The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1977: Lou Jing's thoughts

"What does Mr. Lou mean?" Zhang Liang asked Lou Jing.

"At auction, we are willing to auction land and other things to form a joint railway development company to proceed." Lou Jing said.

"We Qi country does not have a lot of sufficient funds. We know this very well. Therefore, we hope that we can use the resources we have at our disposal to mortgage, and then fully transform into our advantages to cooperate." Lou Jing said.

"I heard that building a railway requires a lot of land. We have such land in Qi State. We can use this land to cooperate. You contribute the funds, and we produce the land." Lou Jing said. Wei Guo's practice of auctioning land gave him a lot of room for display and development of the land. If we use this space for exchange, this is the best way.

"In addition to these, Qi has a large labor force. These populations are very important for the construction of railways. At present, the railways built in South Korea mainly employ Wei people, but if the railways of Qi are built. I think, Wei Chinese people will be reduced a lot, we Qi people can provide such help." Lou Jing said.

"We are out of people. Land and funds can only be part of the settlement. If the United Railway Company is established between our two countries, I think we can also take the shares of these railway companies and mortgage them to Qin State's bank, and then get more money. More financial support." Lou Jing continued.

"We Qi State is willing to join the Qin State's paper currency system. In the future, Qi State may maintain considerable trade exchanges with Qin State." Lou Jing continued. Hearing this, Zhang Liang knew that the other party had done a lot of work. Use land, population, and these valuable, but non-flowable assets to transform into liquid funds, let Qi Guo use these as equity for cooperation.

What is the prospect of cooperation in the future, the exchange of East-West trade. South Korea's overseas products need to enter from Qi, then enter South Korea through Wei, and then enter Qin.

"I deeply agree with Mr. Lou's thoughts. It's just that I'm not sure about some things." Zhang Liang thought about it for a while. Although Qi's railway is very important to South Korea. However, Qi Guo has not done more at present, which makes Zhang Liang feel uneasy. Such uneasy emotions force Zhang Liang not to act rashly.

"What can't be certain?" Lou Jing asked.

"As far as I know, regarding your joining the Qin State paper currency system, Qin State hasn't made such preparations yet." Zhang Liang looked at the other party and said. If he remembers correctly, Qi State did not have such preparations, and there was no such record, nor did the news newspapers report it, and even Qin’s "Economic Observer" newspaper did not report such a thing. The Observer newspaper has some predictive comments, such as the slowdown in the current economic development of Qin, and the increase in support for small and medium-sized enterprises, etc., all of which have predictive reports. Only the fact that Qi Guo joined the Qin State banknote system has not been reported. Now suddenly with such news, Zhang Liang felt a little unreliable. It happened too suddenly.

If Qi State really joins the Qin State's paper currency system, this will be a stimulus for Qi State. The circulation of Qin State's banknotes will accelerate the recovery of Qi State’s economy. In this case, through South Korea, Wei State’s materials will flow to Qi State. , There is a direct link between ocean trade and land trade.

However, why did Qi State announce such news at this time? This made Zhang Liang a little confused.

"And I haven't heard of this." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Hehe." Lou Jing laughed when he heard this.

"This matter, the prime minister hadn't heard of it. It was because I did it on a temporary basis, and I have already reported the related matters to my Patriarch." Lou Jing said.

"Oh." Zhang Liang felt that the person facing him was very predictable. He knows that if Qi State does this, it will bring considerable benefits to Qi State. Such gains have never been seen before in Qi State. This kind of change is amazing.

"To be honest, along the way, the biggest change I have seen is not South Korea, but Wei Guo. I have also been to South Korea before. The changes in South Korea do not seem to have changed too much." Lou Jing said.

"Wei is in chaos. There are refugees, refugees, and those people who are willing to do anything for a bite of food. There are people everywhere. I remember that Korea and Qin jointly distributed food to rescue them. "Lou Jing said.

"It used to be the same in Qi State, but at that time, no one was in charge of this. Qi State made only some grains mixed with wild vegetables and a large number of various ingredients to make mixed food distribution. In order to tide over the difficulties." Lou Jing said. To.

"In less than a few months, the situation in Wei has been greatly improved. I saw that the railway has been repaired to half of the Wei State. There are business people on both sides of the road, as well as people from Wei who are looking for work. His face has improved a lot, and small business can be done. This shows that Wei Guoren's income is surplus. This is shocking." Lou Jing said frankly to Zhang Liang.

"Along the way, the people of Wei are constantly developing their land. On the contrary, our Qi country has stabilized earlier than Wei, but the development of Qi is not as good as that of Wei. How is this?" Lou Jing asked.

"I want to know now. We have not developed business or prospered our own business." Lou Jing said.

"So, sir is going to do such a big thing?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Yes. If the fate of Qi people can be changed, such a thing is also a good thing." Lou Jing said.

"I am from Qi country, and I don't want to see Qi country become so poor. The original rich Qi country is greatly injured. Only such development can change the destiny. Therefore, I am eager to change the current situation." Lou Jing Speaking of.

"Therefore, our Qi country hopes to try to take this step by building a railway. Although our Qi country lacks a lot of things, as long as we want to do it and dare to do it, we will be able to succeed." Lou Jing said.

"Yeah. Mr.'s ambition is very lofty." Lou Jing said.

"Mr.'s view is long-term. I think the South Korean side has considered this aspect. For the specific content, we still need to wait for the response of the people of Qin. I hope that Mr. will complete the trip to Qin as soon as possible." Zhang Liang encouraged at this time. He knew that if Qi State wanted to change the current situation, he had to go through Qin State. Qin is a hurdle that Qi must pass.

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