"What do you think?" Zhao Kaizi asked a man. Several businessmen were sitting around the fire, and it was very cold in the Western Regions at night. There were also several officers sitting in the corner, drinking small glasses of wine and eating meat to keep warm.

"I think this truce is beneficial to us. At the very least, our businessmen can do business. Just like Brother Zhao, you." A businessman with naked big yellow teeth looked at Zhao Kaizi and said. Zhao Kaizi earned a gold coin carried by a horse, and this matter had already spread. A flintlock gun was sold for three gold coins. Such news is a stimulant for all businessmen. The businessmen seem to have seen the huge profits of the arms business.

The Qin people have completely let go of the exported arms. Because the arms business can stimulate Qin's military production. At the same time, it can bring a lot of tax and fiscal revenue. The export of arms is the best business for Qin. Because of Qin's military pressure, these countries have to replace their equipment.

"The truce is good, but if the truce is just like this, is it right for the Dawan people to give us some compensation? If this is the case, we can't fight this war in vain. You must know that for this war, we have spent a lot of money. The money, your brother Zhao, came back to the book all at once. We have lost money even now." A middle-aged businessman who got rich next to him complained.

"That's right. We have lost a lot." Next to the middle-aged businessman was a row of gold rings. People called him gold rings. These gold rings were snatched from him.

The biggest hobby of gold rings is to collect trophies. In this battle, he got very few spoils, and there were spoils, but they were not very valuable. For him, the loss was really too great.

"However, if we buy shares and persecute the Dawan people blindly, it may be detrimental to us. You know, I heard that our logistics supply convoy has encountered an offensive from the Dawan people. Although it did not cause any loss, But for a long time, they concentrated their main forces to attack our logistics supplies. At that time, we were passive." In order to persuade Zhao Kaizi to complete the peace negotiations as soon as possible, he had to reflect on the benefits of the negotiations to the people of Qin from another aspect. And if you delay it, what will be the harm.

"Yes, there are not a lot of material reserves on Maza Mountain at present. If the people in Dawan really notice our logistics supply line, this is very serious." The middle-aged businessman said in surprise at this time.

"If this is the case, our situation is really bad. We are not afraid of the other side besieging us. We are afraid that the other side will cut off our logistics supply line. Without logistics supply, we will be besieged by the other side after a period of time. If we harass us for a long time, our condition will deteriorate." An officer walked over and said.

"In this way, we have to negotiate with the Dawan people to complete the peace agreement as soon as possible, otherwise, the longer the delay, the more disadvantaged we will be." Jin Huan said.

"Yeah, hurry up, you can't drag on any longer. If you drag on, it won't be good for anyone. Our manpower is already insufficient. If our logistics supplies are used, the business will not be successful. We have to continue to invest money. Our lives, simply, everyone should take a step back. At the very least, if we do business with the Dawan people in the future, we can earn it back." Golden Ring said at this time.

"Yes. I think so too." Zhao Kaizi met it at this time.

"Follow him. Damn it, I don't believe it, their Dawan people can beat us." At this moment, an officer's face was flushed, drunk and swayed.

"Okay. Enough. Let's take a break." A second lieutenant officer persuaded the opponent to arrive. Drinking has become a common state. Qin Jun has a habit of drinking, and the alcohol content is very high. If you don't pay attention, There are officers and soldiers who are drunk. There are many such things in the Qin army. The businessmen looked and felt dissatisfied with what the Qin army officer did. A good meeting was so disrupted.

"Let's go, I still have some good tea, good tea from Bashu, let's go." Zhao Kaizi invited all businessmen to come. Zhao Kaizi knew that in order to accomplish this, it was impossible to persuade him alone. The best way was to unite them with common interests. After uniting, and doing this thing, it can be done.

"Also, what I eat every day is meat, and I am tired of eating it." said the golden ring. Then the group arrived at the place where Zhao Kaizi lived.

"Old Zhao, I think, if this matter is to cease the war, this matter must be reported to the upper newspaper, and a representative can be sent to represent the interests of Qin State to resolve this matter. Otherwise, the words will not have enough weight. "Golden Ring took a sip of tea and said.

"The problem is, we don't know what kind of reaction the people above will make when they know this," said the middle-aged businessman.

"Furthermore. Who can represent us, we are all retired military officers, military officers, and businessmen. Without a government official, the government doesn't care about us at all." Zhao Kaizi said. This is where things are difficult. At this time, there is no government official here, and only the businessmen themselves can represent them.

"We can't let us sign it ourselves. If the government knows what will happen to us." Jin Huan said worriedly.

"But if we are persuaded, can we make sense?" Zhao Kaizi asked with some worry.

"I think this matter, we should just co-name and give the government a report. I don't believe it. Those government people pay attention to us, and our situation here is special." The middle-aged businessman said at this time.

"Yes, our situation is special, and as long as the market is opened up, we can bring a lot of commercial taxes. The government must be happy with these benefits. They have no reason, or it is okay to give us some privileges temporarily." Zhao Kaizi said .

"It's just." The gold ring still has some concerns.

"Don't just stop. Do this as soon as possible. After doing this, the government has no reason to reject us." The middle-aged businessman has already started to act. The gold ring still has some worries, but it can't stand the other party and drag it so hard, there is no way. Can only participate in this matter. In this way, the merchants participated in the Qin government's actual foreign actions in accordance with their own will and behavior.

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