangshi Town Bank. He established Huangshi Town Bank with one hand, but the bank’s current funding situation is very bad. The large amount of loans from the railway company put Yellowstone Bank in trouble. If he cannot continue to provide more funds, then the bank will be stuck in a state of stagnant development, and will eventually have to be merged. This is the situation that Shao Lu is most unwilling to see.

"We can inject a considerable amount of funds, and more importantly, your banking business will have cheque business. In this way, Jianhui will greatly solve the problem of your capital flow." Li Li said. He was sent by Wenyang Bank to negotiate. Wenyang Bank has ruled out a large number of commercial banks and city banks that can merge with various states of Qin State, and incorporated them into the system of Wenyang Bank in each state. Before, between banks and banks , There are only business ties, and there are few mergers, but now, mergers are beginning to increase, because many banks have pledged their shares to the Federal Bank Reserve Board. They received a large amount of funds and the solution of the funding problem accelerated their expansion again. Wenyang Bank was like this. On the one hand, they set their main target abroad and exported a large amount of capital. With their funding, A large number of factories have been established in various countries. On the other hand, they set their sights on those urban banks that have just been established but have not yet fully grown up. This is a good way for Qin to mobilize private capital in order to prosper the financial market. However, their development requires too much time and too much. A lot of business has accumulated.

Most of these Qin federal states are immigration states of Qin. They come from various countries in Kanto, South Korea, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Qi, and Yan in the north. People from these countries have gone through hardships. It is easy to gather in Qin. Among them, some have just settled down, and some have followed Qin's expansion and made a fortune, established a large number of farms, pastures, and traded in slaves. As well as making various commodities in the Western Regions, the State of Qin is actively developing the Western Regions, the State of Qin needs to develop railways, and some people have entered the financial system. However, this system will take some time. The Guanzhong banking system, which is one step ahead, will take the lead. The local state banking system.

"At present, I know that you lack a lot of funds. The demand for these funds exceeds at any time before. Railway companies and steel companies need to prospect, lay steel rails, etc. and these require a lot of workers, salaries, funds, etc. Wait, these are businesses that can make a lot of money in the future. But you have no money, no funds to continue to support them like this. We have." Li Li said.

"But. I still want to maintain the independence of our bank." Lu Shao said to Li Li.

"No, no, we are a win-win cooperation. Think about the competitiveness of your banks. There are many such competitive relationships. There are many banks doing this. If your bank goes bankrupt, the situation will be very bad. Your credit is important to your property." Li Li persuaded.

"I heard that it is not easy for Mr. Lu to get his property. I know this very well," Li Li said.

"Slave trade, arms smuggling, how much money can this kind of business make? Later, gold mines were excavated, and this has the scale today. To be honest, this scale is very difficult for us. However, it is useless. ." Li Li said.

"These businesses are not as good as Qin's banking business, the money business that banks do." Li Li continued.

"At present, I know the scale of your bank is very small. It is very uncompetitive. In such a competitive process, you are easily defeated. For example, if I run too much, what will be the consequences?" Li Li threaten.

"The Federal Bank Reserve Committee will consider your bank’s financial capacity. At the same time, in order to solve the stability of the Qin State Banking System, I think your bank may take over and then be merged. At that time, the accumulated assets will become It’s hard enough for others to accumulate.” Li Li went on to say.

Hear here. Shao Lu suddenly became nervous. You know, this is the asset he has finally saved. If it becomes someone else's property, he will be suicidal.

"You, how much money do you contribute?" Lu Shao asked at this time.

"You, only 20% of the members, for the moment, your bank lacks enough funds to deal with the current situation. There are more than two members," Li Li said.

"Too little. You are a blatant robbery." Lu Shao shouted loudly.

"No. This is a win-win situation. With the current situation, you can't even keep the two elements. If this goes on, you won't be able to survive at all." Li Li said.

"Moreover, your 20% of the capital has expanded a lot. If this goes on, you will get more." Li Li said.

"Yeah." Lu Shao nodded. He was a little helpless. The other party’s words of this are all based on what the banks are most afraid of, the exhaustion of funds, the outdated business methods, and the concentration of a large number of loans. In addition, there are many problems. This series of problems finally led to a The question, this question is. They lack sufficient funds to tide over the current difficulties.

"Okay." Lu Shao said helplessly.

"I promise your terms, 20%, two will achieve 20%." Lu Shao nodded as he said. The same thing is happening in each state. The urban banks in each state have been divided up by the major banks in the Guanzhong area, especially Xianyang. Because the infrastructure in the Western Regions is extremely weak, a lot of funds will be needed if they are built. Qin's funding problem is very huge. These are no longer what the city banks and town banks can afford, and the amount of investment in railways cannot be solved by these scattered cities and towns. This is beyond the scope of their tolerance. Perhaps, a combination of several urban banks and city banks can solve this problem, but for the time being, Qin's urban bank cannot accomplish such a task.

"I have an idea." Yingyu looked at the report submitted. Qin State Wenyang Bank has merged many urban banks in major states and adopted cooperation, or merger, or directly merged to become Wenyang Bank. A branch, the town bank in that town disappeared directly. There are too many such reports. This has made Yingyu lose interest.

"These town banks are too scattered." Ying Yu said to Xiao He.

"If we want to solve the current funding problem of the railway company, the only way is to concentrate the funds. We might as well pool the funds of several urban banks to establish a state bank. In this way, the bank's scale and capacity can be expanded, and the urban banks It will be able to better focus on solving their local capital use problems." Yingyu said.

"The chairman is right." Xiao He thought about it.

“When the town bank was first established, the prime minister’s idea might be to solve the local capital use problem, such as agricultural development or local factories. The main purpose was to solve the local capital problem. The emergence of railway companies exceeded these. The affordability of urban banks was originally just to solve some small-scale funding problems in the local area. If a state bank is established, the funds of several banks can be concentrated to solve the current large projects. If the projects are large, for example, The cross-state railway project and the highway project will unite several state banks. Then add Guanzhong and our Wenyang Bank will work together, and this situation can be taken down." Xiao He said.

"Yes. That's right. I still remember that at the beginning, Shang Wen said that the construction of the railway company, afterwards, may be controlled by us investment banks. Why, because the railway company has to solve the funding problem, there is only one way to mortgage them. If we exceed the deadline, we will sell the shares, or we will absorb a lot of shares. In this way, we can finally achieve the goal of controlling the railway." Yingyu said.

"Yeah. That's right, this is what we should be concerned about. I think it's feasible." Xiao He said.

"Well. Let's do it, if we can control a state bank. Try it." Yingyu said.

"Chairman, the Royal Bank is also involved. Their ideas are the same as ours. They occupy the same shares as us." Xiao He said at this time.

"Well. Do what you said, I don't care about this matter anymore," Yingyu said.

Zhao State of Handan. Inside a hotel opened by Qin people in the south of the city.

"Royal steel stocks are available for sale." A young second yelled loudly. In the venue, many people raised their hands and expressed their willingness to buy. Although this is a hotel, there is nothing in the lobby except tables and stools. People gathered together densely.

"Small share, twenty hardware." Xiao Er shouted loudly.

"Twenty hardware, cheap." The crowd said one after another. In their opinion, this is a very cheap stock. Moreover, after buying in, you can definitely make money, which is an ironclad thing. Royal Iron and Steel, they already know that there are several large iron smelting boilers outside of Handan. A large amount of molten iron melted out and poured into iron ingots. These iron ingots were transported to Qin by train, and then they were made into railroad tracks, guns, and so on, all of which were necessary for people. It can be said that buying the shares is equivalent to having a profit from droughts and floods.

A small share actually means that the stock is divided into two. The original price of a share of more than 50 gold per share is dismantled into half. Such a half share is called Zhao Guo’s small share stock because of this. It’s easy to buy the stocks of Zhao. After all, there are not too many people in Zhao’s state. It’s the greatest ability to be able to say a few dollars at once. Once the shares are dismantled, they can be easily sold. If they are sold directly for one cent, they may not be sold. This is also caused by Zhao Guo's actual situation.

"Twenty hardware is cheap. I heard that some people buy it and they have already reached 30 gold. If you add dividends, you can't make much money. If you buy 20 hardware, we can make at least four. Hardware, four hardware, this kind of money, you just murder and arson, you may not be able to make so much in a day." A young man said anxiously.

"Twenty hardware, I want it." As soon as the young man finished speaking, he quickly raised his hand and ran over there to pay the money.

"Twenty hardware points three." Xiao Er called out loudly at this time.

"Hurry up. The shares will rise in a while." Xiao Er shouted loudly while waving a small share of the stock in his hand. When the people of Zhao Guoren heard the rising price, everyone panicked and ran towards the place where the lot was pressed. They wanted a fast visa, and then they could get all the books of the shares they wanted. In this case, their shares would be I can get it. In order to get shares, some people began to ignore the table, stepping on the table and passing. Some people almost did it. If they hadn't seen the security guard, they would have done it. However, at this time, they really didn't have any thoughts, because the price of the shares was still rising, and soon the price had exceeded 26 gold. Some people saw that it had exceeded 26 gold and were afraid to buy it. Then they quit, and some people insist on buying. They think that there may be more room because the demand for steel is very strong, and the price may be more than 30. If it can rise to 100 gold, This is the best thing. There are not a few people who have such thoughts.

Qin State has its own stock exchange. The main purpose is to allow companies to have a trading platform that can sell their shares and achieve the purpose of solving financial problems. However, it takes a long time to prepare to get on such a platform. The result of the strict control of the Qin government, but if it is fully liberalized, the result will be even more crazy. This is the restriction of Qin's formal system.

South Korea also has its own trading platform, but this platform has just been established. The number and scale of the company’s listed companies are relatively small. The market volatility is not very large. Moreover, some frequent traders have noticed a situation, that is, South Korea. The Qin State’s stock market transactions fluctuate with the Qin State’s stock market transactions. They will certainly not understand the truth, because they still don’t understand the mystery, but the Qin State people have noticed this because they are very clear about these Korean listed companies. , All have a strong Qin country background. If Qin company is affected, then their company’s operations will also be affected to a certain extent. In this way, it is easy to cause the Korean stock market to rise and fall, even though they are not Understand the rationale, but this has already shown that South Korea's stock market is being established.

With the frequent contact with Qin Guoren, Zhao Guoren began to imitate Qin Guoren and began to solve their financial problems. Their attempt was to regularly hold some share sales activities in the lobby of some hotels or in a certain meeting room. All activities are voluntary buying and selling. Some people own shares and sell them to those with high bids. In this way, they can get funds to solve their temporary difficulties, and some people get shares and have an opportunity to invest and make money. This is much more cost-effective than buying antiques. And it can solve the problems of both sides. This is the situation that everyone wants to see, of course. More is speculation. For them, the purpose of speculation is to obtain a large amount of funds, and have a huge amount of funds in a short period of time. This is the purpose of all speculators. Although Qin's laws are very strict, strict laws still cannot prevent the existence of speculation.

For example, Qin’s speculator, Li Wen, is a very typical example. For this reason, he passed through the cell many times, but he was released every time without any charges, because Qin could not be charged with excessive speculation. If this is the case, then those big businessmen who pay more taxes will resist. Therefore, after the investigation, the Qin government will release the other party and issue a statement acknowledging the other party’s income. The reported figures have become part of the speculative kid. This kind of boasting, because he will make a lot of money every time, if the government does not catch him, and does not report. Then there is no way for the outside world to know how much money the other party made.

However, this practice in Handan Chengnan has actually become the prototype of Zhao's early stock exchange, but the government did not further promote it and became Zhao's own stock exchange. This is also a pity for Zhao Guo.

Inside the Xianyang Palace of Qin State.

"What does the prime minister mean?" King Qin asked.

"The prime minister meant that the people of Yan must withdraw. Otherwise, Qin will never compromise on this issue. The people of Qin will not invest a lot of money in such a costly war. The behavior of large-scale offensive operations is very unwise. If the Yan people continue to do this, then the Yan country will only be destroyed." Meng Yi replied.

"Well. The widow also heard that there are merchants in the country of Yan holding tax resistance activities. In the end, it was all settled by Prince Dan himself. Although there was no tax increase, there was no tax reduction. The tax revenue of Yan country is already very high. If that is the case, the country of Yan will not have much fiscal revenue." King Qin said.

"Yes, King. Therefore, the prime minister thought of a tax reduction system. If we can join such a system, maintain stable trade taxes, and give certain preferential investment, Qin's capital can enter. If there is no Even with the encouragement of the Qin government, businessmen would not go.” Meng Yi introduced.

"Yeah. That's good. For example, Zhao Guo, Zhao Guo did a good job. A large number of Zhao Guo aristocrats have become our partners, and they are doing things in our Qin State. Who could have thought of such things before." King Qin said.

"The country of Yan is really special. They are still engaged in continuous large-scale wars. Our methods of warfare have been strictly controlled. The current expansion of the Western Regions cannot be too great, and the country of Yan is a nationwide force. In the war between North Korea and Goguryeo, their logistics was cut off and most of their troops were besieged. If it goes on for a long time, the Yan State will collapse. The minister believes that Qin State will help at this time and take the opportunity to reap greater benefits, or It is to attract more advantageous resources." Meng Yi suggested throughout the time.

"The minister listened to the Prime Minister. In the area north of Liaodong, there is a plain area. If it is developed, the Qin State can obtain a large amount of territory, but to develop this area, the Qin State needs to mobilize the power of the Eastern Mongolian State. In this way, Qin's military strength is very tense, so we still have to rely on Yan's strength." Meng Yi suggested.

King Qin looked at Meng Yi when he heard this.

"The area north of Liaodong?" King Qin asked at this time.

"Yes, they are all plain locations." Meng Yi replied.

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